Read Lord of the Grrr's Online

Authors: Amelia Jade,Terra Wolf,Mercy May,Kit Tunstall,Artemis Wolffe,Lily Marie,Lily Thorn,Emma Alisyn,Claire Ryann,Andie Devaux

Lord of the Grrr's (41 page)

BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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“Roman—oh, God, that’s good.”

His fingers moved to her zipper, sliding it down, and bunched the skirt in his hands, lifting the dress. She raised her arms and he pulled it off her, tossing it to the blanket.

“Let me love you, Jenna.” He rocked against her. “Right here, like this.”

She wasn’t sure what he meant—until he lowered her to the blanket, on her hands and knees, her ass cradled against him. Just the thought excited her.

“Yes—please, Roman. Now.”

He let her go, and when he moved behind her again, she felt his hard, thick cock slide between her legs. She glanced behind her and saw that he was completely naked as well, his broad, muscled chest already damp with sweat.

His hand traced the curve of her hip before he finally moved lower, one finger circling her clit. She arched up, wanting him inside her, even if it was only his fingers. He gave her better.

Slowly rubbing her clit, he pressed his hot, thick tip into her. Trapped between two sources of pleasure, she chose his erection, tilting her hips and pushing back. They both moaned as he slid inside. She reached back and dug her fingers into his hip, urging him closer, deeper. He obliged, spreading his hand over her belly and driving himself in to the hilt.

“Oh, God.” She tightened around him, and he growled, leaning forward until his lips found her throat. That only pushed him in deeper. “Roman—”

“You feel so good, Jenna.” He pulled her back until he cradled her ass, pushing himself even deeper. Her back arched as he filled her to the core, already close to an orgasm. “Shit—I need to move.”

“God, yes.” She slid her hand down, pressing his fingers harder against her clit, and moaned when he moved his hand and covered her fingers, until she was touching herself, guided by his hand. “Oh, sweet God.” It was incredibly erotic—and she lowered her head when he matched the pace of their fingers with his hard length. “Roman—oh, please don’t stop.”

“Not—a chance.”

His other hand found her breast, teasing her nipple, his breath hot as he kissed her throat. She met each thrust, her hand sliding up to cover his, feeling him touch her. Roman drove into her, so deep it left both of them gasping. Sweat slicked her skin, and pleasure shot through her. She moved faster, on the edge. He rocked against her, his breath hot on her throat, then slipped two fingers inside her, stroking her hard and fast. She let out a cry, bucking against him.

He growled against her throat as she clenched around him, thrusting faster, harder, until she felt him pulse inside her, his cock thick and hard. He curled around her, his hand moving down to grab her hip, holding her in place.

She gasped when he drove himself in deep, her body humming and desperate for him. “Roman—”

He dug his fingers into her hip and stroked her, faster, harder. Jenna lowered her head, her body clenching around him as heat built, pushing her toward the edge.

He stiffened against her, and shouted her name as he climaxed. His release triggered her own, and they held on to each other as they fell over the edge together.




They spooned together on the blanket, sweaty and breathless.

Jenna took the hand draped at her waist and lifted it to her breast, moaning when he brushed his thumb over her still hard nipple.

“That was—”

“Too much?” He sounded anxious.

“Perfect. I’ve never done that before, and you made me feel sexy.”

“Does that mean you’d—”

“Make love like that again? All you have to do is ask.”

He leaned in and kissed her, his cock twitching. His growl rumbled through his chest. “You set me off, Doc. I want you again.”

“I’m happy to oblige.”

He chuckled, and teased her nipple as he started stroking her, slowly. The chuckle turned to a low growl, and he tucked his legs up, changing the angle of his thrust, taking himself deeper.

She gasped, her body clenching around him, needing him to move faster.

“God, Jenna.” He nipped her earlobe. “Marry me.”


He stilled, and she looked over her shoulder.

“Just like that? No hesitation?”

“My life is here, Roman, with you. I’ve known that since the first time you kissed me. So, yes—I’ll marry you, with no hesitation and no regrets. Now make love to me, so I can have that other piece of cake.”

His laughter vibrated through her, and he started moving inside her, touching her more deeply, loving her with more tenderness than any man she’d ever known. When her climax overwhelmed her, he held her tightly, kissing away her tears. And let her know that she would never be alone again.



A cool wind lifted Jenna’s hair as she held tight to Roman’s hands. Lindy stood with them under the arbor in her garden, facing Roman’s huge family. They had all jumped in to plan the wedding, and in less than two weeks, everything was ready.

