Lover's Roulette (4 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

BOOK: Lover's Roulette
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I smiled at her.

“Get in line,” Sean said in a dark voice.

I folded up the paper and handed it back to Cortland. “Sorry for crinkling it.”

“It’s fine,” he said. He gave me a concerned look. “You okay?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“I’m here if you need to talk.”

“It’s okay. I have Sean.”

He nodded then looked away.

I wanted to fill him in but I knew now wasn’t the best time.

Sean ran his fingers through my hair. “Babe, it’ll be fine. I’ll make sure nothing happens.”

“I know.”

“This is going to be the best day of your life. Nothing will spoil it.”

I nodded.

He still seemed bothered. “Babe, let’s cancel the wedding and
do something small in Seattle. That eliminates the problem altogether.”

I grabbed his hand. “It’s okay, Sean.”

“No. This is your day. What do you want?”

“To marry you.”

He pulled me closer. “Just tell me to cancel it and I will. I’ll take of everything. You won’t have to deal with a single phone call, caterer, florists, nothing. I’ll do it. We can get married in Vegas instead.”

I was moved that Sean was willing to do anything and everything to make me happy. I felt like I was the only thing that mattered. “Let’s stick with the plan. Besides, how trashy would it be if w
e got married in a drunken city?”

“I couldn’t care less if it was trashy. Don’t act like you aren’t,” he teased.

I smiled. “You know me so well.”

“And I know you’re filthy.” He rubbed his nose against mine. “Now tell me what you want to do. As long as you marry me, I don’t care where it’s at, who marries us
, or what you’re wearing. Just say the words, ‘I do’.”

“Let’s get married in Connecticut. Ryan is right. I doubt my mom will notice, and even if she did, I doubt she would fly all the way to your parents just to ruin the day, yell at me, or pick a fight. I was just overreacting.”

“If you’re sure.”


“Let me know if you change your mind. I don’t care if it’s the day before the wedding. I want you to have the day you deserve.”

“It’ll be okay.”

He studied my face for a long time before he finally leaned back in his chair and relaxed. This was Sean’s day too, and I wanted him to have the wedding he wanted. Everything would be fine. My mom was a bitch but she was too lazy to go that far just to sabotage my wedding day, if she ever found out about it at all. There was nothing to worry about. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and forgot about it for the rest of the trip.



When we walked into the hotel room, Sean threw the suitcases on the ground like they were live grenades.

“What’s your problem?” I asked as I sat on the bed.

“We didn’t keep up the tradition.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The plane. You didn’t like let me fuck you.”

“It’s not a tradition, just obscene behavior.”

“Well, I
’m really disappointed now.”

I patted the bed next to me. “I’ll make it up to you

That got his interest. He immediately sat beside me. “Baby, I’m yanking your chain. I know you haven’t been having a good day.”

“Every day with you is a good day.”

He laughed. “Yeah okay.”

“After you pulled your head out of your ass, at least.”

“That sounds better.”

“Come on. We’re meeting everyone downstairs in a little bit. I would like to come before then.”

His eyes widened. “I’m not going to say no to that.”

“It’s part of the deal.”

“I don’t need to be reminded.” He grabbed my face and kissed me, stealing my breath away. Sean was such a good kisser. Somehow I always forgot. When he pressed his lips against me, it always took me by surprise. He always made love to me with his mouth. I’ve kissed guys that had no idea what they were doing, th
eir tongue flying everywhere and saliva just dripping from their mouth. Sean had a classy kiss, if that could be described. He used his tongue but not too often. His lips did most of the work. When he pulled away then rubbed his nose against mine, my heart always fluttered in my chest.

He grabbed my scarf and yanked it off then removed my cardigan, revealing my red bra. His mouth trailed down my neck and to my chest, where he kissed the top of each of my breasts. I knew Sean was obsessed with my tits. They were large in comparison to my small frame. Their size made me look even smaller. By the time I was in high school, I was already a B cup. The guys immediately noticed me. They stared at me the way Sean was staring at me now.

I was anxious to see him naked so I pulled off his shirt, revealing his naked chest. His back muscles rippled as he moved and his stomach was tight and firm. My favorite features were his wide shoulders and prominent chest. When he lay on top of me, fucking me, I felt completely dominated by his large size. I unbuttoned his pants and saw his cock spring out. It was big and long, just like the dildo I used to have.

