Mom & Son Get it Done (8 page)

Read Mom & Son Get it Done Online

Authors: Luke Lafferty

Tags: #mother son, #taboo sex, #young old, #family erotica, #mom son incest, #in the family, #mommas boy, #imbreeding, #imbred, #mature boy, #milk boy

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Bobby continued to stare in disbelief at what
his mother had done and it had such a stunningly erotic effect on
him that he began to get hard again. But then he noticed his mother
trying to get herself straightened up as they were getting close to
home so he tucked himself back in and zipped his pants. Seeing
Norma was having a hard time driving and dressing he offered his


Norma said, "Sure, I'd appreciate it if you
could get me buttoned up - that is, without copping a feel. Think
you can do that, sport?"


"I'll try," he said, as he moved closer to


"The bra clasps in the front, OK. That's it,
just hook it together. Good. Now just button my blouse."


Bobby was indeed tempted to try and touch his
mother. He was so close to her that he could smell her excitement
mixed in with her perfume. He could even feel her breath and the
heat from her exposed skin on his hands and face, but his senses
told him it was best to abide by her wishes.


No sooner had he gotten her blouse buttoned
than they turned the corner leading down to their house.




Part 6


As soon as they got out of the car, Bobby
raced upstairs and got changed for his basketball game that night.
He was out the door not long thereafter and probably wouldn't be
back till late.


Having witnessed her son's masturbation in
the car and having subsequently gotten a good taste of his cum from
the soiled Kleenex that he had used to clean up with had gotten
Norma really randy. As she sat or walked around the house she was
constantly aware how swollen her entire cunt area was and how it
seemed to itch for the services of her own finger. Something vague
was holding her back, however, and prevented her from simply
locking herself in her room or the bathroom and bringing herself


Having had a silent dinner with Jake, her
husband, she retired to a recliner in the basement den to watch the
news. But she couldn't concentrate and her mind kept wandering back
to the sight of her son jacking his cock while looking at her as
she drove back from Charleston. A couple of times she had almost
taken a detour down one of the many dirt farm roads leading off the
two-lane, but each time she declined to give in to the temptation
feeling it would only lead to their eventually touching each other.
That was something she was determined to avoid at all costs even
though her fantasies were filled with thoughts of getting her long
slender fingers around her son's big prick. And not only her
fingers. She wanted to devour him. The thought of Bobby's big cock
filling her mouth and throat brought to mind how much she wanted to
have contact with him. Contact with someone. She needed to have sex
with someone she could at least touch. Jake was going out to see
Bobby's ballgame, as usual, but maybe Caroline was home. She went
to the phone on the wall and called next door.


Caroline was glad to hear from her. And yes,
she'd love to visit, but not before eight when Brad, her husband,
was leaving with Jake to go to the same ball game. Norma said she
would be over as soon as she heard Brad's car pull out of the


Hoping that Caroline would be in the mood for
some hanky-panky, as she called it, Norma went upstairs to clean up
and she was next door as soon as Brad and Jake were gone. It didn't
take long before both of them were hunkered down on the sofa
drinking white wine in front of a nice blaze in the fireplace. In a
matter of minutes Norma found herself for the second time that day
with her blouse open and her bra undone as she sat on the edge of
the sofa. This time Caroline was kneeling between her wide-spread
legs and sucking on one of her nipples; she seemed to be just as
horny as Norma.


Enjoying the sensations of Caroline's lips
and tongue working on her erect nipple, Norma's mind began to
fantasize what it would be like to have Bobby sucking her breast
and she was suddenly overcome with a need to confide her
troublesome situation with her best friend. Reaching down with both
hands she grabbed Caroline on either side of her head and pulled
her away from her breast. She then bent her own head and gave the
startled woman a deep tongue kiss which she broke off almost as
soon as it got started saying, "Sorry, love, but I've got to talk
about something."


A worried expression crossed Caroline's
features as she replied, "I hope it's nothing serious. Are you in
some sort of trouble? Did I do something?"


