Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (13 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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She blushed and then peered over his shoulder at the doors leading to the restaurant. “They think I’m a fool.”

“They think you’re lovely.” He pushed a piece of hair from her cheek and put it behind her ear.

She took a slow, steady breath. “Can we go back in?”

“Of course, but we can leave whenever you want.” He wrapped his arm around her waist to lead her back inside.

“And miss having dinner with Krispin Righteous?”

He gently pinched her hip. “You’re just like all the other women.”

“Does that mean I’m a groupie?”

“God, no, it means you’re one of the band.”

Krispin, Stephon, and Angela were having a lively conversation and the men stood when she approached.

Angela looked at her with a smile and a touch of sympathy. “Stephon told us we ruined their surprise.”

Jewel blushed and everyone laughed.

Ten minutes later, Jewel seemed to unwind, relax, and enjoy herself. Matt knew most women had trouble resisting Krispin when he laid on the charm, but it made Matt feel good that she glanced away from the sex god from time to time and gave him a carnal smile. Unfortunately, she never gave Stephon more than a tight grin even when he behaved himself.

 Before dessert arrived, Angela stood and asked Jewel if she would accompany her to the ladies room. The men all knew it was the secret sisterhood code for ‘let’s talk alone,’ but there was nothing any of them could do. Their eyes, along with those of every other man sitting in the restaurant, followed the stunning women out of the room.


Chapter Fourteen



She followed Angela with feelings of trepidation. Jewel was in way over her head when it came to celebrities, and then added to that, Angela was one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen.

Jewel lagged slightly and Angela grasped her hand, pulling her along without a care in the world. The bathroom was as luxurious as the hotel, and Angela led her to a couch in the waiting area exclusively for the ladies.

She watched Jewel closely. “Sorry, I had to get you alone. I’ve never seen Matt or Stephon have more than a one-night stand. From what I’ve heard, neither of them kept their head in the game during rehearsal. Krispin says their minds are only half on their performances this weekend. Everyone’s been dying to meet you.”

Jewel didn’t think she was hearing Angela right. “Well, ah…what?”

Angela’s full laugh echoed off the walls and she took Jewel’s hand back in hers. “You’re priceless, dear. Don’t let those boys bulldoze you.”


Angela got a funny look on her face. “You’ve only met three of the band. They tend to roll over you if you don’t stand up for yourself. It’s taken me months to assert myself, but now that I do, I thought I’d give you a few pointers.”

Jewel couldn’t help softening her heart to the gorgeous woman even if she had trouble believing every man on earth couldn’t resist dropping at her feet. “I’ll take any advice you can give me.”

“It’s quite easy dear—when they say ‘jump’ don’t ask how high, just tell them your panties are wet and you’d rather them stay that way.”

Jewel sucked in a breath and started coughing, but ended up laughing so hard she was worried she would wet the panties in question.

“I promise it will shut them up and you’ll always get the last word.” Angela’s eyes sparkled.

Between laughter and trying to get enough air, Jewel managed to speak, “Thank you. That will help me get through the rest of dinner. I know he’s your husband, but Krispin takes my breath away just knowing he’s in the room. God, I can’t believe I told you that.”

“Well try not to let him know it—the man’s head is big enough as it is. Your guys aren’t too shabby.”

“Thank you, but my guy is Matt. Even if I met Stephon first I think his intensity would have thrown me into Matt’s arms.”

Again, a strange look crossed Angela’s face, but she gave a long blink and then said she needed to use the restroom. Jewel quickly made use of another stall and, after touching up their lipstick, they returned to the table.

Matt ordered a chocolate confection that she ended up sharing with both him and Stephon. It was delicious, but added to the large dinner, she had eaten too much. Feeling sleepy, she sat back and listened to them talk about their upcoming concerts. They lived in a different world.

Warm fingers settled on the back of her neck and began to massage her tired shoulders. “You need sleep,” Matt’s voice broke into her drowsiness.

 All talking stopped and she felt pink creep into her cheeks. “I’m sorry.” She yawned and finished speaking with a slight laugh, “I need to be at work early tomorrow.”

They all stood.

“I’ll call for a car.” Stephon looked down at her feet in disapproval. “She insisted on wearing heels,” he said while taking his phone from his jacket pocket.

Her body stiffened, but she knew it would kill her feet to walk back to her apartment, so she decided to keep her feelings about his superiority complex to herself.

They all walked out front and waited for the car as Stephon, Matt, and Krispin continued talking about the coming weekend. Matt kept his arm around her waist. She felt Stephon’s intense gaze and turned in his direction. The look on his face stunned her—pure concentrated need. He didn’t look away. Her panties grew wet and guilt washed over her. Taking a deep breath, she looked down, but not before she noticed his grin broaden knowingly.

The car pulled up and she went to shake Angela’s hand, but was pulled into a gentle hug and then passed to Krispin for a harder one. She couldn’t believe the evening she’d had, but wanted nothing more than to be alone with Matt.

