Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance)
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Listen to you, being all modest,” Taylor said, kissing her forehead. She looked at him and laughed.

Well, it sure as hell won’t help to be cocky now, will it?” she asked. Taylor used his finger to push off a few curls from Desiree's forehead and kissed her again.

Depends on the tone you use when you are,” he said. She looked at him and shook her head. “So, about dinner,” he started.

Desiree suddenly remember the room full of people they had downstairs.

“We need to get our story straight,” Taylor suggested. Desiree smiled and then laughed.

Well, in my defense, I did try to get you to go back to the table.”

That’s your story and you’re sticking to it?” he asked.

It's not a story, it's the truth! So yes dear, I am going to stick to it.” She looked at a now frowning Taylor.

What?” she asked.

That’s it? You’re just going to throw me under the bus?”

Oh yeah, I believe in the event where I have to face the wrath of my sister and cousin, I would have to,” she said, laughing. Despite trying to hold it back, Taylor couldn't help but laugh... Until his eyes landed on the painting from Leon that is.

Desiree noticed what he was looking at and sighed. “What do we do about that?” she asked.

“Sweetheart, I am not in a position to tell you what to do.”

Yes. But whatever I decide affects both of us in the long run.” Taylor drew little circles on her upper arm as his girlfriend looked him in the eyes.

You sure about that?” he asked.

Well, let’s see, would you be okay if we were making love and you looked over and you saw something my ex gave me? Wouldn’t it kill the mood?” she asked. He shrugged. “It’s almost like being on the same sheets, me and Leon...” she never got to finish that sentence. Taylor kissed her hard and deep. By the time he pulled away, all she could do was smile.

Question, are these the same sheets?” he asked. She smiled at him and shook her head.

Me and Leon never came here,” she said, looking into his eyes. “You should really consider yourself lucky.” He kissed her again and pulled himself away from her. She watched him as he climbed off the bed and walked over to where the painting was and picked it up.

How much did you say this was worth?” he asked. Desiree pulled herself up to a sitting position and shrugged.

I don’t know really, a few thousand.”

Then sell it,” he said. Desiree looked at him and raised an eyebrow.


Yeah. If it makes you so uncomfortable, sell it. Do something worthwhile with the cash... invest it or something,” he said, looking at her. A smile played on her lips as he walked towards the bed.

I would hate to put you in a position where you have to second guess yourself every so often because of what I think. But the truth is, Leon gave this to you. And if you don’t want it then you do what you want. Just know that whatever decision you make, I will support you.”

Taylor put the painting down.

Desiree smiled and held his face in her hands again. Leaned forward she pressed her lips on his.

As they kissed, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. Good men were hard to come by. and now that she had one in her life, she was going to make sure that she would hang on with every last breath. And just like that, she knew that she had made a decision. She was going to sell that painting so she would never look at it and think of the years she had wasted on Leon again.

Chapter 2

Desiree was sure that all was well after talking to Taylor. She actually felt as if a huge load had been lifted off her shoulders. When she woke up the next morning, she couldn't help but have a broad smile on her face. The previous night had ended on a high note. After she and Taylor recommitted themselves to each other (that was the only way she could think of describing what had happened between them), he had insisted on going back to his place. Desiree had tried to talk him into a sleepover, but it didn't happen.

She thought this was a bit weird, mainly because she had never had to try to talk him into one before. That said, she still had a surprisingly calm feeling.

Desiree got up, splashed some cold water on her face and brushed her teeth. She then made her way to the kitchen where Cynthia was seated reading the paper.

“Since when do you read the paper?” Desiree asked smiling.

Since when do I need a valid reason to read the paper?” Cynthia asked. Desiree smiled. “There are a number of changes going on in our lives Dee. Rochelle is keeping house, I am reading the paper... try to keep up Miss Young,” she added. Desiree laughed as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

I’m sorry about dinner last night,” Des said as she sat down.

Cynthia laughed. “Trust me when I tell you that I really don’t want to know why you didn’t make it for dinner. Is the man of the hour still asleep after the damn good loving you gave him last ni... this morning?”

Desiree sat down at the table.

Actually he's not here,” she said, shrugging. Cynthia put the paper down and looked at her cousin.

Really? That’s a first,” she said.

I know,” Desiree said. “I asked him to stay over but he wouldn’t. He seemed a bit distant too,” she added. Cynthia looked at Desiree’s disappointed frown and then stood up to pour herself some coffee.

Did you tell him? You know, about Mark and Leon?” Cynthia asked.

Yeah I did. Why? Do you think that could be the reason why he was acting distant?”

Well, that depends on how he took the news,” Cynthia replied. Desiree found herself thinking back to the previous night and how Taylor acted when she told him. The way he had looked at her, the way he had touched her, all his reassurances... he seemed quite fine to her. In fact, it was after telling him that they made love. Wild, passionate love.

He took it quite well if you ask me,” Desiree confirmed, looking at Cynthia. “And we decided to sell the painting Leon gave me.”

Really? Have you settled on a price yet?” Cynthia asked.

Actually, I was thinking of having it appraised. I know It's worth a couple grand but I know this little gallery downtown. I’ll go down there just to be sure of what exactly I might be in for.”

