Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin! (3 page)

Read Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin! Online

Authors: E. B. Hood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin!
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David was still trying to balance his
glass of wine. I stopped kissing him and he emptied the glass then threw it against the wall. We laughed as we pulled each other closer.

I ripped his shirt off like it had been made of paper. In one quick motion I slipped my dress off as we
rolled together into a horizontal position.

It was the first time that I had made love to a man. I don't count the rape.
This time, it was wonderful, but different then I had imagined.  One thing was that I was much stronger than David, but I knew that helped me. It helped me because with David I wouldn’t feel trapped again.

David had fallen asleep next to me. In some ways sleeping with him seemed unavoidable, but in others, I might have rushed it. Still
, I deeply cared about David and was glad he was there by my side. I would sleep better knowing he was with me.

I closed my eyes,
I knew the morning sun had risen. Soon, I would find sleep.

Chapter 2 Dreams


I'm awake…

I’m in my bed and surrounded by books. Carefully pushing some books aside, I check the time… 7:12 in the morning. Moving over to the window
, I lift the curtain just a little bit and take a peek. Through the window I can see the kids in the neighborhood lining up at the bus stop waiting for the school bus. Dropping the curtain, I fall back onto my bed.

I don’t go to school, no need to get up, but I’m not tired. I pick up a book that I had been reading the night before I fell asleep. Basic car mechanics, my dad’s Ford Escort broke a timing belt. Now we had to walk or ride the bus. I found out that the car has a non interference motor; which means that if I could fix it, the only cost would be the timing belt. I borrowed some tools f
rom the neighbor last night, my father picked up a timing belt from the auto store.

After a bit I
got up and got dressed. Then, I make myself some cereal and headed out to the garage. I have several books to help me, plus a manual for this model car. According to the book with a non interference motor, the pistons didn’t hit the valves. Basically, the motor was fine as long as I correctly install the timing belt.

I like working,
it keeps my mind busy. I had been hard at work when I felt my stomach growl. The clock on the wall said it was a little after 4:00, but I was putting the car back together and was too excited to see if the car would start.

My father and one of his buddies joined me. I can’t seem to remember my dad’s friend’s name, but it doesn’t really matter to me anyways.

My father, full of smiles, says, “She's fourteen, and a genius. I bet she’ll have this car running in no time.”

My father’s friend said, “Wow, like where did she learn how to work on cars, man?”

“Books,” I said with a little bit of an attitude. I didn’t like my dad’s friends, and I had learned that if I was nice to them, it only encouraged them to speak to me.

My dad’s friend replied a little too excited for my taste. “Books,
wow man
, to be able to pick up a book… and then like, wow. And then just do it, man!”

My dad
, sweetly as possible asked me, “Sweetheart, I made you a sandwich. Would you like me to just bring it out here?”

He knew I was still pissed off at him. We could have paid a mechani
c to fix the car if he hadn’t spent his money on drugs and alcohol.

“Sure D
ad… thanks,” I answered him, but didn’t make eye contact. I just kept on working.

My dad started talking to his buddy again, “See, my girl doesn’t need no school. She needs to know something, then she goes to the library, reads a book.”

“Yeah, man, it’s
. I wish I could do that kind of shit, I can’t even remember what I read man.”

I couldn’t help myself, “Wow,
, I am so surprised that you can read.”

My father
laughed uneasily, and then scolded, “Mel, be nice now.”

My father’s b
uddy just laughed, “No man, it’s cool, she’s a tough chick and I get it.”

They both headed back into the house with my dad saying, “I’ll be right back with some food Mel.”

I guess my father had to fight off wild Indians to get the sandwich. It was an hour before he returned, his dumb ass friend still in tow. At least he was making himself useful by carrying a soda for me. My dad cleared a spot off one of the work benches and laid my sandwich down. His buddy announced what he did for me, “Dude, I got this drink for you… I’m going to put it next to your sandwich, ok.”

“Thanks dad,” I
gnoring his buddy, kind of rude of me, after all he did carry my drink all the way to the garage.

dad asked, “So how is it going? Can I help you, or do you think you got it?”

I had put it back together and was just finishing some small details before seeing if it would run. My dad didn’t want to help
. That is probably why he took him so long to get my sandwich. “No dad, I’m about done. Give me one more minute, and we’ll see if this works.”

Dad’s buddy said
, “Man I am totally stoked, man it will be cool if she fixes it. You know what I am sayin, dude?” as he elbowed my father.

“Oh man I do, I really could use a car.” My father added back.

I hate the word dude, but here in California everyone's a dude, even the girls. Mockingly I added, "
, because we could use some groceries,

My dad’s face went
slack, because that’s not what he had in mind at all. In fact he was probably planning on some kind of drug run, but if I wanted food in the house, I had to put my foot down, “Food first…

“Of course Mel,” My dad said acting as if that was what he was planning the whole time.