As mayor, and the leader of their clan, Lindy was the official at every wedding. She smiled at Jenna, then spoke over the rising wind.

“I am overjoyed to be a part of this joining, to welcome Jenna into our family. The only thing that would give me greater pleasure is the news of their first cub.”

Jenna let out her breath, and smiled at Roman. He lifted her left hand, kissed it, then slid a silver ring on her finger. It was a simple band, but the inscription on the inside brought tears to her eyes every time she thought of it.

“My heart, my love, my life.” Roman spoke what he had inscribed on the ring, and she blinked back fresh tears. “I never thought I’d find a woman who could accept me, flaws and all.” Laughter rippled through the crowd. “But in spite of them, you love me, and that is a gift, more precious than any you could ever give me. I promise to love, protect, and cherish you, no matter what life may throw at us.”

She followed his example, kissing his hand before she slid on the thick silver band.

“Roman Black. You were a surprise—in more ways than one.” He smiled down at her as his family laughed again. “I had given up on men before I moved here. My heart had been bruised enough, and I didn’t think I could let someone in again. But you were stubborn, and relentless, and so gentle, I couldn’t say no. I loved you from the first kiss, and I will love you after the last. And I promise this, with all my heart, no matter how many mistakes you make along the way.”

That earned her loud laughter from his brothers.

Lindy raised her hand, and they quieted down. “Now that they have given each other their rather unconventional vows,” she raised an eyebrow, and Roman smiled. “I would like to present to you all, Jenna and Roman Black. May they love long and give me many grandcubs.”

The applause and cheers threatened to deafen her. She forgot about them when Roman lifted her off her feet and kissed her. Under the clamor, he whispered to her.

“Hello, Mrs. Black.”

“Hello, Mr. Black.” She swallowed. “I have something to tell you.”

“What?” His smile faded. “What is it?”

“I’m going to give your mom a grandcub sooner than she expected.”

His eyes widened, and she nodded. He carefully set her on the ground, then spread his hand over her belly. “How long have you known? When?”

“I found out yesterday, but I’ve known for a few days. I just needed to have it confirmed by the doctor. If the doctor’s calculations are right, we conceived that first night.”

He let out a shaky breath and laid his forehead against hers. “I wanted that, after our first time together. I wanted to know our love created something.”

“It did—we did, and you’re going to be an amazing father, so stop looking at me like a terrified man.”

“I’m—okay. I am,” he insisted. “You’ll be there to fix any mistakes I make along the way.”

She laughed, her own words thrown back at her. “I love you, Roman Black.”

“I love you, Jenna Black.” He kissed her. “But I’m letting you tell my mother, when I’m not in the room.”


“So I can be far, far away. Too far for her to start lecturing me on parenthood.”

Her laughter wrapped around them, right before he pulled her into his arms.

Jenna kissed him, surrounded by a family she never expected to have, carrying the beginning of her own. She knew, finally, wrapped in Roman’s arms, that she was home.



Thank you for reading Roman and Jenna’s adventure! The Black brothers will be back – and Jedidiah is up next. His story is coming  your way in October.


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Who is Lily Marie?


I love to tell stories – everything from shifters and love in space to pure fantasy. Add some strong but tender heroines, throw them together with tortured or bad boy heroes, and heat is bound to happen. I write romance – one steamy scene at a time. Get the first scoop on new releases by signing up for my list


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Fated for the Alphas: Part One


Lily Thorn



Chapter One


“Come on,” Lia whispered into her cupped hands. “One little spark. Just for a second.”

But the space between her palms remained as dark as the moonless sky. What a night for her magic to fail her.

Magda struck the ground with her staff, making Lia jump. “Nadine! Step forward.”

The slender girl obeyed, and the circle of witches and acolytes closed around her. Nadine faced the pile of logs before her, face set, brow furrowed.

“You know the test. Light the bonfire,” Magda pointed her staff at the logs, making them burst into flame, “and put it out.” She slashed her staff downward, extinguishing the flames and making it appear as though the logs had never been burned at all.


Nadine gave a small nod.

“Then show us what you’ve learned.”

Spinning, Nadine threw an arm toward the pile of logs, fingers outstretched. Fire roared from her hand, crackling as it greedily devoured the wood. Nadine watched the flames for a moment, then opened her other hand and called the fire back to her.

“Very good,” Magda said. “You may reenter the circle.”

