Mom & Son Get it Done (15 page)

Read Mom & Son Get it Done Online

Authors: Luke Lafferty

Tags: #mother son, #taboo sex, #young old, #family erotica, #mom son incest, #in the family, #mommas boy, #imbreeding, #imbred, #mature boy, #milk boy

BOOK: Mom & Son Get it Done
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It was actually just a little over an hour
when Norma returned from a quick trip to Charleston and came
through the front door carrying a plain brown paper shopping bag.
Taking off her jacket she headed for the kitchen to find Bobby
sitting at the breakfast bar in his undershorts and tee shirt. He
looked fresh and ready to go and sounded really eager as he asked,
"What's the surprise, mom? Is it in the bag there?"


"Uh huh," was all Norma answered as she
poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down on the stool next to


"Can I see what it is," he said, staring down
at his mother's sexy, crossed sexily right in front of him, the
skirt she still had on from last night riding high on her full
thighs. The sight was enough to get his cock to begin thickening.
Then she noticed his gaze rise to her chest as he stared at her
breasts supported by the red half bra, the huge nipples plainly
visible through the transparent material of her blouse.


"Sure. Go ahead," Norma said and Bobby
reached for the bag, opening it and putting his hand in. He
withdrew a long, soft yet firm rubber double dildo. He looked at it
in a puzzled way and asked, "What's this for. I don't..." but he
never got the rest out as he realized from closer examination what
it was.


"Oh - I see. You want me to use this on
myself - up my ass - instead of my finger. Is that it?"


Norma answered silently with a lust filled


"But what about the other end? What's it


"Guess." Norma said amused as she watched her
son ponder the possibilities. When he at last seemed to have the
riddle solved he blurted out, "Wow! Holy shit. You mean..."


"That's right, Bobby. It's just what your
imagination is telling you. Think you'll like it? Huh?"


"Hell yes!" he exclaimed, "let's go."


"Not so quick, my love. Before we get down to
business there's something else we have to do first. Something we
haven't done in years, but I think you'll like it as well."


"What's that?"


"Come on upstairs and I'll show you."




Part 11


When they got to the top of the stairs Norma
said, "Dear, I want you to go into my bathroom and wait for me
there, OK? And take your little surprise with you - we'll need it -


If there had been any doubt in Bobby's mind
about his mother's intentions, it was erased when he saw the
lascivious look on her face. So he headed down the hall as Norma
opened a large hall closet and began rummaging around. Bobby went
through his mother's bedroom into her bathroom and stood waiting
there until she arrived a couple of minutes later with a wide flat
box in her hand.


"What have you got there?" he asked.


"You'll see. Here - give me our toy. We won't
need it just yet."


Bobby handed his mother the big double dildo
and Norma set it and the box she was carrying on the sink counter
and opened it. Inside, Bobby saw a red rubber water bottle and what
looked like a long, thin hose curled up on top of it. Then he
remembered from years back what it was and he started to get


"Don't tell me you're going to, uh, do that
to me again, he said, remembering how much he had hated what at one
time had been a regular weekly ritual.


"You mean, give you an enema? Well, darling,
yes. I am going to give you an enema. For what I have planned I
think this is quite appropriate. It's really best if we clean you
out first. It'll make what happens afterward that much more
pleasant. And believe me, this time around I think you'll find this
enema somewhat more pleasurable than the last time you had it.
Trust me."


Norma took out the water bottle and turned
the water in the sink on, letting it run until it was the right
temperature. Putting the water bottle under the faucet she let it
fill up as she turned to her son and told him to strip naked.


Bobby hesitantly removed both his tee shirt
and undershorts, but fear of what was about to happen had caused
him to lose his erection. When the bottle was full to near bursting
Norma retrieved a bottle of mineral oil from under the sink and
added some to the water and attached the hose, making sure the clip
was clamped shut. She then took the douche nozzle and affixed it to
the other end of the hose and hung the whole contraption from the
shower curtain rod next to the toilet. This done she stepped back
and turned to Bobby who was still standing naked with a look of
great doubt on face. Noticing that he had lost the arousal he had
down in the kitchen and sensing he needed some encouragement she
said, "Why don't you just sit down on the toilet dear while I make
myself ready for this," and began unbuttoning her blouse. Bobby sat
as instructed while Norma removed her blouse and undid her skirt
and took it off as well.


She now stood in front of her son in the
half-cup long line bra and matching red panties, the nylons and the
heels. As Bobby looked up at her she asked coyly, "Do you like the
way I look, lover? Am I as sexy as those women in the magazines you
look at when you masturbate? I feel so - so sexed up standing in
front of you with my tits exposed. Can you see how swollen and hard
my nipples are Bobby? Just like your cock. It makes me want to jack
off my cunt having you look at me like this."


"Oh, yessss - you know I love the way you
look, mom," he answered.


"Tell me. Isn't it better looking at me when
you jack off, rather than pictures? Even if I am your mother?"


Bobby simply nodded, hypnotized by the sight
of his mother's breasts.


"Still like my tits, don't you - even if they
aren't very big?" she said as she reached up with both hands and
began to play with her nipples, bringing them to erection.


"Wanna know a little secret?" Norma asked


Again Bobby just nodded, watching his mother
fondle herself.


"Promise you won't tell anyone?" she half


Another nod and a barely audible, "uhn


"Well - after that first time in the bathroom
I, uh, borrowed one of your magazines; the same one you were
looking at that day. And I jacked off to the same picture you were
looking at. That woman sure had nice big tits, didn't she."


"You mean you..."


