Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance)
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Well, first off, my relationship is not on the rocks,” she said even though there was a small voice in her head whispering, “
or is it?”

We've just been a bit... weird lately. Since the Leon and Mark incident.”

Rochelle raised an eyebrow and shook her head.

“Wait back up, what do you mean the Leon and Mark incident? And who the fuck is Mark anyway?”

Mark’s the other guy I met the night I met Taylor,” Desiree clarified.

Okay. What does he have to do with anything?” Rochelle asked. Desiree felt a hit of déjà vu explaining the story again.

They both came to see me at work some days ago,” she patiently explained. She wondered whether she should tell Rochelle everything, especially about Mark’s proposal, but then decided not to. “Leon bought me a painting and I decided to sell it. But I talked to Taylor about the whole thing first.”

And he was cool with it?” Rochelle asked.

Yeah. Well he said he was, but he’s been distant since then. Cynthia said it’s a thing where he's giving me space, but I highly doubt it.” Desiree took another sip of her smoothie.

Come on Dee, maybe he just needed some time to process the entire thing,” Rochelle suggested. Desiree smiled and nodded, still sipping on her smoothie.

Yeah, but how long does one man take to process info? It’s not encoded or anything,” she said as she looked at Rochelle. She shrugged and put the glass on the coffee table in front of her.

You know what, it’s Thursday, and around this time he is usually at home. I'm going over there to find out why the hell my boyfriend is avoiding me.”

Desiree stood up double quick time and walked over to where she left her purse.

“So, you're just going to go over there? Right now?” Rochelle asked. Desiree gave a sharp nod and then walked out. A stunned Rochelle was left looking at a open door.

As Desiree rode the cab to Taylor’s place, her head was bursting with all the things she wanted to tell him. She knew exactly what she wanted to say and how she was going to deliver the message. Her heart was beating so hard as she thought of all the abuse she wanted to yell at him for ignoring her.

When she got to his place and saw his truck in the driveway, she felt a warm tingle go down her spine. She paid the cab driver then stood out in the driveway for a while, trying to figure out exactly what to say.

Suddenly, everything she had planned on saying was gone.

She couldn't think of a single thing to say; her mind was once again blank. She slowly began walking towards the front door as her mind raced.

Ericson, we need to talk... about us.”

That sounded so bad, almost as if she was about to have the break up talk with him.

She sighed as she slowly walked up to the front door and knocked. She felt strange knocking on the same door that she so freely opened so many times before. For some reason she didn't even think of using her key, even though she had it in her purse.

Her heart skipped a beat when Taylor opened the door in a vest. She almost felt like a teenager who had just seen her crush for the first time. She hated the feeling.

“Hi,” she said in a small voice. Taylor smiled at her.

Hi,” he said as he looked at her. “You want to come in?” he asked stepping aside.

... sure,” she said as she walked into the house. As soon as she was in, Taylor closed the door and pinned her against it as he kissed her deeply. Strange enough, Desiree felt turned on and surprised at the same time. When he pulled away, her cheeks were a bit flushed. “Wow,” she said in a whisper.

I’ve missed you,” Taylor said as he looked into her eyes. Desiree was confused.

I’ve missed you too?” she said looking at him.

I just made lunch. I’ll get you a plate,” he said as he walked to the kitchen.

No,” Desiree managed to say, making Taylor turn around. “I just had a smoothie half an hour ago. Maybe next time.”

Her words immediately made her feel stupid, and showed her how things had changed. Normally, she would've said maybe 'later'. This time however, she automatically mentioned 'next time.' Like she might not be around later. Taylor looked at her, seeming not to notice.

“So, you wanna hang out?” he asked. “I don’t have anything scheduled for the afternoon.”

Desiree thought it weird the way he acted as though he hadn't been ignoring her for the last week plus.

“Actually, I know that you are not scheduled for anything today. That’s why I dropped by,” she said as she walked towards the living room.

Okay...” he said, following her.

We need to talk,” Desiree pointed out as she tossed her purse on the couch. She tuned back to the cause of her frustration and longing. “You've been acting weird since I told you about Leon and Mark coming to see me.”

What do you mean when you say weird?” Taylor asked. Desiree was having none of it.

Don’t act surprised, Taylor. I know that you’ve been dodging my calls,” she said.

No I haven’t,” he replied. Desiree looked at him and rolled her eyes.

Well, I left you a ton of messages. The least you could have done is get back to me on one of them.”

She looked at him and waited for him to tell her something. Anything. But all he did was remain silent. “Aren’t you going to say anything?” she asked, looking at him.

Taylor remained silent. He slowly walked towards her as he looked into her eyes. She felt her heart racing as he approached her. “Ericson?” she asked as he stood right in front of her. She could almost feel his breath on her face.

Taylor suddenly put his arm around her and pulled her close to him. She was breathing hard as he gave her a long kiss. When he pulled away, she was panting and shocked. “What are you doing?” she asked in a whisper. She suddenly gasped when he felt his hand on her blouse. He pulled away,  held the other end of the blouse and pulled it apart, sending the buttons flying all over the floor.

She looked into his eyes as he slowly slipped the blouse off his shoulder. She had no idea what he was up to but she was beginning to feel the wetness in her panties. She wasn’t sure what any of this meant, but decided she wasn't going to ruin the mood by talking.

