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     Keisha quickly pulled Dominick towards
Amir. “And this is my hubby, Dominick. Dominick, Amir Montgomery.”
     Dominick hesitated then stuck his hand out to shake
     “Nice to meet….” Amir stopped mid-sentence. Dominick
had already turned around and joined his friends who all had their backs
towards him.

     Amir let out a gruff half-laugh and
looked down at the floor, shaking his head. This was going to be one hell of a


Chapter 22



     Amir looked at his watch for about the
hundredth time. He never realized a day could drag by so slowly. He shifted his
attention to           
his baby, who was laughing and talking with Aleesha, Jerra, and Keisha as if
she had known them all her life. She glanced over at him and smiled before they
all went inside to get the rest of the food.

     When Amir’s phone rang, he looked at the
caller ID and saw that it was Soul. “What’s up?”
     “Sup, bruh? Just called to see how things were goin’.
I know you weren’t lookin’ forward to spending the day with Alexis’ brother so
wanted to give you a little moral support.”
     Amir smirked and shook his head. Soul was so full of
shit. “Man, you called to find out what happened when I saw Aleesha.”
     Busted, Soul laughed sheepishly. “A’ight, a'ight. You
got me. I admit I was a li'l curious.”
     “It was cool. She’s happy and content. I’m happy and
content. It’s cool.” Amir took a sip of his beer as he frowned at the three men
standing by the grill. Marcus and his friends had been talking about him all
day - they hadn’t really made an effort to hide it.
     “How’s my son?” Amir asked, still staring across the
way. He was
close from losing his patience along with his temper.
He’d tried to be sociable for Alexis’ sake, but that shit was about to be a
     “He’s good man. He and Destiny are enjoying
themselves. They’re in seventh heaven.”
     “Good,” Amir answered. He paused in the middle of
bringing his beer to his lips for another sip. Dominick and Darrell were
rolling with laughter at something Marcus had said, apparently in reference to
him. Marcus shot an amused glance towards Amir, then turned around and slapped
hands with his buddies, joining in their laughter.
     “That’s it. Bunch of pussies.” Amir muttered as he
stood up.
     “What’s wrong? Amir?”
     “Alexis’ brother has a couple of friends over and
apparently I’m their comedy for the afternoon. But we’re getting ready to see
just how funny this shit really is right now.”

     Marcus noticed that Amir was standing and
staring his way. He folded his arms and turned to face him…and waited.
     “Amir, don’t do anything you’ll regret. Just ignore
them, you don’t want to ruin the day for Alexis.”
     “Soul, I been ignoring it all day. They’ve been actin’
like li'l bitches on a playground. I’ve had just about enough of the dumb
     Amir hung up with Soul still calling his name. He
walked over to the trio, his face unreadable. Darrell and Dominick flanked
Marcus on either side, but Amir kept his gaze locked with Marcus’ until he was
standing directly in front of him. They were getting this out in the open once
and for all.
     “What is your problem? I’ve tried to be civil for
Alexis’ sake but I think you’re taking that as a sign of weakness. I’m telling
you now. Don’t.”
     “Son, you need to step the fuck back.” Darrell walked
towards Amir, but Marcus held a hand up.
     “Nah, D. I got this.” His eyes were cold and
threatening. “The only reason I’m even tolerating you in my house is because of
my sister. I only hope she realizes what a loser you are before you hurt her. I
mean, that is your M.O. right? Fuckin' over women?”
     “You don’t know a got damn thing about me, but answer
me this. I’m beginning to wonder something if you wouldn’t mind helping me
out.” Amir laughed softly as if amused. “Are you so determined to get me out of
Alexis’ life because you’re worried about her…" He deliberately let the
smile fall off his face. "...or worried about me being around your wife?”
     “Oh, shit...” Dominick mumbled.
     “What did you say?” Marcus moved until he was toe to
toe with Amir.
     Amir stared at him as he remembered a conversation
he’d overheard Aleesha having with Jerra on the phone one day over a year ago.
He’d let himself into the house to get some more of his things after they had
split up but Aleesha hadn’t realized he was standing in the doorway of her
“Jerra, I didn’t mean to call Marcus Amir’s name, I
didn’t even realize it. All I know is that I was in the middle of one of the
best orgasms…and Amir’s name slips out...well, yes, of course...he was
Then she'd turned and spied Amir standing there and cursed him
out before taking her keys.
     When Amir didn't say anything, Marcus snorted and
looked at him with contempt and disdain. “That’s what I
said.” Marcus went back to the grill to turn the meat over.
Fuck it,
Amir thought. They wanted to play
games? He LOVED games.
     “I didn’t stutter. You heard me. I’m wondering if
you’re insecure about me being around Aleesha. I mean, I would be too if my
woman called me another man's name while I was all up in that.”
     Marcus froze then before anyone could blink he ran and
tackled Amir to the ground. The two men began fighting as if they were in cage
match and were told to fight to the death. They went blow for blow. Amir
punched Marcus in the stomach. Marcus staggered, but ran full speed towards
Amir and slammed his shoulder into Amir’s stomach, knocking the air out of him.
     Dom and Darrell stood to the side letting them fight
it out, man to man. When they flew over the table where all of the meat was set
up on, everything scattered to ground. Dom did a quick peek towards the house
to make sure the women hadn’t heard the commotion. Darrell reached over and
turned the music up to drown out the noise.
     “Beat his mu’fuckin’ ass, Marcus!” Darrell urged, bent
over at the waist and making swinging motions with his fists as if he was the
one who’d just connected with Amir’s jaw. But he winced as Amir’s fist caught
Marcus’ mouth and split his lip open. Marcus kept fighting as if he didn’t feel
any pain. He had wanted to get his hands on Amir for the longest, and the
feeling was mutual. Both men were evenly matched, and both t took a pounding
punishment but kept going back for more.
     “What is going on out here?!” Aleesha came running
from the house. “Marcus!

