Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7) (41 page)

BOOK: Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7)
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Alec would revisit all of it later when the time came.

Cade opened the door, turning to glance at Alec for a minute and then back to Parik and Jared who stood ready to come in the house. "We're heading out. I think I can find her if we head toward the old harbor house."

"Not a bad idea, son. There are some old rundown shacks over there and the forest is dense. It would be a great place for a bear to hide out." Parik reached out and ruffled Cade's hair as Cade swatted at him.

"Can you connect with Sonya?" Jared asked before extending his hand. "Jared Marshall. I'm the Beta of the black bears."

"I can." Cade shook his hand. "She's hurt, but it's not too bad. I think it's a knife wound or something. She's not in pain anymore and her fear level is down, which is never a good thing with my sister."

"Let's go. Cade can ride with me. We take two cars. Just stay a little behind." Alec glanced toward Jared and received a quick nod. He got in the car and waited for Cade to get in before bringing the engine to life.

"Why is it a bad thing that her fear is down? Maybe Dax has left her alone." Alec turned out onto the small street that wound up a hill to Victor's place. He waited for a moment for his Beta to pull in behind him before leaving the estate.

"She's a killer. It's when she's calm that she's planning and plotting. I would assume, knowing my sister, that she went after him." Cade glanced out the window, his voice soft and filled with concern.

"From what I understand that's exactly what she did." They drove in silence for a few minutes before Cade spoke up again.

"I remember when my sister came back from Paris. She was crushed." He glanced over at Alec. "I've never known anyone who could take the wind out from under her wings. What exactly did you do?"

"Loved her and didn't want to let her go."

"Ahhh...makes sense. She's far too responsible and loyal for that level of commitment." Cade wrapped his arms around his chest and leaned his head back. "I'm scared. I hate the fact that my father isn't here to fix this shit. I'm not capable of saving her. Are you?"

"Yes. Whether you believe it or not, you are too." Alec tried to focus on the road, but the sensation of horror rushed across him and he shivered.

"She's fighting him. I can hear her voice in the back of my mind." Cade's eyes filled with tears. "She's fearless, but I wish she wasn't."

"Why wouldn't you want that?" Alec had to stop himself from reaching over and grabbing Cade's arm. He wanted to know what exactly the other man was seeing. He knew Sonya was fearless, but knowing that his beautiful girl was going up against a bastard like Dax left his heart quivering inside of his chest.

"Because he likes it. If she would comply he would probably leave her alone, but she's damned and determined to wear him out before his fight with you."

"Wear him out how?" Alec turned to pin Cade with his stare as his stomach jolted violently again. He wasn't going to vomit in front of Sonya's brother or the guys behind him. It wasn't allowed for the Alpha to be anything but a rock and he wasn't bending.

"By fighting. He wants to fuck her, but she's not having any of it." Cade choked on a sob. "Why is this happening? Why didn't dad plan for this shit? He should have known that another Alpha would rise up to try and take us. How could he not have seen this and prepared for it?"

"He did." Alec pressed the gas to the floor and prayed like hell that they would make it to her before she got herself killed. She was a fighter, yes, but even more so, she was a woman willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Did she believe he would survive without her? That he would continue to take care of their packs and serve their people?

He couldn't fathom a life without her. He wouldn't.

Chapter 29

Sonya wrestled hard against Dax as he untied her feet and pulled her to a standing position. She lashed out, kicking him three times in the leg before moving back. He pulled out a gun, pointing it at her and aiming for her chest.

"Stop fucking around. You're not getting out of here. If you want to fight before we mate I'm fine with that, but if you think there is any chance of you getting away from me, you're wrong. You'd have to kill me first. I want you so bad I can almost taste you." He licked at his lips as she growled deeply in her chest.

Why couldn't she just play along and move limply around the room? She could fight him off if he tried to seduce her, but to fight him head on with her damn hands tied behind her back was stupid. Emotion overwhelmed her and she sunk to her knees, crying out.


"What's wrong?" Dax moved a step closer but didn't lower his gun. "Is something hurting you? Don't fuck with me, girl. I'm not playing games here."

