Naughty 2: My Way or the Highway (27 page)

Read Naughty 2: My Way or the Highway Online

Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Urban Life, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban

BOOK: Naughty 2: My Way or the Highway
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“What?” I said, lying next to her again.
“I didn't intend on having sex with you so soon. I hope I didn't come off too easy, but there was just something about you that I liked. Normally, I don't give myself to every man I meet.”
“Daisha, I truly believe that. I just hope you don't have any regrets, especially after how we just got down.”
“No regrets, Jaylin. You have no idea how much I needed, or should I say, wanted to feel like that.”
“Tell me about it. It's been a long time for me too.”
“Really? Well, it's been almost one year for me. I stopped sleeping with my husband months before the marriage was over, but on the day he left, we did do a little somethin' somethin'. He never took me to that level, though, and your hard work was appreciated. Anyway, come over here and hold me so we can get that rest we talked about earlier.”
“Rest my ass. I'd say lets make up for some of this lost time you and I seem to have had.”
“Where do you get all of your energy from? Are you serious?”
“As a heart attack.” I opened her legs with my foot and eased in between them.
“You are going to find yourself in trouble messing with a woman like me—you handsome devil.”
“I love trouble, baby, bring it on.”
Daisha didn't lie. After messing around with her for hours, my ass was in trouble. I felt drained and she was still going full force. She talked bad about me, but still told me how much she enjoyed herself. I enjoyed myself as well. Every time I thought you couldn't teach an old dog new tricks, a different woman would come along and show me something new. On a good day, Daisha could actually outlast me. Thing was, I was going to enjoy every moment of competing with her.
When I woke up and looked for Daisha, she wasn't there. I glanced at my watch and it showed almost six o'clock P.M.. Damn, where did the time go? I thought. I pulled the covers back and slid into my Calvin Klein jockey shorts.
I heard Daisha downstairs on the phone, so I went down there to see why she let me sleep so long. As I was coming down the steps, I could see her sitting in the living room with her legs folded. She was gazing at the burning fire in the fireplace.
When she heard me step down onto the hardwood floors, she turned her head.
“Mona, I'll call you back later, okay?” she whispered, then looked at me. “Hey, sleepy head.”
I sat on the floor in front of her and she put her legs on the floor so I could lay my head against them. As she rubbed her hands in my hair like Scorpio used to, I started to think about her. And when Daisha noticed how quiet I was, she snapped me out of it.
“A penny for your thoughts,” she asked.
“Naw, a nickel for your kiss,” I said. She leaned down and kissed me. “I'm just thinking about what a wonderful day I had with you, Daisha. Usually, I'm anxious to leave, but for some reason I feel a sense of peace when I'm with you.”
“Good. And I hope you continue to feel that way. I wish I could stay here with you all night, but I have to be at work by nine. If you want to, you can stay the night. I won't be back until at least six or seven o'clock in the morning.”
“That won't be necessary. I'm getting ready to go home. I, uh, need to spend some time with my son before he goes to Detroit and with my daughter before she goes to Denver. The next few weeks are going to be tough for me, so please don't be offended if you don't hear from me. By all means, don't take it personal. When I'm upset, sometimes I prefer to be alone.”
“Well, you shouldn't be alone on Christmas. I have plans to go to Florida where my parents live, but I was just there on Thanksgiving. If you'd like, I can cook dinner for us and we can celebrate Christmas and New Year's together.”
“That's nice, but we'll see. I'll let you know next week.”
Daisha headed for work and I headed home. There was something different about her, but I just couldn't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it was how good the sex was between us, but that might have been because I haven't had any for a while.
Either way, she could be a real setback for me, especially when I thought I was feeling something special for Scorpio. Trying not to think about her so much, I focused my mind elsewhere and sped up to get home.
Mackenzie's best friend Megan was staying a few days with us while her parents were out of town on vacation. Nanny B had cleared it with me the week before, and I'd said it would be fine as long as it was cool with her.
