Marie Antoinette (88 page)

Read Marie Antoinette Online

Authors: Antonia Fraser

BOOK: Marie Antoinette
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Young, Arthur,
Travels in France and Italy during the Years 1787, 1788 and 1789
, introd. Thomas Okey, New York [n.d.]

Younghusband, Lady,
Marie-Antoinette: her early youth (1770–1774)
, 1912

Zeepvat, Charlotte, “Phoenix on the Neva,”
Royalty Digest
, August 1999

Zweig, Stefan,
Marie Antoinette: the portrait of an average woman
, trans. Eden & Cedar Paul, New York, 1933

Zweig MSS, British Library


*The following items may be used as a guide to search for information in this eBook.



Adélaïde, Madame (Louis XV’s daughter): names MA
; appearance; formal address; wishes to accompany MA to Paris (1772); leaves for Rome; uncompromising attitude to new ways; on MA’s death

Adhémar, Comte d’

Adieux de la Reine à ses Mignons et Mignonnes

Agoult, Vicomte d’

Aiguillon, Emmanuel Armand, Duc d’

Aiguillon, Louise Félicité, Duchesse d’

Aix-la-Chapelle, Peace of (1748)

Albert, Prince of Saxe-Teschen: marries Marie Christine; rivalry with Durfort; MA allowed to write to; visits Versailles; in Belgium; exiled

Alexandra, Empress of Nicholas II of Russia

Alsace: risings (1789)

Amalia, Archduchess of Austria (MA’s sister): marriage prospects; place in family; character; at brother Joseph’s wedding; mother’s advice to on marriage; departure on marriage; wedding; breach with mother; political intrigues

Amelia, Princess of Saxony

Amélie, Queen of the French (Maria Carolina’s daughter)

American Revolution;
see also
United States of America

Ami du Peuple, L’

Ami du Roi, L’

Andouins, Captain d’

Angoulême, Duchesse d’
Marie Thérèse Charlotte (MA’s daughter)

Angoulême, Louis Antoine de Bourbon, Duc d’

Anne of Austria, Regent of France

Anti-Fédéraliste, L’


Aquitaine, Duc d’

Aranda, Pedro Abarca y Bolea, Count d’

Armand, Comte de

Arnould, Sophie

Artois, Charles, Comte d’ (Louis XVI’s brother;
King Charles X): MA meets; character; in dance dispute; marriage; and death of Louis XV; relations with MA; extravagance; amateur theatricals; at MA’s childbirth; as proxy for Joseph at MA’s child’s christening; signs
Mémoire des Princes
; accused of controlling flour; hardline views; flees France; supports MA’s moving to Metz; influence on Madame Elisabeth; counter-revolutionary plans; as prospective Regent; Leopold prevents from taking military action; militancy; Jarjayes attempts to influence; present at Pillnitz; MA communicates with from Temple; displaced by Louis Philippe; ascends throne

Artois, Thérèse of Savoy, Comtesse d’: marriage; at court of Versailles; prospective pregnancy; appearance; sexual activities with husband; pregnancies and children; satirized; flees France; death

Assembly of Notables

Atkyns, Charlotte, Lady

Audrein, Abbé

Aufresne (French actor)

Augeard, J.M.

Auguié, Madame Adélaïde (Madame Campan’s sister)

Augusta, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt

Auguste, Prince of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

Auguste (royal goldsmith)

Augustus II (“the Strong”), King of Poland

Augustus III of Saxony, King of Poland

Aumale, Duc d’

Austria: forms defensive pact with France (1756); court life and style; war with Prussia and England; and dynastic marriages with France; and Bavarian crisis; foreign policy; alliance with Russia; deteriorating relations with France; conflict with Turkey; and Joseph II’s death; MA hopes for military support from; and MA’s attempted flight; alliance with Prussia (1792); Louis declares war on (1792); recovers Liège; military successes against French; indifference to liberating MA; MA expected to favour

