Marie Antoinette (92 page)

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Authors: Antonia Fraser

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Michonis (prison administrator)

Michu, Louis

Milliot, Reine

Mique, Richard

Mirabeau, Honoré, Comte de

Mirepoix, Maréchale Anne-Marguerite de Beauvau-Craon de

Miromesnil, Armand de

Mitford, Nancy

Moberly, Charlotte Anne and Eleanor Jourdain:
An Adventure

Moëlle, Claude Antoine

Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin:
L’école des Femmes

Moll, Antoine-Assieu

Molleville, Bertrand de

Moniteur, Le

Montbazon, Duc de

Montespan, Françoise Athénaïs de Rochechouart-Mortemar, Marquise de

Montgolfier, Joseph


Montmorin, Armand Marc, Comte de

Montpensier, Antoine, Duc de


Moore, Dr. John

Morel, Bernard

Morning Post

Morris, Gouverneur

Mossiker, Frances:
The Queen’s Necklace

Mouchy, Maréchal Philippe Noailles, Duc de

“Mountain, the” (Convention party)


Moustier, Melchior de

Mozart, Leopold

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Mytens, Martin


Nancy, Bishop of

Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of France: marriage to Marie Louise; demolishes the Temple

Narbonne, Comte de

National Assembly: formed from Third Estate; and mob rule; Louis XVI visits; and “Great Fear”; recruitment to; discusses King’s powers; promises to control riots; guards royal family; grants allowance to Louis XVI; members join Corpus Christi procession; Louis XVI addresses; debates departure of Mesdames Tantes; and flight of royals; emissaries reach Varennes to detain royals; deputies interrogate royals about attempted flight; replaced by Legislative Assembly; grants inviolability to Louis XVI

National Convention

National Guard: under La Fayette; recruitment to; guard Louis XVI and MA; at Fête de la Fédération; block Louis XVI’s escape; at Varennes; anti-royalist sentiments

Naundorf, Karl Wilhelm

Navarre, Madame

Necker, Jacques: appointed Finance Minister; secures dismissal of Sartine; claims surplus in royal finances; recalled as Controller of Finance; speaks at Estates General; loses popular support; and revolutionary actions; dismissed; recall demanded; advises King in Revolution; finally leaves government

Necker, Suzanne

Neerwinden, battle of (1793)

Netherlands: Joseph II plots over; France declares war on

Nettine, Madame de (bank director in Brussels)

Neuville, Madame de

Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia,

Noailles, Anne Claude Laurence, Comtesse de: as MA’s Mistress of the Household; formality; presented to MA; MA asks about Mme. Du Barry; serves food to MA; gives dances; on MA’s melancholy; and MA’s first visit to Paris; and MA’s accession as Queen

Noailles, Louis, Duc de

Noailles, Louis Marie, Vicomte de

Noailles, Marquis de (Duc’s son)

Noailles, Philippe, Comte de: meets MA on journey to Paris; suggests Louis give Trianon to MA\

Northumberland, Elizabeth, Duchess of (

Nouvelles de la Cour
(satirical pamphlet)

Noverre, Jean-Georges

Noyon, Bishop of (1770)

Oberkirch, Henriette de Waldner, Baronne d’: witnesses MA’s handover at Strasbourg; on Parisian luxury; defends MA’s model village; Marie Thérèse’s rudeness to; on reception of
Le Mariage de Figaro
; on Cagliostro; on Madame de Staâl

Octavius, Prince of England

Oliva, Nicole d’

Orateur du Peuple, L’

Orléans, Henriette Anne, Duchesse d’ (Madame)

Orléans, Louis Philippe, Duc d’ (d.1785)

Orléans, Louis Philippe, Duc d’ (b.1773)
Chartres, Louis Philippe, Duc de

Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, Duc d’ (
Duc de Chartres; “Philippe Égalité”): marriage to Mlle. de Penthièvre; MA meets,; character; form of address to Louis Auguste; escorts MA to races; returns from naval campaign; banished from court; coolness at birth of MA’s daughte; builds model village; succeeds to dukedom (1785); exiled after protest against Louis XVI’s edict; opposes MA over Diamond Necklace Affair; radicalism; supports the poor; dresses down in procession; public acclaim for; declines to escort heart of Louis Joseph; proposed as King or Regent; rumoured to march dressed as woman; provokes threats to MA; visits MA in Tuileries; at Fête de la Fédération; in line of succession; chooses name “Philippe Égalit” ; votes for execution of Louis XVI; arrested; MA’s supposed plan to kill; executed

Orléans, Louise Marie Adélaïde, Duchesse (née Mlle. de Penthièvre,
Duchesse de Chartres)and Orléans, Philippe II, Duc d’ (Regent of France; b.1674)

Ossun, Comtesse d

Oudry, Jean Baptiste

Ouessant, battle of (1778)

Paar, Prince of (grand postmaster)

Pacassi, Nicholas

Paine, Thomas;
The Rights of Man

Palloi, Pierre François

Panthémont, Abbess of

Paris: MA’s first official visit to (1773)riots in; MA and family taken to (1789); disorder and tumult in; prisons attacked; food riots in

Paris, Archbishop of;
see also
Beaumont, Christophe de

Paris, Peace of (1763)

Parlement de Paris: tries and acquits Rohan; opposes administrative and fiscal reforms; exiled

Parlements (French)

