Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance)
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So, red peplum, what’s the occasion?” Desiree asked.

Well, it’s been six months since Tony and I got together....okay, since we got serious, so, we are doing something special tonight,” Rochelle said smiling. Desiree took Rochelle’s hand in hers and gave it a light squeeze.

Congratulations. I am so happy for you, sis,” Desiree said, smiling.

Well, I have to go, now. I hope I’ll be seeing you later?” Rochelle asked.

I am not sure about that but we’ll see,” Desiree said. Rochelle gave her a quick hug and then stood up from the bed.

Okay, wish me luck,” she said as she walked out of the bedroom. Desiree smiled and got up from the bed and then made her way to the closet. She pulled out her uniform and laid it on the bed before she went to the bathroom for a shower. When she got out, she got changed and then walked to the kitchen where she fixed herself a quick breakfast sandwich before she got out of the house. She was just about to hail a cab when she noticed Taylor’s truck driving towards her. She stopped and smiled as Taylor pulled up.

Hey there. Need a ride?” he asked with a smile. She smiled and shrugged before she got in. She gave him a quick kiss before she got herself buckled in.

What brings you to my neck of the woods?” she asked as he started driving down the street. He smiled and looked at her briefly before turning his attention back to the road.

“I had a delivery to make a few blocks away. I thought I’d swing by and drive you to work or something,” he said. She smiled and leaned back in her seat. “I was thinking I would pick you up tonight and maybe do something? A movie maybe?” he asked. She shrugged and nodded even though she was really thinking that she would love to talk about what was really bothering her, or them. She wanted to blurt out something like, “How about we talk about the elephant in the room...or the really big dog that has been the cause of the major strife in our relationship?” But somehow, all that came out of her mouth was, “That would be nice,” and she said that with a smile, too.

The twenty minute drive to her workplace was filled with small talk. It was almost as if she was getting to know him for the very first time, or was it the other way around? Deep down, she was feeling empty and missing her old Taylor. When they got to the store, Desiree unbuckled her seat belt and looked at Taylor.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he looked into her eyes. She sighed and took his hand in hers and then looked into his eyes.

Are we okay?” she asked as she looked at him. Taylor shrugged and smiled.

Why would you ask that? Of course we are,” he said.

Are you sure? Because I am feeling like we’ve been quite distant lately,” she said. Taylor touched the side of her face and smiled.

We are better than ever,” he said before leaning forward to kiss her forehead. She smiled when he pulled away. “You know I love you, right?” he asked. Desiree smiled as she felt a warm tingle down her spine. This was the first time in a long time he had said those words to her and it felt better than ever. She looked at him and nodded.

I love you too, more than you know,” she said in a whisper. He smiled and unbuckled his seatbelt before leaning forward to give her a hug.

Don’t you ever forget that, Desiree Young. If you forget everything else about me, always remember that I love you,” he whispered before he pulled away. She looked at him and nodded.

Why does it feel like this is one of those goodbye talks?” she asked. He smiled.

And where would I be going?” he asked before she got out of the car. She walked around the truck and kissed him before she walked into the store. For the first time in a long time, she actually felt okay about herself, okay about her relationship. She couldn't wait for the end of the day so that she could catch that movie with Taylor.

For the entire day, she seemed to be floating through the hours as she counted down to when she would punch out for the day. At around three, one of the girls in the store walked into her office with a big smile on her face.

“you've got to tell me where the hell you get all these hotties,” she said as she stood by the doorway. Desiree looked up and shrugged.

I have no idea what you are talking about,” she said.

Really? First there's that guy who dropped you off, your boyfriend, right? And then this other guy who’s here to see’s like men from all races have a thing for you,” the girl said. Desiree looked at her and frowned.

Who is here?” she asked. The girl looked at her and then smiled.

Here he is now,” she said before walking away. Desiree kept her eyes fixed on the door as her heart pounded in her chest. For some reason, she felt herself in anticipation.

you've been a very hard person to track down,” Mark said when he appeared I the doorway. Desiree looked at him and cursed silently as she looked unbelieving at Mark. She couldn't believe that he had the nerve to show up at her work place....again.

What are you doing here?” she asked.

Well, like I said, you are a hard person to track down,” he said as he walked into Desiree’s small office and sat down.

Yes but that still doesn’t answer the simple question, what are you doing
?” she asked again. Mark crossed his legs and looked at Desiree, a sly smile on his lips.

I would not be here if you had at least picked up my calls,” he said.

Well, if I wanted to talk to you, I would have probably picked up your calls, but seeing as I didn’t, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that is a sign of someone who is avoiding you,” Desiree said as she tried to maintain her composure.

And my big question is why you would be trying to avoid a fine gentleman like me?” he asked. Desiree gave him a cynical smile.

What makes you think that you are such a fine gentleman anyway?” she asked.

Well, come on. It goes without saying,” Mark said. Desiree took a long deep breath and shook her head.

You know I am almost clocking out and I still have a lot to do before then, so how about you just say whatever It's that brought you here and get the hell out,” Desiree said. Mark took a long deep breath and picked the briefcase he had placed on the floor. He placed it on his lap and opened it before pulling out a yellow envelope. “What the hell is this?” she asked as he handed her the envelope.

