Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7) (34 page)

BOOK: Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7)
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"Nope. I'm going to kill all of you and chuck you in the woods. It will save you from the trouble you're about to put yourself through." One of the bears growled, but Alec wasn't concerned in the slightest. He glanced around and looked back to Dax.

"No one here to back you up, Alec?" Dax chuckled and looked back to his guys.

"Nope. We said we were meeting here, just you and me. I keep my word. No need to bring anyone else. I'm the Alpha of the largest clan in the world for a reason. I don't need anyone's help."

"I'm telling you to back off or you're going to regret what happens. There are only four of us here to scout things out, but if anything happens we will bring retribution to your door." Dax slipped his hands in his pockets and took a step back, leaning against the pool table behind him.

"You heard me, right? I keep my word. I'm going to have the girl, the pack and your ass buried in the back woods of my forest. It's a promise, little man. Bring your boys when we fight."

"I'm not fighting you over the brown bears. You're not their Alpha. I'll be fighting the sexy bitch that worked my cock the other day in her office."

Alec growled low in his throat and moved faster than any of them expected. He slammed his forehead into Dax's nose, busting it as the punk yelled and cupped his face. The others moved in quickly and Alec turned his attention to them, snagging the pool stick from their Alpha and swinging it fast and hard.

It connected with the largest of Dax's boys, breaking on the side of his face as he hit the floor. Alec dropped it and spun toward the other big one, kicking out at the smaller thug before punching the largest one three times in quick succession. It stunned the goliath long enough for Alec to drop a knee on the smaller one while Dax cursed him.

Picking up a pool ball, Alec turned and pegged the first guy in the face as he rose to his feet. With everyone busy trying to recover, Alec turned his attention back to Dax. He picked up the broken pool stick and reared back before jamming it into the Alpha's chest, ensuring that no bones were broken in the process. It was a warning.

Dax screamed and swung, his punch connecting on the side of Alec's face. He spit out a tooth before wiping his mouth and smiling. Leaning against the stick, he pushed it in farther.

"Back the fuck up. I don't play fair. You come near my girl, my pack, or her pack again, and I will cut you up piece by piece until there is nothing left of you. You're messing with the wrong man, little boy. Pack up your shit and get out of here." Alec gave the stick one last push and moved, turning and walking out of the bar as he rubbed the side of his face.

Alec got into his car, careful not to get blood on his seats. The possibility of Dax actually heading back to Europe was slim, but at least he knew now that he wouldn't survive another attack on Alec. Taking out four of them in human form was difficult, but laying waste to them in bear form would be nothing. He was willing and ready to prove it.

Chapter 19

A long nap was in order after Cade finally left. The office was closed on Monday to honor the man who built it up from nothing to something great. Sonya laid in her bed after waking for a while, her thoughts moving from her father back to Alec at breakneck speed. She had become his, so the fight she planned was moot. He wasn't going anywhere and she was grateful.

Putting him in danger might seem like a selfish thing to do, but she knew that as the Alpha of a shifter group, he sought out danger and trouble. He wasn't the man she originally fell in love with, but someone older and more stable. She let out a soft sound of appreciation as her body quickened at the thought of him.

He had spent most of the night buried deep inside of her, his hands greedy, lips soft and wet. Since she walked away from him, sex had never been quite right or fulfilling, and he brought back her deepest desires. She slid her hand down her tight stomach and over her sex, pressing softly as she groaned.

It was tender from his aggression and yet she couldn't wait until he fucked her again.

"I still need to taste him," she whispered to the empty room around her, and licked at her lips before rolling onto her side and sitting up. She would call him later, but the first order of business was to figure a few things out. Her father was brilliant and had always known exactly what he was doing. Whatever he saw in Alec had begun to blossom.

"Thank you, Dad." Sonya ran her fingers through her hair and let the sadness that she had pushed to the edges of her mind wash over her again. She loved her father and had a special relationship with him. Laughing softly through her tears, she let herself be enveloped by the great loss.