Nadine stepped back into place, her knees almost buckling with relief. Lia watched, unable to help the envy that flooded through her. Acolytes could stay in the coven as long as they passed one test. Lia was unwilling to pay the price blood magic required, and hopeless at scrying, so conjuring was her only chance. Even then, she was only capable of little magics. She could never dream of producing a rush of fire, but a spark could be enough. If only it would appear.

Isadora, Blanche, and Mayella all stepped into the ring and passed the test in turn. That must mean…

“Lia,” Magda called. “Step forward.”

She wished Magda hadn’t used that mocking, singsong voice that seemed reserved just for her. Lia had always held the awful suspicion that Magda thought her to be unfit for the coven, and tonight the old bat might finally realize her dearest wish—driving Lia out.

Taking a shaky breath, Lia stepped into the circle. She stared at her palms, her mind racing.

“Have you learned nothing with us?” Magda asked. “Would you like a final demonstration?”

Lia stared at the pile of logs. If her anger alone could cause them to combust, they would have by now.

“Let me show you one more time.” Magda pointed her staff, her movements slow and exaggerated. “Set the fire.” Flames leapt at Lia, threatening to consume her. Magda languidly swung her staff. “Put it out.”

Magda was definitely mocking her. Lia clenched her fists, trying to ignore the ringing in her ears.

“Well?” Magda asked. “We don’t have all night. Would you have us wait for the winter snows?”

In the circle, some of the witches tittered. Lia recognized the laughs of Margot, Lucasta, Perpetua. Bellerose outright chortled. She’d show them. She’d make them wipe the smiles off their faces.

Come on,
she thought fiercely.
Give me a flare. A blaze. An inferno. Let me show them what I’m capable of.

She felt it then, deep within her. A rush, a surety. This was it. Setting her feet, she threw her magic on the logs. She couldn’t wait to see what force would erupt from her hands.

It was the tiny spark she had called for earlier. The faint spot of red floated down between the logs, where it promptly flickered out and died.

The wrenching silence was broken by Bellerose’s screeching laugh.

Magda grinned. “Well, at least you tried. Back in the circle, let someone else have a chance. Lizabeth, step forward.”

Lia’s friend gave her a sad smile as she entered the circle, but it did nothing to fill the hollow place that had formed in the pit of Lia’s stomach. She had only one more chance, and if she failed she’d be cast out of the coven.

Watching Lizabeth, Lia felt numb. Effortlessly, Lizabeth conjured salamanders of flame that crawled over the logs, lighting them as they went. She shot Lia an apologetic look as Magda crowed over the advanced magic. Lia couldn’t fault her, though. Fire was Lizabeth’s strong suit. There was no reason for Lizabeth to fail just because Lia had.

Coralene and Ruth both took their turns, and passed without incident. Lia looked at her feet so she wouldn’t have to face the stares she felt prickling her skin. She hadn’t even attempted the blood magic. She was the only one who hadn’t lit the logs, and there’d been nothing to put out. She was the only acolyte who had failed two of the three tests.

Magda tossed her mane of white hair. “Onward to the scrying pool.” Her eyes swept over Lia, triumph in her gaze. “Last chance, for some.”

Lia hung back as the other acolytes followed the witches. They were lithe and willowy, every one. They looked nothing like her at all. Of the witches, she was closest in height to Hecuba, who was blind and bent double with age.

She took a last look at the bonfire, which had been left to smolder. The branches on the edges were blackened and twisted, useless like her fickle magic. Lia kicked one, and it exploded in a cloud of ash. She could run into the forest. Abstain from the final test, forgo the inevitable humiliation. She could leave quietly rather than be cast out.

Far off in the distance, Lia could make out the soft glow of city lights. That wasn’t an option. Humans had fearsome magic of their own. Tiny pieces of lead they used to kill their enemies. Stout metal tubes they could use to kill everyone. In fact, humans seemed to spend most of their time coming up with more and more clever ways to destroy each other.

Lia shuddered. At least when they were preoccupied with killing each other, humans tended to forget that other creatures existed. The witches had the foothills to themselves, and they preferred it that way. No one forgot what had happened in Salem all those years ago. Humans were not to be trusted.

“Hey.” Lizabeth tugged on her sleeve. “Aren’t you coming?”

“That’s the question, isn’t it?” Lia laughed nervously, hoping it hid her fear.

“Don’t talk like that. You still have a chance.” Pulling on Lia’s robes, Lizabeth dragged her toward the pool.

