Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance)
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I don’t think I can work with Miranda anymore,” she said.

But she was...” his words trailed off when he realized that he was skating on very thin ice. “We’ll just go,” he said. She shook her head and took a long deep breath.

Not yet,” she said as she squared her shoulders and began walking back into Miranda Littlejohn’s property. Please don’t do it,” Taylor said as he took her hand in his.

I promise not to hit her,” she said in a low voice before pulling her hand away from his. She walked right back to where she had left Miranda. She almost smiled when she saw her hand print on Miranda’s face.
“At least you no longer have that smirk on your face,”
she thought as she looked at Miranda. It was a welcome look, seeing her without that holier than thou smile.

Back for more?” Miranda asked as she looked at Desiree who was smiling back at her.

Oh, I wish,” Desiree said.
“you've no idea, bitch, just how much I want to fuck you up,”
she thought.

Well, we have no more business to discuss as far as I’m concerned so I am just wondering what It's you would be wanting here, on my property,” Miranda said as she looked at Desiree, who looked pleasantly happy.

Actually I am here to tell you two things. One, is that I no longer need you to handle my accounts and I will be letting Tony know of your....incompetence. Who knows, maybe I can save him the headache of having to deal with your nonsense in the future; and two is that, if you ever think that you are better than me, if you ever even think of imagining of coming up against me, bitch, I will end you and that is not a threat. It’s a damn good promise,” she added in a whisper before she turned around and walked out of her compound. She was smiling on the inside as she walked off Miranda’s property.

Ready to go?” Taylor asked as she walked towards the truck.

As ready as I’ll ever be,” she said before she climbed into the passenger seat. Taylor looked at her briefly before he started the engine.

Buckle up,” he said, looking at her. She strapped herself in and leaned against the seat as Taylor pulled out of Miranda’s Littlejohn’s driveway. He had so much to say but he just couldn’t. And she knew it too. She looked out the window during the entire ride back to his place. When they got there, Desiree looked at him and smiled.

Do you mind if I take the truck for a couple of hours?” she asked. Taylor looked at her, all confused.

Why? Where are you going?” he asked.

I just need to drive by the apartment,” she said as she looked into his eyes.

I can drive you there. I don’t have anything to do for the rest of the day,” he said. She shook her head and looked into his eyes.

I can do it myself,” she said. “Or I could take a cab. It doesn’t really matter,” she added as she undid her seat belt.

No, you can take the truck. it’s just that I wanted to take you there. You seem....”

...what? Ericson? How do I seem?” she asked, interrupting him. “I just want some time alone. Is that too much to ask?” she asked, trying hard not to raise her voice. Taylor shook his head and gave her the car keys before he got out of the car. Desiree got out and walked around the front of the truck before she got into the driver’s seat, adjusted it, and buckled herself in. Taylor looked at her as she started the motor and then took a deep breath.

Drive safe,” he said as she drove away. He had never felt so helpless like he did at that point, seeing her driving off and not knowing if she would come least on that day. Maybe she was right. Maybe she did need the time alone. He took a long deep breath as he walked into the house. Maybe after a greasy meal and a nap he would feel better.


Desiree drove straight to the apartment. She always felt safe there. As she opened the door to the apartment, she was hoping and praying that she would be alone in the house but her sister’s excited squeal made her realize that her prayer had gone unanswered.

Oh please, tell me you come bearing gifts,” Rochelle said as she looked at Desiree, who was walking towards her in the living room. She tossed her purse on the couch before she walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

All I have, Roch, is a desire to relax, alone if I could,” she said as she looked at the contents in the fridge. She pulled out a container that contained some leftover Chinese food. “Who had Kung pow chicken?” she asked as she put the container in the microwave.

Tony and I, last night,” Rochelle said. “And I know that Chinese food is kind of our unspoken bond but we needed nourishment and Mister Wok was the only place open at one in the morning,” she said quickly. Desiree turned around and looked at her sister.

One in the morning? That is not dinner. That’s more like a very early breakfast,” she said. Rochelle shrugged.

That’s what I get for helping my boyfriend with work,” she said as Desiree took the container from the microwave. She picked a fork from the dish rack and then made her way to the living room. “And these damn tests are killing me. How did you ever manage to keep it together?” Rochelle asked, looking at Desiree who had taken a seat next to her. Desiree shrugged.

Well, I guess you just have to know what you want and you've to want it badly enough,” she said before she took a bite. “Oh my God, I had forgotten how good Mister Wok’s food is. I always eat at Wong’s Mandarin Chicken. It’s closer,” she said before taking another bite.

Yeah, I am officially off Wong’s place. I guess Mister Wok is worth the distance,” Rochelle said. “So, how come you are here during the day? Weren’t you supposed to be talking investment with a representative form Tony’s company?” she asked. Desiree nodded as she took another bite.

Let’s just say that the meeting ended early,” she said. Rochelle frowned and put the book she had in her lap on the table.

The meeting ended early?” she asked. Desiree took another bite and nodded. “Why? Normally those things take forever because people are usually torn as far as how to use their money is concerned,” Rochelle said. Desiree looked at her and smiled.

You sure know a lot about your man’s business,” she said.