She couldn't imagine a time she wouldn't feel sorrow about missing her greatest supporter, but she hoped Alec might fill the gap. She needed to know what her father did to help them. That would be the final parts of the puzzle.

Getting out of bed, she stretched and groaned. She wiped at her tears with her T-shirt and padded into the kitchen, heading for the fridge. A loud growl came from her stomach and she got busy making a sandwich out of anything and everything in the fridge. A quick glance at the clock on the stove told her that it was early afternoon.

The lazy day had proven good for her mental health so far, her sadness dimmed slightly by the promise of solving a riddle, and the prospect of sex with the best looking man she'd ever laid eyes on later.

Her phone buzzed and she picked it up, smiling at Alec's text.

Alec: Sleeping all day? Takes a big man to put a woman in a 24-hour coma.

Sonya: Just got up. Making food. No coma but will try if you're "up" for it.

Alec: Good. At door.

"No, you aren't." Sonya put the phone down and walked to the door in her T-shirt and panties. She pressed her hands to the wood and leaned in to look out the peephole. Alec stood there in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, sunglasses on his face and his hair a dark mess. She purred softly at the sight of him.

He was sexy when they were younger, but he was wickedly delicious now.

She opened the door and leaned against it as his eyes rolled over her, the hunger in his gaze searing her. "I guess this means you expect me to share my sandwich?"

He walked into the house, pulling her into his arms and sliding his hands down to cup her barely clad butt. "I don't want anything but you in my mouth."

She pressed him to the door behind him and hooked one of her legs over his hip as she pressed her lips to his. Sugary sweetness rolled over her tongue as she licked at his mouth. He slipped his hands into her hair and locked her in place as he kissed her hard. She pulled away breathless, her heart beating so hard it hurt.

How was he able to do that every time?

"I'm starving. Come eat with me." She tugged away from him and walked into the kitchen, careful to shake her hips far more than she usually would. He moved in behind her and caressed the part of her ass the panties didn't cover, his deep panting driving her mad.

"No way you're going to be able to eat that whole sandwich. Cut it in half and I'll save you from embarrassing yourself." He leaned against the counter.

"No way. I'll make you one too, but this one is all mine. I'm starving. Some large bear stole all of my energy last night and I'm not sure how I made it home." She moved to the counter and put a few more pieces of ham on her creation.

Alec shifted in behind her, sliding his hands around her hips and up her torso to her breasts. He bent down and kissed the side of her neck softly as she rubbed her rear against him.

"That bear would have brought you home and tucked you into bed if you weren't so hell bent on running the minute the sex was over."

"Is the sex over?" She turned her head toward him, her voice soft and questioning.

He squeezed her breasts harder and ground into her. "The bear says fuck no. Make your sandwich and let's revisit what it means to lick someone to death. You've been so needy lately that I haven't gotten the chance to properly spend time exploring your sexy body."

"Me? Needy? I think you're referring to yourself." Sonya cut the sandwich in half and picked one part of it up, leaning over and taking a huge bite. She groaned and chewed slowly, letting the various flavors wash over her tongue. The only thing better than sex was power, and food was a close third.

"I agree, actually. I've never been needy for anything or anyone since you and here I find myself with that same problem again." He moved back, turning her a little and reaching around her to grab the other half of the sandwich. She growled a warning at him as he took a deep bite of it.

"You're lucky there's more bread and meat or I would have to kill you." She shrugged and took another bite, watching him closely. He was powerful and big, his size and stamina leaving her almost dizzy. She reached out with her free hand and slid it under his shirt, running her fingers over the thick swell of his chest. She played with his nipple before taking another bite of her sandwich.

Juice from the tomato dripped down the side of her mouth and she moved back to wipe it, but Alec trapped her hand against him and leaned forward. Her breath caught in her chest as he licked the contents away and nipped at her mouth.

"Why is it so hot that I know you could kill me if you wanted to?" He kissed the side of her mouth and moved back, leaning over and taking another bite of her sandwich.

