Marked by Hades (22 page)

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Authors: Reese Monroe

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary, #Coming of Age, #entangled publishing, #Paranormal, #demons, #Romance, #Embrace, #New Adult

BOOK: Marked by Hades
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Chapter Thirty-Nine

Dyre swung Justin’s hand as they strolled down the boulevard. It was a week into April, but the cool desert winter refused to relinquish its hold.

She didn’t mind, though; Justin had kept her very warm this past week. There’d only been one short glimpse of Yvonne’s green eyes, and believe it or not, Dyre was getting impatient. It surprised her how ready she was to die.

“So, when Yvonne surfaces, do you think she won’t remember anything? Like before?”

“Zander seems to think so. Yvonne will revert to what Lucifer and the Council had done to her.”

“That’s okay, I guess. I didn’t remember my time as Yvonne.” Her heart sagged, though she wasn’t sure why. She’d never enjoyed being a demon, so why was she scared to die?

“You never know, though. It was Evania’s magic that stripped Yvonne. Maybe she’ll remember these past few months.”

“I’d rather forget them, please.” Waking in Pario’s bed. The blood. The…no, she’d rather just be Yvonne and human.

“Are you okay with being able to touch only me for the rest of our existence?”

She nodded, more than willing to touch him nonstop for the rest of their lives.

“I’ll take good care of you, Dyre. You’ll never want for anything. I’ll never betray you.”

Her heart swelled. She had been deceived many times and had deceived many times. Logically, she knew Justin, Theo, and Sadie would never betray her, but still, her guard was up. Especially in regard to Halena.

“No word from Halena?”

He shook his head. “She’s guarding her area as she always has. Just isn’t interacting with us as much. Don’t let that bother you, she’s a little…jealous.”

“Only because she wanted you, and I got you instead.”

“She’s always known she didn’t have me.”

“But she wanted you, nonetheless. That’s pretty powerful. And Dasha? She hasn’t been around the compound much lately.”

“True. Not sure what’s going on there.”

“I could venture a guess.” Dyre could tell Dasha cared for Justin, but maybe it was more than sisterly feelings, and with Justin now taken, she probably didn’t know where she fit anymore. Not that she ever had, considering she was human. Despite the possessiveness storming through Dyre, she couldn’t help but feel bad for Dasha. Not fitting in anywhere was something she understood more than anyone.

Justin steered them around the corner toward the ice cream shop. She felt almost normal, as much as a demon could, anyway. But soon, she’d be human again and mated to Justin. She squeezed his warm hand.

He flinched.


“Theo’s on his way.” He spoke through clenched teeth. “There’s trouble.”

Had they found Pario? Had Pario found them? She cast a look up the sidewalk, not that she’d be able to see him if he chose to use the bracelet. The sun had gone down an hour ago, and a small crowd of people sauntered along the sidewalk.

Justin tugged them between two buildings. In the next breath, Theo stood beside them, anger swirling the snow around his body. “High-level demons have breached Hades. I need some help.”


He grinned. “Florida. Sadie’s there already. Come on.”

Dyre tightened her hold on Justin as they stepped into the splice. Guess she wouldn’t be getting her ice cream after all, but Florida’s heat sounded even better.

She landed on a soft carpet of grass, and a wave of thick, humid air immediately filled her lungs. She ripped off her coat, thankful she’d worn a short-sleeved shirt beneath.

Theo roared.

Two demons engaged the Gatekeeper’s Mate, snapping fangs. Theo approached them in a blur, chanting the vanquish. Another demon intercepted Justin before he could get his dagger out.

“One ran…into the brush,” Sadie said.

“I’m on it,” Justin said and pushed his demon at Theo. “Fry this asshole for me.”

He took off into the trees.

A demon approached Dyre, and she reached for her dagger. It wouldn’t do much against this seven-foot creature, but at least she could position him for Theo or Sadie’s Mavet.

“You fight your own,” the demon said.

“I’m a rebel that way,” she taunted, spinning her dagger on her open palm. “What brings you topside?”


“Little ol’ me?” She pointed to her chest. “I’m honored.”

“Be afraid. Pario has put a bounty on you so high, you’ll never not look over your shoulder.” He grinned, flashing fang. “That is
you survive me.”

