Mom & Son Get it Done (6 page)

Read Mom & Son Get it Done Online

Authors: Luke Lafferty

Tags: #mother son, #taboo sex, #young old, #family erotica, #mom son incest, #in the family, #mommas boy, #imbreeding, #imbred, #mature boy, #milk boy

BOOK: Mom & Son Get it Done
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He heard his mother's sexy voice say, "It's
open dear, you can come in," as if from a long way off. When he
entered the room she was nowhere in sight, but he could smell her
perfume. Then he heard her say from her walk-in closet, "Did you
bring it with you, Bobby?"


"Yes ma'am, I did."


"Good, just lay it on the nightstand by the


He put the cucumber down and sat down on the
edge of the bed facing away from the closet. After about a minute
he saw out of the corner of his eye his mother walking around in
front of him. The sight was not what he expected at all. Instead of
the sensual picture he had imagined, he saw his mother completely
covered from head to toe in her long plaited bathrobe The only
thing showing was her head with its long wavy black hair cascading
down her back and her hands with their long slender fingers and
bright red painted nails. Still it was kind of enticing wondering
what was underneath the robe even though he'd seen the pictures.
But this was going to be different he thought.


Suddenly his mother came to stand in front of
him and looking down at him said, "Now - before we get started,
remember, you have to abide by our agreement, OK?"


"Oh, sure mom. I agree..."


"And just to be sure that you're not even
tempted, I need you to cooperate in one little thing, OK."


"Yeah, sure. What is it?" he asked


"I want you to stand up, turn around and put
your hands behind you."


"You mean like this," Bobby said, as he
complied with her instructions.


Norma said, "Right." And reached into her
robe pocket producing a man's necktie with which she promptly began
to bind Bobby's wrists tightly behind his back.


Surprised and not knowing what his mother was
up to he asked, "What are you doing. How come you're tying me up,


"Just want to make sure you can't act on any
temptations you might have, dear," Norma replied smoothly,
finishing the job.


"Aw, come on, mom," Bobby said, feeling
disappointed and wondering how this was going to work out with his
hands bound behind him. "How am I going to get to do it myself,
tied up like this?" He sounded to Norma a little worried now.


"You're not, darling," Norma replied in a
bitchy tone of voice. "I promised you that you could watch me. But
I didn't say anything about you doing it at the same time, now did


"Well, no I guess you didn't. But that's not
fair." he complained.


"All's fair in love, war and sex, dear son,"
Norma replied. "Don't worry, everything's going to work out. Trust
me, OK?"


"OK, I guess."


"I just want your undivided attention while I
put on this show for you and I don't want you breaking it up by
doing anything else. When I'm finished, then we'll see..." and she
let the sentence trail off.


She then told her son to turn around again
and to sit on the edge of the bed. As he turned around he noticed
that his mother's back was to him and he lowered himself down still
looking at her robe-clothed back.


Suddenly the entire robe fell to the floor
revealing his mother's back to his gaze. Norma didn't move except
to cock one leg up so that she was standing with her hands on her
hips in a sexy pose with her ass thrust enticingly toward his face.
Bobby was dumbfounded. The view of his mother from the back was
stunning. He could see even from this point that she was dressed
exactly as she had been in the pictures. Now, however, he could see
her bare ass up close and revealed in how beautifully big and well
shaped it was. And, oh, those long, full legs encased in sexy
nylons. God, he just wanted to reach out and run his hands up and
down his mother's big legs.


Still Norma hadn't said a word, just knowing
that her son was feasting his eyes on her backside and deciding to
let him get a good look at her from that angle. Finally, she said,
"Like what you see, Bobby?"


"Oh, god yes, mom. You're beautiful."


"Am I sexy too, dear?" she asked


"You know you are, don't you, mom?"


"Want to see more, do you?"


"Oh yes, please. Turn around, please," Bobby


Slowly Norma revolved until she was halfway
around and then stopped giving her son a side view of her. Now she
looked down at her son with the most sexually smoldering expression
on her face that he had ever seen. Compared to his mother, the
women he had seen in magazines all appeared to be pretentious. She
was the sexiest thing alive. And she WAS alive and this was real
and actually happening. His cock throbbed so hard now that it
actually began to hurt.


"How's this, dear," Norma queried, noticing
that Bobby hadn't yet taken his eyes from hers. "Don't you want to
look at my tits?"


Bobby's eyes dropped to her bosom where he
took in her small breasts with the amazingly long dark nipples.
They were held up and out by the partial-cupped bra which left her
nipples and most of the aureola exposed; the aureola being so large
that a portion of their lower half was hidden by the bra cup. After
a moment, his gaze fell down to her legs which to him were almost
as exciting as her tits.


"Do my tits still turn you on, Bobby? Do


"Yes, ma'am. The nipples are so big and
sexy," he said, aware that this expression was fast becoming a
litany, but not being able to help himself.


Hearing this Norma almost asked him if he
liked them badly enough to want to suck on them, but then
remembered the rules she had laid down and caught herself. It
wouldn't be fair to him to taunt him that way, she felt, even
though she would love to have him suck on her nipples. God, in the
condition she was in right now she would probably cum on the spot
the minute his lips and tongue touched them.


Then she turned to face him full on and his
eyes went immediately to the junction of her thighs where he spied
what had previously only really been hinted at. His mother had a
large crop of black pubic hair which entirely covered her cuntal
area with a small arrow-like trail leading almost up to her navel.
As he continued to look at her crotch he noticed all of a sudden a
trickle of moisture starting to run down her right thigh. Before
even thinking about it he looked up and said, "Uh, mom, do you need
to take a pee? You're getting wet down there. It's OK - I'll


"Oh my god, Bobby," Norma exclaimed,
surprised at her son's naivete, "no son, I don't need to pee. What
you're seeing is a result of the excitement I'm feeling. When women
get excited they excrete fluid." She was then going to further his
education by explaining to him that the purpose of the fluid was to
facilitate fucking, but again, that would raise the spector of more
than they agreed upon and she didn't think it would be fair to him.
Thus she remained silent and just let him wonder.