Patriote Français, Le

Paul, Grand Duchess of Russia

Paul, Grand Duke of Russia

Penthièvre, Louis Jean Marie, Duc de

Penthièvre, Louise Marie Adélaïde, Mlle. de
Orléans, Duchesse de

Père Duchesne, Le

Pétion, Jér"me

Petit Trianon, Le: gardens; MA stays at; Hesse Princesses visit; theatre at; model village; books at; artistry of; souvenir album; contents sold; costs

Philippe Égalité
Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, Duc d’

Piccinni, Niccola;
Adèle et Ponthieu

Picquigny, Duchesse de

Piedmont, Charles Emmanuel, Prince de (
King Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia): marries Clothilde

Pillnitz (Saxony), declaration of (1791)

Pion, Mademoiselle (dressmaker)

Piper, Sophie

Pitt, William, the younger

Pius VI, Pope

“Plain” party (Convention)

Pointel, Jacques

Poiret, Pierre Louis

“Poitrine, Madame” (wet nurse)

Poix, Philippe Louis Marc Antoine, Prince de (
Duc de Noailles)

Poland: partition

Polignac family: leave France (1789)

Polignac set

Polignac, Armand, Comte de

Polignac, Diane, Comtesse de

Polignac, Jules, Duc (
Comte) de

Polignac, Yolande, Duchesse (
Comtesse Jules) de: relations with MA; at MA’s childbirth; on American war; son’s paternity questioned; Louis XVI’s friendship with; appointed royal governess; slandered; and birth of MA’s third child; in England; loses favour with MA; and visit of Tippoo Sultan’s envoys; and MA’s plea to King to stand firm; popular hatred of; flees France; and Artois’ militancy; Fersen meets in Vienna; MA questioned on during interrogation; death; MA complains of French calumnies

Pompadour, Jeanne, Marquise de

Pragmatic Sanction

Préfontaine, Monsieur de

Pressburg (Hungary)

Préville, Pierre Louis Du Bus

Provence, Josephine (of Savoy), Comtesse de: in undressing ritual; character and appearance, and Versailles etiquette; marriage; childlessness,; relations with MA; attends Gluck opera; and death of Louis XV; household; and fashion; extravagance; with MA at Petit Trianon; claims to be pregnant; model village at Montreuil; helps Jeanne Lamotte; satirized; on atmosphere at court before revolution; taken to Paris; escape plan; reaches safety in Belgium; death

Provence, Louis Xavier, Comte de (Louis XVI’s brother;
King Louis XVIII); appearance and overweight; on court etiquette; marriage; sexual impediment; disagreements with Louis XVI; attends Gluck opera; and “Let them eat cake” story; debts; and satirical attacks on MA; in line of succession to Louis XVI; at Marie Thérèse’s baptism; as proxy for Joseph at MA’s child’s christening; non-signing of
Mémoire des Princes
; uses MA as lead to King; favours hard line against revolutionaries; remains in France (1789); advises Louis XVI to remain in Versailles; granted powers as Lieutenant General of France; taken to Paris; as prospective Regent; escape plan; hears of Louis XVI’s arrest; reaches safety in Belgium; proclaims self Regent; MA proposes renunciation on behalf of; becomes Louis XVIII; death and succession

Prussia: Austrian-French pact against; war with Austria; alliance with Austria (1792); and French declaration of war on Austria (1792); advance on Paris (1792); French drive back


Queen’s Private Society
Société Particulier de la Reine

Racine, Jean:

Raigecourt, Comte Charles de



Rameau, Jean Philippe

Redouté, Pierre Joseph

Rémy (coachman)

Renée, Louise

Rétaux de Villette (Jeanne de Lamotte’s lover)

Réveillon riots (1789)

Revolutionary Tribunal


Rheims, Archbishop of

Ribbes (banker)

Richard family (prison concierges)

Richelieu, Louis François, Duc de

Riesener, Jean Henri

Rigby, John

Robert, Hubert

Robespierre, Maximilien: with Louis XVI on 1789 visit to Paris; and death of Mirabeau; rise to power; counsels against wa; indifference to killings; demands death of Louis XVI; demands trial of MA; on status of women; given MA’s final letter to Madame Elisabeth

Rochambeau, Général Jean Baptiste Donatien, Comte de

Roche-Aymon, Cardinal Charles Antoine de la

Rocher (jailer)

Rocheterie, Maxime de

Roederer, Pierre Louis

Rohan family

Rohan, Cardinal Louis Constantin de, Bishop of Strasbourg

Rohan, Prince (
Cardinal) Louis de: MA first meets; profligacy; slanders MA; MA ostracizes; baptizes Louis Joseph; gatecrashes masked ball; family connections; Breteuil dislikes; in Diamond Necklace Affair; tried and acquitted; MA’s rumoured sexual intrigues with


Rohan-Rochefort, Charlotte, Princesse de

Rohan-Rochefort, Josephine, Princesse deRohrig, Lieutenant

Roland (interior designer)

Roland, Manon

Romano, Giulio

Romeuf (of National Assembly)

Rosenberg, Count

Rougeville, Alexandre de

Rousseau brothers (interior designers)

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: congratulates Gluck; and Madame Sophie’s “Let them eat cake” story; advocates breastfeeding; MA visits tomb; on women and family values; Louis XVI blames;
Le Devin du Village
La Nouvelle Héloïse

Rousseau, Madame Julie (Mme. Campan’s sister)

Royal German Regiment

Ruffin, Sieu

Russia: and Bavarian succession; in alliance with Austria against Turkish attack Saint Brice, MadameSaint CloudSaint James, Duchesse deSaint Just, Antoine Louis de

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