Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin! (5 page)

Read Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin! Online

Authors: E. B. Hood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin!
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The man asked, “What did you say? Did you say your teeth?”

Alice nodded her head. The man laughed and the other one said, “We don’t care if your teeth are a little messed up, hell, I didn’t even notice. Let me see them teeth, open up.”

Alice opened wide.

"What the hell… they look like fangs," one of the men said.

This caught the
attention of the man trying to kiss me, "She has fangs?" Then he laughed, looking back at me, "What about you, do you have fangs?"

I smiled tight lip, and then opened wide. I could hear the man
's heart speed up. He let out a tight whisper, "What the hell?"

The man next to me was too busy trying to get up my skirt, but his friend
's reaction made him look up. He moved away with, "What the fu…" He never finished that sentence.

The next half an hour was like a ro
llercoaster ride. It was full of fun, excitement, terror and satisfaction. Not sure how it was for the four guys in the house, but from their screams I was sure they were enjoying it too.

Me and Alice bit
, clawed and drained three men. The forth man just ran around in a circle trapped in one of Alice's nightmares.

I leaned against the couch covered head to toe with blood. I hated
myself. I hated myself because I loved it. Where was my humanity? The man ran past me screaming… nope not there.

Chapter 6 Blood Memories



Alice interrupted my internal debate, “Are you ready to learn how to steal the memories of the living?”

I looked at the man we had left alive. He had been begging for his life, but now he sat upon the floor with
an empty look upon his face. His eyes swept the floor, looking at all the different scenes of carnage. Blood was splattered everywhere, along with pieces of his friends. In front of him laid a severed hand. I vaguely remember cutting it off.

I licked some blood off my finger as I lazily told Alice, “Sure, I’m all ears.”

Alice got up and floated over to the man. The man was on his knees and froze at the sight of Alice approaching. She slowly walked around him. She sat Indian style next to the man. I followed her lead and sat down on the other side of him. The man was now shaking and making strange noises. He was trying to speak, but the only thing that came out was gibberish.

Alice bega
n, “First, you need a great emotion out of your host to transfer his memory from his blood. The second thing you need to know is that adrenaline blocks this process.”

I asked, “Why
, does the adrenaline stop it?”

Alice snidely responded, “What… do I lo
ok like a doctor? I don't know, it doesn’t matter. I can't explain why our memories are always in the blood, or why humans can do it during extreme emotions. Before you ask, fear is just one of the emotions.” A wicked smile crossed Alice’s face as she looked at the man who was as still as a statue. She asked him, “What is your name?”

He didn’t answer, he
just stuttered something unintelligible. I answered for him, “He says his name is Bob… Bob's a nice name.”

Alice giggled in delight, “Bob it is. So Bob
, do you think you could remember some past memory for us. Like something evil you have done… and I prefer it to be resent.”

Bob found his voice, “I…I don’t want to, die. My name is Ralph.”

I pulled his face to mine and lifted my lip and growled low and menacing. I said real slow, “I said your name is Bob… understand?”

He couldn’t answer for a second
. He nodded his head as he made the word, “Yes,” came from his lips.

Alice was rocking back and forth laughing. She calmed herself, “I think Bob is ready. You see
his adrenaline has run low. He is in shock, but he is still gripped with fear.”

I did my
best Yoda, “Fear, path to the dark side it is.”

Me and Alice giggled, that is when Bob tried to make a break for it.
We pulled him onto the floor, he could hardly move. Alice held one arm and I the other.

I don’t know what illusions Alice was showing him
, but he was lost in fear. Alice spoke calmly and softly to the man, “Remember your crimes, remember your sins.” Then Alice spoke to me, “Ready?”

I was
hesitant, I was not sure if I wanted more memories that were not my own. Reluctantly I answered, “Ready.”

With excitement Alice ordered, “Feed until his death.”

We both bit into the man. I bit into one wrist, while Alice bit into the other. He struggled under us, but it was to no avail. The pleasure of feeding soon made me forget the life and the memories I was stealing.

