Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7) (42 page)

BOOK: Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7)
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She didn't want to miss a minute of the fight, but tradition would have to take a backseat for the event. There was no way she was letting her mate be taken down due to foul play. Another car pulled into the drive, spinning out.

Jared and Parik got out of the car and ran toward her as she picked up the tranquilizer gun that Dax had used against her.

"Oh thank God. Where is Alec?" Parik stopped beside her and pulled her into a hug. The ground shook as the sound of bears growling loudly filled the air around them.

"He's fighting for the pack and for me. Dax doesn't play fair, so I'm going to make sure it's fair." She glanced at Jared and nodded before running back to the front of the house.

A long slash poured blood from Dax's side, but Alec seemed to be doing just fine. Dax did something that left Sonya in shock – he shifted back into human form, hitting his knees naked before glancing toward her.

"Give me my gun, Sonya." He nodded toward the gun in her hand.

"Fuck you." She glanced at Alec, who was still in bear form. "Finish what you started, baby."

The large black bear growled loudly before charging Dax. The blonde Alpha rolled toward his clothes, picking up another gun and firing it three times at Alec.

Alec slowed but didn't stop as he barreled toward Dax. A soft laugh left Dax's lips as Alec reached him, dropping at the ground below him and shifting back into human form as his body twitched violently.

"Oh fuck." Sonya lifted her gun and walked into the yard, unloading all of the darts into Dax as he fell to the ground beside Alec. Dax must have poisoned Alec. Sonya dropped down beside him and ran her fingers over his chest, pulling the darts out of him quickly as she whispered to him.

"Hold on baby. We're going to get you some help, just stay with me." She glanced up at Jared. "You and Cade get him to the hospital. Tell Dr. Phillips to do whatever he has to do, but don't let him die. I can't lose him too."

Sonya leaned over and kissed him softly twice before moving back and letting the large men pick him up. She whispered a small prayer to the heavens before standing up and walking to the house. Parik moved in behind her.

"We need to finish this off, Sonya. I'll kill the boy in the yard. You just wait for me by the car."

"No. I'm the Alpha of the Browns by Alec's side. He attacked my pack, my pride, and my mate. He's going to die by my hands."

Parik stayed outside while she walked into the house, looking for a weapon. A large knife sat at the edge of the table in the kitchen. She wanted him to be awake for the occasion, but she wasn't willing to wait around. Getting to the hospital was her only priority.

She walked back out into the yard and sunk down beside him. Letting out a soft cry, Sonya lifted the knife and brought it down hard, almost severing his head from his body. She lifted it and brought it down again, screaming into the sky. She turned to Parik and nodded, before shifting and letting loose a growl.

Her people would come at her call and finish off the wayward Alpha that sought to destroy her.

Chapter 30

One Week Later

Alec turned his head slowly, the soft beeping noise just beside his ear driving him mad. If he could just make it stop, everything would fall into place. He opened his eyes, trying to see through the exhaustion that sat heavy on him. Where was he?

"There you are. I'm certainly glad to see you awake. Sonya would have killed me if I had failed to bring you back to life." A man's voice sounded on the other side of him and he turned to look up at Dr. Phillips.

"What? Where am I?" Alec murmured and tried to sit up. The doctor pressed his hand to the middle of Alec's chest, pushing him back down.

"No getting up just yet. You're in the hospital. Seems like you and tranquilizers had another intimate encounter. I swear I think you go out looking for them."

"Tranquilizers?" Alec yawned before lifting his fist to this mouth. Why would someone hit him with tranquilizers?


"Did Sonya Valsek do this to me again?"

"No. Your memory is going to come back in waves as I lower your medication. Just let it happen and don't force it, okay?" The doctor moved toward the beeping machine and hit a few buttons before looking over his shoulder. "Are you seeing clearly?"

"Yeah, I think so. I can see you. Where's Jared?"

"He's just outside the door. Let me grab him." Dr. Phillips walked to the door and stuck his head out. "He's up. Call Sonya too, please."

