Mending the Soul (13 page)

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Authors: Alexis Lauren

BOOK: Mending the Soul
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"I believe you are right.  You might want to start now, it may take you a while to make it up to me."  Jenna smiled.

"I thought you'd never ask."  He told her, then captured her lips with his own.

Jenna moaned into his mouth as he kissed her.  Their tongues dueled with each other as their passion increased.  Nicholas's hand went from Jenna's waist up to cup one of her breasts through her jersey, making Jenna gasp.  Nicholas began trailing kisses down Jenna's jaw line, towards her soft and silky neck.  Nicholas brought both of his hands up to the neck of Jenna's shirt and started to unbutton the jersey.

"Wait.  We can't do this here.  Even us just kissing out in the open like this isn't right if we haven't told the kids yet.  I don't want one of them to wake up and walk down here to catch us."  Jenna panted.

"Do you want me to leave?"  Nicholas asked, praying that she said no.

"No, I just want to go up to my bedroom, where we can be behind closed doors."  She said as she stood from the couch.  "Don't worry, I'm not saying that we're going to have sex, I just want a little more privacy."  She assured him.

Nicholas nodded his head and followed her up to her bedroom.  Jenna shut and locked the door behind him, then turned to look at him.  "I'm a little nervous."  Nicholas chuckled.

"Me too, quite honestly."  Jenna said with a smile.  Neither one knew what to do, so they both just stood there looking at each other.  Both were afraid to make the first move, so Jenna tried to lighten the mood by turning on the television.  "What do you usually watch on Saturday nights?"

"I don't know, but there's got to be some movie on that we both can agree on."  Nicholas said, relieved that Jenna had done something to break the tension.

Jenna sat at the end of her bed, with her remote in her hand, flipping through the guide to find something to watch.  Nicholas sat next to her, watching as the titles scrolled through on the TV.  They finally decided on 'Pirates of the Caribbean'.   Jenna scooted back so that she could lay on the bed comfortably, and Nicholas followed her.

Once they were comfortable, they started watching the movie, and every ounce of tension disappeared from the room.  After a little while, Nicholas rolled onto his side and looked at Jenna.  He ran his hand down her face, then let his fingertips graze over her neck.  He leaned over her and kissed her soft lips, unable to resist any longer.

Soon they were right where they left off, with Nicholas's hands on the buttons of Jenna's jersey.  When he finally had all the buttons undone, Nicholas pulled her shirt off, to reveal a tank top underneath.  Nicholas's mouth moved to Jenna's shoulder, sucking and nipping at the skin there, knowing that he was leaving marks and not caring…just as long as it wasn't on her neck where everyone would see it.

Nicholas let his hand roam under the tank top that Jenna was wearing.  She gasped when his hand met her bare nipple.  Taking that as a sign of pleasure, Nicholas pealed the tank top off of Jenna too, leaving her torso bare.  Nicholas looked at her naked top for a while, then descended on her bare breasts, one with his hand, the other with his mouth, getting moans of pleasure from Jenna.

Jenna's hand wandered from Nicholas's arms, down his stomach, to the growing bulge in his pants.  As she touched the mound, she noticed Nicholas's sharp intake of breath.  He rolled her over so that she was flat on her back and he was laying on his side, next to her.  He brought his mouth back up to hers as his hand left her breast and slowly made its way down her stomach.  When he reached the button of her jeans, he easily flicked it open, and dragged the zipper down.  Nicholas's mouth left Jenna's as he backed his head away from her and looked into her eyes, while his hand made its way into her jeans and panties, searching for her pleasure.

Jenna's eyes showed both shock and lust as Nicholas's fingers curled in her center.  He began a slow rhythm of stroking, sending waves of pleasure throughout Jenna's body.  He sucked on her nipples and kissed his way up to her mouth, drawing her bottom lip into his mouth and sucking on it.  It was more than Jenna could take and she erupted into a shattering climax.  Nicholas looked into her eyes as the pleasure overtook her body, and realized that he had never seen such a breathtaking sight.  As the last wave flooded Jenna's body, she finally regained her breath and smiled lazily at Nicholas.

