New Markets - 02 (57 page)

Read New Markets - 02 Online

Authors: Kevin Rau

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: New Markets - 02
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I said, "Of course."  Then I realized he hadn't moved his lips.

I pulled his mindview to fill my vision and tried speaking to him,
Nod if you can hear me, Agent Willman.

He nodded. 
I hear you fine.  Do you hear me?

Yep.  Why do you want to talk via telepathy?

Rael and I played a trick earlier today by sending home a super against my wishes.  We hoped that it would draw out an attack by the mercenaries who are kidnapping supers, and he said they did try, and his team captured them.  I'm going to release another one.  I want you to stick close to the nurse here as she fills out the paperwork and brings it downstairs to drop it off.  See if you can pick out the mole here.

Ah, yeah, I can do that.  I listened the other day, though, and didn't hear anything odd.

I know, but you didn't follow the paperwork.  Do it this time and see what occurs.


He said, "I like the look without the mask, by the way.  Your eyes pop this way."

I smiled, "Thanks."

He stood up and walked over to the nurse.  "Well, today's just not my day.  H.E.R.O HQ says that they want another super released.  Do you know of any that seem well adjusted right now?"

"Most are doing all right, only a few aren't.  Perhaps the first woman that Black Tiger saw this afternoon would be good?"

"Fine, get her paperwork going, I'll go let her know."

I wandered the area, listening to all the mental thoughts for a hint of a mole.

The nurse filled out the paperwork and brought it into the room for the woman to sign.  Nothing unusual popped up in anyone's thoughts as they did so.  I followed the nurse back to her station, and then downstairs to the administrative office.  She handed the paperwork to another woman and said, "They are releasing another one from the supers floor."

The woman thanked her, picked up the phone, called H.E.R.O. HQ.  I moved close enough to have a mindview from her, and heard both sides of the conversation.

"H.E.R.O. Administration, this is Martin."

"Hello, this is Sheary from Iron Cross General Hospital.  Your department requested an update each time a super is released.  A Minnie Olson is being released right now."

"Great, thanks for the info.  I'll update our system."

"You're welcome."  Sheary hung up and put the paperwork into the general pile of release forms.  Her thoughts told me she was clearly finished with it.

Could someone at H.E.R.O. be in on it?  Oh crap, there's only one way to know, and I need to hurry to find out.

I ran to the hospital exit, dodging a few people on the way.  As soon as I was outside I pushed off my air step and jabbed my knee into the air to gain speed.  I immediately turned and flew as fast as I could to H.E.R.O. HQ.

On the way I called Captain McCain.


"Captain?  This is Psystar.  I'm flying to HQ right now, I need you to bring me to Martin in Administration ASAP."

"You have a good reason?"

"Of course.  I'm almost there, meet me up front please."

I landed somewhat hard on the steps to the headquarters in a few minutes and ran inside.  Captain McCain was in the entrance hall waiting for me.

He walked me through to the Administration area.  On the way he asked, "Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"Just keep him from running or anyone from hurting me or pulling me away from him.  I'll know just after meeting him."

"All right.  Martin has brown hair, and sits on the far right.  His cube has his name on it."

We entered, and I made a beeline for the right side.  I saw his nameplate on the cube on the way.  He was sitting in his cube when we arrived.

I immediately brought his mindview up close and pulled myself into it.  He was standing in the main chamber, as seemed to be the norm.  I told him to stay there and walked into his memory chamber.  Fortunately the door was open.

I sensed a great amount of fear and surprise flowing from him.  I reviewed his closest memory.  I'd thought that I would have to go back to earlier in the day, but even in the last few minutes he'd sent a text message via an anonymous website to someone.  'Minnie Olson is being released from Iron Cross.  Blaster.  Female.'  He also added her address and attached a photo of her captured from a screen in the H.E.R.O. systems.

I heard the door closing, and used my golden tentacles to hold it open.  Then I quickly ran out, flew up to the mindview and left his mind.  I felt an extra mental 'shove' from him.  He definitely hadn't wanted me in his mind, but had been afraid to do anything.

The shock was rougher than with Professor Zilgard earlier in the day.  Darkness overcame me.


I woke up.  Mindviews appeared, followed by all of the mental voices clamoring about me charging in and collapsing in front of Martin.

I opened my eyes.  Captain McCain knelt over me.

He asked, "Can you stand?"

I took a deep breath, and then nodded.  I sat up, and he held his hand out to help me stand.  I accepted it.

I glanced around, I was still in Administration, but Martin wasn't at his cube.

"Come with me, we'll talk in my office."

