Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7) (39 page)

BOOK: Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7)
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Dax and his bears were holed up in an old house near the edge of town. The lights were off as she approached the building. She parked far enough away and got out, walking quickly through the brush. Something told her that this wouldn't be as easy as she thought in her head, but she was without options. Taking out the three bears wouldn't be the most challenging moment of the day – that would belong to killing Dax.

She shuddered at the thought of him. Pure evil.

A loud grunt caused her to pause, tucking behind a tree as her blood began to push faster through her veins. She needed to keep her head in the game and stop daydreaming if she was going to survive. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she slipped it out, glancing down at the text from Alec.

Alec: What are you doing? I can feel your tension and fear.

Sonya: I love you. Talk later.

It wasn't fair, but she didn't have time to talk. She knelt down and picked up a large rock, throwing it toward the woods and moving fast when the large man standing nearest her jumped and called out.

"Who's there?"

She was on him before he turned around, pulling out her knife and making two quick slashes across his throat. His eyes widened as he fell and she suppressed a sense of accomplishment. He was an easy kill, most likely the smallest of the group. She slunk behind the trees and turned her phone off.

After taking a few deep breaths, she moved toward the house, slipping into the darkness through the back door and pressing her back against one of the walls. She needed to listen for signs of someone being awake but heard nothing.

She could smell Dax, his body potent as the Alpha of the group. She would steer clear of him until the other two were dead. There was no way she could survive if she had to fight more than one of them at a time. She slipped into the last door at the end of the hall, her body numb to the incessant pounding of her heart. She was a killer and could do this. Her instincts blocked anything that might indicate otherwise.

The deep snoring gave her relief. Killing someone in their sleep wasn't respectable by any means, but it worked all the same to further her plans. She carefully slipped onto the bed and pulled her gun from her back, twisting the silencer and pressing it to the back of his head as he woke. She pulled the trigger twice quickly and he fell back down on the mattress below them.

It was too easy.

Sonya got up and walked to the door, listening closely for anyone moving down the hall. Nothing. Was she going to get through this without a fight?

The only other door in the hall that didn't reek of Dax was close to the kitchen. She paused just outside of it and listened for snoring again. Nothing. The sound of a door and voices came from the kitchen area and she paused. Dax and the other man must have been outside while she was.

How had she miscalculated that?

She only had the element of surprise on her side. Time for action. She moved into the kitchen and flung her knife at Dax, catching him square in the chest before she unloaded three bullets into the large man beside him. The guy hit the ground before uttering a word.

"Oh bloody brilliant," Dax laughed as she raised the gun toward him. He pulled the knife from his chest and licked the blood off of it. "You've made a crucial mistake, pretty girl."

"What's that?" Her hand shook slightly. The monster in front of her left her feeling helpless. He was the type of Alpha that all men and women feared, a brutal, restless soul that would work hard to ruin any and everything in his path.

"You should have shot me already." He twisted as she released gunfire, his body lifting her off the ground as he plowed into her. Sonya yelped but tried to remain in control of her fear. She had an additional knife and she would shift shortly if that was her only option.

"Fuck you. You were warned to go back to your people and leave mine alone." She rolled then, mounting him and sitting up as she began to punch him in the face and chest over and over again. He extended his arms out to the side and laughed deep in his chest. She pulled out the knife, not willing to leave anything to chance.

He didn't waste any time slapping the sharp instrument from her hand. He rolled her over, pinned her to the ground and pulled her hands far above her head. "This is going to be fun."

"Get off of me."

"Oh no. You came into my home looking for something. I assume you took out my closest friends, so retribution is mine and you're going to suffer greatly for your actions." He rocked his hips against hers, his erection thick and solid.

"You're disgusting. How can you be turned on by death?" She jerked from him, tugging hard against him.

"It's powerful. Do you know anything more powerful than death? It has yet to be defeated and yet you and I will continue to run from it as hard and fast as we can. In the end, it will get us. How can you not be turned on?" He moved down her body, sucking her nipple through her clothing into his mouth as he pressed his teeth against the soft flesh.