Austrian Succession, War of (1740–48)

Ayen, Jean Paul François, Duc d’ (
Duc de Noailles)

Babeuf, Gracchus

Bachaumont, Louis Petit de

Bailly, Jean Sylvain

Barnave, Antoine

Barrère de Viruzac, Bertrand

Barthélémy (interior designer)

Bassenge, Paul

Bastille: stormed; anniversaries of fall

Batz, Jean, Baron de

Bault (jailer)

Bault, Madame

Bavaria: succession crisis (1777–9)

Béarn, Pauline, Comtesse de (
de Tourzel): accompanies mother into royal household; Louis Charles’s devotion to; MA consoles; amused by Comtesse de Provence; learns billiards from Louis XVI; and Mesdames Tantes’ formal etiquette; prepares girl’s clothing for Louis Charles’s escape; on effect of detention on Marie Thérèse; and Louis XVI’s departure for Assembly; and mob attack on Tuileries; imprisoned with royals; takes Marie Thérèse to parents’ graves

Beatrice d’Este: marriage to Archduke Ferdinand; visits Versailles

Beauclerk, Lord Edward

Beaucourt, Marquis de

Beaujolais, Comte de

Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de;
Le Barbier de Séville
Le Mariage de Figaro

Beaumont, Christophe de, Archbishop of Paris (1774)

Belgium (Austrian Netherlands): revolts in; risk of Austrian loss of; French occupy

Berry, Charles Ferdinand, Duc de

Berry, Mary

Bertin, Rose

Besenval, Pierre, Baron de

Blaikie, Thomas

Blumendorf, Counsellor

Boehmer, Charles Auguste; and Diamond Necklace Affair

Boigne, Comtesse de

Bombelles, Angélique, Marquise de

Bombelles, Marc Marie, Marquis de: on Noailles family; and MA’s pregnancies and children; on dress etiquette; on Sèvres porcelain; and Gustav III’s visit; on invalid Louis Joseph; witnesses visit of Tippoo’s envoys; and Louis XVI’s distress over MA’s possible affair with Fersen; on constitutional changes; reports MA’s remarks on “good people,”; and royals’ escape attempt

Bordel Patriotique, Le

Börtz, Daniel:
Marie Antoinette and Fersen

Boucher, François

Bouillé, Charles de

Bouillé, Comte Louis de

Bouillé, Louis, Marquis de

Bouillon, Charles Godefroid, Duc de

Bourbon, Louis Henri, Duc de

Bourbon, Louise Françoise, Duchesse de


Bourbons: pretenders to French throne

Bourgoigne, Louis, Duc de

Boutin (financier)

Brancas, Marie Angélique, Duchesse de

Brandeis, Countess

Breteuil, Louis Charles Auguste Le Tonnelier, Baron de: succeeds Durfort as Ambassador; and MA’s interest in Fersen; MA favours for Minister of Royal Household; and MA’s acquisition of Saint Cloud; background and diplomatic career; and Diamond Necklace Affair; and trial of Cardinal Rohan; resigns as Minister of Royal Household; succeeds Necker as Finance Minister; dismissed; suggests MA and Louis move to Metz; and Louis XVI’s legitimate authority; and Louis XVI’s escape attempt

Loménie de Brienne

Brionne, Comtesse de

Brissac, Louis Hercule Timoléon, Duc de

Brissot, Jean Pierre

Broglie, Marshal Victor François, Duc de

Brunier, Dr.

