Read Marked by Hades Online

Authors: Reese Monroe

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary, #Coming of Age, #entangled publishing, #Paranormal, #demons, #Romance, #Embrace, #New Adult

Marked by Hades (8 page)

BOOK: Marked by Hades
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He had to kiss her. Touch her. Join with her. His body came alive. “Yvonne.” His voice sounded deeper with the building lust.

He’d never needed anyone so badly before.

It’d always been on his terms. His whims.

She sat beside him and took his hand in hers again. Oh, the silky, smooth flesh. Warm. Enticing. His body jumped at the reaction, and she gasped.

Her other hand brushed along his neck. “Amazing.”

Wonder filled her sage eyes. No. She wasn’t demon. Wasn’t in on this with Aggie. She was his Mate. His to cherish, love, and protect.

Her fingers danced along his skin, then combed through his hair. She closed her eyes, as if she’d never touched anyone in her life.

Slowly, she palmed the side of his face, her thumb stroking the skin beneath his eye, then his nose, and finally his bottom lip. He nipped at her, sucking her thumb, and her eyes went wide.

“Come here.”

She crawled onto the bed. “You’re hurt.”


She smiled, and by everything holy to The Great One, her smile could shatter the darkest of nights.

She smoothed her hand over his bare chest, and everything else faded out. He only registered the touch of her fingertips caressing his skin.

Pressing her cheek to his chest, he dipped his fingers into her long, silky hair. Purring, she straddled one of his legs, and her weight settled onto him, her subtle curves conforming to his body. Tiny kisses peppered his chest and side as delicate fingers traced imaginary circles over his stomach. Energy coursed through him, much like when Theo healed him, only more intense. Pleasurable.

A wave of lavender wafted to his nose. Unmistakably Yvonne’s scent.

He bit the inside of his cheek to calm himself.

It didn’t work.

Grabbing her beneath the armpits, he dragged her up his body. The friction sent a sinful twinge straight to his core. She propped herself up with her elbows on either side of his head as he cupped her face, drinking in the feel of her flesh. Eyes closed, she let out a contented sigh, and he felt it filter through his skin to the core of his being.

His hands glided over her shoulders to her back and skated up her shirt. He flattened his palms along her skin, and she melted into him.

Resting her cheek to his, she said, “Feels like heaven.”

“Shirt off.”

She pushed up and shifted until she straddled him completely. One quick movement, and her shirt was tossed to the floor. That quickly, she was draped over him again, and the contact with her skin made his body jerk.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her flush with him, striving to feel every point of contact to its fullest. Energy siphoned into him from her chest, her stomach, her mouth on his neck.

Gentle strokes of her tongue on his Mark sent his body into overdrive, and he pulsed against her.

“More,” she whimpered.

One roll had her beneath him, her hands scraping at his back in time with his movements. He roamed lower, lips touching every exposed surface while his hand wove beneath her to guide her movements.

Heat stormed up his spine, settling in his chest and neck. He found the valley between her breasts and nuzzled deeply, absorbing the contact. The energy. Feeling her beneath him was unlike anything he’d ever experienced with a woman. It must be true then—she was his Mate.

Logic seeped in through the lust, reminding him of the situation and his vow to keep his guard up. But it was difficult with her clawing at his back, whispering his name.

She buried her hand in his hair and guided his face to her neck, almost as if she’d felt his hesitation to kiss her lips. Maybe Sadie’d told her it would transform their Marks into bloodlines.

It didn’t matter right now. All he felt was her body hitting every spot that was about to catapult him into ecstasy.

He nibbled on her ear, then her neck. Her hold on him tightened, and she tensed beneath him. She was close—he could sense it. Knowing she needed this skin-on-skin contact as much as he did, he slid his hands along the sides of her body. So long she’d been in want. Isolated.

Well, maybe not so long since it’d only been a couple of months since she’d been with Aggie, but she didn’t remember that.

Twining their fingers, he rocked against her, desperate to make up for what was taken from her. She let out a quiet moan as her back arched.

There wasn’t a sexier sight. He kissed along her jawline and followed her lead into release. White lights flared in his vision as he fell into bliss. So intense. A connection so great. Sacred.

