Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (11 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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“It’s more than that.”

“Yes, it is.”

They walked back to the hotel, each lost in their own thoughts.

Krispin called an exhausting session of practice, so the day flew by while they rehearsed, giving them little time to discuss Jewel. They talked about their weekend schedule while they walked back to the diner.

She came out of the kitchen, minus her apron, and walked toward the door when she saw them waiting. Matt held her hand while they made their way to her apartment.

“Could we take you out to dinner?” Stephon asked.

Jewel stopped walking, causing both men to pause beside her. “I have a better idea. Why don’t I take you both out to dinner?” She removed the two large bills from her pocket. “I’ll just give you these back first.” She put her hand out toward Stephon.

“You need new shoes.”

Her face turned red and her voice stiffened. “My shoes or lack of shoes is none of your business. I didn’t give you money and tell you to buy a pair of pants without holes in them.”

Stephon’s voice deepened while Matt stood by watching the fun. “I purchased my jeans this way and even now you’re limping because your feet are sore.” He refused to take the money.

“Again, not your problem. I think I’ll pass on dinner, thank you.”

Stephon turned to Matt. “Do something with her.”

Matt’s eyebrows cocked and he turned to Jewel trying to hold back his grin.

“Yes, Matt, why don’t you do something with me… preferably without your friend.”

“As much as I think you need the shoes, I’d prefer my head attached to my shoulders. I would, however, like to take you to dinner.” He grabbed the money from her hand. “And if you don’t want Stephon there, I’ll leave him to have dinner alone back in our room.”

She looked from Matt to Stephon. “I don’t think either one of you is taking me seriously.”

“That’s not true. I told Stephon not to leave the money, but in some things he has a mind of his own and, though he hates to admit it, a big heart. Unfortunately, women find him hard to be around because he’s dog butt ugly and I felt sorry for him so I invited him to join us.”

Stephon didn’t say anything.

“You’re making fun of me?” She tried to stay angry, but didn’t succeed.

“A little.”

“Please give the money to your dictatorial friend and tell him he can come to dinner, but he’s not paying for my food.”

“She needs a spanking.” Stephon threw the words out in an off-handed manner.

Jewel looked at Matt and he saw the hurt in her eyes. She didn’t say another word, just turned toward her apartment and started walking.

“She does have a nice ass, though,” Stephon said once she was out of earshot.

“Killing you is sounding pretty damn good right now. You did that intentionally. What’s your problem?”

“She’s not one of us.”

“Degenerate, perverted, deviant? Isn’t that what you said earlier?”


“Well, we never got around to talking about my wild night of sex, but she took every kinky thing I gave her. You know she’s perfect for us and you could use just a little of your finesse and win her over so she’d like you. I told you not to leave the money.”

Stephon ignored the money comment. “She didn’t seem too happy when I mentioned spanking.”

“That’s because it wasn’t on the table, but it is for our next date, which you just fucked up.” Matt’s agitation came through loud and clear.

“You had no intention of having me part of that scene did you?”

“There’s not a chance in hell now. You like her and you know it. I think she might be willing to keep an open mind about the two of us, or at least I thought so. Are you trying to cut yourself out?”

“Why don’t you just fuck her a few more times, get her out of your system, and then let’s get a few subs from the club and have sex until our balls fall off?” He looked at Matt. “Our kind of sex.”

Matt rarely got angry, but his blood was about to boil. After a long, deep breath, he tamped down on his temper. “You will fix this.”

Stephon looked at their surroundings and then back at his friend. “I just can’t stop being an ass.”

“You’re jealous.”

“You finally believe me.”

“I believed you before.”

Stephon’s voice rose, “What happens when she doesn’t like me in the same way she likes you?”

Kindergarten class was sounding good to Matt. “Then she’s not the one for us.”

“You don’t mean that,” Stephon snapped back.

“Fix it.” Matt turned back toward the hotel. He’d explained that Jewel lived above a printing shop and he’d leave it to his friend to figure it out, but so help him, if Stephon came back empty handed he would pound his face in.


Chapter Twelve



She stormed around her apartment, kicked the couch for good measure, and then wished she hadn’t. Now her foot hurt more than usual after a long day at work. Matt had actually spoken to Stephon about spanking her. Jewel would die of humiliation if she ever saw the man again. She wanted to kill Matt, but unfortunately she wanted to do other things to his delectable body too.

A solid knock had her looking at her door.
Please tell me he wouldn’t be stupid enough to bring his friend to her apartment with him.
She walked to the door and opened it.

Her jaw dropped and she tried to close the door in Stephon’s smug face, but his foot blocked it from closing.