Norma leaned back into the cushions while
pulling her blouse closed in front of her and said, "No. It's not
you. It's me. I must be crazy." And she hesitated, trying to figure
out a way to explain what was going on between her and Bobby.


Seeing what looked to Caroline like
reluctance she quickly put it, "Come on, Norma, we've never had any
secrets before. What is it?"


"Well..." and there was another long pause
before she launched on breathlessly, "I'm not sure how to say this,
but Bobby and I are having an affair - of sorts."


"You're what!?" Caroline flubbered. "With
your own son?!"


"Uh huh. With my own son. I know - it's
wrong, it's even illegal. It's perverted, it's dirty, it's
lecherous, it's filthy, it's nasty and lewd and I just love it. I
can't help myself."


"Holy shit, Norma! How did this all happen.
And what do you mean by `an affair of sorts'?"


"Well, I haven't exactly fucked him, but..."
and Norma launched into the whole story while Caroline sat and
listened without interrupting.


Thirty minutes later Norma finished the tale
and sat back exhausted and feeling a little bit relieved that she
had finally been able to share her secret with someone she could


There was a couple of moments of silence
which Caroline finally broke by saying, "Wow. You sure have a lot
of will power. I'd have been fucking his brains out from the
git-go. Anyway, I'm glad you told me. You just really needed to get
this out, didn't you. And don't worry, I won't tell a soul, honest.
Your secret's safe with me."


"Thanks - I needed to hear that, I guess,"
Norma replied, relieved.


"Yeah, well. Now I know why you've been
avoiding me these last few weeks. And I don't blame you. Tell you


"What?" Norma asked.


"I've got an idea how you're feeling,
especially after what you said happened just this afternoon. You
must really be uptight. What I want you to do is settle back here
while I do you, OK." When Norma started to protest Caroline said,
"No! Now just listen to me. I know what you need so just do what I
say, OK? So just settle back and enjoy this and don't worry about
me. In fact, just close your eyes and think about Bobby while I do
this to you, OK."


Norma just nodded her head and slouched down
while Caroline reopened her blouse. Leaning down next to her,
Caroline began once more to manipulate Norma's tumescent nipple
with her lips and tongue while she reached under her skirt and
began to fondle her large hard clit between thumb and forefinger.
With her other hand she reached into her own slacks and began to
masturbate herself. It wasn't even a minute before Norma's cunt
drenched her best friend's hand with girl cum as her body shook
with each wave of her orgasm. When the spasms passed, Norma just
lay back and looked over at her friend and watched as Caroline
finished herself off.


"Wow, that was short and sweet," Caroline
said as she withdrew her hand from her waistband. "Wanna talk some


"Not really. I'm super tired. I just want to
go to sleep."


"Yeah, I understand. I'll bet you are worn
out. Go on, go home and get some rest. We can talk later."


Norma leaned forwards and kissed Caroline
lovingly and said, "Thanks for listening. You're a dear." Pulling
herself together she was out the door in a flash and sound asleep
the minute she hit the bed.


Two weeks passed and it was another long dry
spell for Bobby and Norma. Still remaining super cautious both
acted as normal as possible and trudged on day after day hoping for
a break. None came along. Norma did visit a couple of times with
Caroline, but neither one seemed in the mood for sex so they just
wound up talking. Norma was now of the opinion that maybe it would
be best if they just stopped the whole business, but neither she
nor Caroline could come up with a strategy that wouldn't be
devastating to Bobby. The only thing they thought they could hope
for was that Ariel or one of his other girlfriends would grab his
attention - or maybe something else - and divert his interests and
sexual energy in that direction. Otherwise they were stumped.


When the two weeks had rolled by and it was
Friday again there didn't look like a thing they could do. Bobby
had a ballgame at Oakmore the next evening and it was decided that
Jake and Norma would drive the hundred miles to see the big game.
Even though Brad couldn't make it, Caroline wanted to go as well.
After the game they could all get together with Bobby and go to
this swell pizza place in Oakmore for a late supper. Bobby could
then ride home with them instead of taking the team bus back. That
would save his dad the trouble of having to pick him up at the high
school so late that night.