After I finished, I dropped the man
's limp arm to the ground and then hopped up onto the couch. Alice sat down on a chair across from me and closed her eyes. She sat quietly for a moment then opened her eyes wide and smiled.

Alice looked at me and
with delight, “We did it, we acquired some of his memories. Boy, oh boy, this guy was a piece of shit.”

I was surprised, “We don’t have to sleep to see them?”

Alice explained, “No silly, but that is the easiest way access the memories. It took me decades to learn to access the memories by will alone. At the rate you do things, you will probably be able to do it by the end of the week. I get so jealous of you, but then I remember you are a mental mute.”

Alice was referring to my inability to control minds or use any mind powers for that matter. She likes to tease me, but she knew it didn’t bother me and I hardly even responded to her jabs. I looked down at my blood soaked
clothes, “Ugh, I need a bath and will need to burn this dress.”

Alice answered with a neutral tone, “We will need to burn this house, but first there is a bathroom we can use to wash up.”

With that Alice undressed and tossed her clothes onto the floor. She headed off to the only bathroom and started the water. A few minutes passed as I lay back lazily on the couch allowing my mind to wander. The sound of the water filling the tub echoed in my ears.

I heard Alice get in the tub
and once again my mind was wandering, trying to catch a glimpse of the memories I had stolen.

A noise erupted from the bathroom.  Without a thought I flashed to
the bathroom door, only to see Alice in a large bath tub, full of bubbles. She had added so many bubbles, it was over flowing onto the floor. Alice was making a high pitch squeal of delight as she played.

I could
not help but laugh, this caught Alice's attention. She looked over me and gave me a look of disapproval. “Oh come on, get in already. You are not that grown up, play with me.”

I shook my head at her.

Michael slowly arose from the water in the tub. He was smiling at me as the soapy water fell from his upper body. I knew this was Alice’s illusion, but I couldn’t turn away. He kept rising out of the tub. He lifted one hand and motioned for me to come to him. His body was amazing and the water made his tight chest look soft and inviting.

He rose
high enough that I should be able to see the goods, but instead all I could see was a cloud of sudsy soap. I looked over at Alice. She had the biggest shit eating grin I had ever seen. “How is it that the soap is not falling from just that one spot?”

Alice giggled as I turned my eyes back to the image of Michael. I was so hot for him, he was stunning. Unfair I thought,
in the illusion I could hear Michael ask me in a seductive voice, “Why don’t you take off that dirty dress? Come over here and join me.”

sank back into the water and I sighed. “Ok, you win, you’re such a brat.”

I would be lying if I told myse
lf that I wasn’t enjoying playing with bubbles in the bathtub. Here I was with a four hundred year old vampire playing like I was ten; it was wonderful. Four men lay dead, torn apart… and I was the happy.

We burned the house
and then flew back to the casino. It was not a problem being naked, we moved to fast for anyone to see. Of course Alice could make you see anything. Alice had extra clothes in the car and before I knew it, we were heading back to our casino before the sunrise.

Alice showing me how I could steal memories didn’
t really resolve anything. The night I had with her just made me question myself more than ever. I'm making excuses for the darkness in me. So many questions, so few answers.

Alice drove
as she hummed to herself. I interrupted her humming and asked her, “Why did we do that? Not why did we kill those men. I mean, why steal memories on purpose? I’m not sure I want those memories. I didn’t want Reite’s.”

Alice was quiet
for a minute, she began to answer me, “Why? Why not silly? It is a power that vampires have. You need to understand what you are and what you can do. You are a special vampire in so many ways.”

Frustrated I asked, “In what ways? I know
I am more powerful, as if I have been alive for hundred of years. I know I have a gift that other vampires do not. I have none of the mind powers that all other vampires do. I still don’t understand why stealing others memories is something I need to do.”

Alice laughed, “Where to begin with you. Yes you
're right, you are more powerful than your age should allow. You have a power, that no other vampire posses. A most annoying power that allows you to see around my illusions. And to answer your question, why steal memories? Because we can. You will find it useful to know your enemies mind. You will also find it easier to control your power so that you do not take memories that you do not wish to have. These things you know of, are not what make you special."

