Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7) (37 page)

BOOK: Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7)
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"Stop touching me or we're not leaving the house. I have plans for you tonight and they should be starting..." He glanced over his shoulder and checked the clock. "Now."

"Dinner and then dessert, lover." Sonya got up and walked out of the room as he slipped his shoes on and tucked in his shirt. "I'm driving tonight."

"No. I'll drive." Alec picked up his wallet and keys. "Let's go."

He opened the door to the car for her when they reached it and breathed in deeply as she slid into the passenger's seat. He wanted to talk a little business with her tonight, but hoped they could get through all of it during dinner. It would be nice to be past everything that wasn't about the two of them making love so the focus could change properly.

He got in and buckled up, glancing over to her. "Talk to me. I'll save my questions for after yours."

"First, I want to know what you know about the strict rules about brown bears and black bears being in the same pack." She reached up and turned the air conditioning up.

"I know the Blacks believe that only a pure-blooded Alpha will be called by the gods to lead that pack. We're much stricter about it than your people are. Our size and inherent structure are a bit different, but I think it's just because we're elitist."

"I thought as much. And what about the idea of mating across bloodlines?" She reached over and took his hand, pulling it into her lap. He swallowed hard. He had hoped that this wouldn't be one of the things she wanted to discuss. To tell her that his people were completely against him and her being together wasn't a conversation that would set the night on fire for them.

"Same as the packs joining. I think one thing that my people forget to consider is that our bears will choose the best mate for their future success and procreation. It's not about being picky or selective, but listening to the beckoning of our animal." He shrugged, hoping to move quickly away from the topic.

"So your council has denied you the possibility of being the Alpha of my people?"

"No. They relented today and said that they would support me if that is the road you and I chose to take." He kept his attention on the street in front of them. He would be unable to lie to her if she pushed the conversation.

"Oh. So it's just the part where you and I are mated that they were upset about?"

"Were you there? I swear you have a spy in my midst."

"I released myself to you the other day. I can feel something heavy sitting upon you."

"I know. They focus on tradition and what they believe to be right and true, but in this instance they're wrong."

"Is it because of the bloodlines mixing?"

"Yes. I'm a pureblooded black bear. That's imperative to them that my son is as well." He squeezed her hand, pulling it toward his lips and kissing her fingers softly. "I could care less what they want. I need you in my life and if that means I lose everything else, so be it."

"Tell me about your encounter with Dax Collingsworth." She turned toward him, pulling their entwined fingers down to his lap.

Her quick change of topic surprised him. "Did I tell you I went to talk to him?"

"I'm not sure. I assume it was you, but I don't know the details. Tell me where you ended up with him." She smiled softly, and he watched her for a moment more. Something sat at the edge of her eyes that alerted him to trouble. She was holding back. He would give her a while to express what was on her mind before asking her point blank.

"I had Jared set something up with him yesterday and met him in a pub in town. He tried to push his weight around and I broke a pool stick off into his chest. I think he got the message. I wouldn't be surprised if he's not headed back to Europe to gather the troops. Had to be embarrassing to get his ass handed to him in front of three of his boys."

"Did he hurt you?"

"No. I'm resilient." He pulled the car up to one of his favorite Italian restaurants and got out as the valet opened his door. Another man opened Sonya's, but Alec walked around the car to reach for her hand. He tucked her against his side and looked over at her. "You're not telling me something."

"He was waiting outside of Varetec for me tonight." Sonya moved in front of him and spoke with the hostess as Alec stopped in his tracks.

Had the bastard approached Sonya again? He must want to die.

Chapter 23

She regretted saying anything to him. The hostess took them toward the back of the restaurant and Sonya turned, reaching back for Alec's hand. He granted her desire and moved in tightly behind her, his body offering her comfort that his words could never do by themselves. They sat down and she pulled her napkin in her lap, glancing across the table at her handsome date.

"He didn't touch me, but I'm not quite sure what your message was the other day. I guess I was hoping to dig a little to see if he was directly going against your wishes or if you had simply told him to stay away from your pack."

"Are you fucking kidding me? I told him that you were mine and that if he even looked your way I was going to skin him alive." Alec narrowed his eyes and Sonya shivered. He was vicious and deadly, all of which turned her on as long as it wasn't directed toward her.

"I think he enjoyed the idea of pissing you off more." She shook her head and looked up as the server approached. Alec ordered them a bottle of red wine and a seafood pasta to share. She was surprised by his request, but he was working to show her intimacy and importance. She could feel the battle raging within him over Dax, as well as his people's demands that she not be a part of his future.

The server walked away and she picked up her glass of water, taking a drink while she allowed him a few minutes to calm down. The angry ticking of a vein in the side of his neck gave his emotions away. She wasn't going to speak until he did. It was a respect she wanted to show him and needed him to have.

"I'll take care of Dax. I was hoping not to spill blood, but I'm going to have to."

"Are you going to take out all four of them?" she asked. She picked up a piece of bread from the small basket the waiter had deposited on his last visit.

"Yes. I'll get Jared to help me. They are a rather rowdy group. I beat their asses pretty good, but that seemed to only excite them from what you're telling me. Dax bothering you and coming close to you shows his disregard for my position."

"I agree. Tell me what we're going to do about your advisors separating us. If you think it's best that we walk away so you can maintain their expectations and your pure blood..."

"Shut up." He reached across the table and took her hand, squeezing it hard. "Don't ever say that to me again. My life is with you. I want us more than anything else. I will work it out with them or I'll force it on them."

Sonya nodded, wanting to push it to the point of him seeking a solution, but now wasn't the time. She pulled her hand from his as the server showed up with the bottle of wine. Alec spoke to the man, tasting it and approving of it before turning his sapphire gaze back on her.

