Night of Seduction (11 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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“You worked
just as hard. I

ll run up and make a
quick change. Then I

ll come down and eat.
You guys continue, but not with the baby pictures

“Why not? She
embarrassed me. Now it

s your

TK laughed.

Besides, Eric asked
to see them.

Her eyes found
his. The warmth of his stare streamed over her like the effect of a
waterfall. Looking around she wondered if anyone else noticed the
tremors flowing through her.


m afraid
there isn

t much to see.

Turning she walked
up the steps and hoped everyone would be gone by the time she

well maybe not everyone.

An hour later
as she emerged from the well deserved shower, dressed in a short
jean skirt, a sleeveless midriff top, and flips flops,

s wish seemed to have been granted. The family room
was empty of everyone, including her mother and sister. Walking
through the kitchen, disappointment touched her with the
realization that Eric was not there. What could she have been
thinking; he would have no reason to be there. To him she was just
a one night stand, regardless of how she felt. In the kitchen, the
plate her mother prepared for her was on the stove. Having worked
all day and having her appetite taken away by

s presence, she was now starving. Taking a seat at the
table, she savored each taste of the meal as she closed her eyes
and chewed.

A sound
startled her and she turned. Standing behind her at the open patio
door was Eric. Looking stunned she asked,

Where is

“The guys went
back to the hotel. They are flying back to Atlanta tonight. Jason
and TeKaya went out for the evening. Your mother indicated she had
a very long day and asked if I would stay to keep your company
while you ate dinner. I decided to wait on the

Before he could stop them, the words came out
even though he deplored them, but he had to know.

Are you still in love with your

That was the
second time today she had been asked that question. When she
stepped out into the hallway with Carl earlier today, he apologized
for being several hours late. It seemed his mother had set up
appointments for him to meet with contributors who requested a
dinner meeting in order to continue the conversation. Therefore he
had to cancel their date. Anger had set in from his

s earlier attack and she released her frustration
on him.


s the same old thing
with you Carl. Your mother tells you to jump and you just keep
jumping until you think she is satisfied. Contrary to what you say,
you will never change, you will never be your own man. We could
never think about starting over as long as your mother controls

“Things have
changed I just can

t discuss them with
you right now. I want to make things right Siri. I want to make up
for all the hurt my Mother caused. I love you Siri, I never

“Then why

t you defend me against your Mother

s attacks
or her public humiliation of me. You stood back and allowed her to
destroy my reputation and career. You don

t do that to
someone you love.


ve been taking steps to correct all of that. I got
your job back. I made sure you got here, where you wanted to teach.
I had to stand up against my mother to get those things
accomplished. I admit I made some mistakes with us, now I am doing
all I can to right a wrong. All I need to know is that you still
love me


s all I

At the time,
she did not have an answer for him. She just replied, she

t know. Now she was being asked the question again and
not sure, why he asked the question, she had to think it through.
The love she had for Carl was damaged along with her reputation,
simply because he could not stand up to his mother.

I can never go back to Carl.


s not what I asked


t know. I haven

t thought about it
much since the divorce.

She wiped her mouth
with the napkin and sat back in the chair as she tried to think it

There were so many harsh words between us,

s hard to forget. I care for him and would not want
anything terrible to happen to him, but I don

t think

m in love with him any longer.

The answer
pleased him more than he wanted to admit for the sight of this
woman was rendering certain parts of his body out of


m glad to hear that.
He seems like a nice enough guy, but nowhere near man enough for

Dressed in a
pair of black slacks, a black silk blend t-shirt, his locs hung
neatly around his shoulders. He had the most amazing face anyone
could imagine. He was certainly man enough for her and probably a
few other women. Uncertain of her reaction, she stood and put her
plate in the sink. His presence was too much for her to

It was nice of you to stay, but

m sure you have plans for the evening. You

t have to hang around.

“Actually I do.
Jason drove, and I don

t know my way

“Oh. Would you
like for me to take you back to your hotel?

“No, but I
would enjoy you sitting with me out back.

With her
insides tightening at the memory of the last time they were alone,
she smiled.


Sitting out back

t hurt anything.