Sean unbuttoned my jeans then pulled them down, leaving me in
my underwear. His lips moved to my stomach and my belly button before he moved back to my mouth. He grabbed my thong then pulled it off. “How do you want it?”

“It’s your turn to choose,” I whispered, running my hands over his chest.

“As long as I get to fuck you, I don’t care what we do.”

I grabbed his cock and jerked him. “Come on, Sean. How would you like to fuck me?”

My words and hand gestures were getting to him. He started to breath loudly. “I want you on top.”

I knew he would say that. When I leaned over him, my tits were in his face and he lied there while he watched me ride him. He never lasted long when I was in charge.

“But I won’t last long so we’re doing you first.” He pushed me onto the bed then crawled on top of me, separating my legs. Before I speak or even breathe, he was inside me. My thoughts ceased and the carnal side of me came out, scratching my nails into his skin and breathing his name. He pounded into me with even strokes, sending me closer to the brink every single time. He closed his mouth over mine and kissed me, running his hand up my leg then across my stomach. His lips were toxic and made me feel sensations I never knew were possible. The head of his cock continued to slide into me, stretching me because of its massive girth, and his lips made love to mine, making me spiral out of control. The orgasm arrived and made my legs shake.

I gripped him tighter, feeling him reach deep inside me. The burn exploded in flame between my legs, making every thrust that much more enjoyable. I was so wet that I felt him slide in easier as he continued to fuck me. I never felt more aroused with anyone but him. I was like a geyser of water. He pressed his hand over my clitoris and rubbed it in a circular motion, making my orgasm feel that much better and satisfying. It last
ed a few seconds longer, making all the stress I had earlier in the day melt away. He stared at me, watching me come.

I grabbed his face and kissed him, rolling him over at the same time. He was still inside me as I started to ride him, my tits in his face. I grabbed his hands and placed them behind his head, making sure I did all the work. I rose up high so the tip almost came out then slammed back down, taking him in completely. Sean grabbed my left hand and placed it over his heart, his fingers touching my ring.
He stared at me, mouth open as he watched me ride him. His fingers interlaced through mine as he thrust his hips upwards. When he started moaning and grabbed my hip, I knew he was about to explode.

“Come for me,” I whispered.

That sent him over the edge, practically yelling as he came inside me. His hand squeezed mine until he was completely done. He lied back, catching his breath.

I leaned over and kissed him on the head.

Instinctively, he grabbed my tits and kissed the nipple before he closed his eyes.

“Why do you do that?”
I asked.


“You always hold my hand, touching my ring.”

He opened his eyes again. “It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”


“You’re committed to me. The ring symbolizes it. Everyone knows you belong to someone. I get off knowing that someone is me. When I we
ar my ring, you’ll see exactly what I mean.”

“That’s creepy but sweet at the same time.”

He chuckled. “I’m a creepy guy.”

I leaned down and licked his chest, feeling the sweat on my tongue. “I’m not normal either.”

“No, you aren’t,” he said as he closed his eyes. “You’re the biggest whore I’ve ever met.” He yawned. “I’m so glad my future wife is such a slut for me.”

I rolled my eyes but he couldn’t see me. He seemed to think that sex was
the most important thing to me, that if I desired him sexually I wouldn’t run off with someone else. I wasn’t sure why he thought that. I loved him because of so many other reasons. His moves in the bedroom were just a bonus.

When his breathing started to change, I knew he drifted off to sleep. We were meeting downstairs, but I knew Sean was tired. I decided to let him nap while I went down and joined my family. Sean would text me when we woke up.

As soon as we landed, I felt the scorching heat of Nevada. They weren’t kidding about the heat. I pulled on jean shorts and a top with sandals, which I hardly wore in Seattle. I took the elevator downstairs then went into the lobby of the Bellagio hotel. We agreed to meet in the bar so I walked inside. Cortland was sitting at the bench, a beer in front of him.

“I’m glad someone decided to show up,” he said as he pulled out the chair next to him, allowing me to sit down.

“Where’s Monnique?”

He took a drink of his beer. “She was tired from the travel.”

I smiled. “So that means you had sex and now she’s sleepy.”

“You caught me,” he said with a smile. “She always gets tired after sex. I can barely get her up.”

“Well, it’s pretty exerting. You screw like an animal.”

He turned in his chair and looked at me. “I can
’t tell if that’s a compliment.”

