Mending the Soul (15 page)

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Authors: Alexis Lauren

BOOK: Mending the Soul
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"Nessa!  Thanks for bringing that up, like his presence isn't bad enough!"  Jenna was shocked.  Vanessa mouthed 'Sorry' and looked uncomfortable.  "It's ok.  We just need to find out if it was him or not."

"Ok, Vanessa, go get Nathan and Tony and bring them back here."  Nicholas told her.  He turned to Jenna.  "I promise I won't let him hurt you.  He's not going to get near you."  He said as he wrapped Jenna in a hug.  "I'm going to keep Tony and Mike with you while Nathan and I go looking for him.  We'll get rid of him, don't worry."

Vanessa came back with Tony and Nathan, and Nicholas grabbed Mike from the other side of the bar.  He gathered everyone and let them know what the plan was, making sure that Mike and Tony both knew that no one was to get near Jenna.  Nicholas, Nathan, and Vanessa took off to search for Kyle, while Tony, Mike, and Jenna stayed at the bar.  The guys tried to make small talk with her, to get her mind off the impending doom of her ex-husband, but in the end, the only thing to calm her nerves were the three shots the guys poured for her.

Vanessa was the first to spot Kyle, since she knew him the best of the three guys.  He was standing in a group of people, facing the bar and watching every move that Jenna made.  He was concentrating so intently on Jenna that he didn't even notice Nicholas walk up and push him.

"I don't think you were invited, so it's time you left."  Nicholas told him menacingly.

"I'll leave when I feel like it.  Who the hell do you think you are?"  Kyle asked angrily.

"I'm Nicholas Tiller.  This is my house, and I didn't invite you here."

"Well, your neighbor did, so leave me alone.  Take it up with her if you don't want me here."

"That's funny, because Jenna's my girlfriend, and I know for a fact that she didn't invite her ex-husband to our party."  He glared at Kyle.  Kyle looked hard at Nicholas and a look of recognition spread across Kyle's face.  "That's right.  I was the one last week that kicked you out of her house.  And now I'm kicking you out of mine.  Leave now of I'll call the police to have you removed."

"Kiss my ass you little puss!"  Kyle said and pushed Nicholas.

"You want to fight tough guy?  Is that it?"  Nicholas yelled as he pushed him back.

Kyle reached back and sent his clenched fist flying into Nicholas's eye.  As soon as his punch connected to Nicholas's face, Nathan jumped in and tackled Kyle.  "Ok, time for you to go!"  Nathan yelled at Kyle.

Jenna saw the whole fight, and when they started pushing each other, she took off through the sea of people to get to them before anything happened to Nicholas.  She got there just as Nathan tackled Kyle to the ground.  She ran to Nicholas's side and took his head in her hands.

"Are you ok?"  She asked worried.

"I'm fine.  He just got a lucky punch."  Nicholas growled.

"I'm so sorry."  She said, placing small kisses all over his face, murmuring apologies the whole time.

Nicholas pulled her into a hug.  "It's not your fault.  I'd rather he hit me than you anyways."

Jenna looked over to where Kyle was being held by Nathan.  She calmly walked over there before Nicholas could grab her.  "I don't know what the fuck your problem is, but you need to leave and never come back.  Do you hear me?  We are over, have been over and will always be over.  Stay away from me, stay away from Colby, and stay away from Nicholas.  You're lucky that Nicholas isn't pressing charges this time, don't let there be a next time."  Jenna said in a dangerously calm voice.

Kyle struggled against Nathan's grasp to get to Jenna, but wasn't able to shake him.  Jenna turned to walk away, then turned around.  "Oh yeah, I forgot to give you this…"  She punched him in the face with all her might, then when he was stunned, she lifted her foot with force and kicked him in the groin.  She turned and walked back to Nicholas as Nathan dragged the unwelcome guest to the front of the house.

Mike and Tony ran up then, out of breath.  "Sorry, she slipped out of our grasp.  We tried to hold her back when you guys started pushing each other, but she got away."  Tony apologized.

"It's ok.  She was with me.  She's safe."  Nicholas said as he looked at Jenna.  She took his face in her hands again, looking at his eye that was starting to swell up.

"We better get some ice on that.  Does it hurt?"  She asked.