After letting him silently stare at her for
what seemed ages Norma finally said, "Shall I get started,


"Uh, gee, whatever mom," he answered, still
in awe at the sight of his mother dressed like a wanton slut.


Norma then moved to the wall and retrieved
the ottoman there and pulled it over and positioned in about three
feet directly in front of where Bobby was sitting and sat down
facing him. "I want you to stand up for a minute," she said.


Bobby arose with difficulty, his hands being
bound behind him. When he finally got up, Norma reached up with
both hands and slowly lowered his undershorts down over his hips,
pulling the front way out and over his massive erection which was
now sticking straight out not more than a couple of inches from her
lips. For a second she considered just giving in and almost opened
her mouth to take his cock, but again restrained herself. Suddenly
the undershorts were down around his ankles and his mother ordered
him to again sit which he did.


"Spread your legs wide apart, Bobby. I want
to see that magnificent hard penis of yours. God, it's so big!" As
she looked at it, she could see that it would twitch and throb
every second or so and wondered whether Bobby was on the verge of


Looking up at him finally and seeing that she
had his attention she put the forefinger of her right hand in her
mouth and began to suck on it. Getting her finger good and wet she
then cupped her right breast in her left hand and squeezed the
aureola, making the nipple jut out. Then she began to stroke the
nipple, inundating it with her saliva covered finger.


"This is how I usually start out
masturbating, Bobby. I get myself good and hot by playing with my
tits and nipples. They're so sensitive," she moaned and she
continued fondling her breasts while her son gawked at her.


"Then, when my pussy is good and wet I still
play with my nipple and start to stroke my cunt lips." Now Norma
put action to her words and released her breast and lowered her
left hand to her groin and insert two fingers in the massive dark
jungle. As Bobby looked down he could now make out through her
pubic hair two plainly swollen lips, shiny and pink. Nested between
them and protruding downward was what appeared to be a very small
but distinct penis-like projection. But his mother didn't touch
that part of her, running her fingers all around it and finally
diving one finger up and inside her fuck canal. When she withdrew
it, Bobby could see that the finger was coated with a clear slimy
liquid which she then used to coat her clit.


Still fingering her nipple she now began in
earnest to stroke the area around her clit in a slow but steady
circular motion, saying, "God, that feels so good. Can't take much
more of that though. I'll cum in a second." So she stopped.


Bobby was disappointed until he saw Norma
lean toward the nightstand and retrieve the cucumber. Holy shit!
her thought to himself, she's actually going to use it. And she
doesn't even look scared?


Norma then stood up and moved to the side of
the ottoman and said, "Now for the main event, huh." She put one
high-heeled foot on the ottoman and spread her cunt lips apart with
her fingers. With the cucumber in the other hand she moved the tip
to the entrance to her cunt and started to twirl it. Then while
still twirling it she began to slowly push it in and Bobby was
flabbergasted to see it start to disappear into her. And she didn't
even cry out, but just started to moan real loud. He couldn't
believe it.


Bobby watched in total awe as his mother
slowly worked the cucumber into her twat, twisting and turning,
slowly in and out, bit by bit until almost the whole thing was up
inside her.


"Are you enjoying this," she asked, not
looking at him. "Does it arouse you to watch your mother fuck
herself with this big fat cucumber?"


All Bobby could do was grunt, "Uhhhh."


Without sitting down, Norma turned and looked
at her son and said, "Now for an added attraction," and she reached
over and opened the drawer of the nightstand and reached inside.
When she withdrew her hand Bobby could see her holding two plain
ordinary clothespins and wondered for the life of him what she was
going to do with them. Then she sat down again on the ottoman
facing him with the cucumber still firmly embedded in her cunt.


"I can see from your expression that your
wondering about these clothespins. Well - the sensations aroused in
my nipples and cunt by having them clamped on my nipples is
absolutely exquisite, let me tell you. And since we're going all
out today for your pleasure I've decided to give you the whole


Norma took a clothespin in one hand and
spread the jaws open. Then with her other hand she pulled one of
her nipples straight out and affixed the clothespin directly over
it and let it close. The look on her face was almost one of agony
and Bobby started to get a little concerned until she said, "Oh
god, that hurts so good." Then she did the same with the other
clothespin to her other nipple.


Bobby was now beside himself with lust, love
and other mixed emotions he had never before experienced. He was
painfully aware of the rigidness of his cock as it stuck up from
between his thighs and throbbed under its own volition. Actually
his whole groin was now throbbing, not only his cock, but his
stomach muscles and his asshole as well. It felt like he was going
to cum any second now and nothing was even touching him.


Norma was aware of his state and felt she had
better hurry herself along or Bobby would blow his load before she
finished. With the cucumber in her cunt and the clothespins clamped
painfully to her nipples she once again stood up. Now she turned
three-quarters sideways to Bobby so he could see her from both
behind and part of her front. She bent over then and turning to
look at his lust crazed face said, "And now for the best part."


With one hand holding the cucumber in place
she put the middle finger of her free hand in her mouth and began
to suck and lick it while she continued to stare into her son's
eyes. Bobby couldn't believe it when she removed the finger, loaded
with spit, and moved it around behind her to the region of her


"Well, want to know what's next," she


Bobby could only nod his head in assent as
his mother replied, "Now I'm going to jack off my asshole, Bobby.
I'm going to stick my finger in my rectum and finger fuck my ass
till I cum." And she did just that.

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