Mom & Son Get it Done (4 page)

Read Mom & Son Get it Done Online

Authors: Luke Lafferty

Tags: #mother son, #taboo sex, #young old, #family erotica, #mom son incest, #in the family, #mommas boy, #imbreeding, #imbred, #mature boy, #milk boy

BOOK: Mom & Son Get it Done
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As he sat at his desk trying to do some
homework the phone rang. When he picked it up his heart skipped a
beat. It was his mother. She asked what his plans were for the
evening and when he told her, it sounded to him like he had just
stuck a knife in a car tire. Gosh, she really sounds disappointed.
Maybe she's thinking about me the way I'm thinking about her. She
then dropped the big bomb: dad's going to be out of town the whole
weekend. Bobby immediately suggested that he could call up Ariel
and cancel his date, but Norma told him not to. She said that it's
important for him to maintain contact with his friends and they
sure didn't want any of them thinking anything was wrong. He
reluctantly agreed. She then told him cryptically that they will
have all weekend to be together and the sound of her voice saying
that makes Bobby lightheaded.


All through getting cleaned up for his date
and the date itself, the only thing he could think of was Norma. He
couldn't wait to get home, no matter how late it was. And when he
finally did get home at 11:30, he discovered a note from his mother
saying that she had to stay overnight and babysit for his aunt
while she and her husband attended an out-of town banquet, but that
she would be home tomorrow. That was it, although she did sign the
note, "Love, your mother." That's the way she signed all her notes
to him, but now it took on special meaning. Well, he would just
have to be patient and wait so he headed upstairs to go to bed.


Once in his bedroom he turned on the bed
stand lamp and got out of his clothes. Reaching under the pillow
for his pajamas where he normally kept them he felt something
strange. Lifting the pillow he discovered what looked like a frilly
black piece of cloth, a single business envelope and a tube of K-Y
jelly all wrapped up in his pajamas. Picking up the cloth object by
one corner he was stunned to find that it looked like one of his
mother's bras and he couldn't figure out how it got there of all
places. Just the look and feel of it brought back the vision of his
mother sitting on the edge of the bathtub across from him, topless,
while he masturbated. He pulled the bra right up to his face and he
can faintly smell his mother's perfume on it. Suddenly he feels the
tension in his groin at the thought of his mother's beautiful
breasts encased in the flimsy bra and he considers the combination
of the bra and the tube of lubricant. His mother must have left it
there when she came home earlier in the evening. In his excitement
he almost forgot about the envelope which he not picked up. It
wasn't sealed, but he still had trouble getting the flap open and
the contents out because his hands were trembling so badly.


What was inside caused his cock to harden to
maximum in an instant. Wrapped in a sheet of note paper was another
picture of his mother, one he hadn't seen before, but obviously
from the same series that she had let him look at previously. This
one was a sideways shot of her as she sat on the edge of the bed
with one foot on the floor and one foot on the bed with her legs
bent at the knee. The same black dildo was protruding from her
cunt, but this time both hands were cupped under her breasts,
holding them out, seeming to offer them to him as she stared
lustfully at him from the photo. Bobby was once more amazed at the
size of the aureola and nipples on his mother's small breasts. In
the dirty magazines all of the nipples in the pictures were either
tan or pink in color, but the color of his mother's nipples was
almost black matching her hair and adding to her aura of
uniqueness. And they were so long and thick. It made his cock jump
just to look at them.


He was so taken by the combination of the
picture, the jelly, and the bra that he almost disregarded the
piece of stationery the picture was wrapped in until out of the
corner of his eye he noticed it had writing on it. Reading it now
caused him even further excitement. It was from his mother and


Dearest Bobby,


I'm so sorry that we haven't had a chance to
talk since last Friday. It's my fault. I've wanted so badly to
discuss with you what happened. Please don't think I have been
avoiding you but I feel that this must be kept very discreet as I'm
sure you're aware. Since your father will be gone for the entire
weekend we will have plenty of time then.