I retorted, “Enlighten me.”

Alice turned her head from the road long enough to stick her tongue out at me. She asked, “Who was the first person you killed?”

I was taken by surprise, “What… What does that have to do with me being special?”

Alice answered with a seldom used tone, she sounded serious. “Most people that are turned to vampires react in a couple of different ways. Some feel such guilt from killing that they kill themselves. Some become mindless killers, and at some point someone has to put them down. Unfortunately the mindless killer is the most common; one good reason legends speak
highly of us.” Alice chuckled darkly before continuing. “You my dear are special because you have been raised without love. And that has given you the strength to kill without regret.”

I quickly corrected Alice, “
You’re wrong, I do regret killing. Well, not all of them, but I do regret killing. Also, I was raised with love, it was just that it was taken away from me.”

Alice with her playful voice, “If you say so, you still haven't answered my question. Who was the first man you killed?"

I defensively answered, “I told you. The first night I was turned. I snuck into his house and killed him while he watched TV. I almost killed his wife too.”

Alice pulled into the underground parking lot and parked the car. She put the car in park but made no move to get out. She looked over at me like she was trying to make a decision. After a few seconds she must have made up her mind. “Ok sister, let’s talk openly. I am not Charlotte, who can tell when you are lying with her power, but I am old and with age, there is knowledge. First you can see around my power with sound.”

My mind raced, I had no idea
that she understood my power. I had told my father Nicks that I would not tell Alice, but somehow she knew. I asked, “How did you figure that out?”

A little smile spread on her face as she whispered, “Fairies.”

I didn’t understand, “Fairies told you?”

She narrowed her eyes, “Ask your true master, Nicks.

I let out a gasp, “How
did… you know? I don’t understand?”

A very wicked smile spread across her face
, “I feed on you when you slept. All your memories are in your blood.”

I almost let out a scream as I covered my mouth. “How could you?”

“Well it was easy. I waited until you feel a sleep, then I snuck…”

I interrupted, this time rage rang in my voice, “Th
at is invasion of privacy Alice! You had no right!”

Alice giggled with wicked pleasure, “I know the first man you killed wasn’t the man watching TV. And before you get all pissed off, you should know one other thing.”

I was seeing red, I felt betrayed. Trying not to scream, “What is that?”

Alice smiled ruefully, “I will pay for
feeding upon you. If I would have understood what you were before I fed on you, I wouldn't have done it. You are only half vampire, and I have no idea who Nicks is, but I fear him. Your blood does not die, I feel it at all times. I am afraid of it, I am afraid of you. I have always taken blood from vampires and watched their memories, for our memories are always in the blood. No emotion is required, just drink, but after time other vampire's blood fades away. I feel you now and your blood is alive in me.”

My anger fell away as I realized
what she was saying, “Why would you fear me? Even if I could, I would never hurt you. We are sisters after all.”

Alice smiled tightly, “I know. I hate to admit it, but I am afraid of the unknown. You are the first person in over four hundred years that I can’t control. And now by feeding on you… I don’t know what it means, but I can feel you.” 

I let out an empty chuckle, “Well at least you are in good company. I don’t like to admit it, but now days I am always afraid. Still the hatred inside of me will not die, not until these men do. Alice, if I haven’t said this to you, I am glad you are my friend.”

Surprise crosse
d her face, “You really mean it? I normally just make people like me, but you like me all on your own. You even like playing dolls with me.”

I narrowed my eyes at her, “Don’t push it.
Plus you should know by now, you do have all of my memories.”

Alice smiled at me
. Her large eyes looked at me with some new found joy. Then with a sheepish grin, “Well you haven’t been paying close attention.”

“What’s that mean?”

Alice explained, “When you take someone's blood, you steal some memories, but not all of them. And after taking blood twice I knew better then to take anymore. I remember some of your meetings with your master Nicks, but not all the details. I also learned how you were able to see past my illusions. And for whatever reason I can now tell when you are hiding things from me. It's like I know how you feel.”

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