Jared walked in a few minutes later, the expression on the Beta's face leaving Alec with the distinct impression that he almost didn't make it. He pushed a button on the side of the bed, moving him to a seated position as Jared stopped next to him.

"You scared us, man. I didn't think you were going to pull through this time. Sonya kept saying that you weren't going anywhere, but I just...I don't know." Jared ran his fingers through his hair and glanced up at the doctor. "When can I get him out of here?"

"I need him for one more day for observation. If he's got his memory back and is able to walk and function entirely on his own, he can go with you."

"Memory? What am I missing here? Why was Sonya here?" Alec glanced from one side of the bed to the other as confusion swam over him. He was going to work toward getting her to forgive him and pay him some attention, but knowing that she was involved with him being in the hospital again left him angry.

"Can I tell him?" Jared asked, looking over at Dr. Phillips.

"No. Let Sonya."

"Tell me now. I'm your damn Alpha and this is getting on my nerves. Tell me what the fuck is going on before I force you to buckle in half with pain." Alec growled and sat up on his own, his gaze boring into the middle of his Beta. What the fuck was happening?

"Someone sounds angry." Sonya's voice reached him before she did. He lifted his hand to his chest as memories of her naked and sweaty beneath him rolled over him. He cried out and leaned his head back, closing his eyes and giving in to them.

"He's lost bits of his memory, Sonya. We'll leave the two of you alone." Dr. Phillips spoke as Alec opened his eyes and turned to stare at the beautiful woman who had stolen his heart. She moved up beside him and reached over, brushing his hair back and staring down at him.

"You scared me. You don't get to do that ever again." She crawled up into the bed and straddled him, her black dress rolling up over her delicious thighs. Alec reached up and grabbed hold of her, the world moving entirely too fast. He breathed in deeply, the truth slapping him in the face.

"We've mated." He let his eyes roll over her, his body hardening and wanting to mate again over and over. "You love me."

"I do love you and you almost died at the hands of another Alpha. He didn't play fair, so I finished him off for you." She leaned down, pressing her chest to his and brushing her lips past his.

Alec reached up and grabbed her face softly, turning her and reaching down to press his hand firmly to her back. He needed her trapped against him forever.

"I love you so much. Are you okay?" he whispered, not giving her a chance to answer before he pressed his lips to hers. Forcing his tongue into her mouth, he groaned loudly and tightened his grip on her. His free hand brushed down her side, over her hip and latched onto her thigh. She yelped and jerked from him.

"My leg." She moved his hand back up to her hip and he shifted to look down her body.

"Did that bastard hurt your leg?"

"Yes, but it's almost healed. He was a smart one, using drugs to keep me from shifting and prevent my wounds from healing." She growled softly and ran her fingers through his hair. He couldn't do much to concentrate on the topic at hand. The scent of her desire overwhelmed him.

"He didn't touch you sexually, did he, Sonya?" Alec pressed his lips to hers again, shifting his hips forward to press his erection against her stomach. He needed to be inside of her.

"No, baby. You got there in time. I assume my brother was a huge part of that." She licked at his lips and rubbed herself against him, lifting her leg to hook it over his hip. He rolled her under him and tugged at the needle in his arm before burying his face into the side of her neck.

The monitors beside them began to scream and the door behind him opened as voices filled the small room. Alec looked up and growled loudly as several people approached them.

Dr. Phillips held his hands up and moved to the monitors. "Just let me turn these off and we're out of here."

"Hurry, and lock the fucking door," Alec growled and turned back to Sonya, brushing her hair as the rest of his memories came back. Worry over losing her crashed into him and he groaned, his face contorting as he hovered above her.

"Baby, are you hurt? What's going on?" She reached up and brushed her fingers along his shoulder.

"I thought I had lost you. I can't live without you." He opened his eyes and blinked through the tears that burned him for the first time in a long time. "I can't believe you're here with me."

"I'm here and everything is fine. The company is doing great and Dax is dead." She pulled him down and he was content to smother her below him.

"How long have I been in here?" He slid his hands down her sides and pressed them between her and the bed, cupping her rear and lifting her a little as he ground himself against her.

"A week."