She screamed loudly, jerking again and trying to figure out her options. It didn't seem that there were many, but she was a fighter. Three of the bastards were dead and the Alpha was all that was left. If nothing else, she would tire him out so that Alec could finish him off. Her life meant nothing without freedom and neither did Alec's.

She had to finish this.

"I like a fight, but I have a few things left to do today, so let's put you to sleep. When you wake up, I'll tie you up and fuck you ten ways before lunch." He laughed as she twisted hard, knocking him off for a moment. Something bit the back of her leg and she turned, realizing that he had slipped a needle into her flesh.

Sonya glanced around the room as the world began to fade. His last words were not spoken to her, but to someone on the phone.

"Game's changed. Ball's now in my court."

Chapter 26

"Game's changed. Ball's now in my court."

Alec pressed the phone to his ear, trying to figure out what the hell Dax was talking about. He rolled his eyes and leaned against the kitchen counter beside him.

"How so, cub?" Alec retorted, his voice deep and commanding. The idiot on the other end of the phone might be an Alpha as well, but he had done little to show why he deserved any level of respect.

"Hold up. You're going to love this, old man." Dax laughed manically. "Hey, baby. Tell your boy here what you've been up to."

Alec's heart stopped at what the other man's words implied. Surely he didn't have Sonya, did he? The sound of Dax wrestling with someone caused his blood to run cold.

"You better hope that's not my woman you have with you, Dax. Hell will open up all over you if you touch her."

"Touch her? That's just the beginning of it." He chuckled again. "She's not being very cooperative, so I drugged her. I'll call you back in a while and let you talk to her, just so you realize that your world isn't impenetrable. I'm going to take my time enjoying the softness of her body while she rests."

"Don't you fucking touch her," Alec growled into the phone as goose bumps broke out across his skin. The line went dead and he had to stop himself from launching the phone across the room. He dialed Sonya's number only to have it go to her voicemail.

Alec called her house phone and got nothing. Grabbing his keys, he jogged out to his Porsche and hung up, dialing Jared's number next.


"Jared. I need you to call Drago and have him meet us at the house in twenty minutes. After that, call Parik, the brown bear Beta and tell him that Sonya is missing. Dax has her." His words were rushed, his heart threatening to pound its way out of his chest.

"Wait. What?"

"Dax Collingsworth has Sonya. Do as I said. I'm headed to her place and then I'll meet you back at the house."

"Got it."

Alec hung up and dropped the phone into the small cup holder before growling loudly into the emptiness of the car. Surely not. Surely that bastard hadn't taken his girl in hopes of bringing him to the table. Alec almost felt sorry for the punk. He wasn't only going to destroy his dreams of being a man and a leader, but he would bring death to the whole damn lot of them if something happened to his mate.

He calmed himself slightly, searching for her in his emotions. They were connected – mated. He should be able to tap into her fear or anxiety, and yet he could sense nothing.

Dax had knocked her out, or this was a hoax and she was asleep at home.

He drove quickly to her house, his heart pumping blood quickly through his veins. Pulling the car into her driveway much too fast, Alec slammed on the brakes and climbed out, running to the door and beating on it frantically.

"Sonya, it's me. Let me in, baby." He glanced behind him to the carport and turned to see if her car was tucked away. The door to the garage was locked, but standing on his toes he could easily make out two cars, neither being hers. "Fuck."

He jogged back to the car and got in, calling the number for Varetec as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Varetec. This is Jake."

"Jake, this is Alec DePort. Is Sonya in yet?"

"No Sir. Would you like me to have her call you when she gets in?"

"Yes. Let me speak to the head of security."

"Of course." The phone went silent for a minute before a deep voice picked up.


"This is Alec DePort. Do you have a tracking device on Sonya Valsek's cell phone?" He tried to slow his words down, but they tumbled out quickly. Fear was working its way up his chest and threatening to consume him.