Taylor began walking, backing her up to the living room wall. She looked into his eyes as she stood in her work pants and bra. He suddenly turned her around.

Desiree placed her hands against the wall and closed her eyes. Taylor began kissing her neck like she did in their last encounter. He was so good at that.

She moaned softly as she felt his lips running up and down her neck. His passion obvious, his kisses growing hotter by the minute. Soon he had her moaning loudly, as he ran one of his hands down her torso. She shivered when she felt his hand brushing against her breast.

He went on to pull down the zipper on her pants before pushing them down. She made his work easier for him by stepping out of her pants that were now gathered around her ankles. She suddenly gasped when she felt him slip his hand inside her panties. She spread her legs wider and felt him slip a finger into her pussy. By this time, she was breathing hard as she felt him fingering her hard and fast. She suddenly felt him slipping her panties off. Something about him holding her against the wall like a dirty whore really turned her on. She quickly let out a small scream when he spanked her hard. She wanted to turn around and look into Taylor’s eyes but for some reason, she just didn’t want to look at him yet. She held back another cry when he spanked her other cheek. She turned her head in an attempt to look at him but he brought one of his hands up and pinned her face against the wall. She felt like Anastasia in the loving but twisted arms of Christian Grey in
Fifty Shades of Grey.
She felt his hand slowly trail down from her hair to her waist as he pulled his fingers out of her wet pussy. He slowly brought his hand up until he held his finger on her lips and to his pleasure, she let her tongue taste her salty wetness.

Don’t move,” he whispered in her ear as he pulled his vest over his head. He then pushed his pants off and released his already rigid member. She held on to the wall as she felt his hand on her waist.

Oh my...” she gasped when she felt him sink his cock inside her wet pussy. She wanted to stand upright but he was holding her down so tightly. She moaned as she felt him pushing his cock in and out of her, but not as slowly as he would usually begin. He suddenly pulled his cock out of her and then pulled her back. She turned around but he stepped back and bent her over the couch. She moaned as she felt him re-entering her. From that position she could have sworn he was deeper than a probe at her OB/GYN’s office. At that moment, she no longer thought she
like Anastasia...she was definitely sure that this was from a scene right out of the book. She held on to the couch as she felt Taylor slamming into her over and over. She wanted to cry out loud as she felt him probe deeper and deeper into her, his cock delving deeper as he went on fucking her, harder and harder as he went on. Soon enough, he had her screaming out loud as his pelvis slammed against her. He would follow up each thrust with a swat. At first they were just gentle spanks but as his orgasm approached, he was smacking her harder each time. It wasn't long before she felt her walls pulsating and his cock throbbing inside her.

Oh God....Taylor!” she screamed as she felt her pelvic muscles squeezing against his cock. Her orgasm preceded his. She cried out again when she felt his cock spasming inside her, filling her up. When he finally pulled out of her, she collapsed on the floor and was surprised to find that he could still hold himself up after such a long, energetic fuck. She looked at him as he walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He walked back with another bottle which he handed to her as he joined her on the floor. She looked at him and tried to get the right words to address the situation at hand but she couldn't think of anything. She smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder and then opened her mouth to talk but all that came out was:

I have really missed that,” she said.

I have missed that too,” Taylor said in a low voice. She raised her head and looked into his eyes and he smiled down at her. “What?” he asked.

We still need to talk,” she said as she looked at him. Taylor smiled and got up before pulling her up.

Fine, but after you scrub my back,” he said before walking up the stairs to the bedroom.

Chapter 4

Desiree gave up trying to talk to Taylor after trying four times straight, each time ending the same way: hot
Fifty Shades
kind of sex. She wasn't complaining; after all, she had not had this much sex in a long time, but she couldn't help but feel like Taylor was using sex as a tool of miscommunication...something she didn't like. Actually she did like it – she loved it, to be quite honest, but she almost felt like a call girl.

When she woke up to get ready for her shift on Tuesday morning of the next week, her phone was buzzing almost uncontrollably on the night stand. She reached over and took her phone to silence it. She looked at the phone and sighed. The buzzing was a reminder. She was supposed to meet Rochelle’s man Tony in a couple of days – well, she and Taylor were. She sighed as she climbed out of bed.

She was making the bed when Rochelle knocked softly on her door before opening it and poking her head in.

Hey, are you awake?” she asked as she looked at Desiree, who had just finished making the bed.

Yeah, what’s up?” she asked, looking at her sister who was fully dressed, a bit strange for Rochelle this early in the morning.

I am about to go in and sit for my first preliminary,” Rochelle said as she walked into Desiree’s room.

Bummer. I can only imagine how you must feel,” Desiree said as she looked at Rochelle.

Anyway, I was just dropping in to find out how you are doing. I know you and Taylor are still not all one hundred since you are still spending a lot of nights here,” Rochelle said.

Really? Is that the only reason?” Desiree asked smiling.

And I also need to borrow your green suede peep toe heels. I want to wear the red peplum tonight,” Rochelle said, smiling. Desiree smiled and walked over to her closet and then picked out the shoes Rochelle had asked for before making her way back to the bed.

I knew this early morning visit was more than just checking up on me,” she said as she handed Rochelle the shoes. “But don’t worry, I am just fine. Taylor and I are...on our way to great but nothing that you should be worried about,” she added. Rochelle smiled and nodded.

Glad to hear that,” she said.

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