Mom & Son Get it Done (13 page)

Read Mom & Son Get it Done Online

Authors: Luke Lafferty

Tags: #mother son, #taboo sex, #young old, #family erotica, #mom son incest, #in the family, #mommas boy, #imbreeding, #imbred, #mature boy, #milk boy

BOOK: Mom & Son Get it Done
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After having lashed Caroline's breasts twice
more, Norma suddenly felt a let down. It was enough. She just
didn't want to do this anymore, so without saying a word she
marched over to the wall and undid the cord from the cleat and
slowly released the tension on the line, watching as Caroline's
arms came down in front of her. She was afraid for a second that
the woman might faint, but she didn't as she remained standing,
sobbing, with her head down.


Norma went over to her and first undid the
cord and then loosened the ties binding Caroline's wrists. As soon
as they were free her hands shot immediately up to her painful
breasts and she began to massage them gently as her face drew up in
a grimace. Then she put both hands behind her and began to massage
her rump at which point Norma hurried around and looped a tie
around her wrists and made them fast together again behind her


Startled, Caroline inquired, "What are you
doing now, for christsake?"


"Quiet, you bitch, or I'll string you up
again and start all over," Norma commanded.


Seeing that her hands were tightly bound,
Norma went and sat on the edge of the coffee table and leaned back
on her hands as she spread her legs.


"Down on your knees, whore and get over her
and suck my cunt!. You're going to make me cum. Be quick about it,
too - or else!"


Caroline obeyed meekly and dropped to her
knees in front of Norma, lowered her head to her sopping pussy and
began to french her out with her lips and tongue as Norma leaned
back on her elbows and played with her own tits and nipples.


Bobby, still concealed behind the stair
partition, listened in dumbfounded silence to all of these events.
He couldn't believe what was happening and his emotions were in a
disordered heap. Never before had he seen this cruel, vicious side
of his mother; he had no idea it existed. What was more unnerving
to him, however, was the fact that his mother was this very moment
having her cunt eaten by another woman! He knew there were lesbians
in the real world, but never for a minute suspected that his mother
might be one. His young and simplistic mind was having trouble
reconciling that someone could enjoy sex with both men and women as
was now apparently the case with his mother.


At once he felt extremely jealous, but this
was hinged with a growing eroticism at the sound of Mrs. Bishop
sucking her off. Soon he heard the unmistakeable sounds of his
mother approaching an orgasm and wished that he could witness what
was happening, but knew he couldn't risk even a peak for fear of
being caught.


When Mrs. Bishop had finished her off, Bobby
heard his mother say, "Well, at least your fucking mouth still
works, bitch. Now - pick up your clothes and get the hell out of
here. Right now. I've had enough of you for one night. Go on, get
out of here."


The tone of her voice more than the actual
words roused Bobby out of his reverie and he suddenly realized that
he needed to move very quickly. As silently as he could he moved
his cramped muscles and began to ascend the stairs and just in
time. No sooner had he once again hidden himself behind the kitchen
swinging door than a sobbing Mrs. Bishop, dressed in only panties
and bra and holding the rest of her clothes bundled in one arm,
came into the kitchen and went quickly out the back door.



Part 9


Having barely gotten hidden in the kitchen
and witnessed Mrs. Bishop's hasty retreat out the back door Bobby
wasn't sure what to do. Then he heard his mother's footsteps at the
top of the stairs as she entered the hallway. Luckily for him she
headed to the living room. When he was sure she wasn't moving
around, he very cautiously went to the back door and then opened
and closed it loudly as if he had just come home. Then he turned on
the kitchen lights and went directly to the refrigerator and opened
it as he usually did every time he came home. Typical teenager, he
thought to himself.


Just as he closed the fridge door without
having taken anything he heard his mother call from the living
room, "Bobby, is that you?"


"Yeah, mom, I'm home," and he turned and
headed for the living room.


