Of Love and Deception (21 page)

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Authors: Melisa Hamling

BOOK: Of Love and Deception
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“Okay. So what happened? Other than the guy was probably a liar.” Daniella still didn’t understand how mentioning Cruz and a sperm test could possibly have rattled Meg that night.

“Well, the obvious happened. I didn’t keep it. Oh, but
was nice as pie after that.”

Without a thought, Daniella asked, “Why would mentioning Cruz even bring such a thought to mind, Meg? Or was it just the mention of pregnancy?”

Daniella gasped when Meg turned to face her. Eyes wild and cheeks crimson, she said, “Look, Daniella, I don’t know if you’re aware that Cruz and I dated back in high school, but we did. Lucky for you it didn’t work out. But that’s not the point. He was there to comfort me after I did what I did.” A few tears escaped and she swiped violently at them.

At a loss, and totally shaken over Meg’s statement, Daniella could only offer a few words. “I’m sorry, Meg.”

There was a long silence between them until Daniella decided she needed to get out of there. She climbed out of the jacuzzi and wrapped herself up in a towel. Meg did the same and followed her.

They didn’t speak in the elevator or in the room. Daniella quickly shucked her swimsuit and slipped into sweatpants and a matching jacket. She gathered her things and before she escaped, Meg grabbed her and gave her a hug.

“Please, Daniella. Don’t mention my pregnancy to anyone. I’ll break the news when I’m ready.”

“No worries. It’s between us.”

“I don’t want Falcon to know. I-I think he’s having an affair.” A solitary tear glided down her cheek. “With Tiffany. You know the cute little blonde who did some of your blood work?”

“Oh, Meg. Are you sure?”

“I’m fairly certain. The way they act around each other, all flirty and smiley, and when he leaves work, she leaves work, but he doesn’t come home until late. He says he’s doing some research project at the hospital. Pft.”

“Sorry, Meg. I don’t know what to say, but you’ve got my word. I won’t peep a word to anyone, not even Cruz.”

“Thanks, Daniella. You better get going now. I’m going to rest.”

Relieved to be home alone, Daniella dropped her things and sat on the couch. She was still shaken and confused over Meg’s confession. None of it made sense, accept maybe the affair part, but that’s not what bothered her. A bigger question loomed. Why hadn’t Cruz ever mentioned dating Meg? Daniella wasn’t sure she could hold her tongue and not ask him. She sat for a long while before concluding she’d leave it alone until something brought her to speak of it.


Week number two without Cruz and full of Meg dragging her here and there, Daniella was ready for a white padded room! She’d met Meg several times at an outlet mall, which was enjoyable until Meg dragged her into an expensive baby outlet to ogle over what baby furniture and clothing she was going to buy. It only made Daniella uptight and anxious, wanting more than ever to have a baby of their own. When she finally escaped the confining walls, which were Meg, and stepped foot into her own home, she sulked.

Then she paced the living room.

And glanced out the window.

And stared at the black SUV with heavy window tint sitting in her driveway. She watched for several minutes waiting for the vehicle to leave, but when it didn’t, she secured the locks on the front door and went to retrieve her cell phone. When she returned she peeked out the window and breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the black beast back out of her driveway.

Several days later, after climbing out of bed, Daniella decided to bury her nose in a book and enjoy a warm cup of tea in the front room. She went to flip the blinds open.

“Shit!” The black SUV was sitting in her driveway, again. She wasn’t having it and stormed to the kitchen, snatched her cell phone and mace, and then flung the front door open. Whoever it was must have decided against staying when they caught sight of her stomping down the sidewalk. Tires squealed and the only glimpse she got of the driver was the black, short hair at the back of
head. Only a man would have hair that short, but she’d never be able to identify him with only that small piece of information.

“Don’t come parking your sorry ass in my driveway again!” She waved a fist. Unfocused and furious, she tripped on the steps and let out a sob.

Her cell phone rang.
She tried to keep the shakiness out of her voice when she answered. “Hu… hello?”

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I… well; some black SUV has been sitting in our driveway. They were here several days ago and again just before you called.” She peeled herself off the ground, stepped inside the house, locked the door and set the alarm.

“Lock the doors and set the alarm. Maybe I should call Meg and Falcon. You could stay with them until I get back.”

