Mom & Son Get it Done (5 page)

Read Mom & Son Get it Done Online

Authors: Luke Lafferty

Tags: #mother son, #taboo sex, #young old, #family erotica, #mom son incest, #in the family, #mommas boy, #imbreeding, #imbred, #mature boy, #milk boy

BOOK: Mom & Son Get it Done
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"Yes, darling?"


"Can I ask you something else?"


"Sure... what is it?"


"Uh... oh gosh, I don't know how to say


"Well - just ask dear."


"Well, I... uh... would it be OK if... uh,
sometime when we're... uh, doing it... if I... would you let me...
would you let me squirt off on your tits?"


There - he said it. He'd been thinking about
sperming her tits all week long and the answer he got back was not
what he feared, but what he had hoped his mother would say: "Ohhhh,
Bobby. I'd love to have you cum on my breasts. I'd just love to
watch all that jism squirt out of your lovely hard prick onto my
tits. Of course you can."


Bobby was so excited now that he couldn't
hold back and he almost shouted, "God, mommmmm - I'm gonna cum -
right now!"


"Me too, lover. Here I cum. Oh, christ, here
it cums. It's cumming, darling. Oh, god, I'm cumming all over my


"Jeez, mom. Me too. It's squirting all over
the place. Ooops, I even got some in my face. Ohhhhh."


Both Bobby and his mother continued to frig
themselves through their climax not saying anything but listening
to each others labored breathing. When it was finally over Norma
was the first to speak.


"You still there, Bobby?"


"Yeah, mom. I'm still here. How 'bout you?"
And they both laughed.


"OK, dear. I want you to go to bed now and
rest up for tomorrow. I'll be home sometime in the morning. As
quick as I can get there. Sweet dreams, darling."


"Bye, mom."



Part 4


Norma declined the invitation to stay for
breakfast and visit with her sister. She was anxious to get home to
see her son. Rather than having satisfied her lust, the previous
evening's phone call and subsequent sex play had only inflamed her
that much more.


It was eight o’clock as she pulled in the
driveway and she hoped Bobby was still asleep so she could get
cleaned up and make herself attractive for him. As she entered the
house and went to hang up her coat she heard him moving around in
the kitchen and was a little disappointed. She then called out,
"Hi, Bobby, it's me - I'm home."


"Hi, mom," she heard him call back.


As she entered the kitchen she saw her son
sitting at the table eating toast in nothing but his undershorts.
Walking by him toward the coffee pot she tossled his hair and said,
"Hi, sport. You OK this morning?"


"Yeah, sure, mom." was all he said and he
seemed a bit shy or embarrassed. That would be natural, she
thought. After all, how many people her son's age had ever engaged
in phone sex with their own mother?


Norma got a cup of coffee and then went and
sat down at the table with Bobby, but didn't say anything. She
waited instead for him to strike up a conversation. When he
remained silent and wouldn't look at her she finally decided to
break the deadlock.


"Are you OK, Bobby? Do you feel OK?"


"Sure. I'm fine."


"Then what's the matter. You're acting as if
I'm not even here."


After a short pause he said, "Well, I guess
I'm just a little embarrassed about last night."


"Does that mean you don't want to look at me
or talk to me anymore?"


"Oh, mom, no. It's just that - well, you


"No, Bobby, I don't know. Tell me. Remember,
I'm your mother."


"Uh huh. That's part of the problem, I


Norma didn't say anything so Bobby blundered
on, "I mean, you're my mom and I know that what we did isn't
supposed to happen between a mother and son."


Gently Norma leaned forward and laid her hand
on Bobby's bare arm saying, "Yeah, I know. And I understand your
feelings. I have that same problem myself so can we at least talk
about it?"


"Sure, I guess."


"Would you like to just stop doing it, dear.
That is, do you think we should just quit and pretend like nothing
ever happened. I'd be willing to do that if that's what you really


"Aw, gee, mom. I can't stop thinking about
you. You'd think after last night I could at least get some sleep,
but I woke up dreaming about you."


"And were you excited?"




"And did you do it again. Did you jack off


"That's the hard part. I felt so bad and just
wanted to forget it all, but I was - you know - hard again."


"Uh huh. And what did you do."


"Well, I decided I'd wait for you to get
home. And the worst part is, I hoped it would happen again."


"Does that mean you want to do it some


Bobby lowered his head and folded his hands
in his lap and muttered, "Uh huh."


"Look at me, darling." When Bobby moved his
head and looked into his mother's eyes he became so filled with
lust and love that it almost took his breath away. "I know that
what we've done isn't exactly, uh, right, Norma continued on, but
I'm willing to go on doing it if we can both agree to a couple very
simple rules."


"Rules?" Bobby asked


"Right. I think everything will be OK if we
agree to two things, actually. First, there should never be any
touching. We should never touch each other. Everything will be
alright if we just watch one another, I think."


When she hesitated, trying to gauge her son's
reaction he asked, "And... the second thing?"


"I feel it would be best if we limited stuff
to once a week. And only when your father's away. Would that be OK
with you?"


"Sure, I understand that. But does that mean
that we can just watch and that's all?"


"Yes. I don't think we should get involved
any further than that, dear. It might lead to consequences neither
one of us wants."


Bobby stayed thoughtfully silent, but she
could read the disappointment clearly written all over his
features. The frown on his face told the whole story and it tugged
at her emotions because she felt a strong sense of frustration
herself with the conditions she had just laid down.


Finally Bobby looked up and said resignedly,
"I'll do whatever you want, mom. You've always known best and I
sure don't want anything to happen to you."


