Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (16 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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“I’ve already seen most of what they have. We might as well check out the latest story.” Krispin watched Matt walk back and forth.

Stephon picked up the remote and a television rose up from a recessed wall. He flipped the switch and then scrolled through channels until he found what he wanted.

The picture showed the front of Starla’s Café and then Stephon followed by Matt, holding Jewel in his arms, walking out to the car.

A female commentator told the story, “Matt Mathews and Stephon Cross of Blood Rights, the hard rock band, were spotted in downtown Houston this morning after stopping an attack against a waitress at this small café. Makes you wonder what these two bad boys have going with the lucky woman. For years, rumors of them as a couple and their tag team sexual preferences have surrounded the lead guitarist and keyboard player.”

The woman continued, but a small gasp from behind the men had all three of them looking toward the bedroom door.

“Shit.” Matt stopped pacing.

Confusion showed clearly on Jewel’s face. She looked between the two men. “You’re a couple?”

Irritation was apparent in Angela’s voice, “You haven’t told her about the two of you?”

Krispin quickly walked to his wife. “We’re leaving, Angela. You can come back later.”

Angela momentarily ignored her husband, and put her arms around Jewel and squeezed. “Call me if you need to stay with us tonight. These idiots owe you an explanation, and if it’s not good enough we’re taking you in.” She cast Stephon and Matt an evil glare as Krispin guided her out.

Stephon walked over to Jewel and tried to take her arm to lead her to the couch. She jerked away.

“You’re with each other and you didn’t tell me?” Her eyes found Matt’s. “Is this a game for you?”

Matt stood staring, unable to say anything. Stephon spoke up, “You don’t understand. We’re not a couple—at least not how she means it.”

“What other way is there to… mean it?”

Her bruised face only made Matt’s heart break further, and he quickly moved to her side. “This is my fault.”

Tears began rolling down her cheeks and he picked her up even when she tried to wiggle away. Crossing to the couch, he sat down with her in his lap. Stephon came over and sat beside them, but didn’t touch her.

“You need to listen to what we have to say before you judge.” Matt spoke sternly, though his arms loosened from her stiff body. She tried to move off his lap, but his hands tightened again. “You’ll stay here until we’re finished talking.”

“You bastard. I asked you. I gave you every chance.” The hurt in her voice was slowly turning to anger.

Matt tipped her face up so she had to look at him. “We are not a couple in the way you mean, but we do have sex together if there’s a woman in bed with us.”

The shock was back on her face. She looked from Matt to Stephon and shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

Stephon answered, “It’s our biggest kink. We like to share one woman.”

“But…” She looked back to Matt. “You planned to share me?”

Matt took a deep breath. “Only if you agreed.”

“And what if I didn’t agree?” The words were shaky.

He moved back against the cushions, but didn’t take his eyes from hers. “Then it wouldn’t have worked for us.” He tried to apologize with his eyes, but it didn’t seem to work.

“When did you plan on asking me?”

“That’s why I went to the diner this morning.” Stephon’s voice made her turn his way. “I wanted to give you a chance to get to know me better and then before I left, I was going to tell you. We figured we would give you the weekend while we were out of town to think about it.”

“Is this what you always do?” Her accusing eyes matched the hurt in her voice.

“No,” Matt said.

She snapped her attention to him. “Then how do you usually do it?”

“The women we’re with know ahead of time. I didn’t plan to meet you that first morning. Hell, I didn’t plan to go back after I did. It’s not something we hide. The world may not be quite ready for our kind of kink, but money buys tolerance. Frankly, we don’t give a shit and there have been rumors about us being gay for years. To some people it might seem like we are, but we only have sex when a female’s involved.” He shook his head. “Let me clarify that so you understand we’re being honest with you.” He took another breath. “We have a few hang-ups. Sometimes we sleep together in the same bed. We could give a shit about the other’s nudity and nothing turns us on more than watching each other get our rocks off with a woman. The thought of his junk touching my junk with a woman between us excites both of us. We have no inhibitions when it comes to each other. We love each other and… we care deeply for you. When we share it’s all or nothing.”

Her hands came up to her face and she winced when she touched her cheek. “I can’t believe this.”

Stephon reached over and removed the hand from her injury. “This isn’t something you need to make a decision on immediately. We care about you. We both want you.” A slow smile tilted his lips. “Meeting someone like you isn’t our normal gig. Stay with us tonight.” He looked at Matt and then continued. “No sex. Just us being with you and making sure you’re okay. We leave early tomorrow and it gives you three days to think about the three of us.”

“I’m so embarrassed.”

Matt took her other hand. “Why?”

Her large blue eyes looked at him. “Because Stephon kept touching me and I felt like it betrayed you.”

Both men laughed, but Matt answered, “We aren’t jealous of each other. I like seeing him touch you.” He managed to stop his groan because even thinking about Stephon’s hands on her made his cock hard. He shifted her slightly in his lap and she looked down.

Her face became a darker shade of red. “I can’t believe this.”

“Control yourself, partner. No sex, remember?” Stephon tilted her chin toward him again. “Just tonight and then three days to think about it.”

