Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (29 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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He exhaled a long slow breath, closed his eyes, and placed his head further back against the headrest. “You are such a contradiction of brat, enchantress, and woman. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, but I can’t help worrying even with that fucking son of a bitch behind bars.”

Her heart completely melted with the realization that part of his anger stemmed from seeing the man who attacked her. She leaned forward and placed gentle kisses on his cheeks, his chin, and along the ridge of his jaw.

This time his sigh ended on a groan. “She needs a spanking.”

Matt chuckled. “No, she wants one. Big difference.”

“Is this our first fight?” She continued her tiny, wet kisses and yelped when Stephon pinched her none too gently on the ass.

The driver stopped in front of the printing business. Stephon opened his door and moved out of the car then assisted Jewel. As she straightened, he picked her up over his shoulder. She heard Matt tell the driver they’d call him when they needed a ride back to the hotel. Stephon stopped at the top of the stairs, not winded at all, and waited while Matt took her keys out of his pocket and opened the door. After being closed up for a week, her apartment was musty, but she wasn’t given a chance to think about it.

Stephon lowered her to the floor, reached for the top vee of her dress, and ripped it down the center, separating the zipper’s seam. She tried stopping him, but Matt grabbed her hands and brought them behind her back. “That’s my work uniform you oaf.”

“You’ll never wear one of these hideous dresses after this week, so expect me to destroy one daily.” Stephon pulled her panties from her legs when Matt leaned her back and her feet left the floor.

She was breathing loudly. “You’re bullying me.”

Stephon took hold of her jaw with one hand, intertwining his fingers in her hair at the back of her neck with the other. “Is that what you think this is, love?”

Instant desire flooded her senses. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, and she saw the raw sexual intensity in his eyes. “Fuck me, please.”

“I don’t think so. Matt, use her panties to secure her hands.”

Now her heartbeat accelerated and a surge of moisture flooded her pussy. Stephon never took his gaze from hers. “On your knees.”

Her brain wasn’t functioning properly, and without knowing how it happened, she was looking up with both men crowded over her. Stephon unzipped his pants and his engorged cock sprang free. She ran her tongue over her lips and leaned forward only to have her head pulled back by her hair.

“I’m going to fuck your mouth and you will take it all.”

She almost growled her frustration over not being able to do exactly that because of the grip on her hair. She barely registered that Matt controlled her head, and when Stephon’s cock met her lips, she opened her mouth. He didn’t want soft kisses or her licking tongue; he wanted her complete submission and for her to take what he gave. She tried to relax her throat muscles and take him deep. He didn’t seem to care the two times she gagged, because he didn’t stop. Her air supply was restricted at times, but he knew just when to let up so she could breathe. They dominated her completely, and she relished every thrust of Stephon’s cock and the tight hold Matt had on her hair.

She thrilled at their total dominance, and when Stephon gave a final grunt and spilled into her mouth, she took it all, relishing his taste and total possession.

They didn’t give her a chance to savor the moment. She was up and led to the couch where Stephon held her facing the couch with his hands on her shoulders. She heard Matt rummaging through her bathroom, but had no idea what he was looking for. Finally, she heard Matt come up behind them and the unmistakable sound of a condom wrapper opening. Stephon turned her toward Matt, who picked her up and sat her on the couch with her back against the cushion. Matt was naked, his cock sheathed. He spread her legs, kneeled on the couch between her knees, and moved her bottom up onto his lap. Stephon’s hand came from over the back of the couch and went around her throat making her head tilt back so she looked into his eyes. She heard a strange sound and then felt cold thick gel slide between her ass cheeks.

She knew what Matt planned and unconsciously allowed her muscles to go lax. The head of his cock breached the rosette of her ass, and without giving her time to adjust to the sharp, torturous pain, he continued a slow forward thrust until his balls stopped him from going further.

She breathed harshly, trying not to cry out with Matt’s entry. Stephon’s fingers glided through her hair and he kept the loose pressure on her throat. “Easy, love, don’t tense.”

Matt gave her only seconds to adjust before he tightened his hold on her hips and began driving into her ass. Even with the sudden violation, her pussy throbbed and she managed to tilt slightly so her clit rubbed Matt’s pelvis when he drove fully inside.

A sharp tug on her hair brought her back from the edge of orgasm. “Do not come, love.”

She tried to shake her head in frustration, knowing her body wouldn’t obey, but Stephon held her tight.

Stephon’s sharp words gave her a focal point. “Take what he gives you and fight your body.” He tugged her hair again and she gasped with the pain.

Matt cried out and clenched her hips, causing further pain to take her mind from her pussy’s need. A minute later, Matt disengaged and stood up from the couch. She closed her eyes and Stephon let her sink onto her side, though her arms remained secured behind her back.

A few moments later, Matt ran a warm cloth over her ass and cleaned what she now realized was cheap petroleum jelly he found in her bathroom cabinet. They shuffled her again so she was lying partially on Stephon’s lap with her head on Matt’s.

“Does your ass hurt, love?”

Even through the haze, the question embarrassed her and her answer came out harsher than she meant. “Yes.”