But for them, more than likely, doomed.

Chapter Fourteen

Yvonne woke to soft kisses along her cheek and gentle caresses through her hair. She turned toward the slight breath brushing her skin.

Whispering kisses along Justin’s pec, she nuzzled his neck again.

His arm around her waist tightened. God, his skin felt like heaven. It was all true. He was her Mate, and she could touch him. Wait, maybe this would break her lethal touch. Might be time to try it out on a plant or a spider.

She hugged him close, wishing the rest of their clothes were off. “So, how old are you?” she asked.

“Nine hundred and eleven.”

She almost choked on the air she sucked in. “I wonder how old I am.”

“Around two hundred, according to what Sadie said you told her when she was with you and Aggie.”

Her stomach roared with disgust. She was two hundred years old? But she barely looked twenty or twenty-one. How’d she become a demon? Then escape? And then not remember anything?

“We’ll figure it out.”

“We have to if we’re going to save Theo.” She gulped. “And you.”

“I came close to dying when Sadie was with you and Aggie. I’d say that’s one experience I don’t want to repeat.”

“How will we get my memory back so I can help find Theo?”

“Not sure.” He combed his fingers through her hair again while his free hand rubbed her bare shoulder and back.

“How do you feel?” she asked.

“Better. Stronger.”

“So it’s true. I help you.”

“Mmm.” He touched a kiss to her hair.

“You feel good.”

“Thank you.”

Curious as to his meaning, she pushed up to see his face, but stayed close to him.

“For taking that risk. For touching me.” He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. “I’m sorry for how I treated you.”


“No. I am.”

“It’s okay.” She settled back into his side.

One thing worried her, though. The darkness inside of her had leaked out a little when she’d battled Sadie and Halena, and when she’d dusted that pig trying to hurt her near that bar. Would the demon in her come back, or was it gone for good?

“Maybe our bonding will break through the memory blocks. Help me figure out how to fix my lethal touch.”

They lay in silence for a long time before Justin moved. “I should try to get up. See what’s going on.”

She dragged her hand down his chest one last time, absorbing the feel of his skin as if she were a sponge and he water.

How long had it been since she touched a human like this and not killed them? Maybe she’d always had this power and could only touch demons until now.

She shook that thought from her mind and focused on Justin. He was here with her now, and even if it was temporary and they never kissed to further the bonding, she would take what she could. The memory itself would keep her warm.

She rolled away and sat on the edge of the bed, feet on the plush carpet. Her stomach rumbled with hunger. His echoed.

Sitting next to her, shoulder to shoulder, his fingers danced up her spine, and he cupped the nape of her neck.

“I can’t get enough of your skin,” he whispered against her back. “It calls to me.”

Her heart thudded, stealing her breath. “You can touch all you want. Trust me, I don’t mind. And it’ll help you.”

He bit at her shoulder. “You might be sorry you said that.”

“I highly doubt that.” She leaned into him as he forged a path of kisses along her neck. “I could get used to this.”

Two able arms lifted her onto his lap, her back to his chest. Tender lips feathered against her skin as his moist tongue traced her spine. She covered his hand that rested on her belly, joining her fingers with his, and guided his other hand up.

Feeling his body come to life beneath hers flooded her heart with warmth. He wanted her, and despite his hesitation because of what she was, somewhere deep inside he cared for her.

She wasn’t a demon anymore, and she’d make sure she never would be again, because she was right where she wanted to be. In Justin’s arms. He may have doubts, but she didn’t. She felt everything Sadie’d said about Mates ring true in her mind, in her heart.

His hand snaked under her bra and caressed her breast so tenderly, igniting fires deep in her stomach. His breaths came in pants as his other hand moved farther down.
Oh, God.

Teeth grazed the skin at the curve of her neck and over to her shoulder, then he sucked hard, bringing her to the brink of pain. Heat sizzled until she thought it might shoot out her fingertips. His hand breached her jeans, and electricity followed.

Her head fell back, resting on his shoulder as she gave in to his expert ministrations.

There was no turning back now.

Chapter Fifteen

“I don’t understand how this
Great One
won’t tell your angel parents how to find Theo. What kind of God is that?” Yvonne hated the idea that she may have had a hand in Theo’s capture somehow. Either unknowingly now, but more likely before…when she was a demon.