The demon lunged. She buried her blade in his chest, but she still crumpled beneath the weight of his massive body. Her back hit the grassy ground hard enough to steal her breath.

He buried his fangs in her neck, but then dust plumed.

Sadie’s face came into view, holding her Mavet. “Friend of yours?” She helped Dyre up.

“Pario’s henchmen.” The demons were gone, but Justin wasn’t back. She tore for the trees. “Justin!”

Her heart hammered as she navigated the overgrown path. Sweat sluiced down her back, instantly soaking her thin shirt.

The foliage blurred by as she sprinted to find her Mate. Her future. He’d gone after a demon alone. What if it had been a trap?

Branches slapped her cheek, her bare hands, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was getting to Justin. They’d just found out they could be together; it would be her luck she’d lose him now, after all they’d been through.

Energy stormed through her chest and into her stomach and her legs, fueling them for the sprint. “Justin!”

Grunts filtered through the thick leaves from the left, and she veered in that direction. Her pulse kicked up as she pressed onward. Movement behind her triggered a check over her shoulder. Sadie and Theo zoomed up behind her, Sadie nodding as if to encourage Dyre to hurry.

That didn’t help the fear factor. They must feel something.
Please let Justin be okay.

She burst through the trees and found him battling three massive demons. He kicked, and his boot connected with the demon in front of him. The other lunged, a dagger at the ready.

Dyre leaped and intercepted the creature. Justin roared and Theo echoed that cry. But what surprised her, was that she, too, roared like a hurt lion. No, an angry one. Rage surged through her, and she felt her fangs drop.


She rolled with the monster but landed on top. She bent down, clamped onto his neck, and twisted.

He went limp beneath her. She spit out the throat she’d just ripped from him and searched for her Mate. He was lying on his back, a demon perched over him, putting his weight behind the dagger poised at Justin’s throat. He held the beast off with a stiff arm, but it wouldn’t last long for how big that creature was.

Darkness narrowed her vision, and all was black except for the demon’s hand holding the weapon that threatened to take her Mate’s life.

In the deep recesses of her mind, she knew Theo was there to heal Justin, but if that dagger severed his neck, there was no coming back from that. Something inside her flipped, and she hopped to her feet.

Reverto ut Abyssus
,” Theo yelled, and the demon holding the blade to Justin vanished in a poof of dust.

Dyre kept on toward Justin, now shifting from anger and rage to worry. Justin wasn’t moving, but then he rolled onto his side and let out a breath. “Thanks, brother.” He reached for Theo’s outstretched hand and sat up. His gaze connected with Dyre’s, and he froze.

“Her eyes!” Sadie said. “Look!”

Justin’s face started fading. “No. Justin. Don’t go!” She reached out for him. “Justin.”

“It’s happening.” Justin jumped to his feet and caught her in his arms. “Thank The Great One.”

Darkness filled her vision. Pitch black. Strong arms encapsulated her in warmth. Protection. Safety.

“Justin. Are you okay?”

Soft lips brushed her forehead. “I’m fine. Just fine.”

“I can’t…see.” She groped for his face, knowing it was close. “I love you. Don’t go.”

“It’s okay,
.” He kissed her eyes. “I’m here. I’m here.”

As if lead filled her veins, her body went heavy, tugging her to the ground. Forcing her toward unconsciousness. Panic sent her into a fit of movement. No, she needed Justin. He was hers. She wanted to stay.

“Thank you for giving her back to me, Dyre.”

“Wait…I want…you.”

“I’m yours,” he whispered. “And hers.”


“Good-bye, Dyre” was the last thing she heard from Justin’s sweet voice.

Yvonne opened her eyes, hoping the softness beneath her wasn’t a dream. No, wait, she was in Hades, so it had to be a dream.

She bolted up, her eyes snapping open. The room was dim; a window at the far end was open, letting in a heavy, salt-tinted breeze that toyed with the white curtains.

No sulfur.

She clutched her side, bracing for stinging pain where she’d been stabbed, but she was wearing a tank top and black leggings. Where was her leather?

Hugging her stomach, she planted her bare feet on the carpeted floor.

