Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (15 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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Matt turned his back and lifted his hand to snap the towel again. Stephon turned, trying to ignore the sounds of her rustling with the cloth as she put his t-shirt on.

“Okay, you can both turn around.” The towel was now turbaned over her head, pulling on her scalp and accenting the darkening bruise running from the lower side of her swollen cheek up to her eye.

Stephon couldn’t help himself, and walked over and ran his finger lightly over the puffy flesh.

“It’s the pretty side.” The corner of her lips curved slightly and it looked like she would cry again.

“Hmm.” His finger traveled to her scar and lightly traced the ridge. “I’m not sure about that.”

Her eyes looked around him to Matt, but he was walking from the room to get the front door to the suite. A panicked look crossed her face as she looked at his retreating back.

Stephon knew they needed to tell her, but she’d faced so much already and he figured they had all day. He handed her the towel with ice. “Keep this on your face.” He gave her a stern look. “Stay put and we’ll bring food into you.”

“I’m not a baby.”

“Today you are.” He gave her his biggest badass Dom look, though she didn’t know that’s what it was. As she put the towel to her face, he walked from the room.


Chapter Sixteen



She wanted to die of mortification. God. Stephon was sexy as hell, but Matt was her guy. And, she wanted Matt for her guy. She did. These feelings of sexual attraction to Stephon were because of the attack and Stephon being there and saving her. She knew it and also knew she had to get her head on straight.

Her mind flashed to the shower, and though she didn’t see Stephon’s body, she felt him against her back. The hardening of his cock made her catch her breath. When he started washing her, his hands ran between her body and Matt’s, and she felt Matt’s cock stiffen against her belly. Even after all she had suffered that morning, it was undeniably the sexiest thing she’d ever experienced.

She removed the towel from her hair and ran her fingers through the wet strands, knowing she looked a mess. At least she was clean. The thought brought a blush to her cheeks again and she lifted her fingers, only to stop when she touched the swelling on her face. She quickly moved the ice back up and used her other hand to pull the t-shirt down to be sure she was covered.

Both men walked back into the room, shirtless, carrying trays, and sexy as hell. Where Matt’s muscle was bulkier, Stephon was maybe an inch taller, lean, and hard. Stephon’s ink ran more to tribal branding, while Matt’s was a mish-mash of incredible artwork.

They propped pillows behind her back and then put the trays on either side of her. Then to her consternation, they stood looking on.

“Please tell me this isn’t all for me?” They were making her feel uncomfortable because they just watched. “Join me.”

They managed to sit on the large bed, keep the covered dishes from falling off, and help her uncover an array of fruit, eggs, toast, bacon, and ham. It was enough to feed ten people, and their thoughtfulness made her smile, though only internally since her face ached. Their care made her feel special, but most of all protected.

They began eating, but watched her so closely she finally used her fork to gently stab Matt’s hand when he grabbed a grape. “I’m not going to break. I’m really fine now if you don’t count my scrapes and bruises.” She looked at Stephon. “You guys need to stop treating me like I’m made of glass.”

Matt’s hand went to her thigh and she gulped at the warmth of his touch, watching as his fingers glided over her skin. “We’re not sure what to do with you,” came his husky reply.

“What do you mean?” Her voice caught when his fingers moved just under the too short t-shirt.

Stephon spoke, “We leave tomorrow morning and have four concerts in three days.”

She looked at him and watched his eyes follow Matt’s hand. It was hard not to cross her legs to relieve the ache between her thighs. “Um, I’ll go back to my apartment.”

“No,” both men said at the same time.

She looked between them and, even though it hurt to smile, she grinned softly. “Yes.”

“You’re going with us,” Matt insisted.

She didn’t need time to think about this one. “No. And seriously you can’t make me. I refuse to be out in public with my face this way, and the last thing I want to do is be a burden.” It was hard, but she made sure her voice held no room for argument.

Stephon took her hand. “How the hell do you possibly think we could leave you?”

“You have responsibilities and I’ll be fine. I promise.”

“I have an idea,” Matt said as he got off the bed and walked into the other room.

He spoke on the phone, but Jewel couldn’t make out what he said. She looked down at Stephon’s hand where it encircled hers, causing her heart to flutter. Lifting her gaze, she saw his mouth curve, and for just a moment she craved his lips on hers. His lips parted slightly and he leaned in, but then Matt came back into the room and shame washed over her. She had to get away from Stephon. She couldn’t be alone with him again.

“Angela is coming over and she’ll be staying here in the suite with you while we’re gone.”

“You didn’t.” Her guilt made her eyes flash with more anger than she actually felt.

