Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (17 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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Stephon pulled back. “You’re distracting her.” His low throaty voice sent her pulse soaring.

“I was only trying to wake her up,” Matt’s voice sizzled.

“I’m awake.” This time she was able to speak clearly.

“We didn’t know if you wanted to change for dinner. What you have on is perfect, but Angela said to ask you.” Matt’s eyes traveled over her pajamas.

She looked down and realized one of them—or both—had taken advantage of her while she slept. Her midriff was bare to their gaze. She tried sitting up, but gentle pressure had her leaning further into Stephon’s warmth. “Is Angela here?” She modestly pulled down her top and felt Stephon growl against her cheek, which made her smile.

“No, but she called to make sure you were okay with them coming for dinner.”

“Yes, of course I am.” She refused to let her feelings of inadequacy keep Stephon and Matt from enjoying company.

“They will understand if you’re too tired.”

“No really, I’m okay, but I would like to change.”

Matt frowned. “I figured you would.”

Her laugh caused his lips to turn up at the corners, and she squealed slightly when he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her from Stephon’s lap. He straightened up and carried her to the bedroom. “Don’t mind us, we’ll only be a few minutes,” he said over his shoulder.

This had her laughing harder and even as Matt kicked the door closed, Stephon swung it open and walked into the room. “My pal is a girlfriend hog.”

“No, I’m just quicker than you.”

“That’s what all the women say.”

Matt sat Jewel on the bed and turned. “Those are fighting words.”

“Bring it on, beefcake.”

It was Matt’s turn to growl.

“Please stop. Really, it hurts to laugh.” Jewel covered the battered side of her face.

The playful testosterone level in the room lowered. Stephon started going through the bags.

“Stop that. You pawed my things back at my apartment, you jerk. I’ll pick out my own clothes and the two of you will wait in the other room.”

His hand came out with a small piece of red lace. “Only if you wear this.” He tossed it through the air, but before she caught it Matt snatched it away.

“I agree. I’ve imagined you in red.”

“Give me that. Both of you, out.” Oh she hated to ask. “Were any bras delivered?”

“No,” they answered in unison.

“Okay. Out.”

The door closed and she looked at the panties in her hand. They wouldn’t know if she was wearing them or not, which made her smile. Standing, she went to the bags and began removing items—another pair of pajamas, but these in a soft pink, jeans that probably wouldn’t feel so great against her knees, black flannel bottoms, several tees in various colors, and a black and white jersey top. Since they were having dinner in the suite, she decided on comfort. The jersey had a seam across her breasts that only accented her lack of a bra. She thought about the one she wore earlier, but was unable to find any of her soiled clothing she wore when the attack happened.

She slipped on the panties and then the flannel pants. Brushing her hair did little to help her bedhead, but the last thing she wanted to do was get dolled up so the nice shiner under her eye stood out more. For the same reason, she didn’t pull her hair back from her face.

She left the bathroom and went to join her boys. That thought made her smile even with the slight soreness to her face.


Chapter Nineteen



Jewel strolled into the room and his heart melted. She looked adorable in her choice of outfits. When his perusal ended at her feet, where her toes peeked out from the bottom hem of her pants, his smile deepened. Shaking his head slightly at the alluring package she presented, he decided this was his chance to speak with her alone while Stephon took a shower.

She walked over almost shyly and he put his arms out.

“I’m such a baby,” she said as she snuggled in close.

“Never change.”

She giggled. “You couldn’t possibly mean that.”

Running his nose along the skin of her neck, he breathed in the scent that was all her. “Believe me, I do.” He placed a small kiss on her soft skin. “Can we talk about what’s happened?”

She lifted her head. “The attack or you and Stephon?”

“All of it.”

“I don’t want to talk about or think about what happened this morning.”

“Fair enough. I’m sorry for not telling you about me and Stephon sooner.”

“You should be, but I forgive you.” She nestled in close again. “We haven’t even known each other for a week. It’s all happened so fast. I thought the things we did together were about as kinky as they got.” Her cheeks pinkened delightfully.

His fingers ran through her hair. “Not even close, though it’s like the night we shared— anything that doesn’t feel right stops immediately.”

She didn’t say anything for a few minutes and then looked up. “Why me?”

He grinned down at her and kissed her nose. “I don’t even know if I can answer that.” He paused…and then his tone lowered. “The first time I saw you my heart fell into my stomach. Then when I saw this,” his hand traced the ridge of her scar, “my stomach flipped over thinking about the physical and mental hurt it caused. Your bratty behavior challenged me when you purposely displayed what you see as imperfection. You refused to back down. I’m sure you’ve done it many times to make men back away, but it put me under your spell even more.” He took a slow breath. “Then there’s Stephon. He needs you. He needs a woman with strength and a large capacity for love.”

