Read Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) Online
Authors: H.M. Stewart
Queenie's face reflected how I felt on the inside. She has always worn her feelings for the world to see. "Don't look that way. He's going to be fine! That fucker is too damn stubborn to die. Doc made no notion that he wouldn't pull through this. I think the blood loss was the biggest hurdle he has to overcome."
"I hope your right. I can't lose my boy," Queenie said as the silent tears began to roll down her cheeks.
"You go on ahead son. Tabby and I will take care of Queenie. Those men need you more than we do right now," my mother stated while pointing to the back of the room where all the brothers stood waiting for my commands. "Your father went to lay Tivie down in one of the spare rooms. We'll take Queenie with us so your father can join you."
I placed a quick kiss on each of my stepmother's cheeks before walking around them to addressed men gathered behind them. One word was all it took to put the brothers in motion. "church!"
I hung back and waited for the brothers to make their way into the meeting room. I motioned for the newbie prospect to come to me. Not really sure whether or not to trust the woman's safety in the hands of a man with only eight weeks under his belt but I had no choice. Prospect Dalton was sent to watch the gate after we got back here with Wall and I needed prospect Aaron in that meeting room.
"Yeah Prez, what do you need me to do sir," prospect Zeke asked.
"You’re to watch out for the woman under this roof. They will be your responsibility until the brothers and I are finished with business. Then when we're through you can escort Athena and Carrin back to their place."
"Got it sir. I'll keep an eye out."
"No, you little fucker you will not just keep an eye out. You will watch them like a goddam hawk. If something happens to any one of these women here tonight I will hold you entirely responsible. Believe me boy you don't want to feel that fucking wrath!"
Looking as though he was shaking like a leaf at my words the prospect simply nodded his agreement. I left him staring at my back as I walked away. Headed into the meeting room I noticed the empty chair at the table. No one dare sit in Wall's spot even with him in such a weak state. These fuckers knew better.
Taking my seat at the head of the table I addressed my motley crew. "Okay, fellas tonight we're hashing this shit out. We're not leaving this mother fucking room until we have a plan in place."
My VP was the first to speak. "We all agree with you, Prez. Enough's enough. Those Grizzlie fucks have pushed one too many times."
"You know Prez I've been trying to work this shit from every dam angle possible. I mean everything that has happened over the last year and a half isn't making any sense," Blaze chimed in.
"Remember a few months ago when Zeus overheard the club whore talking on the phone. The name Carmen has been fucking bugging me. I know there's something linking that bitch to all this shit but can't think of how" Ghost said breaking his silence at the end of the table.
"Yeah I think it’s got something to do with the original crew we had when we started. I think it's time we break out the shit from Madison's apartment," Boomer bellowed.
"Pop, you know what you’re asking right? Other than the original brothers, I'm the only other one who knows what that box has in it."
"Right now Axle, you’re my president while in this fucking room not my kid. What you know affects everyone one sitting in this fucking room, new or old. Put this shit to a vote," he roared back at me.
The silence in the room did nothing to still my nerves. "Have it your way old man. All in favor of opening information up for everyone to see say aye!"
Going from one face to another taking votes of my brothers, I sat hard as stone. When the final vote was tallied with only two opposed.
"Well, that's it then. You all keep your asses put. I'll be back in ten," I said getting up to retrieve what would surely put the old guys at even higher risk. When the news is out there, there would be no turning back. This shit better work. It better fucking bring us the answers we need to put this shit to bed.
As I made my way down the hallway I noticed the prospect wasn't standing guard by the room housing the women and the little diva. Something wasn't right. Rushing in a dead on sprint. Crashing through the door I made out the faces of three very distraught faces.
"What the hell is going on Axle," Tabby shouted. "Why are you busting in here like a fucking maniac?"
"Nothing ladies, I just panicked when I didn't see your guard detail outside the door. With everything happening around the club I freaked the fuck out!"
Without another word I turned and left the room. Next stop was to the infirmary. Doc was coming out of the room as I closed in. "How's our brother?"
"I dug two slugs out of his shoulder and he lost a shit ton of blood. The good thing is the blood made everything look worse than what it was. He'll be fine but it'll be a minute before he's causing a ruckus."
"I'm sure he'll be causing all kinds of chaos as soon as he wakes up and realizes that whoever did this got away for the moment," I replied half joking. "I've got to head to my room for a minute but then back to the meeting room. Apparently everyone thinks it’s a good idea to share what we've had buried for years now," Doc's eyes widened.
"Not sure what it has to do with the current situation but if it helps then so be it. I trust my brothers that it won't go any further then the walls of this clubhouse. I and the other guys have held that shit secret for a long time."
"Yeah you have brother,” I told Doc. "I'll see you in the meeting room. Stop by and give the women an update on the way out."
"Will do, oh by the way I heard from our girl yesterday," Doc said stopping me in my tracks.
Not turning to face him I just responded. "Yeah what did she have to say?"
"The tour will be over in two weeks. Apparently the band is wanting to take a break for a bit. She's planning on coming back for a while. I could tell in her voice she's missing home."
"Good to hear brother. At least with her here, the club will be able to protect her from the shit crashing down around us." I left Doc to get to my room and back to the meeting room before one of the guys came looking for me while thoughts of the blonde bombshell racked my brain. Avery doesn't know it but her sexy ass isn't leaving this place when she gets back.
Coming in my dorm room I went straight to the bed moving it away from the wall leaving the hole in the wall visible. When I had to bring the film roll and documents back to the compound I made a little stash spot in the wall hidden by the headboard on my bed. The solid oak king size headboard was heavy as fuck. No one would think to fuck with moving it in search of anything. After pulling out the evidence needed to explain the old skeletons the club had, I made sure to put the bed back in place. Never know when you'll have to hide other shit. No need to give up a practical hiding spot.