  Matt waved away the chauffer and helped her into the backseat. To her vexation, Stephon got in the other side and scooted in close.
This was taking friendship too far

Stephon turned toward her as Matt drew her back against his body. Stephon leaned closer, but then stopped and settled himself into the seat. Matt’s fingers danced across her thigh, bared by the slit of her dress. She couldn’t see Stephon’s eyes, but she knew he could see what Matt was doing because of the small amount of light falling across her lap. Just the thought of Stephon watching sent warmth to her pussy, and because she was pressed so tightly to Matt, she tried to keep her heartbeat under control.

Minutes later, they arrived at her apartment. Matt helped her out, but Stephon, thank God, remained in the car. Matt walked her up the steps and then took her key. Once the door was open, his lips met hers in a brutal kiss. His hands went to her ass and lifted her against his hard cock.

“I want to fuck you all night,” he said with a groan.

“That’s what I want too. Send the car away.”

His hand smoothed down the side of her face and then not so gently twined in her hair. “Don’t tempt me.” He took her lips again. When he lifted his head, he nudged her back and into her apartment, but didn’t follow.

“Lock up.”

“Yes, sir.”

“God, I want to hear you say that when I ask if you want me to fuck you.” His wicked smile sizzled through her body.

She had to laugh. “You are so kinky, but I love it.”

“Good, because I’m planning to spank you next time.”

Laughing, she closed the door in his face.


Chapter Fifteen



“Can I smell your hands to see if you finger fucked her?” Stephon said as soon as the car door closed and Matt settled inside.

“You’re a sick bastard.”

“Probably, but it’s quite frustrating to be on this end.”

A long breath left Matt’s lungs. “Yeah, it must be. I’m getting the feeling you might not care for her.” Matt hated to put his thoughts into words, but he was becoming too involved with Jewel and was worried if he didn’t act quickly, he wouldn’t be able to back out.

“Come here.” Stephon pulled Matt up against his body and paused for a moment before speaking. “I see why you like her and it’s driving me crazy not to get the same response as you.”

Matt knew Stephon couldn’t see his smile and knew he had to tell his friend the truth. “You don’t see the looks she gives you when you’re not aware. Her eyes burn, but she doesn’t understand we’re both available. She’s trying so hard to be loyal.”

Stephon sighed. “I’m not too sure about that.” He tightened his arms, knowing Matt could take his muscled embrace. “Do you ever think it would have been easier if the two of us just wanted to fuck each other?”

“God, and miss all that pussy? I don’t think so.”

“You’re right. It’s always been about the pussy, but I swear it would be better if my large dick did it for you.”

“Better for you, maybe, but the thought of your large cock going up my delicate ass will give me nightmares tonight.” Matt gave an exaggerated shiver.


“You wish.”

“I can’t stop thinking about her pussy,” Stephon’s words made Matt think.

“Why don’t you go to the diner early tomorrow morning without me?”

“And what will that do?” Stephon’s arms tightened just a little more.

“You need time alone with her. When I’m around you’re not acting like your normal dominating self. You are never an asshole when you’re in Dom mode, but for some reason you can’t resist being a dick when Jewel’s around.”

“I see you licking my balls tonight.”

“Fat chance, unless they have Jewel juice running over them.”

Stephon groaned loudly as they pulled up to the hotel. “I’ll make her fall in love with me and then where will you be?”

“In heaven, right beside you, brother.”

Once they entered the suite, Matt walked toward his room, but then turned and stopped Stephon from entering the other bedroom. “We leave Thursday, so tomorrow is the last chance to see Jewel before we go.”

“Then come with me or go alone.” Stephon’s tone showed his willingness to let Matt see her again without him.

“I want you to tell her.”

“About us?”

Matt ran his fingers through his hair. “I really like her, but if this isn’t going to work, we need to know quickly. Let her think about it while we’re gone.”

“You trust me not to blow this?” Stephon cocked his eyebrows.

“Hell no, but I trust myself even less.”

Stephon flashed lust-filled eyes in Matt’s direction. “Do you have any idea how fucking horny I am?”

“I’m locking my door.”

“Do that.” Stephon’s laughter muffled when Matt closed his door behind him.



Waking up early was easier than Stephon thought. He was actually excited about meeting up with Jewel. He needed a chance to set things right.

Matt slept, or at least stayed in his room, and didn’t come out. With more than an hour before the diner opened, Stephon decided to walk.

He knew what attracted Jewel to Matt. She was a fighter, but at the same time submissive. She brought out the dominance in them both. Stephon was determined to give her a chance to accept them and their special bond. Matt hadn’t been himself lately and Stephon worried about his friend. Stephon needed punishment to waylay his guilt and anger. Matt kept his more internalized and became sullen and silent. Ten years should have given them some kind of peace, but Stephon knew he would never forget the body of the small baby held in her mother’s arms.   

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