Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7) (36 page)

BOOK: Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7)
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It was a picture of her and Cade, taken about eight years earlier. They were wrapped up in an embrace, Cade sticking out his tongue and Sonya grimacing. She touched the picture gingerly before setting it back down. Her father wanted something from her and something from Alec, but what?

She opened the file and picked up the only closed envelope in it, her name written on the front in her father's handwriting. Taking a deep breath, she opened it and sat back, the first words on the page causing her vision to blur. She took a shaky breath and wiped her eyes with her free hand, knowing that she needed to push through. Alec would be expecting some tough truths. After going through her father's directives and thoughts, she was going to need him.

Sonya, my brave girl,

If you're reading this letter, I assume the illness took me. No tears for me, though. I was blessed and tonight I am dining with your beautiful mother, I'm quite sure. I have a lot of information in this file, but let me explain a few things for you first.

Your brother isn't at all the man you want him to be, but he's exactly the son your mother birthed and the son I needed. You expected him to be something else, someone else, but he will never be like you. I'm sorry for the burden you must bear now that I am gone. You were always meant to be the Alpha after me, Sonya. I have no doubt that you will make a fine one.

I realize that you are a woman of tradition and so I meddled a little in your life to ensure that the man who stood beside you in leadership would be prepared and ready. Alec is my choice and if he is not yours, I understand. I learned of your love affair many years ago and the sacrifices that you made for me and for our pack. I'm so proud to call you mine, Sonya.

The Alpha of the black bears is a strong and brave man with a heart of gold. His past would scar most of us, but he is still good. Cherish him and love him, Sonya, and there isn't anything he won't do for you and our people.

You will lead, my girl. You will be the Alpha of our pack and you will do so by becoming one with your mate. I will always believe in you. There hasn't been a day in your life that I wasn't overwhelmed with the joy of being your father. Read the file and make your decision, but know that I've done all that I can as your father, as your Alpha, to set you up for this next phase.

You're strong and brave, but don't let that overshadow the tenderness that lies within you. Be me in your weakness and your mother in your strength and life will remain balanced.

I love you with all that I am and until my last breath.

Don't work to make me proud anymore. I could not be more filled with pride for you, for Cade and for Alec. Live each day to the fullest and love as if nothing else matters.

Forever and ever your number one fan,


Tears dripped down Sonya's cheeks as she set the letter down on the desk and covered her face. A long sob left her and she gave herself to her pain, bleeding it out through her crying. She stilled her emotions a few minutes later and stood up to walk to the window. Glancing down at her car, she thought that her father was right. She needed Alec and couldn't think of a better man suited for her. She needed to get to him but wanted to read the files first.

How blessed was she to have the letter from her father that she could read over and over for the rest of her life? If she had opened the safe early it would have killed her instead of offering comfort. She turned and walked back to the desk, sitting down in her father's large leather chair and pulling a few of the pages from the file as she began to read.

The notes her father had on Alec were extensive, but the essence was straightforward and simple. Alec was an orphan, as he had admitted to her. His mother and father never stepped up to claim him. Much of his younger life was spent in and out of human jails and bars. He was a rebel by nature, his dastardly ways nothing more than protection, which kept him from getting close to anyone.

Sonya held up a picture of him in his younger years and smiled at the memory of having him chase hard and fast after her when they were in Paris together.

He had gone to school for five years after she left, her father funding all of it. Alec had pulled out high marks. The various companies that afforded him a position were all random offerings. She smiled at the slyness of her father and his ability to twist and turn reality around Alec to make his future into something incredible.

Glancing at the clock, Sonya gasped. An hour had passed. She needed to get going and was sure Alec would be wondering where she was.

The last sheet of paper in the file only had a few short notes scribbled on it. The date was recent. It was a note from Dr. Phillips to her father. Her brow narrowed as she read it over and over.

Her father had forced Mark to test Alec's blood to gain access to his true heritage. It would seem that he wasn't a pure blood black bear at all. Sonya pressed her fingers over her mouth, as surprise rushed over her.

Did he know that he was a hybrid? Part brown and part black. Surely not. That changed everything regarding his ability to lead both packs.

She stood up, a soft chuckle leaving her as joy rose up in her chest. Her father had to have known that Alec being mixed was a possibility. The test results confirmed something he already believed to be true. She finished packing everything up and texted Alec, letting him know that she was on her way.

A quick stop by her office and she had everything she needed. She was ready to leave. She leaned against the back of the elevator, the information about Alec filling her mind. Her father had not only left her the gift of being a good leader but something tangible in directing the Alpha of the black bears to be in her life at the right time.

She walked to the front door and unlocked it quickly. Anticipation tore up her insides. She wanted to get to him, to make love to him and recommit herself to him. She would be Alpha of her people easily through her mate. It was perfect. Nothing could stand in the way of them working through all of the obstacles that had piled against them.

A male voice caused her to stop in her tracks, her blood running cold. The angry blonde Alpha of the Gareth's stepped out from the shadows.

"I thought that might be your car. Glad I could catch you. I have a message for you." He smiled and Sonya shrugged and walked to her car, unlocking it and throwing her stuff in the back seat. She turned to face him, her facade locked into place. Her heart was racing painfully, but she hoped that to him she appeared bored and apathetic.

"Oh yeah? Deliver the message. I have plans tonight." She crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head.

"I want you to understand how things are going to work between me and you." He stopped a few feet from her and she was grateful for the distance though it wasn't nearly far enough.

"There is no me and you, so I'm afraid you wasted a trip." She shrugged.

He growled softly as a warning. She would shift if necessary. She wasn't about to try and take him in hand-to-hand combat in human form. He outweighed her by a hundred pounds easily.