“See, The Great One has this thing about journeys. It’s all about the learning, growing. We can’t have everything handed to us. No growth there.” Justin rolled his shoulders and looked at Sadie. “So, badass karate chick, what say you?”

“We push on. Mom and Dad
say to be open for the truth when it comes so we’re sure as hell going to keep searching.” Sadie shoved her hands in her hair. Her blond locks had gone straggly, her face pale. Dasha draped her arm around Sadie’s slouched shoulders.

“Our time is limited, right? It was three months before. It’s only been a day so far.” Yvonne sat at the kitchen table and grabbed the file folder Halena had left.

The idea of Justin’s dying… She refused to let this amazing, kind, gentle man die because of this. The intensity of her feelings might be because of the Ahavah bond, but she didn’t care. Hell, before she was even marked, she’d felt drawn to his pure soul, his strength, and his devotion. She felt all of that before the bond, but now it radiated from him, and she readily absorbed it. No way would she let that be snuffed out.

She looked at Sadie. “And you’ve checked your scrolls.”

“Yep.” Sadie sat beside her. “Halena has some feelers out for info as well, and web searches.”

“Why aren’t they killing him?” Justin paced, clenching his hands.

“Not sure.” Sadie shook her head.

“They want something,” Dasha said as she lowered onto a chair, carrying her laptop. “Has to be.”

“If we could crack through my thick head, we might be able to figure something out.” If only there was something she could do. “You said that Thata thing can open splices wherever?”

Justin nodded and sat across the table from her.

“You went to go get it, and that’s when Theo was taken. So the demons still have it?”

“Maybe,” Sadie said. “Aggie last had it—and that Angel Killer dagger—when I dusted his ass. We have that, though, just not the Thata.”

“Why aren’t they splicing here to get the dagger? Or to kill you guys?” Yvonne asked.

“Compound is protected.” Justin flipped through some pages. “They can’t get here.”

“So, if we took the dagger out of this safe place, they might…I don’t know…sense it? Come after it? ’Cause they need it for their quest?”

“Shit. That’s what they want. Trade Theo for the dagger.” Sadie jumped up from her seat. “It must be one of the Artifacts, like the Thata is.”

“No one’s contacted us,” Justin said.

“Because we’ve been here,” Yvonne offered.

“True. We could—”

Halena stormed into the kitchen. “There’s a splice. Five miles south. High-level demons.”

Dasha looked at Sadie. “They’re making contact.”

“Shit.” Justin stood. “Sadie. You have Theo’s Mavets?”

“One.” She gulped. “The other was with him.”

“I have my two.” Halena held them up.

“And I’ve got these.” Yvonne stood, showing her palms. Sure, they were gloved now, but that was an easy fix on the battlefield. “I’m anxious to see if they work on demons.”

Halena grunted and whirled around. “Car’s leaving in five minutes.”

Yvonne eyed Justin, and he answered her unasked question. “No need to breach time when it’s close. We’ll drive.”

“Dasha, stay here,” Sadie said as she zipped out the door.

She nodded and pulled her laptop close. “I’ll keep digging. I’m not completely convinced that Angel Killer is an Artifact. It’s geared to kill
not Lucifer.”

Five minutes later, Yvonne piled into the backseat of a shiny Renault SUV with Justin while Sadie and Halena took command.

“You stick with me,
. If your hands don’t work like we hope, then I need you safe. If that means you need to run, then run. Okay? We’ll handle ourselves.” He twined his fingers with hers, and she immediately wished she didn’t have her gloves on so she could feel him. “You hear me?”

“Got it.” Maybe this power of hers could come in handy for once. Saving Theo would help Justin, and she was all about helping him. For once, it felt as if she actually had purpose.

From the sounds of it, she’d done some terrible things as a demon. Especially to Sadie and Theo. Hell, even to Justin. Yet he sat here, holding her hand, demanding she remain safe. Could he be over her former demon status so easily? Highly doubtful considering the pain she’d inflicted. It had to be the bond forcing him to be so protective. So caring.