“Not quite enough.”

He turned her so she was ass up on his lap and her head hung over the outer curve of Matt’s leg. The first slap to her rear forced a scream from between her lips. Matt’s hand covered her mouth. “You can take this. If you bite my hand, it means you’re using your safeword.”

Stephon didn’t wait and his hand landed again and then again. Her tears started in earnest and then turned to sobs. She didn’t know how many times he struck her, but she didn’t bite the hand covering her mouth. Her breathing slowed, her mind clouded, and though she tried to focus, it was impossible. She scarcely realized when Stephon stopped and her panties slipped from her wrists. The warmth of two male bodies held her while she cried—her mother’s death, her father’s betrayal, the motorcycle accident that killed her fiancé, the surgeries to fix the shattered bones of her face, the assault, and her absolute feelings of helplessness during all of it rolled through her sluggish thoughts. She clutched Matt and Stephon closer and cried for everything she’d lost.

 Tissues swiped her nose and mouth. Tender arms wrapped her tight. An overwhelming sense of peace flooded throughout her body.


Chapter Thirty-two



He called for a car, and watched her dress and gather a few of her personal items. They spoke little and both men watched her closely.

Matt knew Stephon would never seriously hurt her. He had too much control of his inner demons, and when they got to be too much, he found relief in pain to his own body. Stephon needed to talk with her and place all his cards on the table, but Matt couldn’t make him.

They entered the suite and Stephon changed into workout clothes and left with little more than telling them he’d be a while. Jewel took a shower and Matt could only stand her crying for a few minutes before he joined her.

“Shh.” He pulled her against his chest. “Talk to me.”

Her tears slowed. “I didn’t mean to make him so angry.” Her fingers bit into the skin of his back.

“He’s not angry at you. Only himself.”

“But why?” She still didn’t lift her head.

“He needs to talk to you about that. He would never harm you—redden your ass maybe, suffer through you squirming and sighing with a ball gag, but never go past a certain point. He has demons, hell we both do, but his are more internal. Give him time and I think someday he’ll share them with you.” He pushed her gently away and grabbed the soap, making quick work of washing her body. She stayed quiet and after drying her off, he took her to bed and held her close. She fell asleep within minutes, but Matt waited for Stephon.

More than an hour passed before he heard the front door open. Stephon went into the bathroom and took a quick shower before joining Matt and Jewel on the bed. Even in sleep, Jewel’s body sought Stephon’s out. She turned and snuggled fully into his chest, allowing Matt to spoon her against his body and place his hand on Stephon’s shoulder. The other man’s fingers settled on Matt’s hand and the night drifted away.


They made it through the week and managed to tie up loose ends while Jewel worked at the cafe. George and Starla spoke to a realtor and made the decision to move within a month or two of Jewel’s relocation. The rest of the band headed back to California for some down time with no practice schedules or concerts.

Stephon went out of his way attending to Jewel’s needs, from multiple orgasms each night to shopping and buying her a new wardrobe. He kept his promise and destroyed each work uniform she possessed, but he did it playfully and had her laughing while running from him trying to dodge his determined hands.

Her hips and ass had several bruises from their rough treatment, but when she discovered they turned Stephon on, her bratty behavior temped him to cause further marks.

He purchased her first corset and the last night in Houston they took her to the club and teased her with a flogger and tawes. The Club El Diablo would always be a second home to them, but they had another club they visited in Los Angeles that catered to their lifestyle.

Damian provided his private plane for their trip home and after kisses and hugs goodbye to Starla and George, they managed to get Jewel to their California home. He loved her enormous eyes as they shamelessly showed her around the property and then made slow, sweet love to her in the backyard gazebo.

Within two weeks they settled into a routine of sorts. Jewel cooked occasional dinners, and made several batches of muffins on the weekends because the band seemed to figure out the baking schedule and descended when she gave them an open invite. Jewel attended rehearsals, changed the twice-weekly house cleaning crew to her preferred schedule, and agreed to help Angela with her charity for young mothers. Overall, Jewel made their lives complete in such a short amount of time that it seemed she had been part of their dynamic forever.

Matt watched Stephon closely, seeing his friend fight his inner demons for Jewel’s sake. He knew eventually it wouldn’t work, but Stephon had to figure it out on his own. Jewel had a way of bringing Stephon out of his deep moods and making him laugh.

At the end of the second week they took her to the bank and opened an account in her name.

“This doesn’t feel right,” she whispered in the large banking lobby as they walked to their scheduled appointment with a financial consultant.

“It does to us.” Matt took her hand and kissed her fingers.

“I have everything I need and the two of you spoil me rotten as it is.”

“Take the money, love, or I’ll redden your ass so you don’t sit down for a week.” Stephon’s tone was playful but stern.

“Yes, Sir.”

She squeezed Matt’s hand tightly when she saw the balance on the account book handed to her, but she didn’t protest.

The money was solely in her name and guaranteed that if something happened to the two men she would be cared for. If she left them, the money went with her, and though they didn’t want to think about it, Stephon brought it up more and more.

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