Missy's Gentle Giant (28 page)

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Authors: P D Miller

BOOK: Missy's Gentle Giant
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“You didn’t think about leaving did
you?”  Huge dimples appeared with her grin.  “Are you planning on
staying here forever?”

“Mm, now there’s a thought.” 
Ben grinned and pulled her down again.

“But I still—tonight you didn’t—”

“Oh tonight, I forgot you wanted to
know about it.”

“I do want to know.”

“Oh honey, you made me feel

“I did?”  A frown deepened on
her face.  “But you didn’t—”

“One of the reasons I’m not letting
you get up is because of it.”

“One of the reasons?”

“Yep, one of two.  I don’t
know how it happened exactly but just by knowing I pleased you and made you
feel wonderful, I felt the same thing.”

“Like me?  You did?”  She
tried to raise herself.

“Yes, and if you get up, you’re
going to know what happened because you’re all sticky.”

“Oh Ben.”  She raised herself
some and grinned showing dimples.

“Oh Ben.”  He mimicked and
smiled.  “I think we need a trip to the sauna; don’t you?”

“I guess you’re right.”  She
giggled.  Ben released her and let her roll to his side.

“You stay here while I turn it
on.”  He kissed her forehead, shifted and rose.  On his way to the
bathroom, he laughed.  “Don’t you move your beautiful body; okay?”

“Okay.”  She lay back and
closed her eyes.  Ben made her feel so beautiful.

“Did you move?”

She opened startled eyes when he
pulled her into his arms.  “Nope.”  She kissed his nose and grinned
as he carried her to the bathroom.

Ben climbed into the sauna and sat,
then reached out for her and pulled her inside.  “Mm it feels good, no
vinegar either.”  He turned her around until she was over him, against his
chest again.

“Are you planning on keeping me
glued to you forever?”  Her dimples showed.

“Yep and out here for the next
forty years.”  He pulled his arms around her.

Missy sighed and there was a long
comfortable silence for a few minutes.  She rolled all the things he’d
said over and over in her mind.  She knew he hadn’t entered her.  How
could he feel so great?  He acted like everything was wonderful and still
he hadn’t done what she thought he’d do.  Slowly she pulled herself away
from him.

“You said there were two reasons
why you felt so good tonight.”  She shook her head.  “But you
didn’t—you know, you didn’t—”

“It will come in time.”  He
held her close.  “Now after you’ve felt what I wanted you to feel, I think
you’ll want to share love with me in every way.  Won’t you?”

“Oh yes!”  The words burst
from her.  “I’ve always wanted to please you.”

“Well, tonight you have. 
Don’t worry about the rest.”  He rubbed her back.  Yes, they would
work it out, but he was going to have to be careful and take it a little at a
time.  She was so damn small.  If he got carried away, he could hurt

“You said two reasons.”

“Oops.  Damn, I forgot
something.”  He pushed her away and jumped from the sauna.  “Honey stay
right there and relax; I forgot something on the beach.”

“Ben?”  She blinked.

“I’ll be right back, two maybe
three minutes.”  He stopped at the door.  “Maybe ten minutes, but
I’ll run as fast as I can.”

Missy watched him disappear,
glanced down at herself on her knees in the sauna, shook her head and sat
down.  He was crazy.  A grin formed on her face, and she closed her
eyes.  He had no idea how wonderful he made her feel.  She swished in
the water.  She loved him crazy.

“I’m back.”  Ben leaned
against the door jam catching his breath.  “Did you miss me?”

“Oh, were you gone?”  She
couldn’t resist.


“Of course I missed you
silly.  I had to scrub my back myself.”  Her dimples flashed. 

“Oh honey, have I ever told you
what your dimples do to me?”

“No.”  She pulled herself up
and reached for a towel, flashing more dimples.  “Tell me what they do.”

“I can’t.”  Ben reached out
and hauled her into his arms.  His tongue lashed out to touch her dimples.

“I’m still wet.”

He dropped his knee on the bed and
they fell together.  His tongue traced the outline of her ear while he
climbed over her.  When his tongue touched hers, a little war
started.  Her hands wildly shot up to his shoulders and hair.  He groaned
at her touch, pulled away gasping and burned a trail to her breasts with his
tongue.  Once he’d sucked the life out of one nipple, his tongue searched
for the other and his hand shot down to her heated peak.  Gently rubbing
her, he felt her arch.

