Night of Seduction (12 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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The look in his
eyes caused her body to explode into tiny pieces and moisture
cascading over her body. Her explosion ricocheted through him as
the words heaven

s gate came to mind.

s where he was, at heaven

s gate and the
doors had just opened as the two of them flowed through. They were
both spent, neither could move, think, or breathe. As his senses
began to return, he realized he had taken her in a raunchy way. He
wrapped her in his arms and turned onto his back pulling her atop
him and held her.

I wanted you so badly
Siri, but not like this. You deserve better.

continued to hold her as she panted against his chest.


was all she could manage.

He rubbed her
back as he spoke.


t know why. I just know I want to make love to you in
a bed where I can kiss and taste every inch of you. I

t want a quickie or a one night stand. I want to see
you, touch you, feel you, take my time showing you how much I enjoy
your body.

Confused by his
words, she breathily joked,

You know sexing a
woman senseless, then leaving her to think it was only a dream
could be interpreted as cruel and unusual

from a man

s bed before he could
get his fill the next morning should be punishable by

She gently
laughed against him and replied,

Then we are both
guilty and deserve whatever we get.

He liked the
idea of making her laugh.

How did you end up in
my room that night?

She told him the story of leaving the party
and searching for somewhere to hide. When she finished he told her
he thought she was a call girl Jason had sent to his room.

“Ahhh, the
reason you keep condoms in your wallet.

She felt his
body tense and his breathing changed. She looked up at him,

What is it?

He moved her to
the side, came to his knees, and began righting her clothes, and
then his. He stood and held out his hand to her. She took it and

Eric, what is it?

“I was
careless. I did not use protection.

Siri stared at

This wasn

t planned. In the
heat of the moment neither of us thought.


s what causes death
these days, not thinking.

Sensing his
anger she began brushing her skirt off.

I was tested
after my divorce which was nine months ago. I

m clean. I
have not been sexually active, well other then you, since that
time. You

re safe,

she stated then
proceeded to march off.

He grabbed her
arm as she walked by.


m sorry,
that came out wrong. I

m not angry with you.

m angry with myself.

He pulled out his
wallet and retrieved several gold packets of condoms.

This may not have been planned by you, but it was by me,
the moment I saw you at the school.

He replaced his

After finding you, I was not leaving Richmond
without touching you again.

Siri stood
there, not sure how to respond. This god of a man who had women
swarming over him planned to seduce her, a woman who had limited
knowledge of how to please a man.


t you use them?


t stop, I didn

t want to

He pulled her into an embrace,

You haven

t asked


t need too. I know about all the charity events you
sponsor about HIV it is well documented.

He kissed her

You still need to
ask. I get tested every six months whether I

m sexually
active or not. I

m concerned about
something a little different.



she asked now holding his hands.



You don

t have to worry about
that. The entire time I was married I wanted a child, but it never


re not using any type
of protection?


m sorry,

she replied solemnly looking up at

He placed her
head on his chest.


ll worry
about that when and if it becomes an issue.

he knew what he was doing; he wanted to feel her with no
obstructions, nothing between him and her. The cost of that moment
may take a lifetime for him to repay. It was at that moment he
realized what he wanted from her.


s go inside and clean

The two sat at
the kitchen table and she listened as he talked. Eric talked about
his career, the effect of constantly touring, performing night
after night. He loved the fans, but it was hard work and you had to
be dedicated to be successful. How much he liked the small intimate
venues as opposed to the larger ones. He told her about his mother,
whom he and his brother were close to although they were on
different sides of he world. Then he talked about Jason. It
appeared he worshiped the very ground his big brother stood on.
There was nothing he would not do for him, including continuing
touring. What he really wanted to do was write music for others.
But since any changes he made to his career directly impacted

s, he was reluctant to stop touring.

Listening to him made her realize he was
just as vulnerable as she was. Yes, he was rich and famous, but he
had to make sacrifices to get to this point in his life. It also
occurred to her that he was ready for a change. He talked about
meeting someone and having children, but in his world it was
difficult to know if someone is with you for who you are as a
performer or a man.

They acknowledged that they had a strong
sexual attraction to each other; however they both knew it would be
difficult to pursue it any further, and neither wanted to over
shadow the budding relationship between Jason and TK.

Siri went to bed that night tired, but
refreshed. She had a new take on life and looked forward to what it
would bring. She also had a man that had touched her soul and a
clear understanding of the concept of sexual healing.


Chapter 7



Sierra squealed as she ran into his office
barefoot and sticky hands. She jumped into his outstretched

Hello Pumpkin. What are you getting


s being bad as

Latoya said from the doorway with her arms folded
across her chest. She put her hands in the back pocket of her jeans
causing her breasts to protrude further out, and stepped into his

Are you busy?

That was the
first sign that something was amiss. Latoya never cared one way or
another about what someone else

s agenda was, only
hers. Not interested in whatever she was up to Jason sat Sierra in
his lap and replied,

Yep, but she can

He turned his attention back to the computer


t seen much of you in
the last month or so, what you been up to?

The question
startled him as he turned back to her. She was a beautiful woman,
which had always been his weakness, but not anymore. Her stance
reminded him of why he became involved with her in the first place;
the fair skin, bewitching eyes and a hell of a body, even after the
baby. That was the bait she used to pull you in, and once she did,
the real witch would appear and try to take over your soul.


He asked looking


t been around,

she replied taking
care to tread lightly.


s all. I missed
seeing you.

“How would you
know I haven

t been around? This
is the first time you have been home in a month.

reached for the keyboard and he caught her hand and kissed

No Pumpkin.

“Ahhh so you
were looking for me?

she asked teasingly and took a step

“No, I

t. Since you have a daughter I thought you might want
to, oh I don

t know, spend some
time with her.

“I spend the
same amount of time with her that you do. So don

t give me
that. You missed seeing me and you know it.

She grinned and
teasingly pushed his shoulder.

That was the
second sign. They had not had the

joking with each

relationship in almost a year. Not since she had
flattened his tires to keep him from going out.

I am here
every night and every morning when she wakes up.

She had
now walked behind his chair and placed her hand on his

“Most times

m here. But sometimes I just need to get

“You are a
mother, you can

t just get


re a father and you
do it all the time.


t have an issue taking her with me when I work.

t that right Pumpkin?

Sierra looked
up at her father,


He kissed her cheek.

“We use to do
that together. But lately you haven

t asked me to go

“It may have
something to do with the chaos following you wherever you go. I


need it and Eric is fed up with

“That faggot
brother of yours is sensitive about everything.

He looked
back at her with a warning.

Hey, I

t seen him around any woman I call it like I see

“Not when it
comes to Eric,

he replied angrily as he stood with



m not here to talk about your

He sat Sierra
in the playpen he kept in his office for her.

Why are
you here?

“Well, I was
thinking it would be great to get away as a family; you, me and

Sign number
three. They had never been referred to as a family. They simply had
a child together, nothing more.

We are not a family
Latoya. You are the mother of my child, nothing more. You seem to
have a difficult time remembering that when we are in

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