"I had a run in with your mate the other day." Dax rolled his shoulders and took another step toward her. "I can smell him on you, but nothing to worry about. I'll just make sure to drown you in my lust over and over until we burn away everything about him from your sexy little body."

"Oh? You've met Alec? Interesting. I don't think he told me about your pow-wow. Knowing him, you most likely left with a few scars." She laughed deep in her chest and enjoyed the emotional effect it had on the younger man in front of her. He was nothing more than a hot-headed idiot. He couldn't lead her pack and probably didn't do too well leading his own either.

"I'm not interested in chatting with you, Sonya. I have a few more bears joining me tonight and if you don't release the pack to me, I'm going to be forced to kill your boy." It was his turn to shrug and while she believed Alec was able to hold his own, she knew that the man in front of her was crazy. It was all over his features and in his voice as he moved another step toward her. She wanted to back up but refused to do so.

"I'm not surrendering the pack, Dax. Get on the ship you sailed over on and go back home. You're not getting anything from me or my people. Fuck off and save your life. It's the best offer I have."

He smiled and looked up toward the sky. "Mark my words, woman. You'll be mine soon and when you are, I'm not going to ever let you come up for air again."

"Fuck you." She growled and turned, opening her car and getting into it. She expected him to attack her when she turned her back on him, but he didn't move. Sonya glanced out her window as she drove off, the heinous stare he gave her causing a shudder to run down her spine.

Chapter 22

If the council really believed that Alec would stay away from Sonya, they had another thing coming. He hadn't fought against their refusal to support him mating with the beautiful brown bear, but he hadn't requested their approval either. He would do as he damn well pleased where she was concerned and they would respect him for it.

Alec had to question the desire he had for someone out of his own species as he drove home, but he assumed it was simply him being a rebel. He couldn't force himself to stop loving her or needing her if he had to. He had gone overboard where she was concerned, so the subject of him being with anyone but she was moot.

He pulled up to the house and got out, checking his watch and wondering where Sonya was. He was running late and expected to find her sitting in front of the house. Climbing out of the car, he glanced up and spent a few minutes enjoying the power of an incoming storm. The sky was filled with dark gray clouds. The scent of rain was in the air. It would feel great to shift and run through the forest again tonight.

He locked the car and walked into his home, checking his phone and breathing a sigh of relief. She wasn't safe without him.

A smile touched his mouth at the memory of her vicious attack on him. Who was he kidding? She was every bit capable of taking care of herself and her pack. He simply wanted to be a part of whatever she was up to. Alec unbuttoned his shirt and slipped out of it, doing the same with his pants as he tried to push the impatience of wanting her back down.

There was a lot to do in the coming weeks, but first on his list was to discuss the need for an Alpha for the Browns with Sonya. Someone had to step up, even if only as a temporary solution.

He sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. in his boxer briefs and socks. The world dimmed slightly and he went with it, hoping to just rest for a minute.

The sound of knocking at his door caused him to jolt awake. He growled and looked around the room for any threats. Someone knocked again and he stood, walking quickly to the door. He glanced at the security camera and smiled before moving back and opening the door for his woman.

Sonya lifted an eyebrow as her eyes moved across him. "Did I interrupt something?"

"Just a nap, baby. Get in here." He reached out and slipped his fingers around her wrist, pulling softly as she moved into the house. He pulled her into a hug and pressed his lips to hers as her fingernails pressed into his back. She had a way about her that left him ready to forget everything and spend his time working to hear the depths of her moans.

"I'm starving. Let's get you dressed and go out to dinner. We have a few things to discuss anyway and something tells me if I stay here, we're not going to get much done." She smiled and nipped at his lips before moving past him with a large portfolio over her shoulder.

"I was going to make us something, but I passed out. Guess life's been more taxing lately than I thought." He walked after her, enjoying the way her slacks hugged her lovely rear. "I can still whip something up if you want to stay here."

"No. Let's go get a bottle of wine and some pasta. I'm in the mood for Italian." She glanced over her shoulder and he stopped, his heart constricting in his chest.

"Yes, anything you want," he whispered and moved toward her, pulling her against him again and sliding his hand in her hair. He captured her attention with his other hand as it slid over the swell of her ass, squeezing softly. "How do you become more beautiful each time I see you?"

"You're a little biased." She slid her arms around his neck and pushed up on her toes, licking at his mouth as he growled.

"I'm very biased, but that doesn't change the fact that you're gorgeous."

"Go get dressed and take me out. We can flirt when we get home." She brushed her lips by his, leaving him needing much more than she was willing to offer at the moment.

"All right, but you're staying the night with me. I won't take no for an answer." He squeezed her rear once more and let her go, walking into his bedroom and searching for something suitable to wear. She was dressed as if she had come from work, but he knew the office was closed.

"I picked up the new portfolio I wanted to show you tonight," she called from the living room.

"I see that. Did you work it up yourself or have a designer do it?"

"I did it myself. I took a few design classes after our brief interlude in Paris. I don't do many of the jobs, but from time to time it's nice to be part of the artistic side of things."

"I can't wait to see it." He pulled on his slacks that lay on the bed and found a dark blue shirt, wanting the color of his eyes to be the center of her attention for the night. "Did you finally get the information in your father's safe?"


He turned as she stood at the opening of his bedroom door. She had her arms crossed over her chest and somehow the pensive look on her regal features caused him to pause. "God, you're breathtaking."

"Hush, you silly man." She walked to the bed and sat down, reaching up and buttoning his shirt for him. "I know a few things about you that I think you'll find quite interesting."

"I'm not ready yet, but when I am, I'll let you know."

"All right. Well, I do have some questions for you tonight, and those aren't going to wait anymore." Sonya slid her hands up his chest and over his neck as he groaned.

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