“Ben I want—”  Her hands were
frantically trying to touch him.  One slid down his side and touched the
hair on his lower abdomen.  Ben’s hand shot out, grabbed her hand and
pulled it down to touch him.

“Do you want this?”  He
whispered as the muscles in his cheeks rippled showing the tension he felt

“Yes.”  She arched again.

“Honey, it might hurt.”  Damn,
he was going to die.  A light bulb flickered in his head.  He
couldn’t hurt her.  It had to be different.

“I trust you.”  She stroked

“Damn—”  He groaned deeply,
shifted and dropped to her side.  Easily he pulled her around on her side
to have her back against his chest.  “Oh, I love you, and I’ve got to get
inside you this time.”

“Yes, I want you.”  Startled
at the position she was in, she reached out for him.  “Ben?”

“Hush.”  He rubbed her peak
with his thumb and sent her body to new burning heights.  Slowly using his
fingers as a guide, he entered a little, waited for some sign of fear or pain,
felt none and withdrew to enter again with a loud groan.  “Honey, I want to
go with you this time.”

Her response was a cry of
pleasure.  Slowly he increased his thrusts as beads of water formed on his
forehead.  He closed his eyes to the pleasure he felt as he neared a peak.

Like a bolt of lightning it hit
Missy why Ben had her on her side and she stiffened.  Not only did she
stiffen, but she straightened out forcing his withdrawal, and she flipped to
her back.   “I know what you’re doing, and it’s not going to be this
way!”  Her eyes flared with anger and tears.  She got to her knees
and glared at him.

“Honey?”  Ben was struck
cold.  Damn, he’d been feeling so good inside her, and then?

“Make love to me, dammit!” 
She hit him on the shoulder.

“I am!”

“No!”  She jumped from the bed
and ran from the room.

Ben was instantly off the
bed.  What the hell had happened?  He was sure he hadn’t hurt
her.  Damn, did just entering her do this?  She was curled up in a
chair staring out the window with tears streaming down her cheeks.


“Go away.”

“Okay.”  Ben blinked and
turned toward the bedroom totally confused.

“No stay, dammit.”

“Okay.”  He turned back to
face her.

“Do you have to be so damned

“Honey, I just—“”

“Go away!”

“No, dammit!”  Rage surged
through Ben.

“No?”  She blinked.

“No!”  Ben reached out for her
and yanked her to her feet.  He bent enough to throw her over his


“No!  I’m not going to protect
you any more.  I’ve had it!”  He marched to the bedroom and dropped
her unceremoniously on the bed.

“Are you mad at me?”

“Damn right, I am.”  He glared. 
“Madder than hell.”

“Are you going to hurt me?”

“What the hell do you think? 
I’m twice as big as you and you’re so damn small—you’re damn right I’m going to
hurt you—probably hurt you like hell.  You’d better be damn ready.” 
He dropped and lunged over her with a glare.

“Are you really mad?”  She
grinned and giggled.

“Shut up!  I’m mad as hell.”

“Make love to me now.”  Her
dimples shined; his anger left him as quickly as it arose.

“I just didn’t want to hurt you.”

“I know, but Mama said it always
hurts the first time.”  Her tongue lashed out for his in a searching
kiss.  “I want all of you, all your love, all your need—”

Their tongues battled until the
need for air caused them to pull away.  Damn, what she did to him. 
What she was asking.  Tongues and hands warred over places to touch and
taste and tease.  When Ben sucked on a nipple, her hand shot down to touch
him.  Ben groaned and sent his tongue searching lower, and she curved her
body searching with hers.  There was a lot of groaning as each reached
different peaks of desire.  Their bodies were soaked with sweat coming
from their inside heat.  Touches and tastes burned their insides. 
Ben could take no more when he heard her low groan and felt her stiffen. 
Fear mixed with anger and total love was then mingled with his need, and he
thrust inside her. 

“Like a virgin!”  Missy gasped
and cried out.

“Yes, mine!”  He withdrew and
thrust again.  “Mine, only mine.”  His brain was totally useless
now.  Fears and worries were forgotten.  Giving, loving was all he
had on his mind.  He didn’t hear his own groans of pleasure as he sought
to hear hers and feel her body beneath him respond.  Her hand shot down to
feel their joining.  His hand met hers and spoke of love.  Then he
rubbed her tender peak and felt her tighten with anticipation.  When she
cried out and stiffened to her body’s explosion, he withdrew and thrust again
and again quickly until her legs slid up and clamped around him to hold him
inside her.  Right then his insides exploded and went a million
ways.  She wouldn’t let him withdraw, so his thrusts were directed to
crawling totally inside her.