“I’m here to make amends.”

“Remove. Your. Foot.”

“I’d be happy to.” He pushed gently past her and entered the small apartment, looking around like he had a right to.

She didn’t close the door. “Leave or I’m calling the police.”

His hand came out, holding his cell phone. “Matt said you didn’t have a phone so here, use mine.”

She looked at the phone then back at him. “Please leave.” Her voice dropped in defeat.

“I’d like to talk first.” He headed to the couch and sat down.

She slammed the door, feeling her anger increase, and then walked into the kitchen and removed a beer from the fridge. She didn’t bother offering him one. He wasn’t staying.

He watched her bring the bottle to her lips. “Do you drink alcohol often?”

Her small sip turned into an act of childish defiance as she tipped it back and guzzled. When she finished, she wiped her forearm across her mouth and then gave a satisfied burp. She carefully sat the bottle on the counter and grabbed another from the fridge, all without saying a word to her guest. Hopefully, he would leave before she had to surpass her limit of two.

“I care about Matt.”

That stopped her, and she sat the full bottle on the cabinet next to the empty one. Walking to the couch, she plopped down beside Stephon and placed her head in her hands. Feeling her anger dissolve, she removed her hands and turned the disfigured side of her face toward Stephon. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m supposed to be apologizing to you.” He reached over and moved a chunk of hair from over her eyes, letting his fingers brush against the scar.

The feel of his hand made her shiver, and pulling in a sharp breath… she scooted a few inches away.

He laughed. “Sorry about that. I couldn’t help myself.”

Her lips tipped up slightly.

“I apologize for the money, and the comment about spanking.”

Her hands covered her eyes again and she groaned.

“You don’t understand. Matt and I have known each other for years. I know about his kinks and he knows about mine. I didn’t say it to make you mad or embarrass you. I honestly think you need a spanking.”

Her groan was louder this time. “Please stop.”

His voice hardened, “Look at me.”

Without even realizing, she followed his order and looked up. He put his fingers on her jaw and held her head still.

“Matt’s not letting me back in the room unless I bring you to dinner. He doesn’t get mad often, but I’m afraid I’m on the shit-list right now. Would you do me the honor of accompanying me tonight?”

Her laugh bubbled up, but she froze when his thumb ran over her bottom lip. This time it was a chill that passed over her skin even though the room was nowhere near cool.
This feeling isn’t right
. His hand lowered, but she could tell he knew the effect he had on her. It caused her anger to rise again.

“Now I’ve done it, haven’t I?” He looked contrite.

“I’ll go to dinner, but you will keep your hands to yourself and it would really help if you just didn’t open your mouth.”

His lips quirked at the sides. “Have you ever tried your hand as a Domme?”

“A what?”

“It’s a female dominant.”

He was serious, and her laughter rang throughout the room. “Have I fallen into another world?”

“I’m not helping, am I?”

She gave a short harrumph. “I was serious about keeping your mouth closed.”

“I’m not going to lie. It’s simply not happening.”

“Please lie.”

He ignored her. “How soon can you be ready?”

“I need twenty minutes and some privacy.” She stood up and walked toward her front door to let him out.

His body turned, and he placed his feet up on the couch and leaned back. “That’s okay, I’ll close my eyes and wait right here.”

Frustration was heavy in her voice, “I can’t believe this.” She stormed over to the corner and began pulling a fresh set of underclothes out of her dresser. A tall cabinet next to it doubled as a closet and she pulled out a blue dress.

“Not fancy enough, but the panties are nice.”

“You’re supposed to have your eyes shut.”

“Wear something sexy. If you don’t have anything, I can take you to the store before we eat.”

“Mouth. Shut. Now. And close your damn eyes.”

“Yes, ma’am.” There wasn’t a smidgeon of regret in his voice.



She wanted to throw something heavy at his head, but changed the blue dress for her more formal black sheath with a high slit on one side. His cell rang as she went into the bathroom. The walls were paper thin and she could hear Stephon’s side of the conversation.

“She’s getting ready now.”

He paused.

“You’re right, I love her, but if you don’t spank her ass soon, I will.”

Jewel couldn’t take anymore and turned on the shower. If Stephon ever laid a hand on her, she would press charges for assault. Why did he need to be so damn sexy? Matt was bad enough.

She only took a lukewarm shower, but the bathroom was hot and humid when she got out, making it difficult to put her clothes on. She’d be damned if she’d go out and worry about Stephon’s roving eyes. She didn’t know how Matt dealt with his friend’s more-than-friendly flirting. She just might deck him this evening. Finally managing to dress, she walked out only to catch Stephon looking through her things.

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