"My turn." Alec tilted his head.

"Yes, it is. Ask me whatever you need to." Sonya handed her glass to him as he lifted the bottle and nodded toward her.

"What do you want to do about your pack, Sonya? It's time to step up as Alpha or name a new one. Do you want to have me support you or do you want to release the pack to me?" He set the bottle down and leaned back in his chair, his body tense.

"My father's letter to me was ambiguous about his desires. I think he believed I could become the Alpha of the brown bears."

"I think so too. I know you could do it. You're the strongest woman I know." A smile tugged at the side of his sexy mouth.

"I think I could too, but not because of strength, but love for them. They're my family, Alec." She picked up her glass and took a small sip before shaking her head. Her light brown hair danced around her shoulders, tickling her skin slightly. "I'm too traditional for that. I believe the Alpha should be a male."

"I'm quite traditional too. I think the biggest issue I have with you being Alpha of your father's pack is that every time a threat comes at you, at us...I would step up to fight and that's not the way of our people."

"You don't think me capable of fighting my own battles?" She smirked at him to let him know that she was teasing him.

"I know you are, but I'm your man. Even if you tied me to the chair in my human form, my animal would never in a million years sit back and allow you to fight." He rolled his shoulders and growled softly.

Sonya swallowed hard, her pulse picking up a little. To have someone so strong and good care for her well being was overwhelming. She wanted to move across the table and curl up in his lap for the rest of the night.

It was new to her. She had been independent for too long.

"I want you to take the pack." She shifted her gaze as the server walked up and set their plates down in front of them. Breathing in deeply, she gave a sound of appreciation and picked up her fork.

"You have to relent to me in battle or in passion for it to be mine. I'll take you tonight and when I've proven myself worthy, give me the honor of being your Alpha." He watched her closely, the look in his eyes making her feel precious and beautiful.

"Are we fighting or fucking?" She laughed, needing to break the moment before it consumed her.

"Both?" He chuckled and picked up his fork. "I need to figure out what to do with my people. Will yours accept me?"

"Yes. Parik will communicate that you were my father's choice and we will present ourselves as mates to my people. That should be more than enough for us." She twirled her fork around the thick, creamy dish and leaned over, taking a large bite into her mouth.

"Is it horrible that watching you eat turns me on like crazy?"

She finished the bite and wiped her mouth. "Not at all. Pleasures sometimes run in tandem. You're a pervert too, so I'm sure you're thinking about my tongue and teeth on you."

He chuckled deep in his chest. The sound was delightful and sexy. "Pervert?"

"How many times have you imagined taking me in the ass?" She lifted her brow as he froze, his muscles locking into place.

"More than I can count." He held her stare, unwilling to relent to her. She laughed and took another bite of her food, shaking her head.

"How many times have you imagined fighting me until one of us was bloody and broken?" He set his fork down, surprising her with his inquiry.

"None in the last few days, but before that? Daily." She took her wine glass and took a long drink. "I know how we're going to get this all past your people."

"You do?" He tilted his head and studied her. "Stop teasing me and tell me how. I'm listening."

"It has to do with your past. Will you let me share a bit of it now?"

"Let me ask a few questions and then I will."

"Of course," she responded and continued to eat, nodding toward his plate. "Keep eating. I'm ready to take you home for a long night."

He picked up his fork and chuckled. "Now who's the pervert?"

"You like me for many reasons. That's just one of them."

"Love. I love you for many reasons."

She glanced down at her plate as her cheeks burned. Why was it so hard to say it back? He needed to hear it and they were mated. She glanced up at him, trying to formulate the words as she searched herself.

"Did your father help me with my schooling and the jobs I've held since you and I parted in Paris? Was he my mentor?" Alec saved her from the awkward moment.

"Yes. He believed that you and I together could conquer anything." She glanced down as tears burned her eyes.

"Did you love me before? When we were young?"

She looked up, not wanting to answer his question, but needing to move them toward the truth about him being both black and brown in heritage.


"Do you love me now, Sonya?"

"Yes and it scares the hell out of me."

"Then tell me anything you need to about my past. I trust you and know that your intentions are good. I've been haunted by the lack of information on who I truly am for as long as I can remember. The only thing that occupied my thoughts more than that was you. I needed to know if you loved me or if it was a lie."

"I did and I do."

"Tell me what you think will help us then, baby." He reached over and took her hand, squeezing it softly.

"Let's go home and I'll tell you there." She wiped her mouth and waved the server over, asking for their bill as Alec watched her. He paid and they walked back to the car, his hand on the small of her back as he hovered over her.

They didn't speak on the way home but glanced toward each other every few minutes. Sonya rubbed at her chest absently, the need to tell him again how much she had fallen in love with him rolling over her in waves. She would tell him later.

Alec stopped the car in front of the house and walked around to open her door. She took his hand and got out, walking with him beside her to the house.

"We're going to make all of this work. I have no doubt. My father was supportive of you that he did one thing he would never be caught doing – interfering. He believed in everyone making their own road and I was no exception. He must have known this day was coming faster than anyone expected because he started directing both of us, Alec."

"Are the papers here with you?" Alec closed the front door behind them and locked it.

"Yes. You can see all of them if you want."

"First tell me what you think I need to know." He tugged her back and wrapped his arms around her, leaning down and brushing his lips past hers. She trapped him with her hands around his face and deepened the kiss, coaxing his tongue into her mouth.

The richness of the red wine was so good against her taste buds. She moaned softly as he slid his hands over her hips and held her still as he pressed his hips forward. She whimpered again at how hard he was. Knowing that she was capable of turning him on so quickly left her wanting to take him over the edge with her time and time again.

He broke the kiss, his eyes dilated as his breathing became heavy. "Tell me now or keep it until after I've tasted you, woman."

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