"Only a little.  How about your hand?  That's got to hurt."  Nicholas said, picking up her hand that she punched Kyle with and kissed it.

"Yeah, it hurts a little, but it was so worth it."  She said as a huge smile spread across her face.

The two walked back into the house and headed for the kitchen to get some ice.  "You know, with my hand being sore, and your eye all swollen, people are going to think I punched you."  Jenna teased.

"Good thing all of our friends are here to know the truth, huh?"  He replied as he applied an ice pack to Jenna's hand.  He put the next ice pack on his eye as he groaned in pain when he touched it.  "Yeah, I think that's going to leave a mark."  He joked.

"Thank you, again.  Once again, you saved the damsel in distress.  It must be getting pretty old."  Jenna said.

"No, it's not getting old.  I want to protect you Jenna.  I don't want you to be hurt, and if I'm there to prevent it, then that makes me happy.  Now, could I do without a black eye?…Yup, but as long as you don't get hurt, I'll be fine."  Nicholas explained.

"You know, you look kind of sexy with that black eye.  It kind of mixes with the goatee and makes you look all dangerous and stuff."  Jenna teased.

"Oh yeah?  Well, don't get used to it!"  He told her.  Nicholas smiled and pulled Jenna against his body.  "I'm so glad you're ok."

"Thanks to you I am."  Jenna said softly.  "You think these people are going to get the hell out of here anytime soon?"  She asked as she ran her good hand under Nicholas's shirt, over his hard stomach and chest.

"Mmm, don't start yet.  I'm sure everyone will head to the bar soon.  We don't have to go, we can stay here, alone."  He suggested.

"That sounds good to me.  How about we plant the suggestion that the bars sound good into someone's head?"

"Good thinking.  I'll tell Tony, he'll spread the word."  Nicholas said, leaving the kitchen and going out to find Tony.

Jenna pulled herself up on the counter and sat there with her head against the cupboards.  She was so pissed that Kyle had been coming back into her life and trying to ruin everything for her again.  You'd think he did enough damage when he cheated on her and when they divorced.  Why can't he just leave her alone now?

Jenna's thoughts were interrupted by Nathan and Vanessa walking into the kitchen.  "Just wanted to let you know that Kyle's gone."  Nathan told her.

"Thanks for your help Nathan.  I feel bad that everyone was put in that position by my dumb ass ex-husband."  Jenna said, looking truly sorry.

"You have nothing to apologize for.  None of it was your fault.  Besides, you brought the light back into my buddy's eyes, and for that, I'd do anything for you."  He said and gave her a quick hug.

"Ness, thanks for warning us that Kyle was here.  Who knows what he'd have done if he caught us by surprise."

"Ah, that rat bastard should have been put out of his misery a long time ago.  Nice punch and kick by the way.  Really impressive."  Vanessa made a few kicks and karate chops in the air, mocking her lack of skills.

Jenna laughed.  "So, are you guys going to stick around or head to the bars with everyone else?"

"Um, I think we're going to head back to my place.  We've done the 'social thing' for the night, now I think we need to do our 'alone thing'."  Vanessa said as the blush crept up her cheeks.

"Hmm, I know exactly what you're talking about, and it sounds like a golden plan to me!"  Jenna smiled mischievously.

"Ok, well, I guess we're going to head out.  Thanks for everything tonight.  We had a great time."  Vanessa said and hugged Jenna.  "We'll go say goodnight to everyone, maybe they'll all get the hint too."  She said with a wink.

The three of them made their way to the backyard where all the guests were now congregated.  Nicholas seemed to be saying goodbye to a few people who waved goodbye to Jenna also.  Mike came up and put his arms around Jenna's waist, swinging her in a circle.  He planted a big, exaggerated kiss on Jenna's cheek before putting her down.

"Well, well, what was that for Mr. Moose?"  Jenna asked, laughing.

"Thanks Jenna for introducing me to Pam.  She seems like a great girl, and we're going to go out on a date as soon as I get back from our road trip.  I owe you a few tickets to our games for this."  Mike said smiling.

"Well, I'm glad you liked her."  Jenna was happy that they had hit it off.

