Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7) (40 page)

BOOK: Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7)
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Alec closed his eyes and dove into the part of himself that he rarely accessed. The Alpha.

Chapter 27

Sonya awoke and worked hard to lift her head from a hanging position that left her neck aching. She glanced around the dark room, a sliver of light showing from a small window far above her head. She grunted before realizing that her mouth was covered in a thick cloth.

Sinking against the bindings, she tried to blink away the fogginess that sat heavy on her. Getting upset wasn't going to help her at all.

She assumed she was still in the abandoned house that Dax had taken up residence in, but that may have been wishful thinking. Sonya settled back and let her eyes adjust slowly as she concentrated on her breathing. She wasn't hurting anywhere in particular and her clothes were still on, so she had nothing to panic about yet.

The darkness began to fade in front of her as the room took shape and slowly formed. She seemed to be in a basement from the lack of light and the musty smell that surrounded her. The air was cool and damp. The sound of a door opening above her made her heart skip a beat. She closed her eyes and let her head roll to the side, hoping to appear unconscious.

"You up, pretty girl?" Dax's voice reached out to her, the sound of it calm and reassuring. He was a bastard of the worst kind. He didn't care about her pack or his but wanted the power brought by having a large number of subjects.

It wasn't power but a sense of responsibility that landed at her doorstep the day her father died. He was delusional if he thought anything might come of his plot to take over the Browns. Alec was the Alpha now and even if she didn't make it out alive, he would take care of her people as an honor to her memory.

Strong fingers gripped her chin, jerking her head up as she groaned softly. Heat spread across the back of her neck. He knelt in front of her as she opened her eyes and glared at him.

"Good. You're up. Let me grab the phone and we'll call your boyfriend before the fun begins."

She pressed against the restraints and jerked toward him, the slight widening of his eyes giving credence to the fact that he wasn't as fearless as he believed himself to be. He had probably become Alpha through foul play instead of true dominance and proof of leadership ability.

He leaned over, kissing her over the rag that pressed between her lips. She jerked back and head-butted him, not able to do much real damage due to the angle she had to work with. He laughed and palmed her breast, squeezing hard and leaning over to whisper in her ear.

"I'm going to show you what passion really looks like, you feisty little bitch." He nipped at her ear and she jerked back from him, not moving as far as she wished she could.

Dax turned and walked toward the stairs, jogging up and talking to himself as he left. Sonya sunk back into the darkness as fear crept up and tried to convince her that life would soon be over. He would have to untie her to rape her, or at least stand her up from a sitting position.

She would attack then. There was no way she was going down without a fight.

She didn't have time to think through much more as he was back down the stairs and in her face with a phone in his hand. He knelt in front of her, tugging at the bindings on her legs and rubbing the back of his fingers over her thigh.

"I'm going to fake your death, by the way. We're going to make your boy think that you're gone and all the while I'm just going to ship you over to Europe. I've been looking for a strong bitch like you to mother my pups and with the right amount of drugs in your system, you should be perfect to use up and toss out. Sound like a plan?" He brushed his hand over her thigh again, squeezing softly. "Silly me. I keep waiting for you to moan yes and yet you have a gag on."

He tugged it off and she bit at his fingers as he laughed, standing up and moving back a little. She released herself to shift and...nothing happened. The terror of being stuck in her human form freezing her in place.

Dax pulled his phone from his pocket and held it up to his ear, a smile moving across his face. "Make sure to speak up when I get your newest toy on the phone."

She took in a long breath and laughed at him, her sense of self-preservation gone for the moment. There was no way in hell she was frightening Alec or having him rush to her aid. It was a trap and she would play no part of it.

"Fuck you," she growled and sat back, pursing her lips as she watched him.

"Soon, baby. I know you're in heat. I smell it. Delicious." He licked his lips and pressed a button on the phone as Alec's voice filled up the air around her.

"Put Sonya on the phone, Dax." Alec's voice was pinched and loud.

"Of course, boss." Dax held the phone up to her. "Here baby. Your ex is wanting to hear that you're happy in your new mating. Tell him."

