Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (12 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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“You aren’t serious?” She couldn’t keep her temper in check and ground out the words.

He didn’t even look ashamed. “Has the no-talking rule gone into effect yet?” He gave her an innocent little-boy look.

“You are the most infuriating human being I’ve ever met. You don’t even look guilty for getting caught pawing my things.”

“That’s because I don’t feel guilty.”

She rolled her eyes. “If we don’t leave now I’m sure I’ll think of a wonderful reason why I shouldn’t go anywhere with you.” She walked past him and saw her flat black shoes pulled out and waiting on the floor. She very calmly picked them up, placed them back where the shoe thief had taken them from and removed a pair of three-inch heels.

“I don’t think so—your feet will hurt worse.”

She very carefully bent over, picked up the discarded shoes, and threw them at his head with as much force as possible. The look on his face was priceless and satisfying. “You were saying?”

He just shook his head. “There’s a car waiting downstairs.”

That threw her for a loop. “A car?”

“Yes. I called the hotel while you were in the shower and had a car sent over. With those shoes, you’re lucky I did.”

She grabbed her keys from the dresser and a small clutch from the top drawer and then marched to the door. Stephon very calmly opened it for her and then put his hand out for the keys. She shook her head, gave a sigh, and then dropped them in his waiting hand. She would pick her battles.

Stopping at the curve of the rickety stairs, she stared at the waiting car. Looking over her shoulder, she gave a questioning look to Stephon.

“Is there a problem?”

“It’s a Bentley.”

“Hmm, a woman who knows cars. I like that.”

She just shook her head again and went down the stairs. A man in full chauffer regalia opened the back door for her. “Mr. Cross, Miss, good evening.” He tipped his head.

She knew now that she’d really fallen down the rabbit hole. Somehow she didn’t think she would like what she found at the bottom. Looking at Stephon, she caught him admiring her legs, so she pulled the hem of her dress down as far as she could, which made the evil man laugh.

Even with traffic, it took them only minutes to arrive at the El Diablo Hotel. Jewel knew it was one of the most exclusive in downtown Houston. She was glad Stephon told her to change her dress, the ass.

The chauffer opened her door and Matt was waiting. He wore gray slacks and a white buttoned but un-tucked linen shirt. He actually looked respectable.

He kissed her cheek. “Thank you for coming. I thought we could wait in the bar while Stephon changes.”

“You’re staying here at this hotel?”

A very brief smile crossed his face. “Yes.”

She let out the breath she’d been holding. “When Steph goes up to the room, do you think we could ditch him and actually have a nice evening?”

“I heard that. And, no one calls me Steph,” Stephon snapped in irritation.

The nickname had the desired effect and Jewel smiled wickedly.

Matt pulled her close, steered her through the doors, and then in the opposite direction from what Stephon took. He spoke against her ear, “You’re playing with fire.”

“If you don’t kick his ass tonight I just might do it myself. He has roving hands.”

Matt laughed while he led her to a booth in the back of the ritzy bar. He sat next to her, bringing their connected fingers to the top of the table. “Most women don’t mind Stephon’s roving hands.”

“I’m not most women.”

“No, you’re not. I’m really glad you came.”

“Drink, Mr. Mathews?”

Matt took his gaze from hers. “I’ll have sparkling water.” He turned to Jewel. “Order whatever you like.”

“I think I need something stronger to get me through this evening.”

Matt shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever you’d like.”

“I’ll have a Long Island Iced Tea.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The waiter walked away.

“He knows your name,” she accused.

The slight grin that made him even more kissable curved his lips. “Yes, he does.”


“We’re staying at the hotel and we’ve been here a few times before.”

“Here? At this hotel?”


“That’s all? Just a ‘yes’?”


“Just so you know… I plan on drinking way too much this evening. I’ll probably embarrass you. I don’t care if I embarrass Stephon, so I guess you can say I’m his date if you want.”

His grin turned into a full smile. “I’ve been kicked out of much nicer places than this.”

“I’m sure you have, but I haven’t. I think I’ll make it a goal this evening.”

His sexy laugh preceded his words, “I’ll take you home and pour you into bed, have no fear.”

Their drinks arrived and Matt ordered her another before the waiter left.

“What did I miss?” Stephon slithered into the other side of their booth.

Her jaw dropped and Matt’s fingers tapped her chin. “Close your mouth, Jewel.”

“It’s okay, Jewels, I have that effect on women. Matt here is the beast to my beauty.”

Jewel took a calming sip of her drink and then looked back at the god sitting across from them. He was sexy before, but now, cleaned up wearing a shirt and tie, he was breathless. “You know, pretty boy… punching you in the face will be so much more satisfying now.”

