Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance)
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Really?” she asked.

Yeah, it’s not like it had some major panoramic shots. It was just good guys and bad guys with guns. If it had a great scene, kind of like the water scene in
The Last Airbender
, now that would be worth the hustle but right now the only “D” that matters is HD, which is right here in my living room,” Taylor said.

Desiree laughed as she watched him putting the DVD into the player. He then walked back to the couch and sat next to her as they started eating. For Desiree, this wasn't one of their usual dates. The fact that she had almost lost Taylor (at least that was what she thought in the last few weeks) it had almost killed her. She remembered that she almost felt as bad as when she had first found out that Leon was cheating on her, by just thinking that she might have lost Taylor. She turned and looked at him, a smile playing on her lips. “What?” he asked.

“You know that I love you, right?” she asked as she looked at him.

Yes, Desiree Young. I know that you love me,” he said before pausing the movie. He turned and looked at her and then raised an eyebrow.

And you know that you mean more to me than anything?” she asked. Taylor looked into her eyes and nodded.

Of course I do. Why are you asking me all these questions? Are you okay? Is anything the matter?” he asked. She smiled and shook her head.

Nothing at all, just that I love my man and every so often I need him to know that,” she said. Taylor put his plate on the table and then took hers and did the same. He moved closer to her and draped an arm around her shoulders as he looked into her eyes.

Your man knows all that and does his woman know that he would die if he ever lost her?” he asked in a low voice – a low romantic voice that almost made her panties wet.

She knows, she’s always known,” she said in a low voice, almost as if she was trying to match his. “Do you remember when you said I would get to kiss the chef later on?” she asked after looking into his eyes for a long time.

Yeah,” he said smiling.

Does the chef mind if I get that over with right now?” she asked. Taylor’s smile grew even broader as he leaned in to meet her lips with his own. She raised her hand and held his head as they shared a long, passionate kiss that almost made her knees weak.

When he pulled away from her, he could almost see her hard nipples through the t-shirt she wore. He looked down at her bare thighs and smiled when he realized that he had more of an in than he thought. He suddenly put his hand on her shoulder and forced her to lean on the couch arm rest as his other hand went up her thigh. She closed her eyes and let out a low whimper as she felt his flicking fingers caressing her softly. She moaned her pleasure as he went on pushing the t-shirt higher and higher until he could see her bare pussy. He slowly spread her legs and lowered his head to kiss her thigh. He could smell her shower gel on her smooth skin as he slowly kissed her.

He worked his way up her leg. She moaned softly as she felt his warm lips kissing her...but she couldn't help but think of the day that had been, how close she had come to losing Taylor in the last few days. For some reason, she could hear Mark’s degrading words ringing in her head, over and over, telling her how she would never be at his level. She was so far away that she didn't even realize when Taylor pulled away from her. He looked at her for a long minute, waiting to hear her moan her displeasure or at least whimper but there wasn'thing.

Hey, where did you go?” he asked in a soft voice. She opened her eyes and looked into his eyes and shook her head.

Nowhere. I’m right here,” she said smiling. Taylor raised an eyebrow and laid himself on her.

You sure about that?” he asked as he caressed her forehead with his index finger. She smiled and slipped a hand behind his neck.

there's nowhere else I would rather be,” she said before he smiled and lowered his head to kiss her lips. She moaned when he slowly trailed his kisses down to her neck, feeling her smooth flawless skin under his lips. All this time all she could think about was how lucky she was to have someone who loved her this much, someone she loved right back. Without knowing it, she had spread her legs, inviting him into her and like she said, there was nowhere else she would rather have been at that very moment.

Chapter 6

For the next few days, Desiree and Taylor were inseparable. They stayed indoors as much as they could and they were like crazed teenagers, except for the weed and beer. Their days started with a long shower together, sometimes even breakfast in bed and then after being separated for six to eight hours, they would come right back, have dinner and then make wild passionate love in almost every room in the house...and then they would do it all over again the following day. For Desiree, the two were making up for lost time, for all the time they had spent apart after douche day, the fateful day when Mark and Leon, the two biggest douche bags Desiree had ever known, came to “visit” her on the same day only minutes apart.

It was a Tuesday morning and Desiree was getting her usual royal treatment. No, it wasn't breakfast in bed this time, but a nice shoulder rub from Taylor. She was slowly moaning as Taylor rubbed her shoulders when her phone rang loudly, interrupting the serene environment that was the almost quiet room. She frowned as she picked the phone up and looked at the screen. She smiled when she saw it was her sister calling her. It almost felt like she had not seen Rochelle forever.

“Good morning Rochelle,” Desiree said as she leaned against Taylor.

She lives,” Rochelle said dramatically. Desiree laughed softly.

Of course I’m alive. What’s up? Everything okay?” she asked.

Well, yeah everything is perfecto except for the fact that you and Taylor are supposed to be meeting Tony like...twenty minutes ago,” Rochelle said. Desiree shook her head in confusion.

Wait, what?” she asked. “What do you mean we are supposed to be meeting Tony?” she asked.

You guys wanted some help with investment options or something. He has been waiting to get a confirmation call from you but that never came. You better thank your lucky stars that he kept the docket open for you,” Rochelle said. Desiree looked at Taylor and frowned.