"Sonya? Talk to me. Are you there?" Alec's voice rose in volume, the terror of the situation coming through clearly.

"I'm here and I'm fine. He's not going to do anything to me, Alec." She glanced at him, lifting an eyebrow. "Just stay where you are and I'll be back with you soon. He's all hot air."

Dax laughed loudly, pulling the phone back toward his mouth. "I like her, Alec. I like her a lot. She looks so good when she's scared."

"Fuck you. Don't you dare touch her. It's the last fucking thing you'll ever do."

"He's not going to," Sonya responded, shaking her head toward Dax. He was nothing more than a bully that needed to be put in his place. She knew this wasn't going to last long. He would grow bored and do away with her. Alec would come and bury her next to her father and continue on with their people. It was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

"I don't think either of you realizes how serious this situation is." Dax sat down in front of her and pulled out a small blade, flicking it open. "I'm proud that you'll soon be mine, Sonya."

"She will never be yours, asshole."

"Yes, she will. She's in heat. Even if I didn't want to tap that ass before, my bear is driving me mad to take her while we're on the phone with you, but that doesn't leave my hands free to strike her. I'll save that for later tonight." He laughed and Sonya felt her heart sink. It sounded like Alec was pacing and by his breathing, not doing too well.

"Let her go and I'll give you anything you want," Alec growled into the phone.

"Good answer. Meet me at the pier on the edge of Macking River at sundown and don't bring anyone with you. You and I are going to have a good old fashioned brawl."

"No. He doesn't play fair, Alec. He's a cheat." Sonya pulled against the restraints and growled loudly as her bear pushed forward. She ignored the pain caused by her shifting stopping in motion. The drugs in her system left her unable to defend herself.

"Are you hurt?" Alec's voice filled with concern as tears filled Sonya's eyes.

"No. I'm fine. You have nothing to worry ab..." Dax cut her off midsentence by stabbing her in the thigh with the knife. She screamed from the pain, the suddenness of it shocking her system.

"Sonya? What happened?" Alec screamed into the phone as Dax turned off the speakerphone. Sonya fought past nausea as it rolled over her in waves.

"She's good. I just needed to warn her. My girl here is fucking crazy tough. Did I tell you that she came to me on her own? Took out the other three guys with me. Crazy bitch. My bitch."

Sonya screamed again as Dax pulled the blade out and pressed his finger to the slash in her thigh, pushing it into the small hole. He dropped the phone and leaned over, kissing her deeply, his tongue licking at hers frantically.

She bit his tongue hard and he pulled back, growling at her. "Bitch."

His hand connected with the side of her face, the power of his slap rocking her back in the chair. He caught her by the shoulders and pulled her forward. Sonya groaned loudly as colors danced in front of her gaze. He wouldn't have to try too much harder and she would black out. She had worked so hard to keep drugs of any kind from her system that she couldn't process the potent tranquilizer running through her.

"If I don't kill you, Alec will." She spit at him, hoping to make contact, but unsure which thick blob of darkness he was before her.

Dax took a handful of her hair and pulled back hard, leaving her face tilted up toward him as she winced in pain. He watched her intently for a minute before rubbing his nose along hers and growling sensually.

"I'm going to bandage your leg and then you and I are going to talk about our future. You know, the one where you belong to me. I have a few other girls in my harem, but you will fit nicely. I would assume you'd start to kill them off due to pure jealousy, but that would be perfect. I'll reward you for each one you take out."

"We don't have a future."

"We will after you're carrying my pup. It's a matter of time. I'll just keep fucking you until it happens." He kissed her cheek as she snapped at him.


Chapter 28

Alec dropped the phone on the counter and slid his hands through his hair. He screamed into the empty room around him. His mind split into pieces at the thought of her being hurt. He wasn't connected enough to her to talk through their minds, but he would be working on it if the universe would just give him a chance.

Her scream was one of pain, he had no doubt about that. He pressed his eyes closed and leaned over, feeling queasy. Turning quickly, he ran to the bathroom and barely landed on the floor in front of the toilet before he lost the contents of his stomach.

