Naughty 2: My Way or the Highway (25 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Urban Life, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban

BOOK: Naughty 2: My Way or the Highway
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Jaylin placed his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair. “Collins, this is all very new to me. I have three beautiful children in this world, and it's like I'm fighting each and every day to keep them in my life. I haven't a clue where my oldest is. I've hired detectives to find her and somehow, thanks to her mother, she's just vanished. My other daughter is now living with me, but it's just a matter of time when her mother is going to come for her and take her away—I feel it.” Jaylin spoke with pain in his eyes. “I . . . I'm not her biological father and I know I'd have a tough fight keeping her with me. So, really, LJ is all I got to hang on to. If you and Nokea run off with him, I have nothing.”
“But, Jaylin, we're not trying to run off with him,” I said. “All I would like to do is take him to Detroit for one week. That's it. You act like we're talking a lifetime.”
“Nokea, you say that now, but my biggest fear will be the day you call and tell me you're moving to Detroit with Collins. Let's be realistic here, there's a possibility of that happening, so who knows. I'm letting you know now that occasionally visiting my son is not going to be enough for me. Whether you realize it or not, he needs me and I need him. So, question is, how do the both of you anticipate on working around this scenario, or have you even thought about it?”
“Jaylin,” Collins said. “Honestly, my future plans do include living in Detroit. I mentioned that to Nokea last night. I could actually see myself with her because she's a beautiful person, and I've longed for a woman like her.” Collins reached over and touched my hand. “But one day, she might have a serious choice to make. A choice that I probably will not support when it comes to LJ because this is a personal issue for me and I truly believe that a son needs to be with his father. But remember, we're talking five or ten years from now.”
“Okay,” Jaylin said, resting his elbows on his desk. “I have no problem with LJ going to Detroit with the both of you for Christmas. But I need something in writing from your attorney, Nokea, that says if you move to Detroit within the next five . . . up to ten years, you move alone and LJ stays with me. By then, he should be old enough to tell us what or who he wants. And at that time, if he wants to live with the both of you, so be it. I'm cool with that. This is the best I can offer right now. These days, I have to look out for what's in my best interest.”
“I'm so glad the two of you are good at predicting my future,” I said. “Who says I'm moving anywhere? I know that it's stretching things a bit, but, Jaylin, don't you think this is taking things too far? I've only known Collins for a short time, and you're already planning my future for me.”
“Nokea, I like to prepare myself ahead of time for things. The unexpected is what hurts. Just a few months ago, I never thought I would be sitting here having this conversation with you and Collins. And vice versa, I would assume. So, if you want my consent, you need to work with me on this.”
Collins and I looked at each other. “I'd probably be asking for the same thing, baby,” Collins said. “I don't like the idea of getting your attorney involved, but sometimes it's for the best. Just know that I will never make you choose between your son and me. If this situation ever occurs we will work together to do what's right.”
I seriously had a problem with giving Jaylin some papers that said if I ever left St. Louis he could have full custody of LJ. It wasn't like leaving St. Louis was in my plans, but you never know. However, I agreed to it, and after Jaylin seemed cool with the arrangements, we got ready to go.
Jaylin and Collins shook hands again, but before we left, I asked Collins if I could speak to Jaylin alone. He agreed. I closed the door behind him and stood in front of it.
“You have to know that I never wanted to hurt you,” I said. “I'm sorry for the way all this has turned out, but I do have to move on.”
He stood in front of me. “I know. And I'm going to try hard to accept that. Collins seems like a really decent man, Nokea. I'm a little jealous, but you deserve someone like him. And before I forget, I'm sorry for cursing you the other day, I'm sorry for putting my hands on you, and uh, I'm even sorry that it has to be this way.”
“I am too.” I opened my arms for him to hug me. He squeezed me tight, and after he let go, I kissed his left cheek. When I saw how much lipstick I put on it, I wiped it off.
“Jaylin?” I said.
“Who's Daisha?”
“What?” He grinned and held my hand.
“You heard me. Who's Daisha? The female you were talking to when we walked in.”
“She's just a friend, Nokea.”
“Really? What kind of friend?”
“Okay, I won't pry, but I just want to make sure you're happy.”
“I am. Really, I am. If not, then one day I will be.” He opened the door. “Hey, have you talked to Pat yet?”
“No,” I said, walking out. “She won't talk to me. She got her number changed and everything. When I call her at work, she never comes to the phone, so I gave up.”
“Well, don't. All friendships can be mended, no matter what, especially if you wasn't the one at fault.”
I gave Jaylin another hug and he walked me to the lobby. Collins was admiring Jaylin's awards on the wall.
“Man, you got it going on, don't you?” he said.
“I'd like to think so. I got plenty more of those at home,” Jaylin bragged.