     Keisha, Jerra, and Alexis were right behind her
screaming as well. Keisha yelled at her husband. “Dominick, stop them! Why are
you both just standing there?!”
     As soon as Dom and Darrell saw the women, they made a
move to break Amir and Marcus up. “Marcus…come on! Alright man, that’s enough!”
     Dom grabbed Amir from behind, finally able to get a lock
on his arms and pulled him away as Darrell struggled with Marcus. They had to
use all of their strength to keep the two men from breaking free and going at
it again.
     “What are you doing?!” Alexis screamed at them, tears
running down her face. “All I asked is that you two try to get along…for one
     Amir and Marcus started talking at the same time, both
throwing accusations at the other. Alexis and Aleesha looked at them angrily,
taking in their torn shirts and bruised and bloody faces.
     Keisha and Jerra glared at their husbands. They knew
the two hadn’t tried to break up the fight until they saw them come out of the
     “Lex…Alexis….” Chest heaving and trying to catch his
breath, Amir took a step towards her.
     “Don’t touch me!!” Alexis screamed as she stepped
     “Marcus, you ought to be ashamed of yourself! You just
found your sister yesterday!” Aleesha looked at him with disappointment in her
     “I’m sick of both of you! I just…I…just….” Alexis'
voice became weaker with each word then her body began to sway before she
     “Alexis…!” Amir caught her right before she fell to
the ground and scooped her up in his arms.
     “Oh my God! Amir, bring her in the house!” Aleesha
threw a pissed off look at Marcus before running to get a wet towel.
     “Lexie…!" Marcus face was stricken with fear as
he looked down at his sister. "Bring her in the bedroom!” he shouted to
     Amir followed Marcus and gently laid her on the bed as
Aleesha put the cool towel over her forehead. Marcus kneeled down beside her
and lifted her wrist to check her pulse.
     “Jerra, get her some water.”
     “Lexie…baby. What’s wrong with her??” Amir's voice was
terrified as he smoothed her hair back with a trembling hand