"What was that for?"  Jenna asked.

"Just something I wanted to do."  Nicholas smiled.

"Well, there's something I want to do too."  Jenna said with a mischievous look in her eyes.  She rolled Nicholas onto his back and noticed that the bulge in his pants was still there and bigger than ever.  She reached for his pants and undid them, sliding them and his boxers down his hips.  When she looked at his erection, she got an eyeful.  He was definitely bigger than Kyle, the only other man she had ever been with.

Jenna knelt between Nicholas's legs and ran her hand up and down his length.  She kissed the head of his shaft before taking it all into her mouth.  She bobbed her head up and down, licking him as she went.  She could feel him stiffen even more, as she worked him.  "Jenna, I'm not going to last long.  It's been too long and feels too good."  He told her, sounding almost as if he was in pain.

"Go ahead.  Give into your pleasure."  Jenna said before she took him into her mouth again.  She sucked him for a few strokes, then felt his release at the back of her throat.  Jenna swallowed everything that Nicholas had given her, then used to tongue to clean him up.

"Wow!  That was amazing."  Nicholas said as he pulled Jenna into his arms.

"Just think of how amazing it will be when we finally have sex!"  Jenna laughed.

"Thank you."  Nicholas said, starting to get choked up.  "Thank you for making me feel alive again.  And I'm not talking about what we just did, but in every aspect of my life."  He told her, then planted a soft kiss on her lips.

Jenna smiled and cuddled closer to him.  "Do you want to sleep here tonight?"

"Do you think I should?"  Nicholas asked.

"I don't know about should, but I want you to."  She told him.

"Ok, then I will."  He pulled his boxers up and put his jeans on the chair next to the bed.  He slid his shirt over his head and put it with his jeans.  Jenna got up out of bed, turned off the TV and went into the bathroom.  When she came out, she had on a small red nightgown.  They both slid under the covers and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Chapter 13 Waking Up

Jenna woke up the next morning wrapped tight in Nicholas's arms.  She had slept better last night than she had in years.  It was a little odd for her at first, to have to share her bed with someone again, but laying so close to Nicholas brought a peaceful feeling over her that she never had, even when she was with Kyle.  She felt calm, and she felt safe…both things she hadn't felt in a while.

She tried to get up out of bed without Nicholas noticing, but as soon as she moved, his arms tightened around her.  "Mmm, not yet.  This feels too good."  Nicholas moaned.

"I know it does, but we need to get up before the kids do."  Jenna said reluctantly.

Nicholas shot up out of bed.  "Oh, man.  How could I have forgotten about the kids?  They didn't cross my mind once this morning, and I definitely didn't feel like I was doing something wrong that I had to hide from them."

"Maybe it just felt so right that we forgot it's something we should be hiding?"  Jenna pointed out.

"It did feel right, didn't it?"  Nicholas asked as he pulled Jenna into his arms and gave her a light kiss on her lips.  "I don't regret last night for anything.  I'm happy with everything that happened, and I hope you feel the same."

Jenna nodded.  "No regrets here either."  She smiled.  "Now, get dressed so we can go downstairs and make the kids some breakfast."

"So wait, no awkward morning, no long talk about where this is going?"  Nicholas asked as he grabbed Jenna's arm before she walked out of the bedroom.

"Nope, not unless you want that."  Jenna smiled again.  She looked at the confusion in Nicholas's eyes and decided to explain.  "There's no awkwardness because both of us wanted what happened last night, right?  We both just agreed that there were no regrets, so why should we feel weird?  As for a long talk about where this is going…I'm just tired of worrying about it.  It seems like that's all I've been thinking about lately, and it's done nothing but stress me out.  Maybe we should just stop questioning everything and let whatever we have lead us wherever it goes for now."

Nicholas smiled.  Jenna never ceased to amaze him.  "I guess you're right.   You really are a remarkable woman, you know that?"

Jenna grinned.  "Yes, I know.  But it's about time you realized it!"  She said playfully.  "Now get dressed and meet me in the kitchen.  And hurry!"  She disappeared out the door, closing it behind her.