“I came back for more, didn’t I?”

“I do have game.”

I crossed my legs as I looked at him. I was glad that our relationship had been saved. We could be completely open with one another, which was appreciated. I told Sean everything since he was my best friend, but I liked talking to Cortland too. He and I had a connection the moment we met. We just got along. Sometimes I wished he was a girl so I could spend even more time with him, but then I realized that would be weird because I did sleep with him a few times. And he was remarkable in bed.

“What can I get you to drink?” he asked.

“Nope. It’s not going to happen.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Did I miss something…?”

“You aren’t
going to pay for my drink. I can get it, Cortland.”

He rolled his eyes. “I hate how all three of you are these crazy feminists. Just let us do something for you once in a while. How can we be dreamy if we aren’t allowed to show any chivalry?”

“Chivalry is good. You three are over the top.”

“You shou
ldn’t be complaining. Most guys out there are just assholes. Maybe you should appreciate us more.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. You’re just a bit strong sometimes.”

“Well, that’s who I am. I’m not going to change for anyone.”

“I’m not either.”

“Then why do you expect me to?”

He had a point. “Tusche.”

“Not let me buy you a fucking drink.”

“We’re going to keep having this same argument forever, aren’t we?”

He looked at me then glanced at the bartender. “The lady will have a cosmo.”

“How did you know that’s what I wanted?”

He shrugged. “I know you. So where’s Sean?”

I felt my cheeks redden. “Asleep.”

He laughed. “I bet he is. You didn’t do it on the plane this time.”

“Oh he wanted to.”

“So, Sean and Monnique are sleeping and Ryan and Janice are…fucking, I’m sure. It looks like it’s just you and me for a while.”

“We don’t need them,” I said as I took the drink from the bartender.

“We haven’t spent much time together.”

I looked away. “I’m sorry about that.”

“Don’t apologize. Sean seems to be okay now.”

“I had to beg him.”

“I think he’s giving his best effort. He doesn’t look like he wants to kill me every second of the day. How did you convince him?”

“I begged and gave him some mind-blowing sex.”

He nodded. “Good tactics.”

“I told him how important you were to me.”

“You’re lucky he loves you so much. I’m not sure what I would do if Ryan said he slept with Monnique.”

“Well, that would just be awkward.”

“But I don’t think I would have been as livid as Sean was.”

“He was more upset that I lied to him, even though he was hurt by you
fucking me. He thinks you took advantage of me.”

“Well, I did.”

“Not really.”

“This sounds like another argument we’re going to have forever.”

“Then just agree with me.”

“You would be a horrible lawyer. Stunts like that wouldn’t hold up in court.”

“That’s what my tits are for.”

“To flash the jury?”

“And the judge.”


“Whatever works.”

“It probably would. You have nice tits.”

“Thanks. Sean is a bit obsessed with them.”

“I don’t blame him. They are definitely something to fantasize about. I like Monnique
’s rack, but her ass is another story.”

“So you aren’t a boob

“With Monnique I’m an ass man—all the way.”

“The nickname makes perfect sense.”

Cortland looked over my shoulder. “
Mike’s here.”

“Where’s everyone else?” he asked as he sat next to me. He looked at the bartender. “Scotch on the rocks.” He turned to me. “Well?”

“Sean is asleep and so is Monnique.”

“It’s like seven.”

I shrugged. “What can I say? I rocked his world.”

Mike smiled then took a drink. “And the other two?”

Cortland pulled out his phone. “I called him a few times but he didn’t answer.”

“So he’s go
ing to fall asleep soon too.” Mike looked up at the television and watched it. There was a college basketball game on.

“I say we get started without them,” Cortland said as he returned the phone to his pocket.

“Now we’re talking,” Mike said. “I say we hit the strip club.”

“And what am I supposed to do?” I asked.

“Learn a few tips for your wedding night.”

“I know how to get my husband in the mood without acting like a stripper.”

“I’m just trying give some friendly advice.”

“Ryan has a stripper pole in his bedroom,” Cortland said.

“What?” I asked, shocked.

Mike nodded. “That guy’s alright!”

“Apparently, Janice knows how to work it,” Cortland added.

“That sounds like something Ryan would do,” I said.

Mike slammed his hand on the table. “Damn, I wish he was single. He seems like a perfect person to pick up chicks with.”

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