I know you've probably been thinking about
this a lot and I haven't intentionally wished to make you suffer
alone. I'm sorry too that I wasn't able to be here tonight so I
hope the little surprise I've left you will keep you happy until we
can see each other tomorrow.


If my guess is right, you're probably
thinking a lot about the promise I made you. I've been thinking a
lot about it too. I fully intend to keep my word and go through
with it. Just please be patient - the time will come - soon.


About my little surprise. I know when you see
what I left it will be pretty evident what I intend for you to do.
I don't want you to suffer through the night thinking about me. I'm
going to be thinking about you too. But before you do anything (you
know what I mean) I want you to wait for my phone call. I'll call
about midnight when everything here is quiet. Please wait, OK? Talk
to you then, dear.


Love ya,


Your mother


P.S. Please, please tear this note up as soon
as you've read it and flush it down the toilet. I would just die if
it ever fell into the wrong hands.


Bobby couldn't believe it. He was beside
himself with joy. His mother hadn't forgotten him after all.


Although excited, Bobby was level headed
enough to take heed of his mother's warning about destroying her
note. He wanted to save it and savor it, but he knew that might be
dangerous. Therefore, he reread it again and again and then headed
for the bathroom where he ripped it to pieces and dropped it into
the toilet. He flushed twice just to make sure it was completely
gone and then went to his mother's room to fetch her cordless
phone; he wanted to be in his own room when she called.


No sooner had he returned to the room than
the phone rang. Looking quickly at the his bedside clock he saw
that it was exactly midnight. With trembling hand he activated the
ringing handset and muttered, "Hello!"


"Hi, Bobby. Everything OK?" his mother asked


"Sure, mom. everything's fine."


"Did you get the surprise I left for


"Uh, you mean the uh, the stuff under my


"That's right, dear. The K-Y jelly and the
envelope with the picture and the note.? Oh yeah, and my bra?"


"Yeah, mom. I got it all."


"Did you do away with the note, I hope, like
I said?" Norma inquired.


"Yes, ma'am, I did."


Sensing that maybe something wasn't quite
right Norma asked, "Are you by yourself, Bobby? You sound


"Yeah, mom. There's nobody here but me."


"Did you lock all the doors after you came
in? Are you sure you're OK?"


"All the doors are locked. I guess I sound
strange because I'm really nervous, mom."


"I understand son. Tell me, are you naked
right now? If not, I'd like you to get totally undressed, OK?"


"I'm already undressed. I was going to put on
my PJs when I found the stuff."


"Uh huh. Are you hard, Bobby? Is your penis
good and hard?"


The question took him by surprise following
so closely on the heels of the previous mundane dialog and he
hesitated for what seemed ages. Again, sensing her son's uneasiness
Norma said, "Why don't you take a close look at the picture I left
for you and tell me what you think. By the way, where are you right


"Well, I'm in my bedroom. I got your cordless
phone and I'm here sitting on my bed." There was a pause while
Bobby propped the picture up against the base of the nightstand
lamp. Then he said, "Gosh, that sure is a great picture."


"I thought you'd like it, Bobby. But you
never did answer my question: are you hard yet?"


Somewhat embarrassed, Bobby started to
answer, "Uh..."


"What I mean, is, do you have an erection
right now, dear? Do you have a hard-on from thinking about me,
about us. Does looking at that picture of me make you aroused?"


"It's one of the sexiest pictures I've ever
seen," he blurted out, meaning every word it.


"And you're a real expert with the pictures
as we both know," Norma couldn't resist saying playfully.


"Aww, mom..."


"I'm sorry, darling. Just kidding. I guess
you're real sensitive about that, huh? But it's OK. I like looking
at pictures too. As a matter of fact, I even once looked at those
pictures of myself while I was jerking off. What do you think of


"You did?" Bobby asked, incredulously.