Open it,” Mark said with a smile. She looked at him and frowned and then went ahead to open the envelope. When she saw the contents of the envelope, she gasped. “That’s the contract that you would have to sign if you took my offer,” he said. Desiree shook her head and put the contract on the table.

Really? Did last time give you any kind of sign that I would love to give your offer any kind of consideration?” she asked.

I know that last time we didn’t really end things on a positive note and my lawyer thought that maybe it was what I was offering. Maybe it was a bit too low,” he said smiling. “As per the new contract you will notice that I bumped up your compensation by five hundred,” he added. Desiree looked at him and shook her head.

Five hundred what?” she asked.

Five hundred thousand,” he said. Desiree would have been honored if she wasn't so offended by his offer. She was still looking at him in disbelief when Cynthia burst in her office.

You will not believe what....hello,” she said when she noticed Mark in the office. “What the hell are you doing here?” she asked as he looked at Mark.

He came to deliver this,” Desiree said as she handed Cynthia the contract.

Is this the so-called marriage contract?” Cynthia asked as she looked at the documents in her hand. Mark smiled.

You told her about it. I see you are as excited about this as I am,” he said. Desiree pushed her chair back and stood up. She leaned forward and looked into Mark’s eyes, the eyes she had so been fascinated about at some point.

Maybe I have not been so clear in the past, so I am going to do that right now. you've to stop propositioning me. I know you think that It's flattering but trust me, to me and any other honorable woman, It's a downright insult,” she said.

Wait, this is what you are offering?” Cynthia asked.

Why, is it not enough?” Mark asked. Cynthia looked at Desiree and scoffed.

Hardly,” she said. Mark gasped.

Hardly?” he asked. Desiree turned her attention to her cousin.

Cynthia, what are you doing?” she asked.

This is just a three million dollar contract. I think she deserves twice as much just or putting up with you,” Cynthia said. By this time Desiree’s anger was beginning to shift to Cynthia.

Cynthia!” Desiree yelled.

Trust me, honey, I got this,” she said still looking at Mark.

So, all you needed was a negotiating representative, I got it,” he said. “But, if that’s what you think, then I think I can make it work. It would take a few days though because I would have to move a few things around. As you well know, I am not so liquid,” he said as he took his phone out. Desiree watched Cynthia in awe as she went on doing the strange negotiation.

So what do you think, big boy?” Cynthia asked.

I’m game,” he said smiling. Cynthia smiled back and then looked at Mark.

Let me ask you, Mark, have you ever heard of Elsa McCormick?” Cynthia asked as she slowly walked around him to Desiree’s side of the desk. Mark frowned and then shook his head. “I didn’t think you would. She was this lady from Mississippi who thought she deserved a better life, so she moved to Vegas. She had a great voice and everything and she was a looker. If she didn't grow up during the segregation, she would have been the homecoming or prom queen. But she didn’t, because she was a woman of color. So one man, some rich dumb jock thought she could be bought and he offered her money for a little something, if you know what I mean. And being who she was, Elsa hardly got any employment so she agreed and just like that her life was ruined. She was the whore no one wanted anything do with. I mean, it was bad enough that she was black but now, she also had to deal with the stigma that brought with it. And just like that, Elsa’s life was ruined and all for what? A few bills here and there?” Cynthia asked. She looked at Desiree and smiled. “So mister, this right here, is bullshit. You would not ever be able to afford my sister if you owned the world,” she added as she began tearing up the contract.

Hey, what are you doing?” Mark asked, looking at her surprised.

I am doing what Dee should have done a long time ago,” Cynthia said as she walked over to the trash and dropped in the torn contract. “You cannot buy my cousin – not for five years, not for five minutes,” she said as she turned to look at Desiree.

You heard her,” Desiree said smiling.

This is an opportunity of a lifetime. You cannot afford to pass this up,” he said. Desiree smiled.

cannot afford to pass this up. I can do whatever the hell I want,”  she said. Mark took a long deep breath.

I think you should reconsider this,” he said through gritted teeth. Desiree shook her head.

Why are you so hell bent on having me while there are so many women around?” she asked.

Yeah, all you've to do is buy a girl a drink and you've her eating off the palm of your hand,” Cynthia said.

Because,” Mark started. “You are...virtuous,” he said. Desiree laughed.

Virtue? Really?” she asked.

Yes, that’s really hard to come by nowadays,” he said.

Said the man offering money to fake a marriage for money’s sake,” Cynthia said rolling her eyes.

You shut the hell up! And Dee, this is important for me,” Mark said.

You know what, get out,” Desiree said as she walked over to the door and held it open.

Think about this,” Mark said looking at her.

You heard her, mister. Scram!” Cynthia said as she sat down in Desiree’s chair.

This is an opportunity for you. You could move out of that shack you call an apartment,” Mark said. Desiree looked at Cynthia and then at Mark.

You know what, I would pick that shack I call an apartment any day over what you are offering because I worked my ass off to get that place and all you've ever done is get handouts I am not like you, Mark. I will never be like you and you've to live with that,” Desiree said as she looked at him. “By the way, the next time you come within five hundred feet of me, I will call the police because this, right here, is harassment,” she said. Mark stood up and looked at Cynthia and then at Desiree.

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