I walked through the door to find Mackenzie and Megan running around the house like they were outside on a playground, making all kinds of noise. Having a slight headache, I asked them to be quiet. Mackenzie yelled back, “Shut up.”
My eyebrows rose. “What did you say?”
She put her hands on her hips. “I said don't raise your voice at me!” she screamed.
Nanny B came out of the kitchen. “Mackenzie, I heard you all the way—”
“Naw, that's all right, Nanny B, I got this one here.” I took my belt off my pants. “Get your butt upstairs right now, Mackenzie! Go to your room!”
She gave Megan her doll and stomped upstairs to her room. Nanny B took Megan into the kitchen and came back out before I started up the steps.
“Jaylin, don't you hit her and I mean it. I know she can get out of hand sometimes, but she's just a kid. Don't blame her for learning all that bossy stuff from those kids she go to school with.”
“Nanny B, stop making excuses for her. I don't care where she's learning that stuff from. First me, and now the school. Bottom line is she will not disrespect me and I mean it.” I ignored Nanny B and went upstairs to Mackenzie's room. She was lying across the bed, crying like somebody was killing her.
“Get up!” I said angrily. She ignored me and continued to cry. “Mackenzie, did you hear what I said?” I yelled.
She stood with tears pouring down her face, and was barely able to catch her breath. He beautiful eyes went straight to my heart as she stared at me and rubbed them. “I want my mommy,” she burst out. She ran up and hugged me around the waist. “Daddy, please, don't hit me. I want my mommy.”
I closed my eyes and hugged her back. “I want her too, sweetheart. In due time, though, all right? I promise you, in due time.”
We sat on her bed and I wiped her tears as she sat on my lap. “Mackenzie, I'm not going to hit you, but you are not allowed to speak to me like that. Do you understand?” She nodded. “I don't care how your other friends talk to their parents, we don't talk like that in this house, okay?” She nodded again. “Why would you talk to me like that anyway? I thought you loved me.”
“I do love you Daddy, but . . . I'm afraid of you.”
“What? Since when did you become afraid of me?”
“Since you tried to kill your wife downstairs. I told my friends about you choking her and they said you're a murderer.”
Damn stupid kids
, I thought. “Mackenzie, you can't be telling your friends what happens in our home. And you tell them your daddy is not a murderer. I would never do anything to hurt anyone—it was all a big mistake, baby. My
knows I wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt her.”
“But she was crying.”
“And so was I. But that's because we don't enjoy hurting each other like that. Please don't be afraid of me. I love you and I will never hurt you.”
She hopped down off my lap and wiped her eyes. “Can I go downstairs now to play with Megan?”
“Yes, Mackenzie. But let's go call Mommy before you do and tell her we're coming to see her.”
“But I thought we were going to see her on Christmas.”
“I know, but let's surprise her and go see her earlier.”
We called Scorpio but the number was busy. I made arrangements for us to leave Thursday night instead of the Sunday before Christmas. Even though I lost my money for the tickets, Mackenzie needed to see Scorpio and so did I. It was time for me to change my game plan, because Mackenzie was watching my every move. I truly believed her bad behavior was from her missing Scorpio.
Our plane touched down in Denver around ten o'clock Thursday night. Mackenzie was all bundled up in her new pink-and-white coat that I bought. Her long fluffy hair was hanging out of her hat, and she looked adorable. I knew Scorpio was going to be glad to see her, but there was no doubt that I would miss her. I had already bought Mackenzie a puppy for Christmas, but I wasn't going to pick him up until she came back home.
When the rental car assistant pulled up with our car, we were on our way. Before I'd left St. Louis, I stopped by Jackson's place and paid him his money. He showed me another check that he sent her for $5,000, so I knocked that one out too. He claimed the only reason he sent the money was because she made it clear to him that she was never coming back to St. Louis. I guess by the way she was spending money to fix up the place, maybe, just maybe, she was there to stay. I made him promise to never tell Scorpio about the money because she would be furious with me if she knew I was taking care of her expenses in Denver as well.
