Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (18 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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Her hands came up in front of her, palms out. “Stop. I’ll be good. Come back in here and talk to me please. I won’t mention blow jobs or sex, I promise.” Her grin was evil.

“You said that on purpose,” he grumbled, but pulled his shirt back on; the thin material would do nothing if she got close. He needed steel armor around her.

She sat on the couch and patted the space beside her.

“I don’t think so. I’ll sit on this end.” There were two large plush chairs facing the couch, but he didn’t want to be that far away.

“Tell me about your concerts this weekend. I really don’t know anything about the band other than liking a few of your songs.”

He had to laugh; maybe this conversation would take his mind off his dick. Most women talked about loving every one of their songs and here she was… “liking” only a few. “We’re playing Philly, Boston, and Holmdel, New Jersey. Then we have a benefit concert on Monday afternoon. We’ll be in and out of each city pretty quickly. After this short tour, we plan to take a break, and then head back to California to start work on a new album. We just finished an overseas tour, but somehow got roped into these four concerts. We need some downtime, and writing music then cutting an album will give us some. Things get a little hectic when we head back into the studio to lay track, but it’s nothing like being on the road.”

“Are any of the other band members here?”

She looked almost sheepish when asking, but he knew being forced into the world of hard rock celebrities was a big adjustment for her. “They’re all staying in the hotel. We practice just about every day.” He rolled his eyes. “Krispin is a perfectionist and he’s always changing things up, pushing us to the limit, and adding new songs.”

His theatrics made her lips tilt up. “Where did you meet him?”

“He actually found us. In the beginning, we played small venues and one night he approached and asked if we wanted to jam a few pieces. We’d heard his name as an up-and-coming artist, but he was so pretty we almost said no.”

Jewel licked her lips. “He is pretty.”

“He’s taken, so don’t get any ideas.” False irritation entered his voice. He’d never been jealous of his band mates. A few of the women he and Matt shared ended up in other beds, some for extended periods of time, but it never mattered. Krispin was the most fastidious of their group and hadn’t shared as often as the rest of them and now not at all. They permanently lost two of the original band members when Krispin entered rehab and went clean. They replaced those two with guys who wanted to make music more than they wanted to get high.

“What are you thinking?” Her soft voice broke into his thoughts.

“Have you ever read about Krispin’s addiction problems?”

Her eyes went wide. “I do remember hearing something about it.”

“We’re all clean now and we keep it that way.”

He could almost see her mind processing what he told her. “So that’s why you guys drink water and I blew it and ordered alcohol.”

He had to ask, “Do you have a problem with alcohol?”

“God, no. Sorry, but I rarely drink.”

“Then have an occasional one if you want. We don’t control anyone else but ourselves. Matt and I went pretty wild the first few years after leaving the military. Neither of us had an addiction problem, but it just became a point of pride with our band that we dry out completely and put our energy into music.”

She switched gears. “Do you bring keyboards with you when you travel?”

“They’re in our practice room on another floor. Do you like piano?”

“Yes, but I never learned to play.” Her words dropped off at the end of her statement.

“You’re never too old.” It was hard not to gather her close and promise to teach her himself. He stretched out on the couch and put his bare feet down near her lap. She wiggled over and placed them on her legs. She turned slightly toward him and began massaging his right foot. He knew he was probably drooling, but didn’t care; her hands were magic. He liked to tease Matt with his foot fetish, but really he loved the feel of soft hands on his feet. Not that he didn’t like soft hands on his cock, but this was different. It was a non-sexual act that turned him on quicker than almost anything else.

“You have the word ‘sucker’ written on your forehead, and I’ll kick his ass if he breaks our vow of celibacy because you found his weakness.” Matt walked toward them and landed in one of the chairs.

“I’m taking her to bed as soon as she’s done,” Stephon said on a moan as she pressed into the arch of his foot.

She laughed. “Wow, you’re easy.”

“And you’re creating a monster.” Matt rolled his eyes.

“If his is a foot fetish, what’s yours?” She looked at Matt with a devious grin.

Stephon laughed loudly when Matt blushed. “Go ahead, man, and tell her about your fetish.”

Matt turned an unfriendly scowl on Stephon. “I don’t think so. Hopefully when we get back I can show her.”

“That’s really not fair.” Her eyes traveled between the two of them.

Matt looked at her with a sinful smirk. “I never play fair.”


Chapter Twenty



Being in a room with the two of them was overpowering. The attack this morning left her emotions raw, but when she closed her eyes she didn’t replay the horrible events. Her mind pictured both their hands gliding across her body. She couldn’t believe how her brain adjusted to the thought of having sex with both of them. During her life, the thought of being fucked by two men never occurred to her, but then neither did being at an exclusive hotel and staying in the same room with walking sex gods.

“Those are devilish thoughts,” Matt’s sexy voice broke into her reverie.

They kept making her smile and she really needed to get the ice back on her face. “They’re quite evil really, but I guess you’ll need to wait and find out more about them… when you get back.”