That was okay, for now. She’d prove her worthiness to him and earn his love. His respect.

“Are we really going to trade the dagger for Theo?” Halena asked. “It’s giving the demons a huge advantage.”

“Yes. Theo’s all that matters right now. Once we have him, we’ll figure out how to stop the overthrow. And we don’t know for sure they have the other Artifacts,” Sadie said.

“How many Artifacts are there?” Yvonne asked.

“Sounds like there might be seven, but so far Beckett’s only found information on six of them.” Halena steered the vehicle into a lot. “Beckett just sent word when the splice happened so I hadn’t gotten you this info yet. Sword of Terentia. It’s forged from Lucifer’s first palace. Tainted metal—the only metal that can slice through angel wings, rendering them eternally flightless. The Ring of Episteme is more like a ring of knowledge. It allows its wearer to read anyone’s mind, no matter the barriers the creature might put up.”

Sadie let out a long sigh. “To get into Lucifer’s head, to know what he’s going to do…”

“Bad news,” Justin said. “What else?”

“The Thata allows a splice anywhere the one who holds it wishes. Bracelet of Aoratos. It renders the wearer invisible with only a mere thought.” Halena steered the car around a corner, sending Yvonne bouncing until her head nearly hit the top. “Next up, we have a Gem and Necklace of Desmios. They are each a separate item, worthless on its own, but once paired, they render the wearer invincible.”

“What makes Beckett think there might be seven?” Sadie asked.

“He found some text indicating that, but nothing to support it yet. Might need your help deciphering some languages later.”

“Wow,” Yvonne whispered. “And these will help defeat Lucifer? That’s bad because…”

“Lucifer is a fallen angel. Bound by The Great One. Certain rules are in place, ones monitored by the archangels. You start getting idiot minor demons running the house, everything falls into chaos,” Sadie said.

“Wouldn’t the archangels just come down and take care of things? Where are they now?”

“One of the rules is free will,” Halena said. “You should know that. You chose to be a demon.”

“Halena,” Justin growled.

Though the sound was menacing, Yvonne appreciated his defense and squeezed his hand.

“As I was saying. Free will created these demons; results of their actions are consequences we all face. Curse of living in a fallen world.” Halena shut off the car. “And if the archangels came, trust me, the world would never be the same. If it even existed any longer.”

Yvonne gulped as she looked at Justin, and he nodded. “We’d have a front-row seat to the apocalypse.”

“Complete destruction. Got it.”

No way would she allow that. Not when she’d just found happiness. She might not deserve this happiness, but she’d fight to hold on to it as long as possible.

“They’re close.” Halena jumped out of the car.

Tall, nearly bare trees surrounded them. A path led north from the shoulder where they parked, and in the distance, the glow of the lights of the small town bounced off the clouds. Thick, chilled air sifted into Yvonne’s bones.

“That way.” Halena took off running.

Yvonne hurried after Justin and Sadie, but their speed left her yards behind and gasping for air. The group came within sight, and Halena faced off with a seven-foot demon.

“Where is it?” The demon’s deep voice rattled the trees around them. It sounded more as if thunder had just cracked through the sky.

“Where’s Theophilus?” Halena stood her ground, Mavet daggers in both hands.

The demon grinned, fangs showing through the darkness. “Safe and sound, hidden from you. My children are having much fun with him.”

“Even trade. Dagger for Theophilus.”

He glanced in Yvonne’s direction, but she ducked behind a tree as she worked her leather gloves off. The demon drew in a deep breath, and his eyes flared red. “Interesting.”

Beside Halena, Justin bent his knees, dagger at the ready. Did he sense something?

“There’s something else we want along with the dagger.” The demon looked in Yvonne’s direction again. “Or there is no deal.”

“What? Get on with it,
,” Halena shouted.

“We want our girl back.” He pointed at Yvonne. “Come here, child.”

An invisible rope around Yvonne’s waist yanked her out from behind the tree. She clawed at the bark, shredding her fingertips. Anything to stop the movement.

“No.” Justin roared and lunged at the demon.

He buried his dagger in the demon’s neck, but the creature batted him away.

Yvonne screamed.