Southfield played a magnificent game that
evening and Bobby was the star. Flushed with victory he, his
parents and Caroline had pizza at Gino's Pizzeria During the meal
Bobby sensed something strange at the table. At first he couldn't
put his finger on it and figured maybe he was getting "signals"
from his mom, but when he started to pay attention to this he
noticed that she didn't act out of character at all. She spent a
lot of time talking to Caroline and him and virtually ignored his
dad which was par for the course and nothing unusual. After some
time he began to notice that Mrs. Bishop seemed to be giving him
what he thought were weird looks. It was difficult to divine, but
she seemed to look at him differently although he couldn't quite
explain it to himself. And each time he looked over at her he
noticed that she would look him directly in the eye as if no one
else were at the table and she never broke contact; he was always
the first one to look away. After awhile it got almost embarrassing
and he simply quit looking at her altogether.


Caroline Bishop had been their next door
neighbor and Bobby's mom's best friend for just about as far back
as he could remember. She was a blond woman of medium build except
that she had large breasts. She was cute in a "pixyish" sort of way
which didn't especially appeal to Bobby, but she was always nice to
him and paid him well for cutting her grass and doing odd chores
now and then. To him, Caroline was just one of those sort of
neutral people in his life; she was just there, neither liked or
disliked. So why all of a sudden after all these years would she
being acting funny like this? Or was he just imagining things.
Bobby thought he was probably just very tired and hung over from
the excitement of the ball game. He finally decided it was he and
chalked the whole business up to his imagination.


Getting in the car for the two-hour drive
back to Southfield it worked out that his mother sat up front while
his dad drove. That put him and Caroline in the back seat together.
After just a few minutes his mother said something to him which he
didn't hear. When she finally got his attention he said, "Sorry,
mom. I guess I just dozed off for a second."


Caroline jumped in immediately with, "We know
you're tired, hon. You've had a big night. Why don't you just lie
down here and go to sleep." Scooting all the way over to the left
of the seat up against the door she patted her lap and said, "Come
on, you can rest your head in my lap and sleep till we get


Not one to argue, especially now being so
tired, Bobby turned and lay back, adjusting his frame as best he
could to the confines of the seat with his head resting on
Caroline's soft skirt clad thighs and staring at the dark roof.


"Comfy, dear?" Caroline solicited.


"Uh huh," Bobby purred as he dropped almost
immediately into that half conscious state most people enter when
riding in cars. He felt Caroline stroke the top of his head a
couple of times and then he was out.


The next thing Bobby remembered upon waking
was the gentle motion of the automobile moving down the highway
which had lulled him to sleep. As he opened his eyes he noticed it
was still dark and that his head was still in Caroline's lap.
Moving his eyes to the right a bit and looking up he was startled
to see one large bare breast capped with a puffy pink nipple
vaguely visible in the low light jutting out between the folds of
Mrs. Bishop's unbuttoned blouse and jacket. Then he looked up
further directly into Mrs. Bishop's lust filled eyes. Just as he
was about to exclaim his surprise, she gently clamped her right
hand over his mouth and gently shook her head back and forth.
Confused and not knowing what to do he just lay unmoving.


Very, very slowly Caroline began to lift the
palm of her hand from Bobby's mouth. When it was completely off she
began to slowly trace the outline of Bobby's lips using the
lightest of touches with just the tip of her finger while
maintaining a firm lock on his eyes with her own. When she had
circled his lips twice and come to the center of his mouth she
began to incrementally apply pressure with her finger until his
lips began to part and she could feel his teeth and their slight
overbite Bobby wouldn't open up just yet so she started moving the
finger around on his teeth and gums and he got the idea. She snaked
her finger between his teeth and finding his tongue she started to
gently toy with it.

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