Stephon looked at Matt, but Matt cut him off, “Don’t say it.”

The other drink was set down on the table. “What may I get you, Mr. Cross?”

“I’ll take a girly drink like my friend Matt. They’re holding a table for us at La Roca Ardiente,
so if you don’t mind, have my drink delivered there.”

Stephon stood and waited for Matt to assist Jewel from the booth.


Chapter Thirteen



He placed his hand on the small of Jewel’s back and with gentle, guiding movements led her past several restaurants in the hotel. Fortunately, La Roca Ardiente didn’t require a tie or dinner jacket, because, unlike Stephon, Matt hated wearing either.

Feeling the tension in Jewel’s body, he knew things were only going to get worse. He thought about ordering her another drink, but decided to wait and see if she’d stick around long enough to finish the second one.

She was the first woman who just might run the opposite way when she discovered who they were. Their sexual preference was bound to take her over the edge if she found out tonight, and he hoped Stephon would understand and not fuck up again.

The maître d’ also knew their names, and seated them at a table in the far corner away from prying eyes and ears.

Jewel finished off her first drink and looked between the two men, giving them a look of mild irritation. “Would you mind telling me a little more about the job the two of you do?”

“Why don’t you drink some more first?” Matt could tell by the tight set of her lips that his words pissed her off even more.

A low rumble came from other diners and Matt knew who had entered the room without needing to turn around.

Jewel only spoke the obvious. “Oh my, God. Krispin Righteous just entered with his new wife.”

To Matt’s annoyance, Stephon just had to say something. “It’s actually the only wife he’s ever had.” He then stood and kissed Angela on the cheek when they approached. “Hi, love. You ready to dump this boy toy and run away?”

Angela’s laugh was sweet and gentle. “I don’t think I could handle the double trouble duo, but it seems you found someone who can.” Angela waited for introductions.

Matt gently pulled Jewel up beside him then placed a hand on her back to make sure she didn’t fall over.

Krispin moved in and put his hand out first. “Hi. I’m Krispin and this is my wife, Angela.” His killer smile only accentuated his too perfect face.

“Um, hi,” Jewel said and shook his hand.

Matt felt Jewel’s body tremble, and he wanted to kick Krispin for flustering her even more than the evening was bound to.

Angela moved forward and gave Jewel a soft smile. “Nice to meet you.”

“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you both.” At least Jewel appeared to be getting her legs back beneath her.

“Is this a private party or do you mind if we join you?” Krispin wasn’t really asking them, and nodded to a waiter who hastily pulled two chairs over and began setting up more place settings.

Daggers shot from Matt’s eyes and he saw Krispin’s twinkle with devilment, enjoying causing trouble. Matt wanted to groan.

“If you don’t mind, I need to have a word with Jewel. Please order whatever the special is and we’ll be back in a moment.” He didn’t wait for a reply before leading her from the restaurant. He walked to an alcove about twenty-five feet from the double doors leading into the lobby and was thankful the small space was empty. He didn’t say a word, just backed her up and ground his mouth onto hers, using his tongue, trying to forestall the explosion he knew was just under the surface.

She didn’t have much room, but still managed to connect the tip of her shoe with his shin.

He pulled back instantly. “Ow.”

Ice-blue eyes met his. “Who the hell are you?”

“A guitar player.”

Matt could see the gears in her head tumble. “Oh God, you’re part of Blood Rights, aren’t you?” Disbelief showed on her face.


“When did you plan on telling me?”


“You don’t think you could have told me last night before you fucked me?” Jewel’s voice was rising.

He wasn’t sure quite what to do, so he leaned in, hoping his lips would quiet her.

“If you kiss me, I will bite your tongue off and spit it out. Answer my question.”

He ran his hand through his hair. “I’m selfish. I wanted you. I wanted someone who didn’t give a shit who I was. I won’t regret last night and I hope there are more nights that are even better.”

She slowly exhaled and tears gathered in her eyes. “You could have anyone you wanted.”

Her face crumpled and she tried lifting her hands up, but he stopped her. “Look at me.” Her gaze met his. “Breathe.”

She did and a few moments later grinned with embarrassment. “I’m sorry.”

He lightened the mood. “For going all google-eyed over Krispin Righteous? I’m used to it, but he wouldn’t look quite so sexy if I knocked out a few teeth.”

Her grin turned into a full out smile and she leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. “I was not google-eyed.”

Pulling her close, he took her lips in a deep kiss. Finally lifting his head, he gave her a crooked smile. “Definitely googled, but we can go up to my room and you can make it up to me.”

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