"That's right, darling. I like looking at
pictures of naked women when I masturbate, too. Just like you


Bobby's eyes were still glued to Norma's
breasts and it was just a matter of seconds before Norma noticed
his prick was now standing almost straight up between his legs; a
bead of pre-cum had leaked from the tip and was running down the
underside of the rigid shaft. As she continued to pull on one
nipple with one hand, she stuck the forefinger of her other hand in
her mouth and sucked on it, making it wet. Then she reached the
saliva laden finger down to Bobby's lips and began to spread her
spit on them as she said, "I understand it really turns men on -
watching a woman play with her own breasts. Does that excite you
Bobby? Do you like to watch me play with my tits, huh?"


"Uh, yeah, it does, mom," he said somewhat
hoarsely as his mother's moist finger caressed his lips and worked
its way into his mouth to play with his tongue.


"I also understand that men really get turned
on watching a woman suck her own breasts, but mine are too small
for that. Would that excite you if I *could* do that?"


His mouth being otherwise occupied for the
moment, Bobby could only nod his head slightly as he swallowed


"Well, I'm really sorry that I can't do that
for you, darling. The best I can do is to lick my nipple - I can't
actually suck it. Thank god I was blessed with a long tongue and
big nipples, huh. I do this a lot when I masturbate by myself, you
know," Norma said removing her finger from her son's mouth and
using that hand to push her small tit upward, tilting the long fat
nipple toward her mouth. Lowering her head and sticking out her
tongue she first let a long stream of saliva drip from it until the
nipple was completely soaked. Then she began to lick the nipple she
was offering herself and the sight was driving Bobby crazy.


"I see in some of your magazines that there's
some pictures of one woman sucking another woman's tits. Do you
think it would be exciting to watch another woman suck my breasts.
Do you think that would turn you on?"


Bobby couldn't believe he was hearing this
from his own mother, but then his mind turned to the previous
evening's activities in the den and he conjured up an image of Mrs.
Bishop sucking on his mother's nipples and the vision caused his
cock to jump as he once again nodded his head.


"Tell me, Bobby. Have you ever looked at
those pictures of women sucking each other's tits while you jacked
off. Have you?" Norma said. She was now so aroused herself that she
was finding it hard to talk.


"Yeah, mom, I have. I think it's really sexy.
I'd really like to watch another woman suck your tits, too. Did you
ever have that done to you?" he asked, wondering whether she would
tell him about anything she had done with Mrs. Bishop.


"Have what do to me, honey?"


"You know, have another woman suck your


"Uh huh, yes I have. And I'll tell you about
it sometime if you'd like. But not now. Now it's time for your
enema. God, this has gotten me horny. Are you horny, love?"


It took all her willpower, but Norma managed
to stop fondling herself and reached for the hose hanging from the
rubber bag. Holding the douche nozzle in one hand she stepped
directly in front of Bobby and said, "Now open your legs wide, OK?
And believe me, you're really going to like this."


Bobby did as he was told and spread his
muscular thighs as wide as they would go. Norma inserted three
fingers in her mouth and got them as wet as she could. Then she
leaned forward and inserted her hand between her son's thighs and
under his buttocks being super careful to avoid having her arm come
in contact with her son's rampant prick. Norma began to feel around
the crack of his ass and when she touched the taut muscle ring of
his anus his body gave a sudden jerk. This brought his hard penis
in contact with his mother's forearm which caused him to jerk
violently again.


"My, my, you are sensitive back there, aren't
you, love. But please try and hold still. I don't want to injure
you with these long fingernails."


Bobby was now confounded by a number of
different feelings and emotions, but he was most aware of his
mother's fingers gently pressuring his rectum. She worked there
ever so slowly until she had gotten the entrance to his ass good
and wet and the tip of her middle finger past the anal sphincter,
but then she stopped to let him get accustomed to the feeling.
Norma's biggest fear at the moment was that he would be so
sensitive that he would cum just as quickly as he had the previous
evening when he was finger fucking himself back there. But he
didn't, although she could feel the muscles clenching her finger
contracting and releasing. She felt the same contractions with her
forearm which was now up against the side of his big hard-on
towering almost straight up.


"OK?" she asked softly and when he nodded she
began to probe further up his ass, working her finger in and out
while twisting it back and forth at the same time until she finally
had most of her finger buried in his rectum. The feeling was
exquisite to Bobby. He was tense, but that only added to his
arousal as he felt her moving her finger around. The sight of her
breasts hanging down from her bent over position, her face right
next to his and the combined smell of her perfume and cunt were
making him dizzy. God, how he wanted to reach out and touch those
tits, but thought better of it.


Then Norma withdrew her finger from him and
took the douche nozzle from her other hand and began to insert it
up his ass. It was actually smaller than her finger so he hardly
felt it go in. When Norma had the nozzle positioned as far up his
rectum as it would go she said, "I want you to hold this in with
your hand, Bobby. Here - put your hand under you and take hold of
it, OK?"


Bobby reached under him with his right hand
and took the juncture of the hose and nozzle from his mother's
grasp as Norma stood up and reached for the clamp. Norma undid the
clip, but held the hose clamped with her fingers as she said, "Ok.
I'm going to let a little of the enema go now. If you start to
cramp up or it hurts just say so and I'll stop."


She very slowly lessened the pressure of her
fingers on the hose and Bobby began to feel the warm water enter
his bowels. It was an amazing sensation and nothing like he had
feared or remembered. Looking up at his mother standing above him,
her turgid nipples jutting out from her huge dark aureola not a
foot from his face he was even more surprised when Norma raised one
of her legs and placed her high heel softly on his thigh, her long,
full leg right in front of his face.


"You never did get a chance to feel my legs
last night did you? I think you said you wanted to, but you fell
asleep first, huh? Well - why don't you do it now, if you want to.
Go ahead, feel up my leg," Norma croaked, her voice cracking from
her own arousal as she looked down at her son's twitching

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