The voices wondered why security took Martin away.  On the way Captain McCain's mind went through the possibilities.  Apparently he had ordered Martin to track supers being released from the hospital as of last Saturday evening.  He extrapolated that since I was in a rush and had been involved in the entire kidnapping situation that Martin must somehow be involved in the kidnappings.

We arrived at his office and he offered me a seat.

"Did he attack you just now?

"Martin?  No, he was too afraid to, but he tried to shut me in.  It's seems to be harder to enter someone's mind when they don't want you there.  Or rather harder to leave, for me at least."

"That makes sense.  So what happened?"

"You already know that the hospital has been notifying Martin about every super released, since you ordered it.  He's been using an anonymous website to send a text message to someone, along with a few notes and a picture of the person being released."

"Did you get the phone number?"

"Yep."  I wrote the number down for him.

"Great.  I'll have my techs see if we can track this down.  I'll send you a text when we find something out."

"Okay.  I think with that leak handled people might be safe being let home."

"Perhaps.  I'd like to see this kidnapping ring finished first to ensure no more occur."

"Okay.  I'm heading back to the hospital to get with Black Tiger on that part then."

"Good - and good luck on it."  As I left his office I heard him think that he was proud that his new heroes were panning out nicely.  I grinned as I walked down the corridor.

I left the building, stepped up, and slowly glided upwards for a minute before increasing my speed.  The breeze across my skin, and the lack of mindviews was pleasant.

I was more wary landing at the hospital this time.  No photographers lurked about the entrance, and I wasn't interrupted upon entry.  I went back up to see Agent Willman, he was talking with the nurse.  He looked up when I left the elevator and showed my ID to the officers.

I grinned as I walked over to him.  He raised an eyebrow.

He asked, "Where did you go?"

"H.E.R.O. HQ.  The guy there that was notified by the people downstairs was sending in the notice."

"Someone at H.E.R.O.?  Why were they being notified when people were released?"

"Captain McCain ordered it last Saturday.  I don't know why, though."

"Hmm.  I can dig into that later.  How do you know someone there was notifying the kidnappers?"

I tilted my head to the side and raised both eyebrows.  "Really?  You're asking

"Ah, you read his mind?"

"Yep.  He'd just done it, too."

"So one problem is solved.  Hmm, there's not much purpose in using this as a temporary office now."

I shrugged, "Black Tiger is already on his way, I'll meet him here."

"Ah, let me call him."  He pulled out his phone and called Rael.  After a moment he told Rael that they found the mole and that he could come in.

In a moment I received a text from Rael saying to meeting him and Gatecrasher in the northeast end of the Iron Cross lot.

"Gotta run, Agent Willman.  I'll talk to you soon."

"Good luck."

I went back down the elevator, left the building and flew into the air toward the northeast.  I spotted Rael sitting on a black motorcycle.  He was speaking with another super in a Jeep.  I flew down to them.

I picked out Hellshock on another cycle next to Rael’s.  As I approached I recognized that the brick in the Jeep was Gatecrasher.  I’d seen him on TV before.  A gorgeous brunette in a bikini was napping in the passenger seat.  I didn’t recall seeing her before this.

I stepped down a few times so I slowly glided down to the ground next to Rael’s cycle.  I reached up and hugged him, he practically crushed me he hugged me so tight.  He mind flashed with the memories and worry about me missing all night.

I looked up at him when he released me.  “Hi Tiger.  Sorry about last night.”

He nodded, “You’re okay now; that’s all that matters.”

I stepped forward and hugged Hellshock on his cycle.  It surprised him somewhat, he’d expected a handshake.

“Nice to see you again, Hellshock.  It seems like we’re making a habit of having you with us when we do the big hits.”

He smiled, “Hmph.  Considering Black Tiger here failed to call me last night
like he should have
I’m not so sure.  But I’m glad to be here now.”

I didn’t know Gatecrasher, but didn’t want to leave him out (he was a guy, after all, and would easily have felt neglected).  So I walked to him and leaned in to give him a hug as well.  His thoughts betrayed his discomfort; he certainly wasn’t used to having people touch him much.  But he was also pleased that I thought of him.

I turned back to the others and asked, “Who’s this?”

Rael said, “Daphne.  She’s a new super too.  Brick who can fly.”

“She’s joining us too?”

“Err, no.  We just have her with us because she’ll probably be out for hours, and I didn’t think it was safe to leave her at home when she’s on the kidnapper’s current hit list.”

“Why didn’t you bring her into the hospital?”

“We would have, but Willman said not to come in until he called back, and he
called back before I texted you.”

“Okay, well, at the very least you have to bring her in before we go after the bad guys.”

“I agree.”

Gatecrasher was humored listening to at least two experienced heroes get chided by a tiny woman that probably weighed a quarter of his weight.

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