When she reached him he took her hand. His
touch caused sensations to surge throughout her body. Maybe she was

Pausing he took
in the entire package of Siri Austin, from the fresh clean face, to
the black doe like eyes that looked up at him. In flats, the top of
her head fell right at his chin. He was tempted to kiss her
standing there in the doorway, but knew that if he did he would not
be able to stop. All day he

d endured people
belittling her, shouting at her, and making demands on her. There
was nothing he could do because she did not want anyone to know
about them. All he wanted to do was to kiss her senseless, make her
feel cared for, loved, and, at the very least, appreciated.
Instead, he continued on to the secluded area he found in the back

Siri followed as he guided her to the swing
set behind the tool shed. Before the shed was built the area was
where she and TK would play in the sandbox, on the sliding board,
and swing set. Her mother had never removed the items. She was
patiently waiting for grandchildren to come along and put the area
to use again.

“Eric, why are
we coming back here?

He stopped
abruptly, which caused her to run into him.

If I

t taste you soon I

m going to

Shocked by his
blunt honesty she looked up at him with sultry eyes.



If you continued to look at me like that I will
drop you to your knees and take you right here and I

t care if your Mother sees us.

He turned and
continued pulling her around the tool shed. As soon as they cleared
the end of the building, he pulled her into his arms, cupped her
face in his hands, and gently kissed her lips.


s for looking out for
the children.

He then trailed his tongue along her
bottom lip and pulled it between his lips, gently sucking


s for putting up with
your asshole of a boss.

He slid his tongue
inside her mouth and played tango with hers.


s for your spineless
ex-husband. And this is for the bitch of the

He placed her arms around his neck and pulled her up
into an embrace as he allowed his kisses to sooth all the ills of
the world that had touched her that day.

The first kiss loosened her resolve not to
make out in her back yard with her mother upstairs in the house.
The second kiss eased the guilt, but the third kiss killed any
chance she had to resist the urges building inside of her. This
kiss gave her the nerve to do exactly what she wanted to do from
the minute she turned and saw him. She wrapped her legs around his
waist and melted into the kiss that was again threatening to take
her good girl status away again.

The moment her
legs surrounded him the blood pumping through his groin increased.
Bracing her between his body and the tool shed, his hands touched
the smooth skin of her thighs. Fire ignited in his system from the
touch causing a groan to escape his throat. Positioning her lower
until the core of her connected with his undeniable arousal. The
jean skirt moved up as her body was lowered. The only thing
separating his fire and her desire was the silk of her lace panties
and the cloth of his pants. Not thinking twice he reached in to
remove the barrier by unzipping his pants and freeing his

Tell me to stop Siri,

he murmured
against her lips,

tell me to

Her pulse was racing, her mind void of thoughts
and her body leaping with desire,


t stop Eric. Don


Their tongues met in midair. No lips. Just
tongues touching until she couldn

t stand any

Eric, please----.

Before she could complete her plea he
inserted a finger under her panties and into the desire she was
sharing with him. Moving the frilly material aside he entered her
with an inexplicable urgency.

He swallowed
her cry with a kiss as he filled her to the hilt and they both
sighed with satisfaction,


Neither moved, as they panted hard
against each other.

A sense of
completeness consumed him as it had that first night and he wanted,
needed, to savor the moment. This woman was his muse. She inspired
him in more ways than he

d first

I want you, Siri,

he said as he kissed
her cheeks, her eyelids.

I have wanted you
again since that night.

He moved slowly
within her savoring her moistness, the snugness, the warmth of her.
She tightened her legs around his waist pulling him closer as pure
unadulterated lust engulfed her. That was the only way she could
explain her wanton behavior and she was powerless to stop. She had
committed to memory the feel of him that night and had dreamed of
it, craving him night after night.


she moaned against his

He eased their
bodies down to the cool green grass beneath their feet and gently
placed her under him without breaking contact. His body began
delivering deliberate thrusts within her leaving no space untouched
by the sweet torture. He wanted her to feel every note of the music
playing along with the rhythm in his mind. Her body responded to
every beat as if she was hearing the music with him. Her hands
moved down his back and her legs widened, allowing him to plunge
deeper and deeper into her folds. He raised himself above her and
began to move like a man possessed. And at that moment the only
thought that drove him was to bring both of them over the crescendo
of their joining. The intensity of their movement magnified as he
called out her name.

Siri, open your eyes.
I want to see us through your eyes.

Drawn to his words,
she wanted to see herself though his eyes, she slowly opened

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