"Because you're the Alpha of a large pack. Threats are imminent and me being vicious and independent means that you won't have to worry about my safety as your woman." She shrugged and took another bite.

"Does this mean you're going to stop fighting me so hard and relent?" He finished his sandwich, his mouth filled with the contents as he made quick work of it and licked at his fingers.

"Do I have a choice?" She extended her half-eaten meal to him and he took it, finishing it off too.

"Not at all. You mated with me last night. You're mine forever." He wagged his eyebrows and moved closer as he licked at the side of his mouth. "Why was that the best thing I've ever eaten?"

"Because your body needed sustenance. Some hot brown bear took full advantage of you and milked you dry ten times last night. She's a beast. Be careful of that one." She winked and pulled him close as he wrapped his hands around her waist and hoisted her up on the counter.

Sonya put her arms around him and tightened her thighs around his middle as he kissed and licked at her mouth.

"Fuck, you taste good," he whispered against her lips before moving his kisses to her neck. "Take off your shirt. I want to lick your tits."

"No. I have a few things I need to do today." She pushed at his shoulder.

"Yeah. Me." He moved back up, pressing his teeth carefully to her jaw and sliding his fingers down the side of her panties until his fingers slipped in and brushed by her sex. She groaned, needing the contact with him. Her body was swollen and wet, needy and aching as he petted her.

"Stop, you horny bastard. I need to take care of something and then I'm all yours."

He slipped his fingers into her and looked up, his eyes hooded as the smell of his need wrapped around them. "Hurry then. I want in here again."

"Yes," she whispered and nipped at his lips before pushing his hand away. He licked at his fingers as she slid from the countertop and walked to her father's office.

"I'm eating that pussy when you're done with whatever you think is more important than me."

"I know you are. I was going to tie you down and ride your face if you didn't get to it soon." She glanced over her shoulder and yelped as he barreled toward her.

"Dirty little thing." He reached for her and she spun, jogging to her father's office as he barked. The sound caused her heart to race. He was everything she wanted and more. How was she going to keep up her facade enough not to fall head over heels with him?

Being his partner in life and at the company was one thing, but completely getting lost and needing him every day – all the time? It was terrifying.

"What are we doing in here?" Alec stopped by the door as Sonya looked over her shoulder at him. His erection pulled his jeans forward and left him looking like a teenage boy with far too many issues.

"Parik told me that I need to get into the safe in my father's office. I'm doing it today." She moved to the large cabinet in the office and knelt before it, opening the cabinet and leaning in to work on the safe.

"I think you should put some pants on, my love. Your ass is barely covered and I'm about to take full advantage of being an Alpha if you're not careful." Alec's voice was tight and pinched.

"Third door on the left down the hall is my bedroom. Grab my pants from beside the bed and I'll put them on, but..." She looked over her shoulder again as the safe swung open. "You don't scare me at all. Your threats are nothing when they happen to be the core of my desires. I'm thinking about taking the panties off just to tease you properly."

"Fuck me." He turned and walked out as Sonya laughed. It was good to let him in a little more, to relent and let her guard down enough for them to work on a friendship.

She pulled out a large folder with her name on it and stood up, walking to her father's desk and setting everything down. Sonya felt a great weight on her shoulders; could she handle going through the contents of the folder?

Alec walked back into the office and handed her the pants before popping her hard on the butt and leaning over to growl against her neck. "Make this quick."

"Hush." She took the pants and slipped them on before flipping through the birth records for her and her brother.

Her mom and dad's marriage license was next. She picked it up and smiled, running her fingers along her mother's name. Alec moved in behind her, wrapping his arms around her again.

"I want one of those."

"A marriage license?" She turned her face a little, pressing into his hold.

"Yeah, with our names on it." He sucked her earlobe into his mouth and she groaned softly.

"Are you asking me to marry you?"

"Not yet. I want it to be special because you deserve it." He licked at her neck, pressing his teeth to the column of her throat. His words rolled through her and she shuddered. Would they get married and have a life together? Was she ready to commit to something like that?

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