Night of Seduction (15 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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Jason and TK walked into the family room
hand in hand and took a seat on the couch. Miriam and Kerri


ll help

Eric offered and followed her to the

Miriam and
Kerri exchanged the all-knowing motherly glance at each

Miriam, dinner is going to be a few more minutes.
Would you like to join me on the patio?

“Yes, I would
like that.

The two women walked through the
kitchen onto the patio and beyond.

You have a wonderful
yard, Kerri.

“Thank you.

m glad you could join us for

“Thank you for
inviting us. Are we through with the niceties?



m done. Mother to
mother, do you see what

s going

Kerri began.


Miriam sighed. So, it as I suspect. My sons are
enamored with your daughters.

“TeKaya is very
open and clear on her position. She is in love with your son and
plans to spend the rest of her life with him, no questions



s a hard one to call.

s very reserved and not one to speak openly about her
feelings. However, something is there. I sensed it before I met
your son.

“I sensed it
yesterday when I was told about TeKaya. Eric made it a point to
express his opinion of Siri, not by name of

“What do you
think we should do about it?

“Hmm--hard to
say. But I think I

ll stay around until
both situations are resolved.

The women
extended hands and shook on it.


“You got it
sister. Let

s eat dinner and
watch. I don

t know who they think
they are fooling,

Kerri exclaimed as she took

s arm and marched into the kitchen.

Sunday dinner
at the Kendrick house was more of a military surveillance then
potential in-laws getting to know one another for the first time.
The methods used by both mothers were a perfect combination of
observation and bait. Kerri would introduce a seemingly innocent
topic while Miriam watched for reactions. Every now and then you
would hear one of the women go,


What was most noticeable was the
quietness of Siri when TK was describing the first time she saw
Jason at the concert. Siri

s eyes glanced at
Eric just for a moment, then looked away. Anyone not looking would
have missed it, but not Miriam, who had a perfect view. She was
sitting at one end of the table and Kerri sat at the other end.
Jason sat to his mother

s right and Eric on
the left. TK sat next to Jason and Siri sat next to Eric. The

ears belonged to Jason and TK, but their eyes
were on Eric and Siri.


s a wonderful

Miriam smiled as she pushed her now empty plate
forward. Propping her elbows on the table, and then folding her
hands under her chin she closed her eyes.

When your father
and I met it was sparks from the beginning. And we knew just from
that first moment that we were going to be together. However, there
were obstacles in the way. He lived in Europe and I lived in
Georgia. We did not have the luxury of a private jet to use at our
disposal. To make matters worse, he was a wealthy foreigner whose
skin was a whole lot lighter than mine.

She smiled
sadly, as if remembering her beloved Pierre. Everyone around the
table listened intently to the story.

He came back
stage to meet the performers and when I was introduced to him he
kissed my hand and said,

Your mesmerizing
beauty has captured my heart, mademoiselle.

Her smile

We spent the most
amazing week together. When it was time for me to leave, he said he
was in love and wanted me as his wife. Of course that was in the
sixties and at that time home was a battleground for civil rights.
There was no way in hell I could take a Frenchman home and tell my
daddy we were getting married. I told him that and walked away. I
knew I was leaving my heart in Paris, but it was the only way I
knew to protect my family from the bigotry of narrow-minded people.

s fortunate for the two of you that Pierre was a man
that believed that love conquers all. He came to Georgia and
refused to leave until I agreed to become his wife. It

t matter that his skin was white and mine was brown.
What mattered was love. It is my hope that we instilled that in our
sons. Do not allow issues, people, or distances keep you away from
true love. For it is that kind of love that will get you through
any and all-rough times to come.

Most of the
occupants at the table assumed Miriam told the story to encourage
Jason and TeKaya to fight for the love they had found. But at the
end of the story Miriam looked and smiled at Siri. The impact of
the story caused a moment of self-examination for each of them.
Silence ruminated through the room.

In 1976 no, no,

Kerri began.


Siri and TeKaya threw their hands in
the air as their mother began her story. The men began laughing
until they noticed the look on their mother

s face. They
both cleared their throats and sat up straight.