“The house is secure, and no thanks. I’m not imposing on anyone. Maybe I’ll call Lori and have her stay with me.”

“Fine, but I don’t want you home alone. Not if some stranger is parking in our driveway. Hang up with me and call Lori. I want you to call me back after you talk to her, okay?”

“It’s probably just some stupid kids, but okay. I’ll call you back.” She ended the call, but she did not intend to leave her home. The house was secure and only an idiot would attempt to break in. She did call Lori, but only made plans to have her come over for dinner and maybe a movie.

As promised, she called Cruz back. “Lori will be here tonight. No need to worry.”

“Good. That will put my mind at ease. If there are any more incidents, call the cops. I’ve got to get back to a meeting. Love you.”

“Love you, too.” Okay, so maybe she told a little white lie, but still. Lori was coming over, even if she wasn’t staying the night.

17- Humiliation

Daniella slumped into the couch. She had falsely hoped she was pregnant. It would have been a nice surprise to greet Cruz with good news, but once again, a negative test meant no sweet surprises and locked in her date with a catheter tomorrow.

Cruz stepped into the living room and leaned over Daniella. He brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. “My love, I’ve missed you,” he said in a deep, sultry voice that made her shiver.

Overwhelmed with his presence, and depressed over an empty womb, tears rolled down her cheeks. She reached her arms behind her and wrapped them around his neck. “I… I’ve missed you too.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m so glad your home. I’ve missed you so much.”

Slipping his head out of her arms, he ambled around the couch, sat next to her and placed his hands on either side of her face. “Now tell me what’s really bothering you?”

“I don’t know why, but maybe it’s the stress, the want, and the need to… to have a part of you within me.” Daniella turned away to swallow hard at the lump forming in her throat as more tears rolled down her cheeks. “I-I just wish I could… give you a child.”

“Don’t think that way. It’s not you. I’m the one with a low sperm count.” He scratched his head and smirked. “It will happen. And I bet it happens with the first procedure, which is… tomorrow?”

 She rested her head against his shoulder. “Y-yes. Tomorrow.”

“Let me get my things out of the car and unpack. Then we can snuggle here all night long, okay?”

“Okay,” she whispered.

He pressed a gentle kiss against her forehead and then disappeared around the corner. He wasn’t gone too long, but long enough for Daniella to get absorbed into a movie.

“What are you watching, love?”

Daniella hugged her knees against her chest. “Ice Age, Dawn of the Dinosaur. I love these kid movies.”

Cruz reached for the controller.

“Don’t. You. DARE.” Daniella attempted to snatch the controller from his grasp, but he lifted his arm and chuckled.

“I’m just teasing. I love Ice Age.” He set the remote on the table, leaned back and slipped his arm across her shoulders, pulling her into his side.

“Wise decision.” She snuggled into the crook of his arm. Both watched the movie with great amusement, until the female mammoth labored. She heaved and pushed. The entire scene stirred up Daniella’s emotions. She had tears in her eyes. And just when the mammoth gave birth, Manny, the father entered the scene and gave a look of awe, a look of a proud father, all emotional and touched with amazement as he observed his little family.

No matter how hard Daniella tried, she couldn’t hold back her sniffles and whimpers.

“Baby?” Cruz shifted and turned his knees toward hers.

Daniella clapped her hands over her face to hide her embarrassment.

“Why are you in tears?” he said, tugging at her hands, coaxing her to look at him, and wrapped her in his arms.

“I... I don’t know. S-something about that scene—even a cartoon can get pregnant,” she sobbed.

“Ahh, honey, we’ll get pregnant. Don’t cry. I hate it when you cry.” He placed his chin on her head and stroked her back in circular motions. “Come on, let’s go to bed and I’ll give you a massage.”


A loud shriek escaped her lips, jerking her awake. She panted and pulled at her sweat soaked t-shirt. She was in bed, not remembering how she got there. Cruz must have carried her up last night.

“Hey.” His warm breath and knuckles brushed against her dampened cheek. The morning sun peeked into their room giving enough radiance to highlight his handsome face smiling down at her. “Bad dream?”

She nodded and stared at his slightly dampened hair. He must have taken a shower because he smelled fresh and he was fully dressed.