“Well, why don't you give me a call?” Collins pulled out his business card and handed it to Jaylin. “I have my money invested elsewhere, but if I can switch everything successfully and keep it in the family, I will do so.” He nudged Jaylin.
“Sounds like a plan. I'll make sure that I call you.”
We waved good-bye and Jaylin stood by Angela's desk, talking to her. As Collins and I waited for the elevator, he leaned forward and kissed me, then gave me a hug and we rocked back and forth together. I couldn't stop thanking him for handling his business with Jaylin so maturely.
Before I stepped onto the elevator, I glanced at Jaylin again and he smiled, then nodded his head. The last time I saw him do that was when I was walking down the aisle to marry Stephon. This time, I felt as if he was finally letting me go and giving me the go-ahead to move on with my life.
Chapter 19
I had really jazzed up the place since Jay-Baby had gone back to St. Louis. I called Jackson and cursed him out again for giving Jaylin the phone number and key. And when I finished chewing him out, he apologized. He said he'd make it up to me by sending me some more money so I could fix up the place like I wanted to. He advised me to do whatever I wanted to do to it, and sent me another check for $10,000 to get things started.
I tried to make the place feel like home, and went on a shopping spree. There was hella work to be done, and by the time I finished, it finally felt kind of livable. I bought a new sofa-bed for the living room, an entertainment center, two space heaters to warm up the place, white paint for the dingy walls, and even had a plumber come over to replace the old vanity, sink, and tub in the bathroom.
As for the bedroom, I covered the old wallpaper with light blue-and-yellow flower-print wallpaper. It looked much better. I finally had a feeling that I was here to stay.
I had even gotten myself a job at a small café around the corner. It was close by and I needed the money to pay Jackson back the fifteen grand he'd already given me.
I'd been away for almost a month, and talked to Mackenzie every day around three-thirty in the afternoon while Jaylin was at work. Once I got off the phone with her, I normally took it off the hook because I didn't want him calling me. I had a feeling he was trying to call because I knew he was missing me as much as I was missing him. But until he was willing to make some changes, I was staying right here.
Work was over, so I made my way home down the blistering cold streets of downtown Denver. I made some hot chocolate and called Jaylin's house to talk to Mackenzie. I was so glad when she picked up.
“Hi, sweetie,” I said.
“Hi, Mommy. Are you still coming home?”
“Yes. Is everything okay?”
“Yes. Nanny B and me are in the kitchen making some cookies.”
“You are? Will you save me some?”
“I guess. That's if Nanna doesn't eat them all up,” she whispered.
“Well, put a few of them in your room for me, okay?”
“No. Daddy said food in the room causes bugs, so I'll keep them in my coat pocket.”
“Thanks, honey. So, are you still coming to see me in a few weeks? Mommy can pick you up at the airport and we'll spend Christmas together.”
She huffed. “I guess. Can Daddy come along too?”
“Not this time, Mackenzie. We need to have a little girl talk and Daddy can't hear it.”
“Okay. But, Mommy, he's really been bad lately. He cried after he beat up his
the other day. I was scared and I cried too.” I heard Nanny B say something to Mackenzie in the background, and then Mackenzie gave the phone to her.
“Hello, Scorpio,” she said.
“Hi, Nanny B. How's everything going?”
“Fine, just fine. I picked up Mackenzie from school and we're in the kitchen making cookies. Her friend Megan is spending the night tomorrow, so I'm trying to get things ready.”
“Thank you so much Nanny B. You are an angel sent from heaven. I don't know what we would do without you.”
“Well, I enjoy living here. Mackenzie and LJ have brought new joy to my life. I don't have much of a family anyway so I enjoy their company. Jaylin's too. Don't let me forget about him.”
“Nanny B, what was Mackenzie saying about him and Nokea fighting? Is everything okay?”
“Yes, and there's nothing for you to worry about. They got into an argument over LJ and Jaylin got upset. You know how he can get at times, especially when it comes to these kids. And by the way, have you mentioned to him that Mackenzie is spending Christmas with you?”
“No, I haven't. I was going to ask my sister to fly to Denver with Mackenzie. I'll call him the week before and tell him then.”
“No, I think you should tell him today. Honestly, I don't like the way you or Nokea handle things. He's been a good father to these children, and you all have to learn how to compromise with him, instead of telling him what you're going to do. Now, this leaves both of us with no one to share Christmas with. I guess I'll just have to go to my sister's house and visit with her.”
“I'm sorry, Nanny B, but I miss my child. We have never spent the holidays apart and we're not going to start now. Besides, Mackenzie wants to come see me. I know she misses me just as much as I'm missing her.”
“I understand, but please let Jaylin know ahead of time. Don't throw this on him at the last minute and ruin his holiday. It just doesn't make sense to do that.”
“Sure, I'll call him tonight. If you get a chance, tell him I'll call him later.”
“Thank you,” she said and gave the phone back to Mackenzie.