"A week? Shit." He rolled his hips a little, whispering against the side of her neck, "Let me in."

He felt her shift, her hips lifting as she slid her hands along her legs, pulling her panties down a little. He pushed them the rest of the way and tugged at the hospital gown that barely covered him. She growled against his chest, nipping at him as he sunk into her, his yell primal and filled with emotion that left him raw in front of her.

She was his and no one would ever touch her again.

"Mine," he growled and consumed her, licking and kissing everywhere he could reach as he worked her with a frenzy. She took him over the edge over and over again, her body becoming one with his.

"No," she growled against his mouth as she tightened her legs around him. "Mine."

"Yes, baby. Forever."

Sonya tugged at the tight white dress that hugged her frame tightly. The adventures of late had her wishing they had waited a while to celebrate, but Alec needed it and so did their packs.

She reached up to brush her hair back slightly and winced at the dark bruise under her arm. It should have been healed, but her body was busy working to rebuild itself and provide sustenance to the life inside of her.

She brushed her fingers by her stomach, a smile touching her face. Alec didn't know yet, but she was thrilled to tell him. Never in a million years would she have thought having a family would have brought her joy and contentment. Fear, yes, but nothing more.

Family was important to her mother and father. The thought made her sad - her mother and father wouldn't be a part of the day.

Her father should be the one walking her down the aisle, but knowing him, he would laugh at the thought. He was too traditional to waste time on perfunctory ceremonies so that the humans would recognize a union. He had married her mother for legal purposes but never had a ceremony. Their bond by blood and mating was enough. Sonya smiled as her eyes filled with tears, the thought of him scoffing at her a sensation she wanted to remember, even if only for a moment.

A soft knock at the door caused her to jump. She smiled and walked to open the door, her father's best friend smiling down at her.

"You ready? It's time." He reached for her hand and Sonya grabbed it, a shiver rushing through her spine.

"Do we really have to do this?" she whispered and moved to stand beside the large Beta. "It seems so silly to me. Dad would have rolled his eyes at everything."

Parik chuckled and glanced down at her. "Yes, we do have to do it, and your father would have been thrilled that this day finally arrived. You're so independent that he worried himself sick over your lack of concern for finding a mate. Today he rests, grateful and content, next to your mother with our ancestors."

"I wish he were here. I would love for him to see me and Cade happy and whole."

"You know he would be if he could." Parik chuckled softly. "He was far more concerned with you finding happiness and a mate than your brother."

"Cade's not even dating. I think his fears were misplaced." Sonya glanced around the large foyer of the church. "Is my brother here?"

"No, but I'm sure he's coming. You know the boy has no sense of timing at all." Parik paused outside of the elaborate church doors. "Are you going to tell Alec today that he's going to be a father?"

"How did you know?" She glanced up at him.

"I can tell. Your father had me train in the ways of our people for the last forty years. The glow coming off of you is different."

"Do you think he will accept my news?" Sonya glanced up at her Beta and watched him closely.

"He's going to be thrilled. Alec is a good man, a great Alpha and will make an incredible father." Parik moved her to the back of the church, the large crowd standing up and turning toward her as a wedding march spilled from the speakers. Sonya glanced up the lines of people to lock eyes with her mate, Alec handsome and looking deliciously beautiful in his suit. He winked at her and the world fell into place.

He was going to be thrilled.

"I love him," Sonya whispered as they started up the aisle toward him.

"I know you do. Your father did as well." Parik squeezed her hand and walked them to the front. Sonya was surprised to see her brother standing next to Alec, his suit perfectly starched and his hair combed for the first time in forever. Tears filled her eyes as she looked over at him. What a beautiful surprise.

He blew her a kiss and winked as Alec moved toward her, taking her hand and tucking her against his side. She took a deep breath and turned to the preacher, focusing on the movement of his mouth as the words he spoke were lost in her emotion.

The smell of Alec washed over her and she growled softly as he looked down at her and smiled. The preacher continued to talk as they stared at one another. Sonya was going mad with the desire to tell him the news of their pup. She took his hand and pressed it to her stomach, glancing up at him and mouthed, 'yours'.

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