“You okay? Want to talk about it?”

“Yes, I’m okay. I don’t remember what the dream was about, only that it was scary.” Her breathing evened out, and she could no longer feel her heart racing.

He smiled again, but this time it reached his eyes. “It’s time for you to get up and get ready. We have a very important date this morning.”

“Mmmm,” she grumbled and crawled out of bed. She stepped into the shower and prayed this procedure would work. Meg had previously calculated Daniella’s cycles, and thought she’d be ovulating today.


The waiting room at the fertility clinic was packed. Daniella released Cruz’s hand. She wasn’t sure if it were her hands that were sweaty or his, but she wiped her shaky hands against her pants to dry them off.

After Daniella left a specimen to determine if she were ovulating, Meg wasted no time and ushered her out of the waiting room, Cruz at her heels, and into the hall.

“It’s a go. We have to get you prepped, A.S.A.P. No time to waste.” Meg hurried Daniella along until they reached the exam room. “Now hurry up and strip down. There is a gown on the table and a blanket to cover your legs. I’ll be back to grab another set of vitals on you and then we’ll get started.” She rushed out before Daniella had a chance to throw out questions.

Curiosity got the best of her. Daniella scoped out the exam room. The cabinets were a dark cherry-wood and ran the length of the wall, top to bottom, wall to wall. A computer and a clipboard sat on a rolled out desk. There was a metal tray covered with a blue cloth and what she presumed was ultrasound equipment.

Daniella let out a heavy sigh. “Great…” She undressed and slipped on the gown. Her cheeks heated when she glanced at Cruz.

“Hey, hey. Looking good, Mrs. Canton.” He smiled and sloughed off his blazer, hung it on the back of the door and then he wrapped her in a hug and lovingly kissed her.

There was a
rap tap tap
on the door and before she could speak, she glanced up to catch the stoic, tight-lipped grimace on Meg’s face as she stepped in to the room.

A smile spread across Meg’s face when she glanced at Cruz and rubbed her hands together. “Are we ready to get pregnant?” She directed the question at Cruz.

“Gee, Cruz, maybe you should get up here since Meg’s asking you if you’re ready to get pregnant,” Daniella hissed.

“Don’t be silly, Daniella. Now go ahead and lay back on the table. I’m going to run the ultrasound over your lower abdomen and then I’ll direct the catheter into your cervix.”

Daniella was certain her cheeks turned a fiery red when Meg grabbed the hem of the gown and slid it above her navel, leaving her exposed. She squirted warm gel over Daniella’s abdomen. Her eyes widened momentarily as she held the wand and pressed it down with more force over the left side of Daniella’s lower pelvis. She held it there and studied the screen. She’d move the wand and then stopping and depressing it against the same spot over and over again like there was something alien there.

“What’s wrong? Is there something—”

The door swung open. Tiffany, one of the nurses, walked in. She seemed uptight, Daniella thought as she watched the girl glance at her, at Meg, the stand with the catheter and specimen, and then back to her.

“Tiffany! How dare you knock and just walk in before I voice my approval. Do you value your job?”

Tiffany didn’t respond, but only glared at Meg.

 Daniella wanted to ask her what was wrong, but Meg cut in.

“Get out, now! I’ll deal with you later.”

Tiffany shook her head and stepped out of the room.

“Sorry about that. She’s an idi—” Meg started.

The door swung open again. Daniella’s eyes went wide and she was certain her jaw dropped when Falcon stepped in, his focus clearly on her exposed areas. The warmth of Cruz’s hand was a welcoming distraction against the rising panic working through her.

“I-I thought you were doing the procedure, Meg.” Daniella shot up and pushed her gown back down.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about, Daniella. I’m only here to insert the catheter. Meg’s not qualified to do this part of the procedure yet.”

Before she could voice her refusal, Cruz’s lips were against her ear and he whispered, “Falcon’s a professional so I’m sure he’s not thinking the things I’d be thinking if I were in his position right now. And damn, I really wish I were… never mind my dirty mind. Let’s get this over with.”

Falcon patted her legs and placed a sterile drape over her abdomen and pelvis. “Relax, Daniella. Right now, you’re my patient and not my friend. I need you to scoot your bottom all the way down to the end of the table.”

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