Miah (Lane Brothers #2) (8 page)

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Authors: Kristina Weaver

BOOK: Miah (Lane Brothers #2)
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“What’s laid?”

I cringe when Timmy starts singing the word at the top of his lungs and some of the other little boys start joining the chorus.

“It’s what chickens do to give us eggs, Timmy. They lay eggs, hence the past tense phrase ‘laid.’ The chicken lays an egg, or the chickens laid enough eggs to fill their coops.”

I’m almost certain that if this doesn’t convince them, I’ll be facing some irate parents tomorrow and Principal Jones and her viper’s tongue.

Oh hell, and here my day started off with a good kissing session and some hot and heavy groping in the shower.

              Now I’m dreading how it will end.



Chapter Ten


As expected, the moment I get into Miah’s SUV he starts bombarding me with a million questions and demanding answers about Nick and what he was doing here.

I’m surprised he knows before I even got the chance to tell him. It’s not like the man has lied about having me watched when he’s not there to keep an eye on me, and I’m strangely grateful about having Gonzalez or even Roman keeping an eye out when I’m at work and defenceless.

“What the hell, Clari? He came to your school?” he yells, hitting the wheel with the heel of his palm.


“No, do not try to placate me and diffuse this shit, Clara,” he says, giving me a glare that’s been absent since the night he decided to woo me.

He’s been treating me like fragile glass all week, but it seems one mention of my ex is enough to make the possessive beast rear his ugly head again.

“I don’t appreciate you blaming this on me or yelling at me. I didn’t know he was here till I turned around and saw him in the hall, Miah, and believe me, I let him know how little I appreciate him just showing up, so can the tone,” I warn.

Anger is not something I’m familiar with since I prefer to take things easy and just walk away when people start getting unpleasant. I can’t walk away from this, though.

And we are going to argue. I can see it in the way he holds himself stiffly and grips the wheel so tightly. His jaw looks hard enough to crack his teeth and his eyes have gone that cobalt color that signals a brewing storm.

“Did he touch you?”

“No. He tried but I sidestepped him, so calm down.”

“What did he want, Clara?”

“Oh for the love of—stop calling me that, it bugs me!” I yell.

I’m already annoyed enough as it is without Miah having a go at me as if Nick showing up was my idea or something. How many times do I have to tell the man that I do not want my ex before he believes me?

“What did he want?” he grits out, keeping his eyes focused on the road since afternoon traffic seems to be heavier than usual for this time of day.

“He wanted to talk to me about coming home—no, do not start yelling. I know that is not my home and I told him so. I also told him that I’m in a relationship, though why I even bothered with the way you’re behaving is beyond me, because if this is how things are going to be, I do not see us working out.”

His face goes stony and I cringe at the threat I just made, wishing I could take it back the minute it left my stupid mouth.

“Don’t threaten me with that, Clara Elms, or you may not like what happens,” he snarls.

“Really? What are you going to do, hotshot? Huh?”

It’s ridiculous how good this feels and I can’t stop myself from digging the knife a little deeper now that I’ve begun. I’ve never let loose like this before, and while I don’t see myself doing it on the regular like Ellie seems to delight in, I can definitely see the cathartic benefit of a good blowout every now and then.

“Maybe I should take a leaf out of Wyatt’s book and tie you to the bed till you come to your senses,” he fires back, taking the turn into the driveway too fast for comfort.

“Oh yeah? Why? Are you finally going to go for some sex, or is this just your wimpy way of shutting the little woman up?”

“That fucking does it, Clari!”


He comes around the hood of the car and throws me over his shoulder.

“Miah, clam down.”

“No. You want me to make love to you, Clari? Fine, I’ll make love to you, and see if you can handle the hard as well as the soft I wanted to give you. Now hush and say hello to Ma before she screams the house down.”

His mother is watching?

“Miah, put me down!” I hiss, slapping at his muscular butt.

“No. Ma, Clari and I will grab dinner much later.”