     “Alexis. Alexis….” Marcus called her
name, shaking her gently. “Leesh get my bag…”
     Aleesha ran to the closet and snatched up his medical
bag. When everyone but Amir left out of the room to let Marcus work, Aleesha
turned to him. “Come on. Let’s go in the front for a minute while Marcus makes
sure she’s okay.”
     “I’m not going anywhere.” Amir never took his eyes off
of Alexis.
     Aleesha walked over and touched his arm. “Just for a
minute. You don’t want her to wake up and see you like…this.” She indicated his
dirty face caked with dried blood. “And Marcus, I’ll bring you a towel. Come on
     Marcus never looked up when they left. He unhooked the
blood pressure cuff from around Lexie’s arm. “Lex…honey, wake up.”
     Alexis moaned quietly and moved her head against the
pillow. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked at Marcus. “What happened?” she
     “You fainted. You’ve been out for a few minutes."
He studied his sister closely, looking for any abnormal symptoms and reactions
from her. “Have you been feeling sick? Did you eat today?”
     Alexis shook her head carefully. “No. I guess I’m
coming down with a bug or something, I can’t keep anything down. I’ve just been
so nauseous lately. I’ll make an appointment with my doctor when I get home.”
Her voice was still weak, but she looked a little better.
     A thoughtful frown crossed Marcus’ face as he stared
at her.
     Alexis noticed it and frowned herself. “What?”
     “When is the last time you had your cycle?”
     “When is the last time you had your –”
     “I heard you.” Alexis' voice became stronger as she
struggled to sit up.
     “Well…?” Marcus waited on her answer.
      Alexis suddenly looked sick all over again. “I
can’t remember…” she whispered. Then she fell back against the pillows and
covered her mouth with her hand as she realized the implications.
     “Oh, shit!”

Chapter 23

     Alexis’ hand went to her stomach. How could she not
have realized. All the signs were there. The nausea, the slight weight gain,
dizziness, tenderness of her breasts…
     “Are you okay?” Marcus asked.
     Alexis nodded then a smile slowly crept across her
face as she thought about the life growing inside of her. Her child. Hers and
     “Where’s Amir? I want to tell him the news.”
     Marcus grimaced. “He’ll be right back.”
     Her smile disappeared when she remembered the fight.
“Why were you two fighting? No I take the question back. It’s because
were acting like an ass.”

     Marcus looked at her in surprise. “Oh, so
you automatically think this whole thing is my fault?” He shook his head as he
put the stethoscope and blood pressure cuff back in his bag. “I tell ya, I
don’t know what it is about this guy, but apparently he has women ready to jump
to his defense at the snap of his fingers.”
     “Marcus, I saw the way you and your friends acted
towards him today. Don’t you think that was a little juvenile?"
     Marcus ignored the question as he zipped his bag up.
Lifting his head, he saw her watching him, waiting on an answer. “Let me ask
you something. What makes you think he’s going to be there for you with this
     Alexis frowned. “What are you talking about? Why
wouldn't he be?”
     “He obviously didn’t stick around for the first one,
did he?”
     “For your information, he didn’t know about Michael. I
never told him.”
     “You heard me. He never knew I was pregnant.” Alexis
filled him in on everything, including how she and Amir met and her decision to
raise Michael on her own. “So now, let me ask you something. Just what makes
you so different from Amir? I think you two are more similar than you like to
     Anger suffused Marcus' face. “Don’t compare me to your
boyfriend, Alexis.”
     “Why not? You knew Aleesha was engaged when you slept
with her didn’t you? That makes your actions no better than his. I mean, really
Marcus. You slept with her at her bachelorette party. And Aleesha slept with
you, not even giving a second thought to her fiancé. But yet, you act like you
and she are blameless in that whole situation.”
     Marcus glared at Alexis. “It’s not the same thing!
Aleesha and I...we...dammit Lexie, stop trying to twist everything around.”
     “I’m not. I’m trying to get you to see how ridiculous
you’re being. Everything that happened is not just Amir’s fault. We’ve all made
mistakes, including me, but we learn and move on from those mistakes. Marcus, I
refuse to have all of this discord between us. I love you and I love Amir too.
I won't choose between the two of you so for the last time, can you please,
please try to get past this whole thing and get along? Especially now.” Alexis
placed a hand over her stomach.
     Marcus followed the movement. He looked away and was
silent for a long while before meeting her eyes. They stared at each other as
understanding and finally acceptance on Marcus’ part passed between them.
     “Okay,” he nodded. Alexis lifted a brow and just
continued to stare at him. Marcus brought his hands up, palms facing out.
“Okay…alright. I mean it. I’ll stay out of your relationship.”

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