There sat his mother on the sofa. When she
saw him she asked, "Hey, you're home real early. What


"Uh, Ariel got sick just as we got to the
theater and wanted to go home. Uh, woman problems - you know."


"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Kinda spoiled
your evening, huh?"


"Naw, not really. I'd rather be home with you


"Oh Bobby, you're so sweet."


Bobby couldn't take his eyes off Norma. He'd
never seen her so alluring before. As he sat at the opposite end of
the couch from her he could plainly see her big dark nipples and
aureola through the sheer material of her blouse. Noticing to where
his attention was directed Norma remarked, "It's a nice outfit,
don't you think?"


"Uh, yeah mom, real nice. How come you're
dressed up like that?"


"Oh, no real reason," Norma teased, "I just
felt like it. And I knew you'd like it too, huh." Bobby just let it
go although he was strongly tempted to pursue the issue. He was
still feeling the pangs of jealousy. As these thoughts crossed his
mind he got a strange look in his eye. Norma caught it almost
instantly and said, "What's the matter, son? Something wrong?"


Bobby hesitated a second, but then, to change
the topic he said, "Mom. Can I ask you something?"


"Sure, darling. What is it?"


"Well, I know you said we can never touch
each other, uh, you know, sexually. But do you think it would be
alright if I kissed you? I really want to kiss you, mom."


Norma considered this for a moment and said,
"Wellll. I'm not sure it's a good idea, but I do know that you sure
deserve something more than I've been giving you so far. Did you
lock the back door when you came in?"


"Oh shit. No, I didn't. I'll do it right
now," and he immediately got up and went to do it. Then he heard
Norma call "While you're out there would you get the bottle of wine
out of the fridge? And bring a glass, too. Bring two glasses if you
want some. And turn off the kitchen light when you come back."
While he was fetching the wine and glasses Bobby came to the
decision that he would not bring up the incident in the den this
evening. It would just ruin things for him if his mother found out
that he knew all about what went on down in the den even if he
hadn't seen anything. He especially wasn't going to bring up the
business about Mrs. Bishop sucking her off. He was sure she didn't
want him knowing about something like that!


In a minute, Bobby returned with the wine
bottle and two glasses. He unscrewed the cap on the cheap wine and
poured both of them a glass, handing his mother her's before
retaking his seat on the sofa. Norma then raised her glass to him
and said, "Here's to us and a happy few days together."


Without saying anything, Bobby raised his
glass to Norma and took a healthy swig. Norma keep the glass to her
mouth and sipped from it, sensing her son's nervousness, but she
didn't say anything. Bobby was silent also and didn't seem to know
what to say or do, so Norma finally broke the deadlock with, "I
thought you wanted to kiss me, dear?"


"I do, mom," he said timidly.


"Well. You can't do that from over there very
well, can you?"


"I guess not," he answered, but still didn't
make a move to get closer.


"Bobby. Why don't you come and sit over here
next to me. That way, when you get up the courage, you'll be in a
position to kiss me before you lose your nerve," Norma said,
teasingly. "Is there something the matter?"


Bobby slid over the cushions and came to rest
next to Norma, sitting squarely forward, but close enough that
their thighs were just barely touching. He could feel the heat from
that contact and he could also now smell the aroma of sex from her
body intermixed with her normal smell as well as a trace of her
perfume. The combination was intoxicating and made him ever so
slightly lightheaded.


"No, nothing's the matter. It's just that I'm
really nervous now that I'm alone with you."


"We've been alone before, love. As a matter
of fact, if memory serves me right you even jacked off in front of
me a couple of times. And now your nervous? About sitting here with
your mother?"


"Well, you know. I mean, I've never kissed
you before. You know, not in that way."


"What way, darling?" Norma continued to bait


"You know."


"No, Bobby, I don't know. But why don't you
show me instead of just talking about it, OK?"


"Can I really, mom?"