Another scream left him as he tried to make a plan. This was the fucking reason he didn't let anyone get close to him. Losing them was life-shattering. What were the chances of him getting her back? Slim.

If he did, would she be lost to the terror of Dax's evil ways?

"I'll burn this fucking city down looking for her." He reached up and grabbed a towel, wiping at his face as he stood.

He was going to go crazy if someone didn't call with some information on her soon. Dax was going to take her to his bed and destroy her. He hit his fists on the counter in front of him, bending the wood with his strength.

The phone buzzed and he picked it up, his heart skipping a beat at the thought that it might be Sonya and Dax again.

"Speak," he barked into the phone.

"Alec. This is Cade. I'm Sonya's brother. I need to know what's going on. I just got home and she's not here. I can feel the fear of something happening to her. Talk to me."

"She's been taken by another brown bear Alpha. We're trying to track her down, but any help you can give us would be great." Alec tugged at his T-shirt, the room seeming hot all of a sudden.

"I can track her." Cade sounded like a small boy, giving Alec reason to question the guy's age.

"Good. I'll head your way and we'll go together." Alec grabbed his keys and slipped his phone into his jeans, walking quickly to the car. He wasn't willing to wait if there was a quicker way to Sonya.

His phone rang again as he started the car, Jared's name popping up on the screen. He pushed the talk button and pulled out of the driveway, headed back to Sonya's. He was grateful for something to do. Walking around the house and waiting until the sun finally set wasn't going to work. He would pull the paint off the walls soon.

"Talk," he growled into the empty car.

"We have the message out to both packs, boss. Have you heard anything?"

"Yes. I'm on my way to Sonya's place. Her brother is there and they still have a connection. We're going to use it to find her. Get Parik and meet me there."

"Anything else?" Jared paused and Alec bit his lip, his heart aching painfully in his chest. The Beta must have sensed the heaviness of his emotions because he simply sat quietly for a minute before responding. "We're going to find her, Alec. I promise."

"See you at Victor's." Alec hit the button to end the call and swallowed hard. He was on the verge of losing it for the second time in his life. The first had been when she slipped away years ago, his hope for the future dwindling as she vanished.

The drive to Victor's place was fast and terrifying. His horror had little to do with the journey and more with the morbid thoughts that assaulted him nonstop. He got out of the car on shaky legs and walked to the door, knocking quickly before opening it.

"It's Alec. You here?"

He hadn't met Cade, but from what Sonya said, the guy was quite a bit younger than them and a total idiot. They would get along perfectly seeing that Alec wasn't much different and in his early twenties.

He turned the corner to see a younger version of Victor with shaggy brown hair and a dejected look on his face. "I'm here."

Alec extended his hand. "I'm Alec DePort, your sister's mate."

"Great meeting you like this. I suppose you took over my father's pack, including me as well?"

Alec couldn't decipher the guy's tone. Was he upset, angry, or apathetic?

"Yes. I plan on leading mostly through your sister's guidance. I have my own pack too." He turned and looked around the house, tired of the idle chitchat. "Have you been able to locate her?"

"She's not here, but I can see glimpses of the woods near the edge of town if I concentrate enough."

"Awesome. Let's head toward Macking River and see if you can find her. I'm supposed to meet the bastard that has her around sundown there, so I would assume he isn't far."

"I think we should start near the old run down harbor house. I can see dogwood trees in her memories, and those don't grow near that water." Cade ran his fingers through his hair and turned to walk toward the front door as a knock sounded. Alec felt his brow furrow as the younger man was aware of the visitors at his door before they made themselves known.

"Okay. I'm with you wherever you want to start, I just can't sit here hoping that the bastard doesn't touch her until we meet up. I know his type."

"Are you like him?" Cade glanced over his shoulder as he opened the door. His stare was firm and surprised Alec a little. There was Alpha in the boy whether he cared to shove the responsibility off to another or not. He would grow up and yearn for a pack of his own. It was in his blood.

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