"Fuck you," she whispered and let her chin drop to her chest. She wasn't worried about Alec continuing without her, but her brother wouldn't make it if he lost her father and then her.

She had to fight through all of this.

"Talk to me." He pushed her softly with his hand.

Sonya stood back up and gripped the wall, crying out again.

"My brother," she whispered before screaming loudly into the room.

"Fuck. Is he dying?" Dax aimed the gun at her again, lifting it to her face. "I'm going to put you out of your misery if you don't get your shit together."

Sonya swallowed the pain of Cade's terror. He was with someone else. Alec? She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall, trying hard to tap into her brother's mind. They had been connected since they were kids. The trauma of their mother's death left them locked together for comfort.

She couldn't make out much more than the inside of a car. It was Alec's car. They were driving together and looking for her.

"I need a glass of water and put that fucking gun down or shoot me already. I get it. I'm stuck here with you and will be your mate soon. Great. Just get me something to drink and some fresh air. This place smells like mold."

"Good girl," he muttered and moved behind her, taking a firm grip on the ropes that held her hands together. "Walk up the stairs and we'll go outside for a few minutes. I'm gagging you because I don't trust you for a second, but fresh air would be good for clearing your lungs. You're going to need them for the fucking I'm going to give you."

"Promises, promises," she muttered and began walking up the stairs. She stifled a shiver at the deep laugh that resounded behind her. She wouldn't play the victim, no matter if it killed her or not. She wasn't able to.

"I have something special for your boyfriend tonight. We're meeting up later to fight for the pack and for you. You should be quite thrilled. I don't usually fight for anything. I just take it." He scoffed and moved her out into the hallway as he kicked shut the door behind them. Dax pushed her toward the opening at the end of the hall as a TV played somewhere in the distance.

Sonya glanced around her, taking in the scenery. She was still in the house where she killed Dax's three companions.

She moved to the kitchen and sat as he pointed to a nearby chair and growled at her.

"Make a move and I'll put one of these tranquilizer darts in the side of your neck. You'll be out for the rest of the events this evening. No one will ever find you after I've hidden your body." He smiled and walked to the fridge. She sat down, trying hard not to mock him. Being dominant and unwilling to bend was one thing, but antagonizing him was another.

She nodded, cutting her brother off from their connection completely. He was overwhelmed and she couldn't take the pressure of needing to fix his world while her own was falling apart. She needed to focus and be ready if the opportunity for her to gain her freedom presented itself.

Dax brought a glass of water to her, helping with it and setting it down on the table beside them. His features softened as he touched her hair, his expression almost kind.

He was a bear in sheep's clothing.

"You okay? That enough?"

"Yes," she whispered, playing into the softness of the moment. "I just need some fresh air."

"Fine." He pulled her up by the front of her shirt and moved her in front of him again, his fingers digging into her hips as he walked her to the back door. "If you even make a peep, I'll put this dart in you. Got it?"

"Yes. I won't make a sound. I just need to breathe for a minute." She moved back a step as he opened the door and nudged her to move forward with the barrel of his gun.

"Not a peep," he growled and walked out behind her.

The afternoon sun sat on the far side of the sky. The evening was only a few hours away. She needed to figure out how to warn Alec, but it was a useless desire. She had no ability to reach him, not even through Cade. She and her brother could push their connections as children, stabilizing their ability to act through one another, but she had pulled back.

She had too many hard memories and tough times to allow anyone access to her deepest thoughts and most horrible nightmares. Sonya swallowed hard and walked down the small steps of the shack onto the front porch.

The wind picked up and blew strands of her hair, but most of it stayed up in her bun. She glanced to Dax, who seemed to be enjoying the sun on his bare chest. He was strong, muscular, and handsome. Too bad he was going to die. He reminded her of a younger Alec, a boy that was never taught respect or honor.

"Would you take my hair down?" she asked quietly, regretting it the minute she did. His eyes widened slightly as he walked toward her, the scent of his arousal strong and stifling.

