Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (14 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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He remained deep in thought, but before he turned the last corner, he heard a muted female cry that made him stop. He then started running in the direction of the sound because the woman’s yell turned into a scream. He saw Jewel lying on the cement about twenty feet from the diner and a man standing over her. Just as the dark shadow bent down and grabbed her hair, Stephon was on him. Jewel’s scream turned to whimpers, “He’s got a knife.”

Rage clouded Stephon’s vision and he barely registered Jewel’s words as the knife flashed toward him. He kicked out at the man’s knee and watched him crumple slightly, drop the knife, and then try to run. Stephon managed to grab his shirt, but Jewel’s voice stopped him, “No. No, please just let him go. Oh, God please.”

The man took a swing and caught Stephon on the shoulder before running away faster than Stephon thought possible with a hurt knee. Jewel was trying to use the wall for leverage to get off the ground, but Stephon picked her up, holding her tightly in his arms. “Where’s the key?” he said as he carried her toward the café door.

“My… my pocket.” Her voice trembled and her soft crying broke his heart.

“Can you stand if I hold you up?”


“I’ve got you.” He slowly let her feet touch the ground, but held her tightly as he put his one hand down to her hip searching for the key.

“What are you doing?” Panic traveled through her voice.

“Shh, I’m just trying to get the key.” He kissed the side of her face. “Got it. Let’s get you inside.” He picked her back up.

“I think I can walk.”

“I don’t.” He managed to turn the key and get the door open and then locked it again once they were inside. “Where’s the light switch?”

“It’s behind the curtain.” She gulped then expelled a ragged breath.

It took a minute for his eyes to adjust to the brightness, but when they did, he carried her to the long counter and sat her down after pushing away a stool with his leg. Her hands immediately covered her face. Her knees were both scraped and bleeding along with one of her elbows. Stephon gently took hold of her hands and lifted them from her face. “Fuck,” he couldn’t help but say it when he saw the bruise and swelling on her cheek and eye. She tried to cover her face again, but he wouldn’t let her. Her shaking fingers went to his shirt and held on tight.

“Fuck,” he said, this time in a whisper, and then pulled her into his body and let her cry. Racking sobs tore through her chest as he rubbed her back and placed soft kisses over her hair and the side of her face. “Shh, I need to know if you have any serious injuries.”

She gulped in more air, and he was impressed at how brave she acted as she tried to control herself. “I’m fine,” she said with a sniffle.

“You’re far from fine, but you will be. I’m not letting you go, but I need to reach into my pocket for my cell phone so I can call the police.”

She started crying again. “Where’s Matt?”

“Sorry sweetheart, he didn’t come. You’re stuck with me.”

“That’s okay. Thank you. Thank you so much.” Her voice trembled with every word and her chest shook against his.

He called 911 and gave the name of the café, having no idea what the address was. He disconnected after being assured officers were on the way.

“Can you hold on a little longer before we get you cleaned up?”

Her body stiffened. “I don’t want anyone seeing me like this.”

“I know,” he said while lightly smoothing strands of hair from her battered face, “but I want the police to take pictures of your injuries before we clean them.”

She gave a small giggle through her tears. “What on earth would make you think that way?”

“I saw it on television. I hate to say this, but you might have his DNA on you. If the knife is still out front it should have some too.”

“You watch CSI?”

He bent in close to her ear and whispered huskily, “It’s one of my favorite shows.”

“You’re joking?” She gave another small sniff.

“Yes, but if it makes you feel better, go ahead and believe it.”

She actually laughed and his heart unclenched for the first time since hearing her cry for help. Minutes later, he looked at the front door when he noticed flashing lights outside. “I need to let them in.” Her fingers gave a death grip to his shirt. “Okay hold on, you’re going with me.” She sighed with relief as he carried her to the door and unlocked it.

Over the next hour, he explained what happened and only released Jewel when they needed to take pictures of her injuries. She gave a short statement about the attack. The knife was still out front, so the police had their DNA. George and Starla kept customers from entering so Jewel had privacy. She turned down a trip to the hospital even against Stephon, George, and Starla’s urging.

“Just a little longer, love. I have a car on the way and I’m taking you to the hotel.”

She had calmed down significantly. “I have work, and I need a uniform from my apartment.” She looked down at her torn, dirt-smudged dress.

Starla had barely kept her opinion to herself while the officers did their job, but now she lost it. “You’re doing no such thing. You will go with Stephon and not return to work until next week. I don’t want to fire you, but if that’s what it takes, you’re fired.”

Jewel laughed, but then started crying again. Her face crumpled even more when the front door slammed open and Matt charged in. His arms went around her and she was out of Stephon’s embrace and in his.

Stephon had decided to wait a bit to inform Matt about what happened because he knew Matt would give into Jewel’s need to be cleaned up. He also knew she’d crumble when Matt arrived, and the police needed her strong while she gave her statement. Stephon walked to the waiting car and grabbed the blanket he requested when he called for the car. He took a deep angry breath, fighting his need to strangle the man who did this to her. If the fuckhead was here, there would be no fighting the temptation. He looked up and down the street and noticed a media van pulling up.