Well, sometimes I have to wait for him to finish up with his meetings. The best I can do is get well acquainted with the business. It helps with my accounts module. I’m actually the only student exposed to field accounts and economics,” Rochelle said almost proudly as Desiree’s phone rang loudly. Desiree looked at it and hit the ignore button before she went on eating. Rochelle frowned. “What’s wrong?” she suddenly asked. Desiree looked at her and shook her head.

What makes you think anything is wrong?” she asked.

Well, you are here in the middle of the same day you are supposed to be having an important meeting. You are eating and for some reason I know that you already ate, otherwise you would have gobbled that up in the kitchen, and you are deflecting my questions by taking big bites. So, Dee, what the hell is wrong?” Rochelle asked.

Nothing is wrong,” Desiree said.

Really?” Rochelle asked. Desiree shrugged and nodded.

Yes really,” she said.

I don’t believe you,” Rochelle said. “Because I know that was Taylor’s call you just ignored,” she added. “You guys having a fight?” she asked. Desiree shook her head.

We are fine,” she said.

Well, I still don’t believe you,” Rochelle said.

Well, you don’t have to. No one’s holding a gun to your head,” Desiree said before she put the bowl on the table. Rochelle looked at her and smiled.

You know, I really admire you. When Mom died, you took it upon your shoulders to make sure I was out of foster care and it happened, and then you made sure I graduated from high school and got into college and that too, is happening. But you need to know something, I appreciate you taking care of me but every so often, you need to let me take care of you. I am not promising to do a great job like you've with me and Cynthia but I will at least try,” Rochelle said. Desiree smiled and put her hand on Rochelle’s.

Thanks sis. But really, you've nothing to worry about,” Desiree said. Rochelle shook her head and then shrugged.

I just wanted to see if I could help you because I know Tony assigned you to Miranda and that bitch can be a real piece of work,” she said. Desiree raised an eyebrow.

Really?” she asked.

Yes, really. I’m surprised you don’t know that by now. She ignites my inner serial killer,” Rochelle said. Desiree smiled and shook her head. It was such a relief that hers wasn't an isolated incident.

Actually I kind of know what she is like,” she said.

You do? Because if you can’t handle it, I can ask Tony to assign you to someone else. God knows you deserve so much better than Miranda Littlejohn,” Rochelle said. Desiree smiled and shrugged.

Actually I think Tony has no choice but to assign me to someone else,” she said.

And why is that?” Rochelle asked.

Because I might have slapped her earlier today,” Desiree said. Rochelle laughed and shook her head.

I’m sorry, what?” she asked.

Yeah, you heard me. I slapped the bitch,” Desiree said.

Why the hell would you do that? Not that I’m complaining,” Rochelle said, trying hard not to smile.

She was making her moves on Taylor and she called me a bitch,” Desiree said. Rochelle smiled and raised an eyebrow.

She called you a what?” Rochelle asked surprised.

A bitch,” Desiree said again.

Well, she had that coming,” Rochelle said smiling as the front door opened. She looked up to see Cynthia walking in. “Is everyone having a day off today or what?” she asked. Cynthia sat down and grabbed the bowl Desiree was eating from.

I need the day off,” she said as she began eating.

What’s wrong with you?” Desiree asked.

Well, as it turns out someone is super desperate to get married,” Cynthia said as she took  another bite. “Mark came to see me at the café today. He made me an offer,” she said. Desiree and Rochelle looked at each other and stifled a chuckle.

What did he want?” Desiree asked.

Let me put it like this. He is still looking for a wife and as it turns out no one is willing to stoop that low,” Cynthia said.

So, he came to you?” Desiree asked.

Yeah he did. Telling me all kind of things like he can make my shop into the next Starbucks. The nerve of that man,” Cynthia said. “I would never want to be Mrs. Mark...whatever his last name is,” she added angrily.

Well, if you could be the next Starbucks, maybe It's worth thinking about,” Rochelle said.

Woman, I will end you with this fork if you don’t shut up,” Cynthia said without smiling.

Today is possibly the best day of my life. You got propositioned by Dee’s...ex...whatever and Dee slapped someone,” Rochelle said excitedly. Cynthia looked at Desiree and then at Rochelle.

What do you mean Dee slapped someone?” she asked.

Well, remember when I told you about this woman who works at Tony’s company? Miranda?” Rochelle asked.

Yeah, the bitchy woman,” Cynthia said.

Wait, how come everyone knew about this bitchy woman except for me?” Desiree asked.

I would have but you are never here,” Rochelle said before she turned back to Cynthia. “So, apparently, Miranda was pulling the moves on Taylor and my sister dug deep and fished out her proud black woman before she slapped her hard across the face,” she said proudly. She suddenly turned around and looked at her sister. “That’s what happened, right? You slapped her across the face?” she asked. Desiree smiled and nodded.

Yes, that’s exactly what happened,” she said.

But aren’t you scared of what could happen?” Cynthia asked. Desiree shrugged and looked at her.

What could possibly happen?” she asked.

Well, the likes of Miranda Littlejohn have grown up feeling entitled and being slapped is the kind of thing that they would report to the cops as assault or even sue you,” Cynthia said.

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