“What about you?” She ran her fingers over his jaw and then his lips.

He bit down gently on one finger. “I need you too. I want to learn what makes you tick. I want you screaming with pleasure and begging for more. It’s that instant attraction thing. I can’t explain it, but there’s so much I want from you.”

“And Stephon needs to be a part of it?” She didn’t look troubled by the thought.

“Stephon is a huge part of it, and even with the feelings I have for you, I wouldn’t leave him behind. He’s the reason I’m alive. He saved my life in Afghanistan. He’ll tell you I saved his too, but really he came through and got us out of some tight spots that we shouldn’t have survived. Our relationship took years to unfold. It sounds strange, but we are completely attracted to each other when a woman’s involved, though man-sex on its own just doesn’t work for us.” He gave a sexy grin. “I can’t wait to watch him go down on you.”

She groaned, which made him laugh.

“He’s more dominant than me and he’ll push your limits farther.”

“That doesn’t sound good.” A slight crease appeared between her eyebrows.

“Most of it you’ll love, and if you don’t, you just say no. The two of us like different things in women, but we make it work.”

Her voice constricted. “For one night?”

“I’ve already had one night with you and believe me it wasn’t enough.”

“I’d be happy for one.” Stephon stood in the bedroom doorframe wearing nothing but a towel around his hips.

“That’s his pouty face.” Matt tugged gently on her hair and she turned to him. “Don’t let him intimidate you. I can take him. He’s been asking for a spanking for a while now.”

She laughed nervously. “I thought I was getting the spanking.”

The strangled groan that came from Stephon made her turn his way. His towel had a noticeable bulge and he backed into the bedroom.

“Where are you going?” Matt called.

“To take another cold shower.” His reply tapered off with the closing of the bathroom door.

Matt chuckled, though it ended on a groan. “I’m afraid I need a cold shower too.”

Her hand traveled down to his cock and she wiggled her bottom out of the way in order to press down on the hardness.

His breathing accelerated and he whispered, “You’re going to say yes, aren’t you?”

Her breath caught and she gave into the most decadent agreement in her life. “Yes.”

His lungs filled and then he let out a long, slow breath. “Stephon and I will never survive the night.”

“Then don’t.” Her hand tightened on his erection.

“You’re killing me.” His voice rumbled against her skin.


His hand came down on hers and his hips rose slightly before lowering. “This,” he pulled her hand away, “is not going to happen. I know you don’t want to talk about this morning, but I refuse to do this so soon afterwards. Stephon feels the same way. We want you to think about us while we’re gone. We want you to dream about us and fantasize about everything we can do to you. Even then it won’t come close to the intensity we plan on putting you through.”

Her bottom wiggled. “I don’t know if I can handle that kind of intensity.”

He put his hands on her hips and stopped the tortuous movement, ignoring her sigh. “It’s okay, Stephon and I will be there when you fall. Now I’m getting up and taking that cold shower. Keep Stephon company when he comes out.”

“Maybe he’ll take me up on my offer.”

“Minx. I’m sure we could arrange that spanking tonight.”

“Go ahead and take your shower.” She laughed again as he dumped her on the couch. His pants ballooned at the crotch, causing him to walk carefully from the room.



Taking a cold shower did little to help his erection because he knew she was only a door away sitting on Matt’s lap. What did help was replaying what happened that morning. His rage built and somehow, someway he needed to take the edge off. He fought the drive to go to the club and instead pumped his soapy hand over his cock until he found a touch of relief. He left the shower and pulled on a shirt and jeans before walking into the other room.

She rested against the corner of the couch with her knees drawn up to her chest. God, he wanted nothing more than to scoop her up and take her to bed. “Was my best friend trying to seduce you again?” He let the corners of his mouth curve up.

Her sexy lips pouted and she looked down shyly. “Actually, he turned me down.”

His grin widened. “Fool.”

Her crystal blue eyes met his. “Are you going to turn me down?”

Oh, he was in trouble. “What’s your proposition?”

“Matt taught me about blow jobs.” Pink washed over her cheeks, but she didn’t look away.

“Fuck.” He couldn’t get out of the room fast enough. He heard her get up from the couch and follow him.

“Where are you going?” Her gentle laughter stopped him.

“To take another cold shower.”


“Look, we made a deal. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you need time to think about us—me, you, and Matt. It’s a lot to take in and today has been hard and very emotional.”

Stubbornness replaced her playfulness. “It’s getting worse.”

“Christ.” He pulled his shirt over his head.

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