"And I'm sorry about hitting on you last week.  I had no idea you and Nicholas were together.  But I got to admit…if it was anyone other than Nicholas, I would have fought to get you away from him.  He deserves to be happy, and he gets that from you."

"Thanks Mike.  Besides, I think your flirting got him to admit to how he felt about me."

"Well, take care of him, and don't either one of you become strangers.  He has my number, give me a call soon and we'll all get together again."

"Sure thing.  Have fun on the road trip, and show the country what the Yanks are made of, ok?"  Jenna told him.

He said goodbye to Jenna, and after that, more and more people were following his lead.  After about forty-five more minutes, the rest of the guests had left, leaving Nicholas and Jenna alone.

"OK, here's the plan.  There's not too much to clean up out here, so let's get the outside clean up done, and we can leave the inside for the morning.  Sound good to you?"  Nicholas suggested.

"Sounds great to me.  I'll race you!"  Jenna said as she grabbed a trash bag and started cleaning up.  Not long after, all the trash was collected and the back yard was cleaned up.  Jenna handed the garbage bag to Nicholas and told him that she'd meet him inside after he took the trash to the garbage cans in his garage.

She ran inside and headed straight upstairs for his bedroom.  When she opened the door, she was surprised to see that there were candles already lit.  'He must have snuck inside to do this when I was cleaning up!  I didn't even notice!'  Jenna thought.

"I knew you couldn't wait to get up here."  Nicholas teased from behind her.  She hadn't even heard him come in the house or walk upstairs.

"Well, someone told me they had big plans for me tonight, and I was just curious…"  Jenna said innocently.

"Are you ready for this?  Are we going too fast?"  Nicholas asked her.

"No, I'm ready.  I want this more than you know."  Jenna said, moving closer to Nicholas.  She reached her hands out to grasp his shirt and pull it off him slowly.  She watched as little by little, more of his skin was exposed to her.  She ran her hands over the muscles in his chest, and the ripples in his abs.  As her hands wandered, Jenna looked up into Nicholas's eyes.

Nicholas leaned down and took Jenna's mouth into a gentle, but passionate kiss.  He ran his hands through her hair as he trailed his kisses from her lips to her jawline, then down her neck.  When his lips connected to Jenna's bare shoulders, she gasped.

"Have I told you how amazing you look tonight?"  He asked her.  "Or how wonderful you were with all my friends?"

Jenna just moaned in response when his hands skimmed over her breasts.  Nicholas was taking his time, enjoying the feel of Jenna's body next to his.  He savored every touch, every taste, and every kiss.  He didn't want to miss any inch of her body, he wanted to touch and taste it all.

Slowly he rid Jenna of her top, pleased to find that she wasn't wearing a bra with it.  He slowly backed up towards the bed, taking Jenna with him.  When his legs touched the mattress, he sat back, bringing his head at the perfect level to see her breasts.  He reached out and rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers as he watched he head fall back in pleasure.  His large hands slid down her stomach and circled behind her, pulling her body even closer to his.  He lifted his head and caught one of her nipples with his mouth, sending waved of pleasure throughout Jenna's whole body.  She moaned as she pushed on his shoulders so that he fell back into bed.

As Nicholas lay there, Jenna undid his pants.  She hooked her fingers in the waistband as Nicholas lifted his hips for her to slide his pants off.  In one smooth motion, Nicholas lost his pants and his boxers, and was now naked.  Jenna knelt between Nicholas's legs and took him in her hand.  She pumped her fist up and down the length of him a few times before she enveloped her mouth around him.

Nicholas drew in a sharp breath and jerked slightly when he felt Jenna's hot mouth on him.  She circled her tongue around the mushroom head, then licked down the shaft.  He lifted his head from the bed to watch Jenna as she sucked on him.  Jenna looked up into his eyes the whole time that he was in her mouth, and could feel herself getting even wetter when she saw the pleasure in his eyes.

Nicholas felt like he was getting close to his climax, so he sat up and pulled Jenna's mouth off him.  She stood before him as his hands went to the button and zipper of her leather pants.  "It's a shame we have to take these off you.  You look so hot in them."  Nicholas moaned as he dragged the pants down her legs.  Jenna stepped out of the pants, leaving just her thong on.  "Nuh-uh, thong off too.  If I'm naked, so are you."  He said, ridding her of her panties.

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