Lily (The Highland Clan Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Lily (The Highland Clan Book 3)
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“Lily, please do not leave my side. There are many strangers here. You must be careful.”

“Kyle, I was only going to the booth up ahead.”

“I’ll go with you.”

She almost hung her head, tired of being yelled at, but then she thought of Uncle Logan’s previous comment about her whining, so she jerked her head back up and plastered a sweet smile on her face. “Then please lead the way, Kyle.”

“Aye, lead the way, Kyle,” Logan said, his voice gruff. “And while she’s looking at her ribbons, you and I need to talk.”


Chapter Eleven


The lass would surely be the death of him. How many lads had stared at her beauty as they passed her? He did his best to stare them all down, but most of them were so lost in Lily’s aura they didn’t even notice he was there. He wanted to growl at every male who passed her.

This was the worst assignment he’d ever had. How was one supposed to protect the most beautiful woman in the world? Torrian had given him an impossible task. He sighed to himself as he led Lily toward the ribbon booth.

Logan pulled him back while Lily moved around the booth to look at the large variety of ribbons. There was a joyous smile on her face that was not one bit fake this time.

“Lad, if you wish to make a lass happy,” Logan murmured, “you should think of buying her a gift.”

“My apologies, my lord, but I’m not here to buy her gifts. I’m here to protect her, and as you can see, ‘tis a difficult job at times. She does not pay attention to her surroundings.”

Gwyneth slipped in next to Logan while her lasses joined Lily’s delighted examination of the velvet ribbons and silks. “I overheard your last comment,” she said to Kyle. “Nay, she does not, and that is part of what makes Lily so special. She lives in a world that I could only wish to share with her, and I choose to do so as much as I can.”

“I do not understand.” Kyle was more confused than ever.

“Lily has a unique view of the world,” Logan said, taking Gwyneth’s hand, “and ‘tis why she’s so special. Seems to me ‘tis part of the reason you love her as much as we do.”

Kyle opened his mouth to argue, but Logan held his hand up to stop him.

“Lad, we know you love her, so there’s no point in denying it to us. You must stop denying it to yourself. Aye, she’s carefree and needs watching, but you need not destroy the verra things that make her joyful inside. Have you not seen how happy she is around the ribbons, the colors, the excitement? Lily’s different, and you know it. She’s even different with animals. I swear Sunshine speaks her language. We understand your need to protect her, but you must do it without crushing her.”

Kyle nodded, and Gwyneth and Logan headed into the booth to oh and ah over the lasses’ findings. He knew they were right about Lily. It
one of the reasons he loved her. What was it she’d told him when she was but a wee one? A hug makes your day better. She’d been absolutely right about that. The lass had the sweetest outlook of anyone he’d ever known, and a hug from her could set any day straight. She could make anyone’s heart sing, but not lately, and he knew he was to blame.

He’d crushed her spirit in the woods. She was an innocent, so she hadn’t understood why he would stop kissing her abruptly, without explanation. In all likelihood, she didn’t understand what he’d almost done, what he’d wished to do more than anything. He recalled the look of confusion on her dazed face the day he’d discovered her inside the cottage with a nude Ranulf and Davina. Sweat broke out across his forehead as the thought of Logan catching him on top of Lily made its way into his mind. He’d be hung by his ballocks for sure—if he had any left when Logan and Gwyneth finished with him. And he’d deserve it.

Lily’s laughter caught his attention, along with everyone else in the area. She was holding up three brightly colored ribbons, braiding them together to see if they were the shades she wanted. She giggled and hummed, and sure enough, lads started to gather around the stall like flies around honey. They stood watching as Lily caressed the ribbons and giggled with her cousins.

And Kyle moved to protect her, pushing his way through the gawking bystanders so he was directly behind her. Unfortunately, one of the lads he had pushed aside shoved him back, causing him to fall into Lily. He almost knocked her over, and dozens of ribbons went flying into the air.

Chaos ensued. Kyle turned around and punched the offender in the nose, sending him flailing backwards into the crowd. That set off another two lads, who headed straight for Kyle with their fists pulled back, intent on damaging everything in their path.