Cynthia smiled.

“Right about now, I kind of envy you,” she said.

Have a crazy, annoying ex-boyfriend and maybe next time it might be your turn,” Desiree replied smiling.

So did you both arrive at that decision together or was it a one way decision?”

It was a consensus,” Desiree answered. Cynthia shrugged.

Then what is the big deal? You guys are just fine,” she said.

I wish I felt the same, because to be honest I feel like there's a big part of me missing this morning.”

Girl, there's nothing to worry about. Sometimes a man just needs some time away from his woman,” Cynthia said as she sat down.

A break? Really?” Desiree asked. Cynthia smiled.

Yeah, the whole absence makes the heart grow fonder idea.” Desiree rolled her eyes.

Well, has that worked for you? Ever?”

Cynthia shrugged and then nodded.

“Yeah, a number of times actually. It’s all about having all the power,” she affirmed. Desiree took a long sip of her coffee, thinking about these words.

What the hell does that even mean?” she finally asked.

Well, let me put it like this honey. Relationships are all about power. It's basically a power play between two people... or more, depending on what kind of relationship you're in,” Cynthia started. Desiree looked at her and laughed. Cynthia continued.

Normally, women are the ones to take the time off, being too busy or too tired... stuff like that. It's all about who gets the upper hand. This time I'm afraid to say, Taylor seems to have the upper hand,” Desiree shook her head as she thought about what was being said.

Where the hell do you get this stuff?” she asked laughing. Cynthia lifted the paper and showed her the column that had taken her attention earlier.

The rise and fall of chivalry: A breakdown of why and how relationships fail.
It’s part of a ten-part series. I am already on part six and I swear the last time I was this enslaved to a book, I was dead hooked on Esther Bank’s work,” Cynthia said as she put the paper back on the table.

We have all seen those books lined up your wall, Cynthia. Your obsession with Esther is not over yet,” Desiree said.

Well, I can’t help it if the girl writes quality stories now, can I?” Cynthia asked. Desiree shrugged.

I guess you can’t,” she said as she took another sip of her coffee.

But on a serious note, whatever is up with your man could be nothing. Just chill out and everything will be fine. Give him his space,” Cynthia said.

Why the hell would I want to give him his space? Is he already bored with me?
thought Desiree.

I guess I’ll do exactly that,” is what came out of her mouth.

Cynthia reached over and gave her cousin's shoulder a little squeeze.

“That’s my girl,” she said before standing up. “Want some breakfast? I made some waffles earlier.” She brought her cup to the sink and rinsed it off before putting it in the dish rack.

Why the hell did you make me have coffee then? You should have led with that,” Desiree exclaimed as she walked to the kitchen counter. She helped herself to a waffle and then walked back to the table.

I thought the maple syrup on the table would give it away but I guess I gave you too much credit,” Cynthia teased. Desiree shot her a dirty look.

I see the paper also has a column about smart talk, huh?” she said as she poured some syrup on her waffle. “ Don’t make me swat you – as soon as I am done eating, of course.”

Within seconds a huge chunk of her waffle was gone.

Cynthia ignored her cousin's last remark and changed the subject. “So, what are you up to exactly? Normally you'd be up and gone by now, even on days when you've an afternoon shift.” Cynthia picked up her bag.

I called in sick today,” Desiree responded. Cynthia put her bag on the counter and walked over to her cousin and bestie.

What? Why didn’t you tell me before? How are you feeling?” She swiftly felt Desiree’s forehead. Desiree pulled Cynthia’s hand away from her head almost as quickly.

Relax. I’m not really sick.”

Then why did you call in sick?” Cynthia asked, looking at her. Desiree took a long deep breath and shrugged.

I was feeling kind of low with the whole thing with Taylor last night. I needed some time to myself.” Cynthia sat down next to her and gave her cousin a stern look.

Okay, all newspaper shit aside, you are taking this thing way too seriously,” she started. Desiree looked at her, mildly shocked.

Wouldn’t you feel the same way if you were in my shoes?” she asked.

I would, but I would also give myself the benefit of the doubt,” Cynthia responded. “For starters, I would definitely like to think that I did right by myself and my boyfriend by coming clean. That way I would be able to sleep at night. But until you can accept that Dee, I don’t think you will be okay with Taylor. Ever.” Desiree looked down to her waffle, brought it to her mouth and took another bite. She then focused her attention back on her cousin.

I almost feel like you've told me a whole lot of nothing in so many words,” she said. Cynthia smiled.

Okay, I’ll narrow it down to three pointers. One, give yourself a break. Two, trust your gut. And three, for the love of God Dee, it’s Taylor. I have never met a more decent man than him.” She now stood up. “Trust me, it’s not as much a big deal as you make it out to be.” Cynthia started walking towards the door. She looked at Desiree and gave her a wink before she walked out.

Desiree thought for a moment, then took the last bite of her waffle before she got up from the table. She cleared her plate and put it in the sink before going back to her bedroom. She climbed back into bed and pulled up the covers as she considered calling Taylor. But what would she say? Would she tell him that she missed him? Because truth was that she did, even though she'd just seen him a few hours earlier.

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