“Oh, well of course, dear. Hi, Clari!”

I can’t respond as he starts taking the stairs two at a time, stealing my breath with each step. I do manage a wave and smile at Ellie’s wink and Jude’s thumbs-up.

After kicking the door shut, he throws me down on the bed and pins me beneath his larger weight.


The word is a sigh now that I’m calmer and feeling at peace for the first time since this afternoon. The nerves that rode me all day, coupled with Miah’s own negative reaction, have left me drained and in need of some loving—the kind only he’s capable of giving me.

“No, woman, don’t go getting all soft on me after waking the beast. You wanted this. I’m going to give you what you want.”

He means the words as a threat, or at least he wants to, but his eyes have gone soft and he’s struggling not to laugh.

My poor Miah. I can just imagine what he must have felt like being stuck at his horrible job all day, knowing that my ex had come to see me.

“You know, he was really angry when I told him that I was in a relationship and not free anymore,” I croon, raising a hand to caress the stubble lining his jaw.

“Oh yeah? I bet he almost shat a brick.”

He loves knowing that I’m his, it seems, and he obviously loves the thought of Nick knowing that he’s lost.

“He got upset and I thought…well, I thought he’d finally snap, but Principal Jones interrupted before he could do anything.”

His eyes go hard then, and I could kick myself for ruining the mood. Keeping his jaw firmly in my hand, I lean up and lick at his lips in a quick swipe meant to rouse the lust I saw earlier in the car.

“You going to keep yapping or deliver on that promise you just made, Mr. Lane?” I purr as seductively as I can while licking his taste from my lips.

He smiles darkly.

“Never let it be said I broke a promise to my girl.”



I’m a nervous wreck as I seal my mouth over hers and unleash the desire I’ve been holding in check on her soft mouth. She tastes so sweet and right, like the hundred kisses we’ve shared and the millions more I intend to give her over the course of a lifetime.

That unsettled urgency is gone now that I have her under me, and instead of focusing on the negative, I surrender myself entirely to the feel of her lips eating at mine and the way her hips sway up into me, begging me for more than the little tastes I’ve been teasing us both with for the last week.

I’ve been a walking hard-on all day after torturing myself in the shower this morning and dipping just one finger into her tight heat. I’d stopped immediately and left for the guest bathroom nearby to jerk off before I lost all sense of self and kept her in bed all day.

I’d brought myself to an orgasm while sucking her taste from my finger and imagining what it would be like to finally get my mouth on her wet heat and eat her out to my heart’s content.

No wonder I’ve been so nuts. It only got worse when Gonzalez called me and let me know that Grimes had finally shown up. Leaving this alone for so long when I’ve been craving her for months was not a good idea.

Control it, Miah
, I warn myself when the urge to rip at her clothes starts dogging me. Instead, I pull my mouth form hers and sit back on my haunches, taking in the way her eyes have gone all glassy and her lips look swollen.

I won’t rush a moment of this, no matter how hard my dick is right now, because as I’ve just recently admitted to myself, I intend to spend my life with this woman. I want her first time with me to be a memory she’ll cherish, not some rushed fuck just to scratch my itch.

Starting slow, I take her blouse between my trembling fingers and lift it up, helping her sit so I can pull it over her head and throw it over my shoulder.

I don’t look down yet, just keep our eyes locked as I go for the waistband of her slacks and pull them down her legs. Our eyes hold through the entire process till she’s gloriously naked and laying beneath me like an offering.

Only then do I break our gazes and allow my eyes to travel downward. Her breasts are beautiful and full with large pink nipples that make my mouth water with the need to taste and suck and bite.

Her waist is a tapered curve that leads down to a bush of fiery red curls and pink folds of perfection.

I love the sight of her creamy white skin and the light dusting of cinnamon freckles on her upper chest and the bridge of her nose.


“Shh, babe, let me look. I’ve waited so long to see you. I just…”

I lower my head to a candy-pink nipple, groaning low in my throat when the bud puckers against my tongue and she shoves her breast deeper into my mouth.