Kerri stared at
her daughters with the


mother look, then continued.

As I was
saying, in 1976 or 78. I don

t remember which, my
mother told me the best way to know if you have the love of a man
is if he will give you the last bite of strawberry shortcake.

s all I was saying.

The girls
laughed as Siri stood.


ll get



ll give you a hand
with that.

Siri hesitated for a moment; them
being alone had proven to be sexually dangerous. Noticing her
hesitation, he touched her arm,


s in the
kitchen right?

Looking into
his eyes was a mistake. The determination she had today to not be
alone with him slipped away.


she replied then walked into the
kitchen. Miriam and Kerri passed those knowing glances

Kerri then
turned her attention to Jason.

There is something we
need to discuss Jason before Siri

s return. I made a
mistake by not speaking up for Siri and she was hurt deeply.

m not sure if she will ever believe in love again.

m not making that mistake a second time. Please hear
me out. Your living situation is a concern for me. The woman you
have your arms around is my baby girl. She is in love with you and
will readily accept what you tell her. Love does that. I like you
but I

m not in love with you.



t interrupt your
mother TeKaya. She has a right to ask,


“As I was
saying, I don

t like my daughter
being involved with a man that is living with another woman,
regardless of the technical details.

Jason moved his
arm from around TeKaya, turned to Kerri and nodded his head.

I understand your concern. My situation is the result of a
bad decision on my part. The woman that lives in my home is the
mother of my child. It was a brief relationship that was over
before I knew she was carrying my child. I felt it was important
that I play not just a financial role in my

s life, but a paternal one as well. That was my reason
for providing a home for her and my child. I realize my solution
was not fair for either of us. It did not allow us an opportunity
to move on with our lives. That fact did not affect me until I met
TeKaya and saw what I was missing. But more importantly, the
arrangement was not good for Sierra, my daughter. She needs to see
what a loving relationship can be, and know that it does exist. I
have taken steps to correct my situation. I

m in love with
your daughter Mrs. Kendrick. I would never ask TeKaya to come into
my life without eliminating the drama first.

Miriam held her
breath. She liked TeKaya and believed she would be good for Jason.
But she understood Kerri

s position as a
mother. No one wants to see their child in a potentially hurtful
situation. Her silent prayer was that Jason

s words would
touch Kerri

s heart.


s admirable of you
Jason and it speaks to the kind of man you are. What I need to know
is when?

TeKaya looked nervously at Jason. She loved him
and believed he would rectify the situation. But she knew her
mother was concerned for her and was not going to let this go. As
much as she wanted to step in, she knew Jason had to

“I have a real
estate agent looking for a new house as we speak. She has indicated
there are several prospects available for viewing. I plan to meet
with her this week.

Siri and Eric returned with the
dessert and place it in the center of the table as Jason

If TeKaya likes one I will purchase

“Your intention
is to move my daughter to Georgia to live with

Kerri questioned.

“No. Mrs.
Kendrick. If all goes according to plan, my intention is to ask
your daughter to become my wife.

TeKaya slowly
gazed in his direction amazed. This was the first time he had
mentioned marriage and it took her a little by surprise.

I am my father

s son. I refuse to
allow love to pass me by. There is nothing I would not do to ensure
she becomes a permanent part of my life.

Miriam lowered
her head.


she murmured. No words could explain
the pride she felt at her son

s words.

Kerri held

s eye as they became more intense as he continued to
speak. Her heart swelled for the love the man was proclaiming for
her daughter and truly believed he would go through hell or high
water to have her. A smiled appeared.

Thank you,

She looked to TeKaya who had not taken her eyes
from him. He turned his head slightly in her direction and looked
into her eyes. Taking her hand in his, he gently kissed her

“Mother would
you mind if we skip dessert?

TeKaya asked without
turning away.

“Not at

Kerri replied knowingly. The couple rose and
disappeared out the patio door.

The two mothers
looked at each other and smiled.

You must be in heaven
at this moment,

Eric commented to his mother.


re finally getting
one of your son

s married


m betting for a

she smiled then turned her attention back to


s take a walk

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