"Morning, Mr. DePort. We do not, but her father's bodyguard might be able to assist you."

"Bodyguard?" Alec pushed a button on the dash to turn the volume up and change the conversation from the phone to his hands-free device. He gripped the steering wheel tightly and drove back to his house, breaking the speed limit without concern.

"Yes, Sir. Mr. Valsek has a bodyguard named Parik."

"Oh good. I'll phone him." Alec hung up and pushed the car to over a hundred miles per hour as sweat collected at his hairline. He prayed over and over that it was just a warning or an empty threat, but something told him that it was nothing of the sort.

"There you are," Jared welcomed Alec as he walked from the front door of the house.

"Fuck, Jared. I think he has her. She's not at home and hasn't been seen at the office." Alec ran his fingers through his hair and walked into the open door behind his friend. "Did you get hold of Drago and Parik?"

"Yes. They both are headed this way."

Alec stopped at the breakfast bar and pressed his hands to the cool marble. "I'm going to kill that little fucker if he's laid a finger on my woman."

"Did you find her car at the house or her office?" Jared asked, moving around to stand in front of him. The front door opened and closed, but Alec didn't give it any attention.

"No. I can't imagine a situation where Sonya would drive over to his house or where he would hijack the car with her in it." Alec shook his head and turned at the sound of Parik's voice.

"Are you kidding me? Sonya would definitely drive to his place and assassinate him and all his crew." The large older man moved into the kitchen, stopping beside Jared. "Her phone has been disabled, but she has the power to connect mentally with you. You've mated, correct?"

The door opened again and Alec turned to see Drago before focusing on Parik. "Yes, but she's nonresponsive right now. He must have been telling the truth when he said she's been drugged or knocked out."

"Dax has Sonya?" Drago's expression worked to calm Alec. When he saw the terror in his advisor's face, it helped him control his own. If Drago cared what happened to the beautiful bear, the rest of the Blacks would as well.

"Yes. I need to find out where she is and get there fast. He's a crazy bastard and he's going to take her from me for good, but only when it benefits him to do so." Alec pressed his hands to his face and tilted his head back, letting out a sound that shook the whole house.

"You are the Alpha of the two largest bear clans in the world. Call in everyone and let's pick up her scent. There isn't a member of our clan that won't drop everything and go to her. Communicate through your power to them." Parik reached out and squeezed Alec's shoulder.

"So you were able to take the Browns? Impressive. I will call to our people if you need my help." Drago spoke softly as Alec opened his eyes.

"Sonya is my mate and she will be the mother of my cubs. Tell them that as well. If anyone has a problem with it, I'll bring retribution to their door once I'm done with Dax." Alec barked his response, knowing it wasn't the right time for threats, but he couldn't help himself.

He was helpless to defend her physically, the least he could do was to defend her honor and position as his mate.

"That's a conversation for another time. Let's work together to get her back and we'll confront that when we're done. The gods might be displeased with your mixing of the bloodlines."

"Victor had my blood tested. I'm a hybrid." Alec pressed his hands back to the countertop as the other men turned their shocked expressions on him.

"That's not possible. There hasn't been a hybrid ever."

"Well, there is now. The proof is on the table over there. We need a plan of action. Now." Alec crossed his arms over his chest. "What can we do while I wait for her to wake up?"

"Follow her scent." Parik moved closer to Alec and breathed in deeply, his eyes growing dark. "I have her. Jared, get her in your lungs and you and I will start at her house and work our way out."

"If she was in her car, it's no use." Drago walked to the table and started sifting through papers.

"Call in a missing person report. Do we have anyone on the police force?" Alec turned to his two Betas.

"We do. I'll contact him and have his men track her car down. You work to find her with your connection. It might not be strong yet, but it's something."

Parik nodded toward Jared. "Let's go."

"Call if you find anything." Drago looked up from the table before glancing at Alec. "You're right. You are a mixing of the blood. If this is the will of our gods, then your mate is something special. Call out to our people and let's find her."

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