Kyle picked the two lads up and tossed them to the other side of the path, growling at them to stay back. Logan pulled his sword out of his sheath, so Kyle did the same.

The crowd backed away from the two Highlanders ready to thrust their swords at the next fool to challenge them, but then Kyle noticed something that made him forget about everything—and everyone—else. From the corner of his eye, he saw Lily running haphazardly in the opposite direction. He yelled her name, but she continued to run, the crowd growing thicker and thicker all around her.

Logan yelled, “Go after her, my lasses are all here.”

Kyle sheathed his sword and chased after Lily, winding in and out of strangers, his heart now in his throat because he was losing sight of her. She continued to run, as if in some sort of panic, oblivious to everything around her. As she took off around a bend in the path, he sped up, shoving bystanders out of his way. “Move, please, I must catch her. Out of my way!”

His heart was in his throat, but when he finally made it around the bend, she was nowhere to be seen. He charged ahead, yelling at the crowd to allow him through. Some people were actually wise enough to get out of his way just because of his size; others were pushed aside by his mad dash.

Hellfire, where was she? He did not even know which direction to take.

A scream ripped through the din of the crowd, and he was sure it was Lily’s. His heart thudded, threatening to burst out of his chest, as he ran toward the sound. To his surprise, she was headed straight for him, yelling his name.

“Kyle, Kyle! Help me, Kyle. He’s here. I heard him!” Her arms flailed in a panic, so he moved toward her as fast as he could.

When she finally reached him, she launched herself straight at him and he caught her in midair, her arms wrapping around his neck in a grip that told him she never wanted to let go.

He hugged her tight, then whispered in her ear, “Are you all right? Is aught wrong?”

She pulled back, her tear-stained face full of fear. She cupped his face and said, “My thanks for following me. ‘Twas him. I’m sure of it.”

“Lily, my sweet Lily, slow down.” He headed over to the side of the fair, searching for a quiet area for them to sit down, away from the stares of the crowd just now dispersing. He found a bench and sat, settling her on his lap. “What is it? What happened?”

“Oh, Kyle, I was running because of all the fighting. I know I shouldn’t have, but I hate to watch you and Uncle Logan fight. I’m always so afraid you’ll get hurt.” Her breath hitched a few times before she could continue.

She let her hands drop and grabbed his arms as if she were afraid to let him go. “I was running back toward the castle, but someone grabbed me. He said he loved me and told me to stop.”

He kissed her forehead, then wiped her tears away. “Did you get a better look at him this time?”

“Nay. He grabbed me from behind, and I screamed and ran away. There were two or three men behind me, and he could have been any of them. I think he had brown hair, but ‘tis all I know. Again, all I saw was his hair.” Sobbing again, she buried her face in his shoulder.

He scooped her in his arms and carried her toward the castle. “I’m taking you back. We’ll get your ribbons another day. The fair will be here for a while.”

Lily wrapped her arms tight around his neck. “Nay, I’m never leaving home again, and I do not want to come back to the fair. Kyle, promise me you’ll never leave me. Please? What would I do without you?”

“Lily, I’ll never leave you. You should know that by now. I’ll protect you forever.” He kissed her cheek again, and she nuzzled his neck as he carried her toward the castle.

“I know, Kyle. I know you’ll protect me. Please do not ever stop loving me.”

“Lily, I’ll love you forever. Do you not realize that yet?”

By the time he reached the castle, she was sound asleep in his arms.


Kyle had brought her back to the chamber she was sharing with Sorcha and Molly, and she’d slept a short time before Aunt Gwyneth had come in to ask her about the incident at the fair. “Lily, how do you fare?” Her aunt brushed her short curls with her fingers, trying to straighten out the mess.

“I am better, Aunt. I am hungry, may we find something to eat? Forgive me for sleeping so long.”

“I think your mind needed the rest. This has been a difficult journey for you, and I am sorry for all you have had to deal with. Come with Molly and Sorcha and me, we’ll eat together.”

The king had arranged for them to take their midday meal alone in a small chamber because of the circumstances, for which Lily was extremely grateful. The last thing she wanted was to be around strangers. Aunt Gwyneth helped her get ready to greet the others before stepping into the passageway.