We talked for another ten minutes, and before we hung up, I told her how much I loved her and how anxious I was to see her. She seemed excited about seeing me too, but I wasn't sure how long it was going to last without Jaylin being around. The last thing I wanted was to invite him to stay with us because one thing would lead to another, and I would be right back where I started. So, him coming with her was not even an option.
I got off the phone with Mackenzie, and called the exterminator to come over again. The spray he'd used the first time didn't seem to be doing the job, so he was back in a flash. He sprayed the entire house again, and told me his time would only cost me a kiss. I laughed and hurried him out the door. As fine as he was, and as horny as I was, I thought about breaking the brotha down, but a new man was not on my agenda right now. The last mistake I made was with Shane, and I didn't intend to make any more.
Later that night, I got buck-naked and pulled out the sofa-bed in the living room. The heat was turned up and I was sweating like hell. I took Nanny B's advice and reached for the phone to call Jaylin. When he answered, he put me on hold because he was on the other line. He sounded perky, so I figured it was Stephon. But when he left me on hold for damn near five minutes, I realized it must have been a female.
“Yeah, what's up?” he asked.
“Nothing much. I just called to talk to you about Christmas.”
“What about it?”
“I'd like Mackenzie to spend Christmas with me. I know you probably have plans, but Jaylin, I'm really missing her.”
He sounded like he was smacking on something. “Well, come spend Christmas here with us. Why does she have to come to that rattrap with you?”
“Because I want to spend Christmas with her alone. And I'm fixing up this rattrap, just in case you want to know.”
“Really?” he said, smacking harder. “Let me guess, Jackson gave you some money, didn't he?”
“Yes, but I intend to pay back every dime. I'm working at a café around the corner so I can do so.”
“Um . . . interesting. But, uh, I talked to Mackenzie earlier, after Nanny B told me about your plans. I'll bring her to Denver myself. I promise you I won't stay, but I'll expect to have her back with me by New Year's.”
“Did she say she wanted to come back by New Year's?”
“Yes, and she also said that she wanted me to stay with her. But knowing how you don't want me around, I told her it's best that she spends some time with you.” He smacked again.
“What in the hell are you eating?”
“I wish it were your pussy, but these strawberries just have to do.”
“Some things you say are just ridiculous, Jaylin.” I closed my legs tight and wished for the same thing. There wasn't anything I wanted more than to feel him inside me.
“Ridiculous? What's ridiculous is you being in Denver depriving the both of us from being together. But go ahead, baby, and keep up with the bullshit. You're going to miss out on a good thing. And by the way, have you been taking your phone off the hook? I've tried calling a few times and couldn't get through.”
“Yes, because I don't want you calling here persuading me to do something I don't want to do. I'm doing just fine and I'd like to keep it that way.”
His phone clicked. “Hold on,” he said, then clicked over. He clicked back. “Say, I'll see you the Sunday night before Christmas. I already called to make reservations, and because of the rush, I prefer to leave out on Sunday.”
“That's fine, but why are you rushing me off the phone? You don't waste any time meeting people, do you?”
“And why are you assuming that it's a female on the other end?”
“Because I know you, Jaylin. When you're upset, you think with your dick and not with your brains.”
He laughed. “You are getting really good at this, Scorpio. Besides, I'd hate to persuade you to do anything you don't want to do. So, ciao, gotta go.” He hung up.
I flipped through the channels, trying to find something to watch. Unable to focus, I got frustrated thinking about Jaylin being with someone else. I was normally there to keep his mind preoccupied, but without me around, there wasn't no telling how much trouble he was getting into.
I fell asleep thinking about him, and woke up in a sweat after dreaming about him fucking me. Trying to calm myself, I got in my new tub and fantasized about him being in there with me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the thought of him from my mind. I wanted him so badly that I rushed out of the tub and called his house. I let the phone ring two times, and as I was about to hang up, he answered in a sleepy voice.
“Jaylin?” I whispered.
“What?” he said. “Who is this?”
“It's me, Scorpio.”
“Do you know what time it is?”
“Yes, but ...I just needed to hear your voice.”
“Okay, so now that you've heard it, good-bye.”
He hung up.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. How stupid of me to call him. Like he really was going to come all this way and make love to me, and tell me he was going to change. I was out of my mind. But as I got ready to get back into the tub, the phone rang. I rushed to it knowing it was him.
“Hello,” I said, softly.
“Say,” he said.
“I'm lonely.”
“So am I. That's why I called you.”
“Then come home.”
“I will when you change your ways.”
“No can do.”
“Not even for me?”
“No, not even for you. I love who I am and I'm hoping that you figure out a way to accept me.”
“As much as I want to, I can't.”
“Then I can't put my life on hold for you any longer. Goodnight, Scorpio. Maybe next time.”
“Yeah, maybe so.” I hung up.

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