We pulled in front of Jackson's house, and Mackenzie rushed to open the car door. I reached in my pocket for the second key Jackson gave me before I left. I put the key in the door and whispered for Mackenzie to be very quiet. When we walked in, the TV was blasting. Scorpio was lying naked on her stomach across the sofa bed. She was asleep and held a body pillow close, with her legs wrapped around it. I guessed she thought it was me.
I directed Mackenzie to go back into the bedroom, so she could surprise Scorpio when I woke her. Mackenzie quietly tiptoed down the hallway.
I moved in closer to Scorpio and smiled at how pretty she was. Her long hair was spread out over the pillow and her skin looked silky smooth. She actually had on a white silk thong and my imagination took me to where the string was lying. I couldn't see her breasts because she held them closely to the body pillow. I swore that if it weren't for Mackenzie being with me, I would have torn into her right then and there.
Instead, I spit on my hands, rubbed them together until they felt nice and warm, then I smacked her ass as hard as I could. She jumped from her sleep and grabbed for her robe.
“What are you doing?” she yelled. “That shit is not funny.” She put on her robe and cut her eyes at me. “Why are you here, Jaylin?”
“Damn! Happy to see you, too, Scorpio.”
She pulled her hair back and abruptly walked to the kitchen. I followed her. “Where's my child?” she asked, standing against the refrigerator.
“Where's my hug?”
“You don't get one after scaring the shit out of me and hitting me on my ass like that.”
“Couldn't resist.”
“Well, it's not made for smacking. Just in case you can't remember.”
“I know, it's made for me, right?” I walked up to her and put my arms around her. “Can I at least have a kiss?” I rubbed my hands on the cheek of her ass to cool it off. “Sorry about that and I promise I'll make it up to your ass later.”
She pecked me on the lips and removed my arms from around her. “No, thanks. Where's my child, Jaylin? Did you come here without her?”
I took Scorpio's hand and walked her back into the bedroom where Mackenzie was. Mackenzie had even hid by the side of the bed. After we walked in, she jumped up and yelled for Scorpio. They kissed and hugged each other. Even though I was happy to see them together, I couldn't believe that a small part of me was actually kind of jealous.
Trying to allow them some time together, I went back into the kitchen. I thought about LJ and pulled out my cell phone to call Nokea. I knew they were heading out on Monday, so I called to make sure she was bringing him over to spend the weekend with me before they left.
“I'll drop him off before I go to my hair appointment early Saturday morning. Is that okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, that's fine. Anyway, how are things going? Every time you bring LJ by I hardly get a chance to talk to you anymore.”
“Everything is fine, Jaylin. Actually, couldn't be better. You don't sound too good, though. Is everything okay with you?”
“Yeah, I'm cool. I'm dreading being alone without my children on Christmas, but I'm cool.”
“What about Mackenzie? Is she going somewhere too?”
“Yeah, I'm in Denver now, bringing her to see Scorpio.”
“Oh . . . I didn't know, I'm sorry. You're welcome to come to Detroit with us. Collins wanted me to ask you the other day, but I knew you would probably say no.”
“Thanks, but you know that is out of the question. I'm not that comfortable with the situation yet.”
“Well, what about Stephon and Ray Ray?”
“Nokea, they have their own lives. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll do something to keep myself occupied.”
“Darn, Jaylin, I feel so bad. Look, if you want LJ to stay with you, that's fine. I'll take him some other time with Collins and me.”
“I will consider no such thing. I told you that I'm cool. Take him with you and Collins. You'd better take me up on my offer because it might be your last chance.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Nokea. Look, I'll see you soon. I gotta go, okay?”
“All right...I love you.”
“Love you too.”
I hung up.
Nobody knew my true pain but me. All my life I had a serious fear of being alone. My fear came from spending those years in an orphanage and having no one to come see me but Nokea and her mother, on occasion. I guess when my grandfather passed away he must have felt guilty, and that's why he left me so much money from his real estate business. It was probably his way of making up for lost time, and for betraying his deceased daughter, my mother.

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