"That's so sweet of you, darling. All in all,
I think it's best for us both. We'll see, though, won't we. Now -
how are you feeling just right now?"


"OK. I can accept that."


"No - that's not what I mean. I've been
thinking about you all night and all the way home in the car from
your Aunt's." Bobby now caught the sudden shift in his mother's
tone, but asked anyway, "What do you mean, mom?"


"I mean, that I'm really horny, Bobby. And if
we weren't in this situation I would simply go upstairs and frig
myself off. But since you're here, would you like to discuss the
promise I made you last week and again last night?"


Bobby's interest picked up immediately and he
said, "What's to discuss?"


Seeing his eagerness, Norma said, "Whoa,
young stud - not so fast. I want to talk about this first, if it's
alright with you."


"Uh, OK."


"Tell me now what you think I promised


"Well, last week you kinda promised me that
sometime or other that you'd let me watch you do it."


Norma was rapidly becoming excited again as
she could see the results of her offer causing Bobby's shorts to
begin tenting out and wanting to use the conversation to further
stimulate herself as a sort of verbal foreplay she decided to milk
it for all it was worth.


"Watch me do what, Bobby?"


"You know, mom. You said you'd let me watch
you masturbate," he said impatiently.


"Uh huh. And..."


"And what?" It was tough trying to get her
son into her little verbal game. It was plain that he just wanted
to get on with it. But Norma was not going to let him have control
of the situation.


"And... I want to know if you still want to
do that. Do you still want to watch me jerk off?"


"Of course I do!"


"And when do you want us to do this."


"Why not right now?"


"Well, I'd need to get cleaned up first."


"That's OK. I'll wait."


"Now, how would you like this to happen. Tell


"What do you mean?"


"I mean, would you like me to get dressed up
for you?"


"You mean you're going to do it with your
clothes on?" Bobby suddenly sounded let down.


"No, silly. I mean, would you like me to
dress up the way I was in those pictures?"


"No shit!" Bobby exclaimed. "Ooops, sorry
mom, didn't mean to swear like that."


Ignoring his little outburst Norma continued,
"Would you like to see me the way I was when I was doing it then.
In the half bra and garter belt and stockings and heels - you know,
like some of the women in your magazines? Would you like to see me
dressed like a slut?" The tone and sound of her own voice was now
turning Norma on.


"Oh wow! That would be great. You mean, I'd
actually get to see you live just like you were in those


"Sure. If that's what you want?" Norma said
playfully. "Is that what you want, Bobby?"


Suddenly Bobby began to catch on and said,
"I'd really like that, mom. I'd just love to see you all dressed up
in those sexy things. You'll look great that way. And it'll even be
better to watch you do things to yourself when you're all dressed
up. Wow!"


Now she knew she had him. "And what kind of
things would you like to watch me do to myself, Bobby," she asked


When Norma looked down she saw that Bobby's
shorts were stretched out in front meaning he probably had a full
hard-on. "Is the thought of looking at your mother while she
masturbates turning you on, dear?" she asked coyly as she nodded
her head toward his crotch.


"Kind of obvious, isn't it," Bobby replied
and blushed.


"Come on, Bobby, tell me what you'd like me
to do for you while you watch. Don't be shy."


"Well, whatever you want, I guess."


"What's the thing you want to see me do most
to myself? What do you fantasize about most?"


"Uh, OK, do you think you could do it with
that thing in you? You know..."


"You mean with the dildo?"


"Yeah, with the dildo. I'd love to see that


"Well, I hate to disappoint you, but that
wasn't mine and I don't have one. But wait," Norma acted as if a
sudden thought just came to her. "I think there's a cucumber in the
refrigerator I could use. Except it'd be awfully cold."


"A cucumber?! Holy cow! You'd put a cucumber
in you?" Bobby exclaimed amazed.


"Sure. I've jacked off before with lots of
things in me besides cucumbers."


He couldn't believe his ears. His own mother
admitting to such lewd behavior. It was the sexiest thing Bobby had
ever experienced and made him want to grab his hard prick right
then and there but he refrained.


"I know," Norma mused, "While I'm upstairs
getting ready you can get the cucumber out and warm it up with your
hands for me. Would you do that?"


"Sure I would. Oh mom."


"You're really getting hot now, aren't you,


"Uh huh." he answered looking into her eyes.
Norma was very excited herself and decided to cut off the blabber
and get on with it.


"Well, I've got lots planned Bobby, but why
don't I go get ready. You wait here and warm up the kuke for 15
minutes while I change. It's now nine o’clock You wait until 9:15
and then come on upstairs, OK?. I'll be in my bedroom and you can
just come right in."


So saying, Norma rose and headed upstairs
while Bobby turned in his chair and opened the refrigerator door.
Rummaging around in the vegetable bin at the bottom he actually
found two cucumbers; one was considerably larger than the other and
he decided devilishly to take the bigger one. Eyeing it, he
couldn't imagine how his mother was going to get the thing into her
cunt because of its size. He then proceeded to start warming it in
his hands as she had asked, rubbing it up and down and twisting his
two hands around it. God, how he wished he had one that big, he
thought. He was so aroused now that he considered just doing it
right then, but decided it'd be better to wait until he could watch
his mother. Then they'd do it together, only face-to-face instead
of over the phone like last night.


Bobby waited impatiently for the fifteen
minutes to pass, each minute seeming like an hour. When it was time
he jumped up and almost ran to the stairs. Once upstairs he slowed
down and walked to his mother's bedroom where the door was closed.
He knew she said he could just walk right in, but he'd never done
that before and knocked softly out of habit.

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