“It’s scrying, remember? I’ve never seen more than my own reflection.”

“Don’t give up. You could be a great witch, I know it.”

Lia tried to smile, but it felt false. No one was nice to her, save Lizabeth. No one cared if she left. In fact, Magda would probably throw a party. But the coven was all she knew. Better to stay with the witches who could keep humans away, as well as the monsters rumored to live in the mountains. Being on her own could lead to a quick and nasty death. Next to that, putting up with Magda was bearable.

She realized Lizabeth was staring at her.

“All right,” Lia said. “I don’t promise I’ll pass. But I promise I’ll try.”

“That’s what I want to hear!” Lizabeth hugged her around the middle until Lia’s ribs hurt. “Come on!”

They made their way to the pool at a run. The others were already assembled around the edges. Lia skidded to a stop, accidentally sending a pebble flying. It shattered the still surface of the water, earning her a glare from Magda.

Panting, Lia braced for the explosion.

“You know the test,” Magda said calmly.

Why wasn’t she furious?

“Look into the pool,” the old woman continued, “and foretell your fate. It’s the roundest pool for miles, nearly perfect, so even the weakest of you should be able to see at least a glimpse.” Her eyes roved over Lia and she broke into a grin. “Before we begin, can anyone remind us of the first rule of scrying?”

Coralene raised her hand. “The stillness is sacred.”

“Very good.” Magda clasped her hands behind her back. “As Lia has violated this rule, I think she should be the first to look into the pool. Don’t you agree, Lia?”

She didn’t have much choice. Cursing silently, Lia knelt beside the pool. Of course it would end this way. Even on a night with no wind, with the calmest water imaginable, she would have only barely stood a chance. With the water violently rippling, there was no way she could See.

“We’re waiting.” Magda’s voice was laced with glee.

Her last chance. Tamping down the fear that threatened to swallow her, Lia touched a finger to the pool’s surface. To her surprise, it stilled somewhat. To her greater surprise, there was something in the pool.

It was ghostly, it was faint, but it was more than she’d ever Seen before. She stared at it, fascinated. The longer she watched, the brighter it glowed, until it almost blinded her. It spread, filling the pool to its edges. Lia squinted, but she couldn’t make out more than a few gray splotches.

“What do you See?” Hecuba turned her white, sightless eyes toward Lia. Despite being unable to use her eyes, Hecuba was the best at scrying.

“She won’t See anything,” Magda said. “She can’t.”

“No,” Lia said. “I see something. I See.” Her eyes darted over the pool, desperate to See something worth telling them about. After producing a single spark, the coven wouldn’t be impressed that she saw a bit of light. Trying not to think about the sweat beading on her forehead, Lia studied the splotches until her eyes watered. There had to be something there, enough to impress the witches and earn her place among them.

“The ripples are dying away,” Magda said. “Your time is almost up.”

“Please!” Lia said. “There’s something here.”

“Then share.”

“All right.” Lia thought through her options. The light and the splotches weren’t enough. She needed more. “I see gray splotches. Only they’re not splotches… They’re turning into people. There’s me, as a witch. I’m sitting beside a fire. I’m talking, and I’m… I’m surrounded by children. I think they’re my grandchildren. One of them is flying off on a bough of pine. She’s a witch, too.”

She looked up, heart thumping against her ribs. Magda, for once, was silent. Had she bought Lia’s vision?

Hecuba straightened, her white eyes wide. She pointed at Lia. “Liar!” she shrieked. “Falsifier! Did you think I would not See?”

Magda hauled Lia up by the back of her robe. “Failure at conjuring, blind to scrying. Afraid of blood magic.” She spat out her contempt. “What use are you to us?” Throwing Lia to the ground, she brought up her staff and pointed it at Lia’s heart. “Go, Lia No Name, and take with you the only thing you had when you came to us. The coven has no use for your magic, and you will never be a witch. You are henceforth cast out.”

It felt as though ice had claimed Lia’s heart.

“Lizabeth,” Magda called. “Step forward. Look into the pool and foretell your fate.”

Lia stood. She stared at Lizabeth, desperate for something, anything. Surely Lizabeth wouldn’t completely forsake her.

Her friend wouldn’t meet her eyes. Lizabeth knelt beside the pool, and the witches closed around her.

Biting back a sob, Lia turned and ran. Blinded by tears, she headed for the forest, leaving behind the only people she knew in the world. She left the coven with nothing but her name.


BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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