Missy beneath him, holding him
inside her and peace.  All the turmoil, fear and pain were gone, just
leaving peace.  It was all Ben felt as his body returned to him. 
Never had he felt such peace.  Dazed, he lifted himself to his elbows and
saw Missy’s closed eyes with tears streaming down the sides of her face and her
dimples.  His eyes glistened.

“Do you know I’m your slave
forever?”  He whispered and shifted to get some of his weight off her tiny

“Mm, yes mine.”

“If you’ll pull your legs back,
I’ll roll with us until you’re on me.”  He mumbled and was surprised she
slowly unhooked her legs.  Placing his hand on her bottom, he rolled and
kept himself inside her.  Damn for the first time in his life he felt
total peace.  When she snuggled against him, he sighed and closed his
eyes.  Peace, dreamless peace.


Five minutes later—actually five
hours, Ben awakened to a wild tongue tasting the edge of his ear.  He
turned his head so his hungry tongue could touch hers.

“Did I awaken you?”  Missy’s
dimples flashed.

“What do you think?”  He
kissed her nose.

“I thought I might just be too

“Mm, never.”  He searched for
her lips.

“The last I recall, you were saying
my dimples did something to you.”  She pulled away.

“It’s the last you recall?”

“Well—”  She showed her
dimples.  “It’s not the last I recall exactly, but it was the last
coherent thing you said.”

“Oh.”  Ben grinned and reached
out to touch her dimples.  “Guess you know they make me kind of crazy.”

“Mm, and make you lose your head
and act like a wild animal.”

“Was I so bad?  Did you
mind?”  His fingers traced the outline of her mouth.

“I loved it.”  She smiled
brightly.  “How about you?”

“Oh honey.”  He rolled over
with her.  Facing each other, he pushed back her hair.  “If only you
knew how you make me feel.”

Missy kissed his nipple and glanced
up at him.  “When I asked you about the second reason, you—”

“You didn’t forget—yes, the second
reason.”  He smiled and instantly shifted away.  “Even more important
now.”  He pulled her up by the wrist as he climbed from the bed.  “Got
a surprise for you in the kitchen.”

“A surprise?”

“Mm.”  He pulled her
along.  “You make some coffee while I set it up.”

Missy watched out of the side of
her eyes while Ben sat in the nook and pulled wires out of a box on the
table.  She stopped between putting spoons of coffee grounds in the
holder, listened to him talk to the box and the box talked back to him. 
Not sure of the spoon count she stopped at, she added four more to be sure,
poured the water over the top and automatically flipped the switch turning it
on.  He was calling her house?  She could hear the ringing. 
Dumbfounded, she stood there with the pot in her hand while coffee spilled all
over the counter.

“Here, talk to your mother.” 
Ben smiled, took the pot and quickly slid it in place to catch a little of the



“Mama, oh Mama, I can hear
you!”  She glanced up at Ben with a questioning expression and tears
welled in her eyes. 

“The second reason.”  He
whispered.  “Tell her everything’s all right.”

“Missy are you—”

“Wait a second, Mama.”  Missy
clamped her hand over the phone.  “Ben?”

“I love you too.”  His eyes
glistened.  “Tell your mother I want her cheese sauce recipe.”

“Yes, yes.  Mama, Ben wants to
know if he can watch me make your chile con queso.”


“He’s a wonderful cook and so good
to me and he’s teaching me to be a good wife.”  She glanced up with eyes
full of love. “Mama—don’t worry, he won’t ever hurt me.  I even saw him
furious and he—oh Mama, I’m fine, never happier.”

“Where are you?”

“I don’t know and don’t care as
long as Ben’s with me—Mama, I can hear—Ben did it—oh Mama, I love you.”

“Missy, you weren’t in a family way
when you left.  Has the problem been solved?”

“Oh, yes.”  Missy
giggled.  “Anytime after nine months I could—”  Missy watched Ben
walk outside.  “Mama, I have to go.  Everything is fine.  I
promise it couldn’t be better.”  She dropped the handset and ran
outside.  What had happened to Ben?  What had made his smile
disappear?  All she’d been talking about was being able to hear and how
they solved their problem.  She stopped when Ben bent down to pick up a
shell and threw it out to sea.  “Ben. when did you know I could hear?”

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