“I’m not getting naked with you tonight.”

Both men laughed with relief. “It’ll be easier to keep our hands off you that way,” Matt spoke up, still trying to get his dick under control. He felt a deep sense of liberation now that Jewel knew their secret. She didn’t run away screaming and they had a night to convince her to give them a chance.

His thoughts were interrupted by the hotel phone. Stephon answered.

“Hello?” He listened for a moment. “No problem, she’s right here. Yes, she’s doing better.”

“It’s Starla. She wants to speak with you.” He walked over and handed the phone to Jewel.

She put it to her ear. “Hi, Starla.” Then she listened for a moment. “No, I’m fine.” She listened again. “Don’t worry, I saw the news. I’m aware of the rumors, but they don’t quite have it right. I’m staying here for the weekend while they’re out of town.” Matt and Stephon could both hear Starla’s words when her voice rose. Jewel broke in, “I found out who they were last night and was going to tell you today, and yes it was evil of them to keep it from me. I assure you George can kick their asses next time he sees them. I won’t stop him.”

After another short exchange, she disconnected.

Both men breathed a sigh of relief. If she wanted to leave, there was nothing they could do if George and Starla arrived to get her. Against all odds, she was staying tonight.


Chapter Eighteen



Matt called Krispin and invited him and Angela to dinner. Jewel was slightly embarrassed about seeing the couple, but part of her was too overwhelmed to process everything. The thought of having sex with both men scared her shitless, but at the same time, made her panties wet and caused a deep throbbing ache in her pussy.

Theirs was such a different lifestyle, but she tried not to judge others. The only opinions she gave a fig about were George’s and Starla’s. Jewel’s father left her and her mother when she was twelve. He disappeared for years and when he finally got in touch with her she just didn’t care. At that time, her life revolved around marrying Daniel. Her mother had just died after a long battle with breast cancer and her fiancé was her world. Then, Daniel died several months before their wedding. She kept in touch with his parents for a while, but even that relationship slowly dissolved over time. Jewel knew they cared about her and she also knew they wished her happiness. George and Starla wanted her happy too. For homegrown Texans, they were quite liberal, and their own past was filled with wild stories about their rebellious hippy, pot-smoking days. They never officially married, but lived with each other and ran the café together. If Jewel accepted Matt and Stephon, so would they.

But, could she accept them? Tingles ran up her legs and settled in her groin, letting her know her body had no problem with the idea. Just thinking about the one night with Matt had her libido working overtime. Shaking her head, she tried to get the tantalizing picture of both men fucking her at the same time out of her mind.

Staring in the bathroom mirror, she cringed. Her poor face was a mess, but there was nothing she could do about it. She heard the sounds of a guitar coming from the other room and like a zombie to live flesh, it drew her.

Matt sat on the couch with his eyes closed, playing a soft melody. For a hard rock guitarist, Matt surprised her with the ease in which he played the classics. She jumped when warm hands settled on her arms from behind.

Stephon’s voice whispered in her ear, “He can rock the walls down, but also seduce a bird out of its feathers when he plays a ballad.”

God, she was the bird.
She had never seen Matt look sexier and, dammit, he would be playing for thousands of women this weekend without her there.

“You can change your mind and go with us.” Stephon’s breath on her face caused more shivers and made him laugh softly.

“Stop doing that,” she whispered back.

He kissed her neck and then slid one hand down and grasped hers. He moved from around her and pulled her gently to his friend.

Matt’s eyes opened with the last chord and he looked at the two of them. “I’ll keep playing if you sit in his lap. If not, you can get comfortable in mine.”

Stephon sat down at the corner of the couch and pulled her close. “Not happening, bud. She’s always in your lap. Keep playing your lullabies so we can take a nap.”

Matt sat the guitar to the side and got up, moving to the side counter and grabbing another towel for ice. He handed it to her and kissed her fingers before releasing his hold. “Keep the ice on it so the swelling goes down and I’ll play for you while you rest. Stephon has poor taste in music and if the walls aren’t shaking he’s bored. It will do him good to hear a little culture.”

“Just play,” came Stephon’s laughing reply.

Matt sat down and began seducing her all over again. She wasn’t tired in the least. More than anything, she was horny. The bastard. He knew exactly what he was doing. Just the thought of no sex tonight would kill her. It was a great idea in theory, but the sexual frustration of actually keeping her hands off both men was crushing. She couldn’t help squirming slightly and smiled slowly when she felt Stephon’s cock harden beneath her bottom.

Guiltily she looked at Matt, but he only smiled his slow leisurely grin, knowing exactly what happened. He continued to play one song after another for the next hour, and without realizing it, she fell asleep.

A hot searing kiss caused her sleepy eyes to flutter open, but then they closed. “Emm.” The lips pulled away. “Don’t stop,” she said in a drowsy voice.

Fingers turned her head and the lips were back, but different—the shape, the feel, even their temperature were not quite the same. It was Stephon. She’d never kissed him before. She managed to open her eyes wider and saw Matt resting on his knees beside the couch, watching her kiss his friend.

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