I walked around the car, reached in the driver's window, and turned over the motor. It spun a few times, and then it started. Everyone cheered, as I jumped up and down in excitement.

I had grease all over me, but it d
idn’t matter; my dad grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

*                    *                        *

I'm awake…

These dreams of my life before becoming a vampire, I wish they would stop.

The dreams had been increasing, both in clarity and length. I felt as if my past would haunt me until I killed all who had done me wrong. Killing Devon had not brought me peace. Of course the death of David’s family was too high of a price to pay. Especially Lizzie, I had grown close to her. I would have never traded her life for Devon’s. I felt indebted to David I felt as if I had stolen his family away from him in order to have a piece of my revenge.

Chapter 3 Hunting



June 3

The wind blew through my hair as I gently swayed back and forth upon a branch.

The air was cool and crisp. Sitting up in the tree; waiting for the attack to begin left me with time to think. The last two and half months had been crazy. Me and David had already attacked and destroyed over a dozen different locations. Each one had been full of Order members and each time, we wiped them out. David was getting a name for himself, not only that, but he had mastered more tricks with raising the dead.

Tonight was special because the group we were attacki
ng was important to The Order. The members in this group gathered information and created weapons. One member, Aaron Reite was the key player in making their magic weapons. David came across information that Reite was a gifted magic user that was unparalleled in making magical items. Among many weapons he crafted were guns and crosses that were used to destroy vampires.

We were in a small town somewhere outside of New York, New York. It was a suburb of the city, full of middle classes homes. I was sitt
ing atop of a large Oak tree on one of the upper most branches. I was at least a one hundred fifty feet above the ground. I was able to see the house where the Order members were meeting. I had watched each figure below as they filed into the home. One came about every ten minutes. The meeting was starting and just on time, I could see the shadows of the dead coming through the trees.

David had raised a graveyard not too far from here. Now a small army of the undead slowly marched through the
forest. They worked through the wooded area around the home, encircling it. The attack would start any moment.

I was forbidden
go into the home because it was protected. I knew they wouldn't invite me in, but the walking dead needed no invitation. If any of The Order members tried to escape, they would have more than undead to worry about. They would have me.

I noticed a man coming down the street. H
e was still a few houses away. The lights to the homes went out, because David had cut the power. The undead were now moving toward the house. The attack had begun.

The man that had been moving toward the house came to a s
top out front. He looked around and he must have noticed that the power had gone off. He headed toward the house. My attention was diverted to the back of the house. The undead were now breaking into the back door and crowding their way in.

There was also a sliding glass door set further down the house. A group of undead reached
the door and smashed the glass in, as they rushed into the home.

n explosion went off at the side of the house. Pieces of the wall flew across the neighbor’s yard as some men rushed out of the hole in the wall. It was time for me to intervene.

Two men ran
into the wooded area, shouting and casting spells. They were forcing their way through the undead. I was about to drop down to take on those men, when I heard a small explosion. The man who had been approaching the house was now shooting the undead. When he shot them, they exploded into pieces.

A giant man
crashed out of the house behind the man with the gun. The giant started throwing the undead around like children. He began to run while the armed man followed through the giants wake. He fired off a few more shots blowing up the corpses as they retreated.

that I had four men fleeing the scene, I decided to go after the first two. The giant looked like he might take longer to deal with, so I will chase him down later.

I dropped to the ground
, making myself weightless before I hit the ground. I landed without a noise then flashed forward behind the two men.

I came upon them quickly as they were fighting off more
of the undead. They were about to break free from the crowd of corpses so that they would have a clear path to run from the chaos.

My hands were so fast that I slashed hi
m three or four times in his neck before he could even react. With one final quick slice, I took his head off. By this time his friend had taken notice of me, I had  turned to face him.

He held a short sword in his hand,
covered with blood from the dead. He cast a spell, then the blade lit on fire. He attacked, but his moves were slow and clumsy.

I easily
moved around him and slashed his skin with my claws. He cried out in pain, but kept on attacking me.

Magic use
rs and wizards can be powerful foes, but there're more like canons than fighters. If you let them stand back and cast spells they will destroy everything in sight. But up close and personal, vampires rule.

I grabbed his wrist that
held the sword and easily broke it. The sword fell to the ground. The wizard mumbled something under his breath; then shoved his free arm towards me.

I flashed to the side as
a burst of air came forth from his hand. I stood to one side and smiled at him, "Missed me, missed me, now you have to kiss me." I scoffed.

Anger was
his dominant facial expression. He stepped back holding his broken wrist with his good hand. He held his arms apart and started to cast a circle.

I laughed
, but did not move forward. His look went from anger to confusion. About the same time his face registered the fact that he was still surrounded by undead, two of the foul corpses grabbed him from behind.