“Jewel,” Matt said, “you are not going back to your apartment, and you’re right—the concerts will be hectic and make it impossible for us to keep a close eye on you. Even Angela agreed. She has no problem staying here, and the two of you will get to know each other better. Being part of our family means we all take care of you.”

“I can take care of myself.” Her voice cracked because she remembered the heart-stopping fear when she was attacked and never wanted to be that helpless again.

Stephon gently smoothed a tear from the scarred side of her face. “You’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met, but we need to know you’re safe this weekend so we can do our job. Please do this for us.”

Matt knelt on the bed and took her other hand. “We need to know you’re cared for. If no other arrangements were possible, we would cancel our engagements and just stay with you.”

“How can you say that?” Her heart accelerated because more than anything she didn’t want either man to leave.

They all heard a knock on the door and Stephon got up and went to answer while Matt cleared the food off the bed.

“I need clothes.” She looked down at her bare legs.

“Pity, but I guess you’re right. We’ll discuss it with Angela.” He reached out and ran his hand down her thigh, stopping at the scrape on her knee.

Angela entered the room carrying two large shopping bags. “Don’t let these two Neanderthals boss you around. I’ve got salve for your wounds and panties for your modesty. After you’re bandaged up, you’ll feel much better.”

Matt removed his hand and sighed. “I remember when you were a Dom’s submissive dream.”

“I remember when you were a gentleman. Now move out of my way and close the door behind you.”

Both men grumbled, but did as they were told. Angela gave her a huge smile when the door shut, causing Jewel to break into tears. Delicate but strong arms wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her in close. Soothing circles smoothed over her back and her tears turned to sobs. “I’m sorry, really,” she said between choked breaths.

“Don’t be. I’ve been pacing my room waiting for a decent amount of time to pass before I came over here. I had no intention of leaving you alone this weekend. You’re stuck with me.”

“You don’t even know me.” Her tears were finally drying.

“I plan on changing that. Those two men out there mean the world to me. They are my husband’s best friends. You mean a lot to them and that makes you part of us.”

“Thank you. I really don’t want to be alone.”

“Good. That makes it easier on me. I have no problem bringing in the big guns and sitting on you if we need to.”

Jewel laughed. “The last thing I want is those two sitting on me.”

Angela leaned away. “I didn’t mean them. You haven’t met Lydia. Her husband owns the hotel and she causes fear in the hearts of even the two lummoxes in the other room.”

“Her I need to meet.”

“Good, because you will, but we’ll let you rest and be pampered today. I brought an assortment of clothes from one of the shops downstairs. We can order anything else you need.”

“I’ll repay you. I promise.”

“I don’t think so and no argument. I’m rich and so are Matt and Stephon. While you’re here, you’re under our care. Please don’t make me call Lydia this soon.”

“I’m back in the rabbit hole.”

“Yes, you are, and enjoying the craziness is half the fun. Now let’s get your injuries taken care of.”

Angela had ointment and bandages in the bags. She pulled out a beautiful silk pajama set when she finished nursing the wounds.

“It’s beautiful, but I need my bra.”

“Give me the size and I’ll have several sent up. You aren’t leaving the room today so no need to worry about it. These are so you can lounge comfortably. I know those two would keep you naked if they could, but I’m thinking it’s not such a good idea right now.”

“No, it’s not, but without a bra I’ll feel naked.”

“Come on, let’s get you dressed. You can add the bra later if you continue to feel uncomfortable.”

Angela took hold of the hem of her t-shirt and began raising it above her head. Her no-nonsense approach made it impossible for Jewel to object. After both men had seen her naked today, one woman made little difference. Angela helped her stand beside the bed after the silk top came down over her head. The pants had an elastic waist and both top and bottom felt incredibly comfortable. Angela even had aspirin in one of the bags and made her take two.

“If you need something stronger, we can have a doctor come here and prescribe medication.”

“I don’t need anything stronger, but thank you. I feel so much better just being clean and dressed. Do you mind if we go into the other room?”


Chapter Seventeen



“I don’t want to leave her.” Matt paced the floor.

“I know, but Angela will take care of her. I’m more concerned with next week if she insists on going back to work.”

“She’ll insist.”

“We can’t even spank her right now.”

Matt laughed for the first time since Stephon’s call telling him what happened. “Angela would pound us into the ground.”

Matt walked to the door at the sound of another knock. It was Krispin.

“You guys made the news.”

The men discussed what happened.

“I should have killed the guy.” Stephon’s tone raised a notch.

“Yes, but she’d have seen it. Letting him go was the best thing.”

“You know what you would have done.” Stephon looked at Matt.

“I hope it would be the same as you. I’m more surprised you were able to control yourself.” Matt started pacing again.

“Are you guys really willing to leave her?”

Stephon answered, “Hell no, but taking her with us would be worse, especially if there’s media coverage.”

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