They all looked to the door when three taps sounded. Unceremoniously releasing Stephon’s feet, she ran into the bedroom and left the two men laughing behind her.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” Matt asked as he stood up to get the door.

“I need to wash my hands and run a brush through my hair.” She barely heard Stephon’s response as she closed the door.

“But I like the thought of you shaking Krispin’s hand with my foot sweat.”

Though she was afraid to, she looked in the mirror. The swelling had gone down slightly, but the black and blue seemed mostly black now. The brush untangled a bit of her hair mess from snuggling, and she shrugged her shoulders knowing she’d had much better days.

The voices in the other room drew her out.

Krispin stood behind Angela with his arms wrapped around her. Another man, younger than the others, stood off to the side listening to the conversation. He saw her first and offered a half smile. The others turned her way and Angela left Krispin’s arms.

Angela brought her hand to just below Jewel’s jaw and turned her face a little to the side. “Quite the shiner, but there won’t be any lasting damage. Have you heard from the police?”

Jewel’s eyes moved to Matt and he answered, “I called a while ago, but they don’t have the SOB in custody. They said they took a good set of prints from the knife and they’re having the DNA checked too.” He crossed over to Jewel and brought her in close for a hug.

She knew she looked like a forlorn puppy dog, but Matt’s comfort helped her feel safe.

“So I guess you forgave these two numbnuts?” said Angela.

“Hey, leave my nuts out of this.” Stephon pulled Jewel from Matt’s arms and kissed the top of her head.

Why she thought they’d act like nothing was going on between the three of them was probably silly, but she felt heat rise in her cheeks.

“Now you’re embarrassing her. Come on.” Angela took her hand. “Meet Wade. He’s slightly less degenerate than the other guys and he holds the band together.”

“I’m Krispin’s assistant.” His low voice sounded more formal than she expected.

“And the band’s PR person, comfort specialist, and procurement expert extraordinaire,” Krispin said while giving Wade a heavy pat on the back. “He makes our life easier all the way around. Do you by any chance have a younger sister, Jewel? He might not be so grouchy if we could hook him up with a sweet young thing.”

Jewel smiled at Wade. “Sorry, you’re off the hook. I don’t have a sister younger or older.”

“Thank God. Nothing personal, but the last woman they hooked me up with had a fire fetish and my eyelashes got singed.”

It took Jewel a moment for the shock of his words to sink in and then she started laughing, completely unmindful of how it made her face ache.

“Come on and let’s sit down.” Angela hadn’t let go of her hand and drew her over to the couch.

When Jewel went to sit down, Stephon’s warm hand went to the back of her neck. “I don’t think so. You’re sitting with me.”

Jewel released Angela’s hand and followed Stephon a few feet to one of the large plush chairs. Looking around, she saw Matt coming over and regretted that the chair was too small for both large men. Stephon pulled her into his lap and Matt took a seat on the floor and put his head slightly back against her waist. Her hand came down and he took it in his warm grasp. She breathed out a sigh of relief. They made the threesome thing work seamlessly.

Everyone sat down, Angela beside Krispin on the couch with her head resting on his shoulder.

Wade sat on the other end of the couch. “Dinner will be here shortly.”

Angela looked at Jewel. “Besides your fantastic muffins, do you cook?”

“The guys are bragging about my muffins again?” Jewel loved the feel of Stephon’s hand rubbing up and down her arm and she jumped slightly when he pinched her.

“Of course we brag about your muffins. Angela cooks and we wanted her to know she might have help when we take you back to California.”

“You’re pretty sure of yourself, but you forget I have a job.”

“We’re more than happy to pay you to wait on us, so don’t worry about it.” Matt winked and at the same time found the bottom of her pant leg and ran his hand up past her ankle, gently grabbing the back of her calf.

If she didn’t ignore their hands, she was going to embarrass herself. Taking a calming breath, she looked at Angela. “Baking is my specialty, but I love to cook. Starla, the owner of the diner where I work, often talks about me taking over the business when she retires. I’ve never been sure if I wanted the responsibility, but sometimes I’d like to kick George, our cook, out of the kitchen and try a few recipes.”

“Even if you don’t stay in California, I know you’ll visit. Cooking for the entire band is like having a restaurant and it would be nice to have some help. I send Krispin as far away from the kitchen as I can.”

“That’s because you’re a smart lady.” Krispin kissed his wife’s forehead.

Dinner arrived and they spread out around the large dining table. Eating with them this time almost seemed normal. The only problem during the evening was when Angela quietly asked her about the fit of the bras she’d had sent up. Her pulse accelerated because Matt and Stephon lied to her, but Angela only laughed when Jewel told her.

“Like most men, they’re totally devious. I’m not wearing a bra, and I think we should enjoy our youth before babies make us sag.”

Krispin’s hands came around his wife and took hold of both her breasts. “I can’t wait for these to fill with milk for our child. I’ll remember that picture when they start sagging later.”

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