I turned and walked away
while listening to the screams of a man being ripped in half.

It was hard to be smug.
I still had a giant and a man with a magic gun to deal with. I flew into the air, jumping off a roof top to the tree top. I heard a crashing noise and then headed toward the sound of screams.

I flew through the air and landed on a roof of a two story house. The home set
high upon a hill overlooking a park. The park was surrounded by woods. Across the street, I could see fresh broken limbs where someone had crashed through the forest. The limbs were huge. It must have been the giant and that means the other man was right behind him.

As I listene
d, there was a distinct sound of a man gasping for breath. I floated down to the wooded area and followed the trail. The man with the gun was now in full sight. He had fallen and I watched as he struggled to stand. It looked as if he might have hurt himself, but he still had that gun.

nstead of following the trail of the giant, the man turned to his left and headed for the park. The best idea was to deal with him before the giant. I flashed over to the play ground and took cover behind the jungle gym. The man sneaked across the field looking all round him. It was obvious that he was winded from running, one thing I don’t miss about being human.

I decided to have some fun with him. I flashed
over to the swing set and gave it a hard push. I flashed behind the man just as his head swung toward the sound of the swing. He stared at it for a second and his heart accelerated.

He spun around
and he stopped cold when his eyes met mine. He lifted his gun hand, it shook with his nerves. He took aim… I flashed right before he pulled the trigger. His human reaction time was too slow to register the fact that I had already moved.

The gun fired and the bullet found no target as it flew across the field and into the forest. There it found a tree or a branch and exploded. The gun slide was wide open, he had fired
his last bullet.

I came up behind him.

“You missed,” I whispered in his ear. “It’s ok. Everything is just fine,” as I wrapped my arms around his chest from behind him.

nibbled the bottom of his ear. I could feel his panic. With a calming voice, “Shhh… it’s ok, I’m not going to hurt you, in fact… you’ll like it.”

He begged,

t’s ok, you’re ok,” I purred into his ear. Kissing his ear, I worked my way down his neck.

He asked,
“Who are you?”

whispered, “Melabeth.”

Then I bit down into his neck, and the blood gushed into my mouth. The warmth of his life slide down my throat and warmed my whole body. His life was over and I let his body hit the ground.

“It looks like he's playin' possum,” Carrie's voice rang from behind me.

It startled me.
I tried to keep the irritation out of my voice, “What do you need Carrie?”

She laughed, "Just ate and still
as grumpy, as a one tooth crocodile. David just asked me to check up on you. He finished up at the house, but he still hasn’t found Reite. What's you think? Have you seen Reite? Do you know what Reite looks like? Is that Reite?" Carrie continued to rattle on.

I ju
st shook my head with disbelief. She would never change. Before she could ask another ten questions, I interrupted, "Did David see the two men I killed outside of the house?"

Carrie answered, "He sure did
and they ain't who he was looking for. Ya'll sure made a mess of the place."

I looked down at the man I just killed. I picked up his body and tossed it over my shoulder. "I will take this body back to the house… is David still there?"

"Sure is," Carrie answered.

Let him know that I'm coming with a body. This guy might be Reite for all I know." Carrie nodded her head then disappeared.  It looked as if the giant would get away, but I doubted very seriously that it was Reite.

When I got back
, David had pulled a truck into the driveway of the house. The undead were loading up the dead Order members. I had known that David had cast a spell around this area. The spell had not only made the lights go out, but also kept the sleeping neighbors from hearing anything. Even knowing all this, it was still strange to see David standing out in the lawn overseeing the undead moving the dead into a truck.

I dropped the body at David's feet, he looked down
at it. He smile and said, "You got him, that's Reite. Good job sweetheart!"

With that he pulled me into his arms a
nd kissed me deeply. I sighed breathless, "Let's get out of here."

David spoke like a
general, "First I need to finish cleaning up, but why don’t you go head. I will catch up with you in Vegas."

I felt a little put
off; I wanted to take him to bed. My voice didn’t hide my feelings, "You'll be missing out. What could be more important than a night in my arms?"

David looked into my eyes
and gave me his award winning smile. With a soft voice, "I need to talk to my contacts. Also, don’t you think I should return all the corpses to the graveyard? The less evidence we leave behind the better."

"And why can't I go with y
ou?" I didn’t mean to sound whiney, but I did.

David chuckled, "You scare my contacts. I am getting closer all the time to the men who killed you. You do want me to track them down
, don’t you?"

Carrie spoke up for me, "Oh,
yeah, she sure does."

hid the pain in my voice, "Yes… I do. Hurry back, I'll miss you."

David took me into his arms and held me tight, then kissed me deeply. With hu
nger in his eyes, "I will hurry… promise."

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