He didn't speak a word as he tugged at the small hair bow that held it in place, the thick waves rolling down her shoulders and over her back as the wind tossed it about. Sonya closed her eyes and leaned her head back, breathing in deeply.

A flash of realization inspired her and she tried not to make a sound of excitement. She might not be able to act through Cade, but she could bring her brother and Alec to where she was. She opened her eyes slowly, aware of Dax's gaze on her.

Turning to face the house, she opened herself up to her brother and looked around. Words formed in her mind over and over, but whether they were understood or not was unknown. She had to hope that Cade would be able to place her and the woods at the old harbor house. She wasn't far from it, but if she could simply get her brother in the vicinity, he and Alec together would be able to track her.

"What are you doing?" Dax asked, walking up and stopping in front of her. He reached out and took the side of her face into his hand, squeezing hard as his teeth clenched. "Tell me now."

"I'm not doing anything but enjoying the fresh air, Dax." She let her eyes move across his face, the anger and rejection of too many years leaving him looking much older than he should.

"Why don't I believe that?"

"I don't care what you believe. I'm standing in the middle of the woods tied up and simply enjoying the air. What else would I be doing? I have no way to get to anyone and I'm not interested in getting a dart in my throat."

"Good." He slid his hand down her neck and over her shoulder, squeezing the side of her arm softly. "I'm ready to mate with you. I've held off as long as I can. You smell like heaven."

She didn't get a chance to respond as Dax visibly stiffened in front of her. His eyes turned amber as he growled. He was close to shifting and the last thing she wanted to do was be caught in front of him in her human form if he changed. He was manic as a human, but as a bear with no understanding of recourse, she was as good as dead.

"What is it?" Sonya took a step forward, bumping her chest into his. She didn't have her hands free to reach out and touch him, but she would have done it to bring him back into the moment.

"Cars. Two of them. Quick, get inside." He moved behind her and shoved her hard. She stumbled, falling and crying out loudly. He growled and wrestled her back up, cursing her as the first car turned to the curb in front of them.


Her eyes connected with his and she let out a soft cry as Dax screamed in rage. He pulled the gun up and aimed it at her, but he wasn't fast enough. Sonya dropped to the ground again, swinging her legs out and sweeping him. He growled and fell to the ground beside her, losing the gun, but reaching out and putting her in a choke hold.

She screamed loudly as the sounds of her brother and Alec filled the air around her. Dax rolled off of her and her brother dropped beside her, pulling her in tightly as he cried softly.

"Oh my God. I thought we weren't going to make it. I would never have come this far into the woods if you hadn't shown me where." Cade turned her and worked to release her bindings as she contorted her torso to lay eyes on her mate.

"Where is Alec? He isn't safe, Cade. This bear doesn't play by the rules." She rolled away from her brother and stood, running toward the house, Cade right behind her. The sound of the two males squaring off stole her breath and she plowed into the house full speed, only to stop short.

They were out front, the view of them standing toe to toe in the front yard making her heart jump. She ran through the house and stopped at the edge of the porch as Alec turned to her.

"Stay back. This is my fight. This mother fucker comes onto my lands and tries to threaten me and take my woman?" He glanced back at Dax and laughed. Now Alec sounded maniacal. "You're going to die today."

"I love it. You put your best effort forth, old man. Your time has come and gone. It was brief, I realize, but you seemed to have made the most of it." Dax smirked before glancing to Sonya. "We'll fuck again after this, baby. Just hold up and watch what I can do."

"Fucker," Alec growled loudly before transforming. The handsome man she had come to love turned into the largest, most beautiful silky black bear she had ever seen.

"Shit. He's huge," Cade whispered beside her and reached to take her hand.

"He's brilliant and vicious. I'm not worried at all about this fight. As long as Dax plays fair. That's the only concern I have."

Dax shifted into a large brown bear. His size was quite impressive too, but Alec had him by a foot and fifty pounds. Alec charged, rolling the two of them as he plowed into Dax. Sonya let her brother's hand go and ran to the side of the porch, jumping over and racing to the backyard.

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