Sadie and Halena descended on the demon, chanting something in a language Yvonne had never heard. She reached Justin and was about to grab his hand when someone seized her from behind.

Kicking her legs out, she groped for something to touch to see if it would kill the creature, but her arms were pinned to her sides. She landed her heel to his shin, but the demon merely grunted. Justin jumped up and tossed the dagger in their direction. It whizzed past Yvonne’s head and sunk into the demon’s forehead.

He dropped her, and she leaped out of reach.

“Hurry!” Justin yelled.

Yvonne grabbed the demon’s hand, and in a blink, he was dust. She fell to the side and hopped to her feet. Another demon lunged at her, but Justin intercepted him. They rolled, and Justin’s bellow ripped through her.

She understood why when she saw his shredded shirt.

“Poison!” Sadie yelled.

Yvonne attacked, colliding with the demon. She went for the creature’s throat, but he grabbed her at the wrist.

Damn it, he was wearing gloves.

“What do we have here? Fighting for The Great One now?” His gaze drifted to her shoulder. “Well, that’s an interesting development.”

She squirmed, and even with her strength, she couldn’t break free. If only she could touch him.

“That’s okay. We’ll take you anyway. You’ll help us find the last—”

Yvonne kicked his groin with all her strength. Batting her off him, the demon roared, and she went sailing.

This is going to hurt.

The ground met her shoulder with a bone-rattling crack, but momentum took over. She slid another five feet, the twigs and rocks grating her skin. Her back slamming into the base of a tree stopped her fast enough, but it also knocked all the air from her lungs.

Coughing through the temporary chest paralysis, she rolled over and to her feet.

“That one got away,” Halena said with a gasp. “Damn it.”

Justin came into view, and Yvonne ran to him.

Sadie landed beside them, holding Yvonne’s gloves. “Here, put these on.”

As she rolled on the leather protection, she scanned Justin’s battered body. “You’re cut.”

He nodded as he coughed. “Shit. Why am I the one always getting sliced and diced?”

“Halena, help him,” Yvonne yelled. “Hurry.”

“Settle down, demon.”

Blackness roared into Yvonne’s vision, and a dark rage swelled deep from her stomach. She reached for Halena, intent on strangling her to wipe that shit-eating grin off her face.

The Gatekeeper’s eyes went wide, and she squatted. Halena blocked Yvonne’s assault with her forearm. “Try it, demon!” She spun and swiped the legs out from beneath Yvonne. “I stabbed you once, I’ll do it again.”

Yvonne cuffed Halena’s wrist and wrenched it back. A roar left Yvonne’s mouth as she leaped to her feet, taking Halena with her. “Heal. Him.”

Focusing all her strength on her hold on the Gatekeeper, she forced her beside Justin. “Now, or so help me I’ll rip this hand off.”

Yvonne’s voice was low, riddled with tension and anger. Justin regarded her with wide, shocked eyes. Her Mark pulsed, rippling down her shoulder into her forearm. He was in pain, and all she cared about was helping him.

“Son of a bitch,” Sadie said behind her.

Yvonne didn’t move but figured Sadie’s reaction was much like Justin’s silent one. Disgust. Maybe a little surprise, but mostly disgust.

She didn’t have time to care. “Why aren’t you touching him yet?”

“Damn Mates,” Halena mumbled as she laid her good hand on Justin’s side.

Yvonne hustled to his other side and grabbed his hand. She offered a smile, but it didn’t soften his face as she’d hoped. There might be more demon left in her after all.

“It’s okay.” She combed his hair from his forehead.

“Is the beast in check?” Halena asked.

“Shut up and heal him.”

“Just thought I’d ask, because this is going to hurt, and I don’t want you to go all ape-shit on me again.” Halena closed her eyes and grimaced.

Justin tensed. Veins bulged in his forehead and along his neck. He sat up, but Halena forced him down with a palm to his chest. Yvonne pushed her away, wanting to do it herself. She’d take care of Justin while Halena healed him. “It’s okay. You’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.”

She glanced at Sadie, and she nodded. “Good. Good.”

“What’s good about this scenario?” Halena asked, her voice tight. “We didn’t get a trade. The demons found their little bitch and want her back. How is this good?”

BOOK: Marked by Hades
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