"Sure, if that's what you really want. I told
you you could, didn't I?" Norma's voice was getting slightly
gravelly now as she began to feel aroused from the game she was
playing with her son and the thought of what was about to


"Well, yeah," Bobby answered, turning toward
Norma and looking at her wide mouth with its full lipstick-red lips
that arched so sexily. The thought passed through his mind at that
point that he had never before noticed just how sexy her mouth was
and he said, "Gee, mom, you've got a really sexy mouth, you know


"All the better to kiss you with, my dear,"
she joked, but it was only half a joke and Bobby didn't miss the
implied invitation as he leaned forward impetuously and mashed his
own mouth against Norma's, taking her by surprise. She let the
contact remain for a couple of seconds before pulling away and
saying, "Whoaa. Take it easy. I hope you don't kiss your
girlfriends that way; you might knock out a few teeth," and she
chuckled at her own humor. Bobby, however, didn't think it was
funny and felt embarrassment from his mother's criticism.


Deciding on a gentler manner Norma said, "Why
don't I kiss you instead, OK. That way you can get an idea from me
how I want you to kiss me. Would that be alright?"


"Sure, I guess. You've had a lot more
experience at it than I have."


Norma set down her wine glass and took
Bobby's as well and put it on the coffee table. Then she bade him
settle back and enjoy as she adjusted her body up against his side,
mashing her pointed breasts into his arm. Not knowing what to do
with his shaking hands he just put them in his lap. Reaching up,
his mother put both her hands on each side of his head and leaned
forward, just brushing his lips with hers with the lightest of
touches as she looked directly into his eyes.


"Keep your eyes open, Bobby. There's nothing
sexier in the whole world than open-eye, open-mouth kissing," she
breathed against his closed mouth. Next she slid the tip of her
tongue out and began to lightly lick his lips all around ever so
gradually applying pressure until her tongue found its way up
against his teeth. Getting the hint, Bobby opened his mouth
slightly, but Norma continued to snake her tongue around his outer
mouth, between his lips and gums, back and forth from one side to
the other. At last she put her tongue between his teeth and sought
out his tongue. When contact was made their two tongues began a
slow dance, twining and twisting wetly around each other in Bobby's
mouth. Eventually, he got up a little nerve and moved his tongue
around his mother's and slid alongside it until he was in her
mouth. She pulled her tongue back and the dance continued in her


When she pulled away a couple of minutes
later she could see from her son's expression and the feel of his
hot breath as he panted in her face that he was very aroused. Again
she bent forward and, licking her lips first, making them
lusciously wet, she placed them, slightly parted against his and
without any tongue action began to slide them around and back and
forth. When he tried to reciprocate, Norma mumbled an "uhn uhn,"
and continued her motions, letting her lips, now swollen from her
own excitement, go slack so that they felt rubbery and somehow lewd
to him.


Norma then surprised Bobby by beginning to
lick his lips, then increasing the area she was licking to include
his chin and cheeks and forehead and finally his nose where she
even stuck the tip of her tongue inside. As she was doing this, an
overwhelming feeling of tenderness intermingled with lust overcame
Bobby and he whispered hoarsely, "Oh mom, I love you so much."


"I know, darling, I know," she said back, as
she continued to lap his face with big swipes of her moist


"Jeez, that's so fucking sexy, what you're
doing to me. Oh - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk that way."


"It's OK, love, you can say whatever you
want. I love to hear you say things like that. It sexes me up when
you talk dirty to me. I want you to say those things if you're
feeling them."


"Yeah, I know. It does the same to me. And I
sure am feeling them right now."


Norma tried to slow herself down, but she was
so excited she couldn't help herself as she reached up with a hand
and grabbed his tongue with her fingers and said, "Stick your
tongue out - way far out - yeah, that's it," as she put her fingers
into her own mouth and made them wet. Then she grabbed his tongue
again and began to jack it with her fingers as if she were
masturbating a miniature cock.

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