"Uh huh, I did. Really. Sometimes when I do
it I look at myself in the mirror. I guess that sounds kind of
perverted, but I do. I get excited watching myself masturbate now
and then. Haven't you ever looked at yourself in the mirror while
you jacked off? Try it sometime."


Feeling a little guilty because he'd already
had that experience and had enjoyed it he nonetheless said, "Yeah,
I've done that before."


"You have?" Norma said, surprised. "Well -
then you know what I mean. Maybe one of these days you'll let me
watch you do it while you're looking at yourself, huh?"


"I'd rather look at you any day, mom."


"Well, anyway. What do you think of the


"Like I said, it sure is neat."


"What do you like best about it?" Norma's
voice was getting husky and that was having a further effect on
Bobby as he became aware of how hard his erection was. "Do you like
the way my breasts look?"


"Sure I do," he answered. "They're the most
beautiful I've ever seen. I can't believe how big and long your
nipples are - and how dark they are. I've never seen anything like
them before."


"Good, I'm glad they turn you on. But you
still haven't told me yet; is your penis hard?"


Bobby was now losing some of his shyness as
his mother continued speaking such a sexy manner and he answered,
"Yeah, mom, it's hard alright."


"How hard is it, darling? Is it as hard as my
nipples in the picture?"


"God, it's really hard - harder than it's
ever been before. And it's sticking straight out. Just like your


Bobby could now faintly make out that his
mother's voice was a little breathy as she said, "Dear, why don't
you put some of the K-Y jelly on your prick. Go ahead and do it -
I'll wait."


"OK." Bobby set the phone down on the bed and
fumbled with the tube of jelly until he had gotten a big gob of it
smoothed all over his cock. He then picked up the phone again and
said, "I'm back."


"Uh huh. OK. Are you rubbing yourself,


"Yes, ma'am."


"Good. I'm rubbing myself, too. And it feels
really good. Does it feel good for you?"


"You mean you're doing it, too? You're,


"Yes, darling. I'm masturbating right now as
I'm talking to you. I'm really turned on thinking about you sitting
there on your bed pumping your hand up and down your slick cock. I
can just imagine the expression on your face. Why don't you look at
my picture, if you're not doing so, and tell me if there's anything
else you like about it."


"Well, I, uh, I like your legs a whole lot. I
think they're really sexy."


"God, Bobby. Just think about this - what I'm
doing to myself right now. I'm now running my hand up and down the
back of my leg and it feels sooooo good. My legs are really
sensitive and I just love to feel myself up. Now I'm up at my cunt
again, frigging it. Are you still jerking yourself?"


"Yes," was all Bobby could come out with as
his mind conjured up the picture of his mother feeling up her leg.
And then he remembered the bathroom scene and said, "Mom, would you
do something for me, please?"


"What is it - what would you like?" she said,
her voice even more ragged now.


"Uh, would you play with your nipples again.
You know, like you did the other day when we were in the


"Of course I will. Just for you. Would you
like to know what it feels like?"


"Uh huh."


"Well, it feels just marvelous. I'm now
twisting my right nipple between my thumb and two fingers. I'm
pulling on it and rolling it around and it's getting harder and
longer. The more I tug on it the longer it gets. It's like you
getting a hard-on, but not quite as big. You really like to look at
me playing with my own tits, don't you."


"Uh huh," Bobby mumbled.


"And when I play with them it sends nerve
jolts right down to my clit. Sometimes when I'm really sensitive
and haven't had an orgasm for a while I can even make myself cum
just by jacking off my nipples."


In the heat of his passion Bobby just
couldn't help himself and he asked, "Mom, I really loved what we
did last week. Do you think we can do that again? Will you let me
look at you again?"


"Yes, darling, I will. I want it to. I've
been thinking about that all week and hoping it would happen soon.
I want you to know that I get tremendously excited watching you
jerk yourself off. I love to see your hard penis squirt. There's
nothing else like that in the world, dear."

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