I spend a long time tonguing and sucking on her breasts before moving over to the other and treating it to the same worshipping praise, enjoying the slide of her skin against my lips and the way she can’t seem to hold her body still no matter how much weight I put on her smaller frame.

“Miah, oh please,” she moans, roughly pulling at my hair, her face twisted with lust and the need I’ve sparked inside her.

I obey the unspoken plea and move down to her sex, using my thumbs to open her up to my gaze and the onslaught I’m about to unleash on her. She smells like musk and arousal and everything female when I lean closer and breathe her in, and I love that all that silky moisture is mine and will be mine for the rest of our lives.

When she’s pushing at me and pulling at my hair, I finally lower my mouth and groan into her flesh. So good, so damned good that I think I could stay here for another hour, at least, just to enjoy her musky flavor and the loud moans that escape her lips.

I’ve never really cared about doing this shit to a female before, preferring to keep things basic and straightforward, but with Clari, I know that sex is going to be much more than the basic missionary.

I love her taste, her scent, the way her sex flowers open beneath my mouth as if begging me to come inside and fill her.

“Miah, please, Miah. Please,” she screams when I desert her folds and latch on to the hard nub hidden within her lips. The string suckling motion I start has her screaming and pushing closer even as she pulls at my hair and tries to get me up and over her.

I ignore her struggles and keep licking at the nub of swollen flesh, stopping only when I’m sure she’s about to explode before pulling my mouth away.


I pay her scream of outrage no mind as I stand and start ripping at my clothes, almost tripping in my haste before falling back on her and taking her mouth in an explosive kiss.

It’s her hand that finally reaches down and I almost come apart when she wraps it around my dick and twirls the head through the copious moisture at her entrance.

“Babe, slow down,” I grate, grinding my jaw when she lines me up and starts impaling herself on me, her little entrance struggling to stretch around my girth.

“No, help me, Miah. I need it,” she pleads, pushing herself higher to take me in.

Her pleas are too much for me and I relent, pushing forward in a slow but steady glide that has her stretching around me, gloving me in so much tightness, I have to stop for fear of coming before I’ve completed my first thrust.

“Fuck. Clari, babe, you have to hold still,” I gasp when she digs her nails into my ass and starts pulling at me in desperation.

“No! Do it, Miah. Oh!”

I give her everything then, and almost yell in triumph when instead of crying at my size, she seems to love the full fit and shows it by going wild beneath me.

“Yeah, babe, oh yeah, take what you need.”

She’s magnificent beneath me as she controls the rhythm. The tight, heated slide of her moist sheath is so perfect that all I can do now is hold myself immobile while she makes love to me, bringing us both so much pleasure, it doesn’t take much more than a few minutes before I’m ready to blow my load.

She’s not doing any better, either, and I feel her sheath tighten even further before she explodes around me, her sex sucking at me in a series of contractions.

I hold off my own climax and do what I should have done before touching her.

“Clari, do I need to pull out?”

“No, oh God no,” she moans, moving faster when her orgasm keeps going on and on.

She may be lost in pleasure and unaware of my question, so the right thing to do would be to pull out and come on the sheets. I try, I really do, but her sex is not having it, and when she clamps down to stop my retreat, I let go and give in to the cum boiling up from my balls.

I hear myself howling like an animal when the first jet of semen leaves me, shooting deep as wave after wave of it erupts from within and keeps going till I finally collapse on top of her, my nuts drained dry and aching with satisfaction.

“Oh my.”

I grin and gather enough strength to roll to the side and pull her against me.

One thing keeps bugging me, though.

“Babe, I just offloaded a shitload of sperm into you.”

That makes her giggle and I’m reminded of her innocence anew.

“I’m on the pill, Miah.”

. That saves me a lot of angst and hassle seeing as I’m not about to impregnate my woman anytime soon, if ever. I foresee a very long and happy future with just the two of us.

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