At least she hadn’t lost her Mark. She caressed her shoulder. Wait…it wasn’t raised anymore. She craned her neck to see. Black ink.

But they’d kissed before she’d left to turn herself in, creating the bloodlink. She needed that link, needed that Mark if she was going to make it through whatever she was going to face. Had the demons found a way to remove her Ahavah?


Images of walking through the woods with Sadie filtered through the haze. Sadie had apologized about her having to trade herself to save Theo. Vowed to save her.

She wasn’t sorry for turning herself in. It was the right thing to do. The world needed Theo more than it needed a clueless former demon who couldn’t remember anything about her life prior to waking up on a bench.

She stood, taking in her surroundings. A cherrywood dresser sat to the left of the door, then there was another door into a bathroom on the far wall. There was a hutch with a TV at the foot of the bed against another wall. She drew in a deep breath but didn’t hear anything. Was she here alone? Where the hell was “here,” anyway? Sure wasn’t Hades.

Had the demons brought her topside? Maybe she could escape.

She scurried to the phone beside the bed and picked up the receiver.

“Operator. How may I help you?”

The voice was female, pleasant.

“Um. Where—what’s the address here?”

“Do you need to have a parcel delivered here, Mrs. Bradford?” The woman on the other end of the line cleared her throat. “It’s 12345 Fifteenth Avenue, Wabash, Florida.”

Mrs. Bradford?
“Um. Yes. I— Thank you.” She slammed down the receiver.

Oh, God. This was a torture technique. Vicious. Cruel.
That was Justin’s last name. Maybe she was dreaming, wishing she were his wife. His Mate.

She cupped her shoulder. But her Mark was different. This wasn’t real. It had to be a nightmare.

Heart hammering, she spun, but just as she reached for the knob, the door burst open.

She screamed and fell onto her butt. A zip of pain streaked up her spine, and she rolled over and hopped to her feet.

Justin. Tall, beautiful, Justin. He was dressed in jeans, a white T-shirt, and black combat boots. Sexy as hell.

And obviously an illusion.

“Yvonne!” A smile filled his face. “Oh, Great One. You’re awake.” He reached for her, and she batted him away, scrambling toward the window. Would the demon deep down inside her allow her to jump from this high up and die? Or would she heal?

She’d rather kill herself than face this torture. Not Justin. The demons had tapped into her greatest want, hadn’t they?

“Stay away from me.”

He stopped and expanded to his full height and took in a deep breath. “

Her heart cracked. The demon knew the nickname Justin had called her since they first met. Even when she herself didn’t see her beauty, he’d called her that. She saw only weakness, death, and then found out she was a demon and saw only that.

But not Justin. At first he did, but then…that night she’d turned herself over to the demons, he’d wanted to make love to her. Wanted to take the final step to become Mates.

Stupidly, she’d refused. Tears burned, but she bit them back. This demon would not see her break. Would not see her cry.

“Yvonne. It’s me.” He inched forward.

The demons even retrieved her memory of his beautiful, bright aura. He beamed, radiant, his pure soul pulsing beneath his skin.

, let me touch you. You’re human again so I can be Marked.”

Her heart stopped. He was already Marked. This demon didn’t know his stuff very well.

Wait, there wasn’t any ink on his neck.

Frantic to find a way out of this nightmare, she glanced around for something—anything to defend herself with. To the left was a fireplace. She rushed to the hearth and grabbed the poker from its stand.

“Don’t touch me, demon.”

“Just wait,
.” He craned his neck. “Look. I lost my Ahavah when you turned yourself over to the demons. Stripped of our Mark.”

She gulped. “Lies!”

He shook his head. “No. Please. You were in Hades for over two months. Dyre surfaced. Your demon.”

Dyre? That sounded vaguely familiar. She’d heard that word before. Why couldn’t she put things together? Remember?

“Yes. Dyre. That’s your demonic name. Remember? We got you back, Yvonne. You’re back from Hades.”

Holding up the crude weapon, she let her mind wander over the facts she could pick out from the muck clogging her memories. “I was stabbed in the side by that demon.”

“Exactly. What else do you remember?” He continued to inch forward as if she were a wild animal. She actually felt like one.

“I was in the forest. A trade for Theo.” She clutched her side. No pain. No nothing.

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