Kyle was waiting outside their chamber when she opened the door, and he escorted them downstairs for the meal with her family. She was so glad to see him that she latched onto him as soon as she saw him. He settled her down on the bench, but before he could move away from her, she tugged him down next to her, clinging to his arm. Everyone was present except for Logan, who was in a meeting with the king.

She could not help it. Others thought she was daft, but she knew what she’d heard. “Kyle, please stay by my side this eve? Please?”

He took her hand in his and whispered, “I’ll not leave you, Lily. He’ll not get to you. You’re in the royal castle with your aunt and uncle and me to protect you. Do not worry.”

There was the sound of approaching footsteps, and then her uncle’s booming voice brought her attention back to the table. “Lily, tell me again about this man, the one who attacked you.”

She glanced at her family gathered around her, comforted by their presence and their concern. They would protect her, she had to believe in them. Between the king’s guards and the Ramsay guards, there were more in and around the royal castle than she could count. “Uncle Logan, he did not attack me. He grabbed my hand and tugged at me.”

“Did you wish to go with him?” Her uncle paced a short path in front of her.

“Nay, of course not.” Shocked at her uncle’s suggestion, she squeezed Kyle’s hand. “But he has never hurt me. Both times I saw him, he just asked me to go with him.”

“If he’s going against your wishes, he’s attacking you. Do not look at it any other way, Lily,” Uncle Logan stopped in front of her and bent down to address her. When he continued, his voice was softer, as if he understood the depths of her fear. “Lads are not above the use of trickery with a lass. They’ll be nice and sweet while taking you hostage. Never give them the opportunity. Any time someone tries to make you do something you do not wish to do, ‘tis an attack against you, no matter how friendly they may seem.”

“Aye, Uncle. I’ll remember.”

“He probably wishes for you to marry him,” Molly said.

Lily gasped, staring at her cousin. “He cannot. Nay, I would never marry a stranger.”

“I’m thinking you’ve met him before,” Gwyneth said. “He’s not of our clan or you would have recognized him. Are you sure there is naught familiar about him?”

Lily stared at her lap, closing her eyes to recall everything she could of the lad, but naught came to her. “Nay, I saw naught.”

Logan asked, “His voice? Does it not sound familiar?”

“Nay,” Lily whispered. She leaned her head against Kyle’s shoulder. “When can we leave, Uncle? I wish my father had never sent me here.”

“Unfortunately, we will not be leaving just yet. I’ll pose a question to you, and I’ll leave the decision entirely up to you because I realize how upset you are. I’ve already spoken to King Alexander about this matter. He has asked us—meaning me, Gwyneth, Molly, and Sorcha—to travel to the Buchans. He fears more trouble from them since Glenn has not accepted his son’s death or his guilt in the situation with Heather. We will be leaving shortly.”

Lily jerked backwards, and would have knocked herself off the back of the bench had Kyle not reached out to catch her. “Nay, nay, I’ll not go. Please, Uncle Logan. I…”

Logan held his hand up. “You have the king’s permission to stay here in the castle while we are gone. I trust Kyle to protect you, and I’ll leave several guards with him to do as he sees fit. You do not need to step outside. I can arrange for the maids to serve you in your chamber, if you would prefer, or you can eat in the great hall with the others. There will be entertainment tonight and on the morrow, and the king assured me he will have many guards there. Mayhap it would be best for you to be around others. No one would try to kidnap you from the middle of the royal hall with so many witnesses. When you are above stairs, Kyle will stand guard outside your door and he’ll post guards in whatever passageways he deems appropriate. The king is allowing our men to guard you along with the royal guards.”

Lily leaned closer to Kyle. “Aye, my thanks, Uncle. I would prefer to await you here.” Tears welled in her eyes, but she fought to keep them at bay. They did not understand how unsettled she was to be away from home, away from her sire and brother and Mama. And now she knew that horrid man had followed her… Well, she’d have to deal with it, and she’d have to depend on Kyle.

And with just the two of them together, he’d be angry with her again for certain.


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