I’m so sorry Roch. Tell him we will be there in an hour,” she said before hanging up.

Tell who we’ll be where in an hour?” Taylor asked as Desiree got up from the bed.

Get dressed. We were supposed to have met Tony today, remember? The investment thing we were to discuss?” she asked as she walked towards the closet.

Wow, that was today?” Taylor asked. Desiree looked around and nodded.

And we are late. you've been screwing me into a trance,” she said as she pulled out a sleeveless navy blue pencil dress from the hangers.

I didn’t hear any complaints,” Taylor said. She looked at him and shook her head.

We will talk about that later. Right now, you need to get into the bathroom and have a quick shower as I straighten up in here,” she said.

Aren’t you having a shower?” Taylor asked with a smile. “We could save a lot of time by going in together, you know,” he said suggestively.

We both know that the both of us in the same shower will be disastrous and for the love of God Ericson, I’m almost sore. I’ll use the guest bathroom downstairs,” she said as she walked towards the bed. Taylor looked at her and shrugged before he walked towards her and slipped an arm around her waist from the back.

I was really hoping I would get to scrub your back,” he said in a whisper. She smiled and gently pushed him away. She could already feel his cock hardening against her ass.

No, Ericson. Put that away and go get cleaned up. Preferably under some very cold water,” she said as she walked to the other side of the bed and straightened the covers before grabbing her towel. “Be a good boy and I’ll see you in ten,” she said before walking out of the room.

When she got to the guest bathroom, she started the water and stripped down as fast as she could. As she stood under the running water, she wondered how an important appointment like that could have slipped her mind. She almost hated herself for doing it.
“That is what you get for being a horny girl, Dee,”
she thought as she rinsed down. As soon as she was done, she went back upstairs where she found Taylor, dressing up. She smoothed on some lotion and then put on a black and lace satin bra and a matching pair of panties before she pulled on the dress. She walked over to where Taylor was and turned around. “Zip me up?” she asked. He did as he was asked. She then walked over to the dressing mirror and looked at her reflection. She did some light makeup on her face before pinning up her curly hair. She put on a pair of silver dangling earrings and a pair of red platform heels before she got up and picked her purse.

Record time,” Taylor said, smiling. Desiree turned around and looked at him. “And you look really hot by the way,” he added.

Thanks and what do you mean record time?” she asked. Taylor looked at his wrist watch and smiled.

You took a shower and got dressed in exactly twenty-two minutes,” he said. “Like I said that’s a new record,” he added.

What is that supposed to mean?” she asked as they made their way downstairs.

It usually takes you at least an hour to get ready,” he said. She turned around and looked into his eyes with her hands on his chest.

You keep on talking and maybe just maybe, you won’t get to take this lovely number off tonight,” she said in a whisper before she leaned forward and kissed him softly. She pulled away and smiled at him as he smiled back at her.

My lips are sealed,” he said as he opened the door for her.

Good choice,” she said as she walked out.

As they drove to Tony’s office, they talked of all the various ways they would like to invest. They even talked of the money Desiree had. Taylor suggested that she might like to save twenty-five percent of the painting money and invest the rest.

“You need float, you know in case of anything. You never know what might happen,” he said. She agreed. By the time they got to Tony’s office, they knew exactly how much they wanted to invest, only they had no idea how to do it. When they walked into the office, they were shown into Tony’s office by the receptionist.

The first thing I want to say is how sorry I am,” Desiree said as they sat down after saying their hellos.

Yeah, Rochelle told me she had not seen you in almost a week and I thought you must have had a valid reason,” Tony said.

Yeah like being in the Bahamas or something,” Taylor said smiling. Tony smiled.

Wow, you are really living it up,” he said. Desiree smiled and shook her head.

We have been under house arrest. Just thought we would stay away from the crazies for a while,” she said as she looked at Taylor.

Yeah I heard about the incident. Cynthia can paint a pretty vivid picture,” Tony said.

Oh, don’t I know it,” Desiree said rolling her eyes just as the door opened. She turned around to see an attractive brunette walking in. She was wearing a short plum dress that made her legs seem to go on forever and a pair of silver peep toe heels. Desiree could have sworn that she noticed Taylor checking her out.

Guys this is Miranda Littlejohn, one of the top consultants here. I got her to help out because I was called out on an emergency,” Tony said as he stood up. “Trust me, you are safe with Miranda,” he said.

Well, I trust you so I guess all I have to say is welcome aboard, Mrs. Littlejohn,” Taylor said.

It’s Miss,” Miranda said.

Oh, sorry about that,” Taylor said quickly.

Never mind,” she said as she sat in one of the seats.

Miranda, this is Desiree Young and her boyfriend, Taylor Ericson,” Tony said. Miranda looked at Desiree and smiled.

Young. Any relation to Rochelle?” she asked, smiling at Tony. Tony smiled and nodded.

Sister,” Desiree said.

Wow, these Young genes are really something,” Miranda said. Tony smiled and walked towards the door.

I would love to stay and chat but I have to go. I’ll see you guys later,” he said before leaving the three in the room.

For some reason, Desiree couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of the woman. She was a looker, she had to admit. Beautiful, sexy....she was the full package, brains and beauty all in one. At some point she thought she noticed the woman batting her eyelids at Taylor, but she dismissed it quickly.

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