Minutes later, back in the meeting room, I stood at the head of the table waiting for the guys to quiet down. Apparently they didn't get the fucking memo. I felt my blood begin to boil at the guys’ disregard to me standing before them. "Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up before I start cracking goddamn skulls!"
Silence fell on the room the instant the words left my mouth. "Now that I have everyone's attention, listen the fuck up." Looking to my father I spoke again. "This shit never leaves these walls. The information will bring devastation to everyone in this club if it gets out. With that being said I'm going to let the old heads take it from here. They know how it all went down."
The focus of attention turned to our former president Boomer, my father. "Before I start I need you all to understand that us old heads were a little more than hellions in our time. We were fucked up, just coming home from Vietnam with the war ending. Great Falls was in bad shape. The mills weren't hiring and on the verge of shutting down. The army didn't want anything to do with us when we got back either. There was an oil shortage going on which had people scared shitless."
"Moving on from the history lesson on the world at large. I’ll give you the little insight on the old heads. Doc, Rowdy, Ghost, Viking and I all had each other’s back overseas as well as when we got the fuck back over here. The problem we had was we were from all over the U.S. Me and Ghost were the only ones from Great Falls. Doc was from San Francisco, Rowdy from New York City and Viking from Las Vegas. We had gone our separate ways when we first got back but that didn't last long. The fellas and I had talked about forming a club while sweating our asses off in the godforsaken jungle."
"The shit we saw and had to do over there was fucking with all of us. Trust me when I say the missions we had to complete over there are far worse than anything we have had to do over here to build this club," Boomer recollected with a look of sadness spreading across his face. I knew part of the reason the guys kept the past in the dark was a way to keep Nam buried deep.
"It didn't take long once we got back to realize we didn't fit into the normal way of life. All of us were pissed and rebelling against the government. It took a few months but in the end, we all ended up here in Great Falls. It took a few months to actually right out the by-laws and the diplomatic shit for the club. When that was all done, we had the design for the patch made and our name chosen. All we had to do was find a location for the clubhouse and receive the blessing from the powers that be to start what is now the Dominant Devils MC. The price to be paid was high but we managed to scrape the funds together. We all had to pitch in the G.I. money we received to pay our dues to the higher power. So here we are, a new club just starting out and no place to call home." My father turned to Viking to bring him in on the story being told.
"Viking, why don't you take it from here," Boomer said to the quiet man in the corner of the room. Viking moved in closer to lay the rest out for everyone.
"We found this place shortly after gathering here in Great Falls. The compound was actually owned by one of the board members of the mill. Can't remember the fuckers name just his arrogant attitude. The man didn't give two shits who he sold this place to. See fellas, I think he knew the mills would be closing up shop and he was looking for a payday to feed his retirement."
"Even in 1976 we paid over three hundred thousand for the eighty-eight acres, this compound spreads over. Most of the land still isn't cleared and isn't good for much."
"Viking your fucking killing us here man. I don’t understand what you guys becoming an MC, and buying land has to do with the shit we're dealing with now man," an agitated Tank spits out.
"I’m getting to that fucker, just listen!" Viking was pissed for the interruption but I'd have to agree with Tank. We were wasting fucking time. I'd give the old heads a few more minutes to get it out before I stepped in. For now, I'd sit back for a few and let Viking explain for the time being.
"After we paid our dues to the higher power, which will remain unnamed, we didn't even have enough money for rent let alone 300k to buy a piece of land. Which led us to do some bad shit."
"What kind of bad shit brother? Everyone at this fucking table has blood on their hands even if it was justifiable," Tank spoke out.
"Yeah this whole club might have blood on their hands but not the kind of blood that goes with murder for hire or fucking robbery went wrong." That shut everyone up for a bit. None of us were innocent by far but we didn't pride ourselves in killing people. We never lived the life of our founding members. By the time we all came along the club owned several legitimate businesses that provided for its members. Other than the protection detail we offered for our shady clients we kept our hands out of the cookie jar. Meaning we might protect the cargo being transported but we never touched or saw the shit. Hell, the majority of the time we had no idea what the fuck we were protecting. We got paid well to ride along with the transport to ensure it made it safely across the state. Not saying the protection runs never left us bloody or bruised but for the most part we made it out unscathed. Any kills we've made in the name of the club were a "kill or be killed" scenario with the exception of payback every now and then. The not knowing what we were protecting got us out of more than a few slings.
"The file that Axle has been protecting contains info on the hits this club carried out in its beginning years. If we still had a film projector around here I would show the only evidence left of the robbery, we pulled off during a trip to Vegas. The training the five of us assholes received in Nam paid off once we found out rich cunts in business suits paid top dollar for someone else to get their hands dirty."
"You're telling me that you old fuckers were some kind of special force crew in the army," Blaze asked.
"Not a crew per say but we did each have our own special skills. Before the army Doc was in med school but when the draft came knocking he ended up a field medic. Ghost was one of the best snipers our country had ever seen at that time. Rowdy was the one who could beat a mother fucker to death with just his hands. That shit got him through a lot of hand to hand combat in that fucking jungle. Boomer new how to get any information out of anyone. He was the king of torture. I never saw a man he couldn't make sing like a canary. I myself had a fascination for knives. I had more kills overseas with my blade then with the gun I was forced to carry."
"You all were the real deal then. Like Rambo shit? How come we never knew," Throttle asked the old head before him.