Brunier, Madame

Brunswick, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of; Manifesto (1792)

Buffon, Georges Louis Leclercq, Comte de

Burke, Edmund:
Reflections on the Revolution in France

Burney, Charles

Cagliostro, Alessandro, Count

Calonne, Charles Alexandre,

Campan, François

Campan, Madame Henriette (
Genet): on MA’s intelligence; and Maria Teresa’s enquiry about MA’s happiness; on MA’s bridal dress; on MA’s compassion; on MA’s bearing; background and court position; on MA’s reaction to birth of Artois’ son; on MA’s rejection of Lauzun’s advances; on MA’s mockery; on MA’s pregnancy and childbirth; on MA’s theatre-and opera-going; on Louis XVI’s pleasure at birth of son; pleads with MA for reinstatement of porter; silence on MA/Fersen liaison; reads Beaumarchais’
; on MA’s attitude to portraits; and Boehmer’s diamond necklace; acquires portrait of Jeanne Lamotte; and MA’s reaction to Rohan verdict; and MA’s proposed move to Metz; on anti-revolutionary sentiments at Versailles banquet; sees MA in Paris (1789); sees Catherine the Great’s letter to MA; and MA’s declining to escape from Saint Cloud; warned of MA’s flight; meets MA on return to Tuileries; and Madame Jarjayes; and Louis XVI’s status under new Constitution; and effect on MA of mob invasion of Tuileries; and MA’s hope of foreign rescue; with MA in Assembly

Campan, Pierre

Canova, Antonio

“Carnation Plot,”

Caroline, Landgravine of Hesse-Homburg

Caroline Matilda, Princess (Queen of Denmark)

Carteron, Jean Baptiste

Casanova de Seingalt, Giovanni Jacopo

Castelot, André and Alain Decaux:
Je m’appellais Marie Antoinette

Castries, Charles, Marquis de

Catherine II (the Great), Tsarina of Russia

Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II of England

Catherine de’ Medici, Regent of France

Chalon, Jean

Chamfort, Sébastian Roch Nicolas de:
Mustapha et Zéangir

Chamilly, M. de (valet)

Champ de Mars, Paris

Chardin, Jean Simeon

Charles I, King of England

Charles II, King of England

Charles III, King of Spain

Charles VI, Emperor

Charles X, King of the French
Artois, Charles, Comte d’

Charles, Archduke of Austria (Emperor Francis II’s son)

Charles, Archduke of Austria (MA’s brother)

Charles Emmanuel III, King of Sardinia

Charles, Prince (
Duke) of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

Charles, Prince (
Duke) of Zweibrücken

Charles, Prince of Liechtenstein

Charles, Prince of Lorraine

Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria

Charlotte, Archduchess
Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples

Charlotte, Princess of Lorraine, Abbess of Remiremont (MA’s paternal aunt)

Charlotte, Queen of George III of Britain

Charlotte Wilhelmine, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt: friendship with MA; and birth of MA’s son; marriage to Prince Charles; and MA’s 1784 pregnancy; death in childbirth

Chartres, Duchesse de
Orléans, Duchesse d’

Chartres, Louis Philippe, Duc de (
Duc d’Orléans;
King Louis Philippe): birth; becomes Duc de Chartres; marriage prospects; baptism; in procession; watches mob march; at Fête de la Fédération; marriage to Amélie

Chateaubriand, François René, Vicomte de

Châteauroux, Marie Anne, Duchesse de

Chaumette, Pierre Gaspard

Chauveau-Lagarde, Claude

Chimay, Prince de

Chimay, Princesse de

Choiseul, Claude, Duc de

Choiseul, Duchesse de

Choiseul, Etienne-François, Duc de: pro-Austrian sentiments; disparages Amelia and Frederick Augustus; forbids Durfort to receive MA in home; welcomes MA on arrival in France; and Comtesse de Brionne; exiled; not reappointed on death of Louis XV; MA seeks to help; favours Castries


Cholet, Abbé

Chrétien (of Temple kitchen)

Christoph, Paul

Clement of Saxony, Elector of Trier, Archbishop of Cologne

clergy (French): under Civil Constitution

Clermont, Frances, Countess of (

Clermont, Mademoiselle de (Condé’s daughter)

Clermont-Tonnerre, Marquise de

Cléry, Hanet

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