He quickly walked back inside and whispered to Matt, “Media.” He placed the blanket over Jewel’s shoulders and quickly explained to Starla and George where she would be. “I’ll make sure you can get past the hotel operator to our room. Just give your first names and that will do.”

Stephon walked ahead of Matt and cleared a path to the waiting car. The click of several cameras went off, but Jewel’s face stayed buried in Matt’s chest. The entire drive back to the hotel Stephon opened and closed his fists repeatedly while Matt soothed away Jewel’s tears. Finally, Stephon couldn’t stand not touching her any longer, and placed his hand against her back leaning closer to her body. Her warmth tempered his feelings of rage.

  The driver took them to the hotel’s underground garage, which had private elevators that went directly to the top floors where the VIP suites were located. Matt carried Jewel the entire way and Stephon’s arms felt empty.

They entered the suite and Matt turned, saying over his shoulder, “Grab a clean t-shirt for her.” Matt then carried her into his bedroom. Stephon grabbed one of his own shirts and then followed the sound of water coming from the luxurious bathroom.

Matt had Jewel standing in front of the counter while he unzipped her dress and slowly pushed it from her shoulders. She was no longer crying, but her large eyes looked trapped. Stephon walked over, laid the shirt on the counter, and brought his hand up to her neck, pulling her head in his direction so she could rest against him. Matt continued to remove the dress, slipping the material down and over her hips to pool on the floor. He unsnapped the front closure on her bra and her hands suddenly went to her breasts.

“Shhh,” Stephon murmured. “It’s okay. You need all your clothes off so we can get you clean.”

She didn’t protest again and let Matt finish his task, but her body started noticeably trembling. Stephon looked in the mirror and met Matt’s eyes as Matt began removing his own clothes. Stephon whispered against her ear, “We’re putting you in the shower. Matt’s going in with you.”

“Okay, thank you.” Her emotionless voice and lack of reaction scared him more because she was usually so feisty.

Matt adjusted the water for one of the shower heads and then Stephon handed her into the large double-headed enclosure. Stephon stood watching her cling to his best friend. “Ah, hell.” His clothing came off and he walked in behind her, adjusted the other shower head, and then pressed against her back. She stiffened for only a moment and then relaxed. Stephon grabbed liquid soap, squatted, and began washing her body, starting with her feet. He was thorough and even rubbed soap between her toes, smiling at her purple toenail polish. His hand ran over her calves, and then stopped before washing her knees.

“I don’t know if this will sting or not.” He was glad it wasn’t Matt’s calloused fingers cleaning her bloody knees. He felt her muscles flinch. “Do you need to sit down?”

Her voice was soft, but still shaky, “No, I just want to be clean.”

Stephon continued to clean every inch of her lower body and then stopped momentarily when he reached her neck. “Close your eyes.” He was as gentle as possible while washing her face. She winced when his fingers passed over her swollen cheek. When he finished, he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. “I’m going to order some food and ice for her face. I’ll be back in a moment to help you get her out.” He didn’t wait for a reply.

He called room service then quickly slipped on a pair of loose sweatpants. He opened the door when he heard the knock and took the ice. He sat the glass bucket down on the dresser in the bedroom and walked back into the bathroom. “Ready for me to take her?”

“Yeah, grab a towel and I’ll get my own.”

The water turned off and Stephon reached in with a towel, wrapping it around her body, and picked her up quickly to carry her from the steam-filled room.

“My legs will work now.”

He had to smile because her voice was stronger. “Not so fast.” He sat her on the bed, seeing her hands scramble for the top of the towel, holding it securely. “The hotel is getting some antibiotic cream for your scrapes, and food will be delivered too.”

Wet lashes blinked up at him, making her blue eyes enormous. “Thank you so much for everything.”

“You don’t need to thank me. I wish I could kill that asshole with my two bare hands.”

“I’m glad you didn’t.”

He gave her a gentle smile. “You’re too nice.”

Her bravado came back. “I don’t think so. Beating him to a pulp would satisfy me.”

Matt walked into the room naked, running a towel over his hair. He stopped and looked at her. “I’m with Stephon. The asshole needs to die.”

She gave a long appreciative look at Matt’s body then turned back to Stephon and blushed deeply.

Stephon laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ve seen his ugly naked ass plenty of times, and prefer your sweet cute one.”

Matt popped the impossible man with his towel, causing Stephon to laugh harder. “Get the lady my t-shirt so she feels more comfortable.” Stephon looked down at Jewel, “Though seriously your ass is so much nicer than his.”

“Please stop, it hurts to smile.” Jewel winced with the words.

Stephon walked over to the ice, placed some in a hand towel, and brought it to the bed. “Lay back and let’s get this on your face.”

She held up her hand. “Shirt, please.”

“Not a problem.” He turned and Matt handed him the t-shirt. “Drop the towel and I’ll put it over you.”

“Not a chance. I’m more than capable of putting it on myself. Turn your back.”

“I’ve already seen everything.”

“Turn around both of you.” Her voice was adamant this time.

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