Nicholas stood there laughing and shaking his head.




Jenna and Nicholas were in the kitchen making breakfast when Emma and Colby finally woke up.  Emma was surprised to see her father there so early in the morning.  "Daddy!  What are you doing here?  You never have breakfast with us!"

"Hi pumpkin.  I just got up early and wandered over here when I smelled Jenna's wonderful cooking.  You know, I think people come from miles around for her special apple pancakes!"  He teased as he picked her up in a big hug.  "Actually, we're all going to the zoo today, and I wanted to get a head start.  So after your breakfast, you and Colby need to hurry up and get ready to go, ok?"

"The zoo!  Cool!"  Emma and Colby both shouted.

Nicholas looked over at Jenna and shrugged his shoulders.  Emma and Colby both shoveled their food in their mouths as fast as they could, then ran off to get dressed.

Nicholas and Jenna were alone in the kitchen again.  "I hate lying to her."  Nicholas said solemnly.  "I hope you don't mind going to the zoo today."

"The zoo sounds great."  Jenna said as she put her arms around Nicholas's neck.  "I hate lying to the kids too, but what happens if we tell them about us, and then something happens and we aren't together anymore.  Don't you think that will hurt them worse than anything?"

"I know, I know.  I just feel bad sneaking around though."  He laid his forehead on hers.  "I'm going to go get ready.  Send Emma over to change her clothes when she comes back down, ok?"  Nicholas gave Jenna a quick kiss and was out of her arms and at the back door before she knew it.

Everyone had fun at the zoo.  Emma and Colby had a blast imitating all the animals, especially the monkeys.  Nicholas and Jenna even had their share of fun, stealing kisses and holding hands when the kids weren't looking.  It was the perfect way to end the weekend before Nicholas and Jenna had to go back to work, and Emma and Colby had to go to the babysitters.  Summer would be ending soon, with the kids going back to school, so warm day like this were numbered.

When they got home, Jenna and Colby bid Nicholas and Emma goodnight, as they retreated to their own houses, neither kid noticing the longing look between their parents.




The week dragged on and on for Jenna and Nicholas.  Neither could wait for the weekend, to be able to spend some time together again.  Even though they saw each other a few times throughout the week, it just wasn't the same as the quality time they were able to spend on the weekends.

Nicholas had spoken with his mother early in the week and she agreed to take Emma and Colby to her house for a sleepover on Friday night, as they were going to be having the party at Nicholas's.  When Friday afternoon rolled around, Nicholas couldn't wait to get home from work.  As soon as he got home, he ran upstairs to shower and change before Jenna got there to help cook for the dinner they were having.

Shortly after Nicholas got out of the shower, he heard his doorbell.  He ran downstairs to open it, finding Jenna standing there, hands full of groceries.  After a quick kiss, Nicholas took the bags from Jenna and brought them to the kitchen.  He had expected Jenna to follow him, but when he turned around, he noticed that she wasn't there.

Jenna stood at the doorway, hesitant to enter.  She remembered the last time she was there, and how she had a mini-breakdown over the pictures of Leslie.  Jenna didn't think she could go through that again, especially not when things were going so well between her and Nicholas finally.  She couldn't handle seeing all the pictures again, pictures from a happier time in his life, wondering if she could ever make him feel like that.  'Maybe this was a bad idea, and I should leave.  Nicholas is in a really good mood right now, and I don't want to ruin that.  I don't want to bring his party down either.'  Jenna thought.  She turned to leave, and just as she was walking down the steps of the porch, she felt a hand reach out and grab her arm.

"Where are you going?  I thought you were going to help me cook."  Nicholas said, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I'm sorry.  I just…I…"  Jenna tried to talk to him to tell him why she couldn't go in his house.

A light bulb went off in Nicholas's head.  'The pictures!'  He thought.  "Come in here, there's something I want to show you."  He pulled on her hand and Jenna stood still.  He pleaded with her using his eyes, and she slowly made her way into his house.  "I've done a little redecorating, mostly for myself, but I think it's something you might like too."  He told her.

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