Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 2 (227 page)

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The reasonably priced barman’s corkscrew and bottle-cap opener (A) is designed for professionals. The flange on the left rests on the neck of the bottle to give you leverage, while the knife blade on the right, extended for display here but folded into the body of the opener when not in use, is for cutting the lead-foil cap off the wine bottle. The familiar French zig-zag (B) does a good job of leverage when corks are stubborn, and the heavy bottle-cap opener (C) is highly efficient.


All entries following a Roman numeral I refer to Volume I


agneau et mouton:
lamb and mutton

ahead-of-time cooking: symbol (*) in recipes

aïgo bouïdo (garlic soup), I: 46

aïoli (garlic mayonnaise), I: 92;

almond (s) (amandes)

general information
, I: 21, 582
brittle (pralin aux), I: 583, 617;
butter, orange, I: 651
in cakes, I: 676–7
cookies (tuiles)
cream mold (le Pélerin en timbale)
cream in puff pastry (Pithiviers)
custard filling (frangipane), I: 591, 642, 652
custard for mold (crème anglaise)
dessert creams, I: 594, 599, 605–8
ice cream, chocolate-burnt-almond (le Kilimanjaro)
meringue layers, for cake (le Succès)
soufflés, I: 617–18, 622
stuffing for zucchini
tart, lemon, I: 646
wafers, curled (tuiles aux)
and walnut puffs (croquets Denison)


anchovy(ies) (anchois)

butter, I: 101
potato gratins, I: 154, 474, 525
quiche, tomato, I: 148
salad Niçoise, I: 542
sauce, I: 66, 324
stuffing, with salmon, I: 338
tart, onion, I: 151
in veal patties, with tuna, I: 375

appetizers, I: 196–206

general information
bread rounds and cases, I: 199–200;
tartlet shells for
pie-crust dough, I: 200;
puff pastry (petites bouchées)
biscuits, wafers, etc., I: 197–8
puffs, I: 181
turnovers, I: 204
chipolatas (cocktail sausages)
croquettes, I: 203
spreads and fillings for
cheese filling for puff pastry
chicken-liver mousse (mousse de foies de volaille), I: 559
chicken-liver pâté (pâté de foies de volaille; farce à gratin)
cream filling
with chicken or turkey (fondue de volaille), I: 203
with shellfish or clams (fondue de crustacés), I: 202
with Swiss cheese (fondue au gruyère), I: 201–2
eggplant caviar (la Tentation de Bramafam)
flavored butters, I: 100–5
goose cracklings, I: 282;
marrow, I: 19
mayonnaise, I: 89–90
pork-liver pâté (terrine de foie de porc)
see also
hors d’oeuvre

apple(s) (pommes), I: 21

aspic of, I: 627
braised, with orange sauce (à la sévillane), I: 628
charlotte, I: 623
filling for crêpes, I: 653
flan (clafouti), I: 657
gratin (pouding alsacien), I: 626
sliced, baked (gratin, normande; clafouti)
soufflés, individual, in apples (soufflées, Calvados)
other ideas
stuffing, with sausage, I: 275
tart (tarte aux; tarte normande aux), I: 635, 637–8
in puff pastry (tarte aux)

applesauce caramel mold (pommes normande en belle vue), I: 624

apricot(s) (abricots)

general information
, I: 593, 654
glaze (glaçage à l’), I: 593, 670;
molded with sherbet or ice cream (bombe glacée)
with whipped cream (Chantilly)
sauce or filling (confit d’, en sirop),
sherbet and ice cream (mousse, glacée)
in stuffing (suckling pig)
tart (tarte aux), I: 639

arroser (to baste), I: 11

arrowroot thickening

for brown sauce, I: 70
for orange sauce, I: 276

artichoke(s) (artichauts), I: 423–34

general information
, I: 423–6
boiled whole (au naturel), I: 424
cold, I: 577
braised, I: 426–7
sauces for, I: 426

artichoke hearts and bottoms, I: 298, 428–34, 478

general information
, I: 428–30
cold, I: 577;
to cook, I: 430–4
gratinéed, I: 433
à la grecque, I: 538
stuffed, I: 433
en surprise (cold)

asparagus (asperges), I: 434–41

general information
, I: 434–8
boiled (nature), I: 436
cold, I: 437
custard mold (timbale), I: 440
froze I: 439;
cream of green (crème d’, vertes)
frozen, for
white European, for
tips (pointes), I: 438

aspics and molds (aspics), I: 544–57

general information
, I: 544–6
decorative elements for, I: 546, 559
jellied stocks for, I: 112–14
to line a mold with aspic, I: 558
for pâtés and terrines, I: 565;
sauce chaud-froid for, I: 551, 563;
to unmold, I: 559
apple aspic (de pommes), I: 627
braised beef in aspic (boeuf mode en gelée), I: 556
chicken (volaille; poulet)
breasts in chaud-froid (suprêmes de), I: 551–3
fowl, I: 554;
livers in aspic (foies de), I: 548
poached in white wine, in aspic (en gelée),
Provençal, cold in aspic (bouillabaisse de)
in tarragon aspic (en gelée à l’estragon), I: 549;
crab (crabe)
in aspic, I: 549
in chaud-froid, I: 553
eggs in aspic (oeufs en), I: 547
fowl, I: 554;
in lemon jelly (escabèche), I: 554
stewed in pieces
ham, parslied, mold of, in aspic (jambon persillé)
lobster (homard)
in aspic, I: 549
in chaud-froid, I: 553
mousses, I: 558–64
for pâté en brioche, cold
for pâté en croûte
shrimp in aspic (crevettes en), I: 549



babas, I: 658–61

bacon, I: 15, 21

blanching, I: 15
with broccoli (brocoli sautées à la niçoise)
for larding beef,
in quiche Lorraine, I: 147

baked Alaska flambée

baker’s oven,

baking dishes:
kitchen equipment

bananas in brioche cake (le Marly; la Riposte)

barde de lard (pork fat), I: 564

baste, to (definition of), I: 11


for cookies (pâté à langues de chats)
for dessert crêpes, I: 649–50
for entrée crêpes, I: 191
for ladyfingers, I: 666

batterie de cuisine, I: 3–10;

see also
kitchen equipment

bavarian creams (bavarois), I: 596–603

almond (praliné), I: 599
chocolate (au chocolat), I: 599
orange (à l’orange), I: 596
with rice and fruits (riz à l’Impératrice), I: 601
strawberry, raspberry, and other fruits (aux fruits), I: 600

bay leaves (American, French), I: 18


dry white, I: 399–404
baked (cassoulet), I: 401–4
variations, I: 404
to boil, I: 401
with lamb, I: 338
to pressure-cook, I: 400
with purée of pumpkin (gratin de potiron d’Arpajon)
soup, with eggplant (soupe à la Victorine)
green or string (haricots verts), I: 442–7
general information
, I: 442–3, 449
buttered (à l’anglaise; à la maître d’hôtel), I: 444

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